This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1941. Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland. For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

4 & 5 Geo. 6

Continuing the sixth session of the 37th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 21 November 1940 until 11 November 1941.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1941|public|6|12-02-1941|An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one and one thousand nine hundred and forty-two.}}

| {{|Diplomatic Privileges (Extension) Act 1941|public|7|06-03-1941|repealed=y|An Act to extend to certain other persons the immunities and privileges accorded to envoys of foreign Powers accredited to His Majesty.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}

| {{|House of Commons Disqualification (Temporary Provisions) Act 1941|public|8|06-03-1941|An Act to make temporary provision for enabling persons required in the public interest to be employed for purposes connected with the war in offices and places under the Crown to be so employed without being disqualified for membership of the House of Commons.}}

| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1941|public|9|06-03-1941|An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one and one thousand nine hundred and forty-two.}}

| {{|Air Raid Precautions (Postponement of Financial Investigation) Act 1941|public|10|26-03-1941|An Act to postpone the investigation to be made under section ten of the Air Raid Precautions Act, 1937, until the year nineteen hundred and forty-one.}}

| {{|Determination of Needs Act 1941|public|11|26-03-1941|An Act to abolish the requirement that in determining the need and assessing the needs of applicants for unemployment assistance or supplementary pensions the resources of all members of their households must be taken into account, to make further provision for the determination of need and the assessment of needs in the case of such applicants and in connection with financial assistance to blind persons, and to provide for the winding-up of the Unemployment Assistance Fund.}}

| {{|War Damage Act 1941|public|12|26-03-1941|maintained=y|An Act to make provision with respect to war damage to immovable properly and to goods.}}

| {{|Land Drainage (Scotland) Act 1941|public|13|26-03-1941|maintained=y|An Act to make further provision for the drainage of agricultural land in Scotland.}}

| {{|Public Works Loans Act 1941|public|14|10-04-1941|An Act to grant money for the purpose of certain local loans out of the Local Loans Fund, and for other purposes relating to local loans.}}

| {{|National Service Act 1941|public|15|10-04-1941|An Act to make provision for calling up men for civil defence and to amend the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, 1939.}}

| {{|Isle of Man (Detention) Act 1941|public|16|10-04-1941|An Act to enable persons detained under powers conferred under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940, or the Aliens Restriction Act, 1914, to be removed to and detained in the Isle of Man.}}

| {{|Army and Air Force (Annual) Act 1941|public|17|10-04-1941|An Act to provide, during twelve months, for the discipline and regulation of the Army and the Air Force.}}

| {{|National Loans Act 1941|public|18|30-04-1941|An Act to extend the powers of the Treasury to raise money under section one of the National Loans Act, 1939, and substitute other provisions for the provisions of paragraph 1 of tHe Second Schedule to that Act.}}

| {{|Chartered and Other Bodies (Temporary Provisions) Act 1941|public|19|30-04-1941|An Act to enable powers conferred by section two of the Chartered and Other Bodies (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1939, to be exercised with respect to certain bodies incorporated by Royal Charter.}}

| {{|Public and Other Schools (War Conditions) Act 1941|public|20|22-05-1941|An Act to make provision for promoting economy and efficiency in the carrying on of the work of public and certain other schools under war conditions.}}

| {{|Allied Powers (Maritime Courts) Act 1941|public|21|22-05-1941|An Act to make temporary provision for enabling allied and associated Powers to establish and maintain in the United Kingdom Maritime Courts for the trial and punishment of certain offences committed by persons other than British subjects; to provide for the trial and punishment by British courts of similar offences committed by British subjects; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Fire Services (Emergency Provisions) Act 1941|public|22|22-05-1941|An Act to provide for the reorganisation and improvement of the fire services of Great Britain, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Temporary Migration of Children (Guardianship) Act 1941|public|23|12-06-1941|An Act to enable provision to be made for the temporary guardianship of children sent out of the United Kingdom during the present war period.}}

| {{|Liabilities (War-Time Adjustment) Act 1941|public|24|12-06-1941|An Act to provide for the arrangement or the adjustment and settlement of the affairs of persons financially affected by war circumstances; to amend the Courts (Emergency Powers) Acts, 1939 and 1940, and the Possession of Mortgaged Land (Emergency Provisions) Act, 1939; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Rating (War Damage) (Scotland) Act 1941|public|25|12-06-1941|An Act to enable rating authorities in Scotland to grant relief from rates in respect of lands and heritages suffering war damage.}}

| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1941|public|26|02-07-1941|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two.}}

| {{|Justices (Supplemental List) Act 1941|public|27|02-07-1941|An Act to provide for the establishment of supplemental lists of justices of the peace and for limiting the powers and duties of justices whose names are entered in such lists.}}

| {{|Trustee (War Damage Insurance) Act 1941|public|28|02-07-1941|An Act to remove doubts as to, and to supplement, the powers of trustees in relation to insurance against war damage.}}

| {{|Naval Discipline (Amendment) Act 1941|public|29|02-07-1941|An Act to provide for the trial of certain offences against the Naval Discipline Act by disciplinary courts instead of by courts martial.}}

| {{|Finance Act 1941|public|30|22-07-1941|An Act to grant certain duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to the Public Revenue and the National Debt, and to make further provision in connection with Finance.}}

| {{|Goods and Services (Price Control) Act 1941|public|31|22-07-1941|An Act to make further provision to prevent excessive prices being charged for goods and excessive charges being made for performing services in relation to goods (including hiring and subjecting to a process), to amend the Prices of Goods Act, 1939, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Isle of Man (Customs) Act 1941|public|32|22-07-1941|An Act to amend the law with respect to customs in the Isle of Man.}}

| {{|Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1941|public|33|22-07-1941|An Act to extend the third fixed grant period under the Local Government Act, 1929, and to make provision for the stabilisation of Supplementary Exchequer Grants, and the continuance of schemes as to health services, during the term of such extension; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Repair of War Damage Act 1941|public|34|22-07-1941|An Act to amend the Housing (Emergency Powers) Act, 1939, and the Essential Buildings and Plant (Repair of War Damage) Act, 1939.}}

| {{|Colonial War Risks Insurance (Guarantees) Act 1941|public|35|29-07-1941|repealed=y|An Act to authorise the Secretary of State to agree to make good any deficiencies in funds established by colonies and certain other countries for insuring commodities against war risks.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}

| {{|Financial Powers (U.S.A. Securities) Act 1941|public|36|29-07-1941|repealed=y|An Act to confer on the Treasury powers for giving effect to a loan agreement made between His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and to provide for payments in respect of the disposal of securities, income and other payments for the purposes of the agreement; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}

| {{|War Damage (Extension of Risk Period) Act 1941|public|37|29-07-1941|An Act to extend the provisions of the War Damage Act, 1941, relating to payments in respect of war damage under Part I of that Act to damage occurring after the thirty-first day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-one.}}

| {{|Appropriation Act 1941|public|38|07-08-1941|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|National Health Insurance, Contributory Pensions and Workmen's Compensation Act 1941|public|39|07-08-1941|An Act to increase the rates of sickness and disablement benefit and the rates of contribution payable under the Acts relating to National Health Insurance, to extend the said Acts to persons employed otherwise than by way of manual labour at a rate of remuneration exceeding two hundred and fifty pounds a year, and in connection therewith to amend the Acts relating to widows', orphans' and old age contributory pensions and certain other enactments; to enable any of the Acts aforesaid to be adapted by regulations to wartime conditions; and to amend paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section three of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1925.}}

| {{|War Damage to Land (Scotland) Act 1941|public|40|07-08-1941|maintained=y|An Act to make further provision with regard to the rights of landlords and tenants of lands and heritages in Scotland which have sustained war damage and to obligations to insure against war damage to such lands and heritages and to amend the War Damage to Land (Scotland) Act, 1939.}}

| {{|Landlord and Tenant (War Damage) (Amendment) Act 1941|public|41|07-08-1941|maintained=y|An Act to amend the Landlord and Tenant (War Damage) Act, 1939.}}

| {{|Pharmacy and Medicines Act 1941|public|42|07-08-1941|An Act to amend the Pharmacy and Poisons Act, 1933, to prohibit certain advertisements relating to medical matters, and to amend the law relating to medicines.}}

| {{|Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1941|public|43|02-10-1941|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, and to appropriate the further Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|India and Burma (Postponement of Elections) Act 1941|public|44|02-10-1941|An Act to enable the dissolution of Provincial Legislative Assemblies in India and the House of Representatives in Burma to be postponed.}}

| {{|Local Government (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1941|public|45|02-10-1941|An Act to extend the third fixed grant period under the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, and to make provision for the stabilisation of Supplementary Exchequer Grants under the said Act; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Solicitors Act 1941|public|46|11-11-1941|An Act to require accountants' certificates as to compliance with the Solicitors' Accounts Rules, to establish a fund for relief in certain cases of losses due to dishonesty of solicitors, to make provision with respect to membership of the Law Society and with respect to the Council and Committees thereof, to amend the enactments relating to solicitors, and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Marriage (Members of His Majesty's Forces) Act 1941|public|47|11-11-1941|An Act to provide further facilities for the marriage of members of His Majesty's forces (including women's services) during the war period, and to amend the Marriage (Naval, Military and Air Force Chapels) Act, 1932.}}

| {{|Prolongation of Parliament Act 1941|public|48|11-11-1941|An Act to extend the duration of the present Parliament.}}

| {{|Local Elections and Register of Electors (Temporary Provisions) Act 1941|public|49|11-11-1941|An Act to continue in force the Local Elections and Register of Electors (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1939, as amended by the Local Elections and Register of Electors (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1940, and to make certain amendments of those Acts, including amendments modifying the qualifications of common councilmen of the City of London and the persons entitled to vote at elections of aldermen and common councilmen in the said City and postponing the preparation of ward lists in the said City.}}

| {{|Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1941|public|50|11-11-1941|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to amend the law relating to agriculture (including bee-keeping) and agricultural land.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993) }}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |-

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Shipley) Act 1941|local|1|26-03-1941|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv))|po1=Shipley Order 1940|}}

| {{|Great Western Railway (Superannuation Fund) Act 1941|local|2|22-05-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Southern Railway (Superannuation Fund) Act 1941|local|3|22-05-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|East Surrey Gas Act 1941|local|4|22-05-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Camborne Water Act 1941|local|5|12-06-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Great Western Railway (Variation of Directors Qualification) Act 1941|local|6|12-06-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Greenock Port and Harbours Order Confirmation Act 1941|local|7|02-07-1941|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1986)|po1=Greenock Port and Harbours Order 1941|}}

| {{|Land Drainage (Benwick Internal Drainage District) Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1941|local|8|02-07-1941|maintained=y||po1=Land Drainage (Benwick Internal Drainage District) Order 1941|}}

| {{|Cannock Urban District Council Act 1941|local|9|02-07-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Railway Clearing System Superannuation Fund Act 1941|local|10|02-07-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London County Council (Money) Act 1941|local|11|02-07-1941|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to regulate the expenditure on capital account and lending of money by the London County Council during the financial period from the first day of April one thousand nine hundred and forty-one to the thirtieth day of September one thousand nine hundred and forty-two and for other purposes.|note4=
(Repealed by London County Council (Loans) Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xxvi)) }}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway Act 1941|local|12|22-07-1941|maintained=y|An Act to empower the London Midland and Scottish Railway Company to acquire lands to amend the London Midland and Scottish Railway Superannuation Scheme to authorise the Midland and Great Northern Railways Joint Committee to acquire lands and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Ebbw Vale Urban District Council Act 1941|local|13|22-07-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Portsmouth Water Act 1941|local|14|22-07-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Provisional Order (Marriages) Confirmation Act 1941|local|15|07-08-1941|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1977)|po1=Saint John Baptist Chapel Great Haywood Order|po1short=n| |po2=Baptist Church Higham Hill Road Walthamstow and the Tabernacle Greenleaf Road Walthamstow Order|po2short=n| |po3=The Saint Leonard Stowell Order|po3short=n|}}

| {{|Cardiff Corporation Act 1941|local|16|07-08-1941|maintained=y|}}

| {{|East Worcestershire Water Act 1941|local|17|07-08-1941|maintained=y|}}


5 & 6 Geo. 6

The seventh session of the 37th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 12 November 1941 until 10 November 1942.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Arthur Jenkins Indemnity Act 1941|public|1|10-12-1941|repealed=y|An Act to indemnify Arthur Jenkins, Esquire, from any penal consequence which he may have incurred by sitting or voting as a Member of the House of Commons while holding the office of Chairman of the Local Appeal Board for a Royal Ordnance Factory and to remove any disqualification for membership of that House by reason of his having held that office.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1953) }}

| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1941 (Session 2)|public|2|18-12-1941|An Act to apply a sun out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two.}}

| {{|Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1941|public|3|18-12-1941|An Act to continue certain expiring laws.}}

| {{|National Service (No. 2) Act 1941|public|4|18-12-1941|An Act to amend the law as to the liability to national service.}}


See also


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