This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1934. Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

24 & 25 Geo. 5

Continuing the third session of the 36th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 21 November 1933 until 16 November 1934.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1934|public|3|28-03-1934|An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four and one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five.}}

| {{|British Hydrocarbon Oils Production Act 1934|public|4|28-03-1934|An Act to provide for a preference in respect of light hydrocarbon oils manufactured in the United Kingdom from coal, shale, or peat, indigenous to the United Kingdom or from products produced from those substances; and to provide for the collection of information as to the production of such oils.}}

| {{|Air Force Reserve (Pilots and Observers) Act 1934|public|5|28-03-1934|An Act to extend the maximum period of annual training in the case of men of the air force reserve who are serving as pilots or observers, or are qualifying for service as such.}}

| {{|Dyestuffs (Import Regulation) Act 1934|public|6|28-03-1934|An Act to amend and make permanent the Dyestuffs (Import Regulation) Act, 1920.}}

| {{|Rural Water Supplies Act 1934|public|7|28-03-1934|An Act to empower the Minister of Health and the Department of Health for Scotland to make contributions towards expenses to be incurred by local authorities in providing or improving supplies of water in rural localities.}}

| {{|Indian Pay (Temporary Abatements) Act 1934|public|8|28-03-1934|An Act to extend the period in respect of which abatements from pay may be made under the Indian Pay (Temporary Abatements) Act, 1931, subject to a reduction in the percentage to which such abatements are limited.}}

| {{|Mining Industry (Welfare Fund) Act 1934|public|9|28-03-1934|An Act to amend section twenty of the Mining Industry Act, 1920, and the enactments amending that section.}}

| {{|North Atlantic Shipping Act 1934|public|10|28-03-1934|An Act to provide financial facilities in connection with the construction of large vessels for the North Atlantic shipping trade, and in connection with the merger of certain shipping companies in respect of their interests in that trade; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Army and Air Force (Annual) Act 1934|public|11|26-04-1934|An Act to provide, during Twelve Months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army and the Air Force.}}

| {{|Overseas Trade Act 1934|public|12|26-04-1934|An Act to extend the period during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1930.}}

| {{|Marriage (Extension of Hours) Act 1934|public|13|17-05-1934|An Act to allow marriages to be solemnized at any time between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.}}

| {{|Arbitration Act 1934|public|14|17-05-1934|An Act to mend the law relating to arbitrations and to make provision for other matters connected therewith.}}

| {{|Supply of Water in Bulk Act 1934|public|15|17-05-1934|An Act to empower statutory water undertakers to give and to take supplies of water in bulk.}}

| {{|Firearms Act 1934|public|16|17-05-1934|maintained=y|An Act to amend the Firearms Act, 1920, as to the age of persons who may purchase firearms or to whom firearms may be sold; and to alter the definition of firearms in the said Act.}}

| {{|County Courts (Amendment) Act 1934|public|17|17-05-1934|An Act to amend the County Courts Acts, 1888 to 1924, and certain other enactments relating to county courts.}}

| {{|Illegal Trawling (Scotland) Act 1934|public|18|17-05-1934|maintained=y|An Act to amend the law with regard to the enforcement of enactments prohibiting the use in Scotland of the methods of fishing known as beam and otter trawling, and to the penalties that may be imposed in Scotland for other offences in connection with sea fisheries; and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) (Amendment) Act 1934|public|19|17-05-1934|An Act to amend the enactments relating to the registration of births, deaths, and marriages in Scotland with respect to the matters which are required to be inserted in the register of corrected entries; to make provision for the re-registration of births in certain cases and for the issue of abbreviated certificates of birth; to repeal in part section twenty-six of the Registration of Births, Deaths, and Marriages (Scotland) Act, 1854; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Water Supplies (Exceptional Shortage Orders) Act 1934|public|20|17-05-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to authorise the Minister of Health, and the Secretary of State and the Department of Health for Scotland, to make orders, and to give directions, with a view to meeting deficiencies in water supplies due to exceptional shortage of rain, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993) }}

| {{|Protection of Animals Act 1934|public|21|17-05-1934|maintained=y|An Act to provide further protection to certain animals.}}

| {{|Assessor of Public Undertakings (Scotland) Act 1934|public|22|22-06-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to amend the designation of the Assessor of Railways and Canals in Scotland and the law relating to the appointment of the said assessor and the provision of superannuation allowances for the said assessor and the clerks and other officers employed by him.|note4=
(Repealed by Local Government and Rating Act 1997) }}

| {{|Workmen's Compensation (Coal Mines) Act 1934|public|23|22-06-1934|An Act to provide that the owners of coal mines in Great Britain shall insure against, or otherwise ensure the discharge of, their liabilities under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1925; to enable certain mutual indemnity associations to make deposits with the Accountant General of the Supreme Court; and for purposes incidental to, and connected with, the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Statutory Salaries (Restoration) Act 1934|public|24|22-06-1934|An Act to empower His Majesty to revoke the National Economy (Statutory Salaries) Order, 1931, and to provide that while the said Order remains in force the abatement to be made thereunder from any salary shall be reduced by one-half, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Protection of Animals (Cruelty to Dogs) (Scotland) Act 1934|public|25|22-06-1934|An Act to enable courts in Scotland to disqualify for keeping dogs persons convicted of cruelty to them.}}

| {{|Licensing (Permitted Hours) Act 1934|public|26|22-06-1934|An Act to make provision with regard to the power to make, and the validity of, directions under paragraph (b) (i) of the proviso to subsection (1) of section one of the Licensing Act, 1921, as respects a part of the year only, and to the power to fix, and the validity of decisions fixing, the permitted hours on week-days where such directions are so made.}}

| {{|Mines (Working Facilities) Act 1934|public|27|28-06-1934|An Act to extend to certain other minerals the provisions of Part II of the Mining Industry Act, 1926, relating to the grant of facilities for searching for and working coal.}}

| {{|Gas Undertakings Act 1934|public|28|28-06-1934|An Act to amend the law with respect to gas undertakings.}}

| {{|Unemployment Act 1934|public|29|28-06-1934|An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1933, and to make further provision for the training and assistance of persons who are capable of, and available for, work but have no work or only part-time or intermittent work; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Cotton Manufacturing Industry (Temporary Provisions) Act 1934|public|30|28-06-1934|An Act to make temporary provision for enabling statutory effect to be given to rates of wages agreed between representative organisations in the cotton manufacturing industry; and for purposes connected with the matter aforesaid.}}

| {{|Debts Clearing Offices and Import Restrictions Act 1934|public|31|28-06-1934|An Act to authorise the setting up of Clearing Offices for collecting and dealing with certain debts; to authorise the imposition of restrictions on imports from certain foreign countries, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Finance Act 1934|public|32|12-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise), to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise) and the National Debt, and to make further provision in connection with Finance.}}

| {{|Palestine Loan Act 1934|public|33|12-07-1934|An Act to authorise the Treasury to guarantee a loan to be raised by the Government of Palestine.}}

| {{|Adoption of Children (Workmen's Compensation) Act 1934|public|34|12-07-1934|An Act to make further and better provision as to the status of adopted children and of their relatives by adoption, for the purposes of the enactments relating to workmen's compensation.}}

| {{|Land Settlement (Scotland) Act 1934|public|35|12-07-1934|An Act to authorise during the period of three years commencing on the first day of April, nineteen hundred and thirty-four, in lieu of sums payable to the Agriculture (Scotland) Fund under section five of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Act, 1911, and the Sixth Schedule to the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1929, the placing at the disposal of the Department of Agriculture for Scotland, of a sum not exceeding two hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds annually out of moneys voted by Parliament.}}

| {{|Petroleum (Production) Act 1934|public|36|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to vest in the Crown the property in petroleum and natural gas within Great Britain and to make provision with respect to the searching and boring for and getting of petroleum and natural gas, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.|note4=
(Repealed by Petroleum Act 1998) }}

| {{|Trustee Savings Banks (Special Investments) Act 1934|public|37|25-07-1934|An Act to amend the law with respect to the investment of moneys received by the trustees of trustee savings banks in respect of special investments.}}

| {{|Architects (Registration) Act 1934|public|38|25-07-1934|An Act to amend the Architects (Registration) Act, 1931.}}

| {{|British Sugar (Subsidy) Act 1934|public|39|25-07-1934|An Act to extend by eleven months the period in respect; of which subsidies are payable under the British Sugar (Subsidy) Act, 1925, and to make further provision as to the rates of subsidy payable under the said Act, as so amended, and the administration thereof.}}

| {{|Administration of Justice (Appeals) Act 1934|public|40|25-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to provide that no appeal shall lie from the Court of Appeal to the House of Lords except with the leave of that Court or the House of lords, to make further provision as respects appeals from County courts, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.|note4=
(Repealed by Crime and Courts Act 2013) }}

| {{|Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934|public|41|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to amend the law as to the effect of death in relation to causes of action and as to the awarding of interest in civil proceedings.}}

| {{|Shops Act 1934|public|42|25-07-1934|An Act to regulate the hours of employment of persons under the age of eighteen years who are employed about the business of wholesale or retail shops or employed elsewhere in connection with wholesale or retail trade or business, and to make provision as to the arrangements in shops and warehouses for the health and comfort of workers, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|National Maritime Museum Act 1934|public|43|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to make provision for the establishment of National Maritime museum and for the addition of certain lands to Greenwich Park, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Appropriation Act 1934|public|44|31-07-1934|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|Solicitors Act 1934|public|45|31-07-1934|repealed=y|An Act to prohibit bodies corporate from purporting to act as solicitors.|note4=
(Repealed by Solicitors (Scotland) Act 1980) }}

| {{|Isle of Man (Customs) Act 1934|public|46|31-07-1934|An Act to amend the law with respect to customs in the Isle of Man.}}

| {{|Colonial Stock Act 1934|public|47|31-07-1934|An Act to provide as respects Dominion Stocks an alternative to the third of the conditions prescribed by the Treasury under section two of the Colonial Stock Act, 1900.}}

| {{|Public Works Loans Act 1934|public|48|31-07-1934|An Act to grant money for the purpose of certain local loans out of the Local Loans Fund, and for other purposes relating to local loans.}}

| {{|Whaling Industry (Regulation) Act 1934|public|49|31-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to enable effect to be given to a Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, signed at Geneva on behalf of His Majesty on the twenty-fourth day of September, nineteen hundred and thirty-one; to prohibit the taking or treating of whales within the coastal waters of the United Kingdom; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Road Traffic Act 1934|public|50|31-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to amend the Road Traffic Act, 1930, and section thirty-four of the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933, and for purposes incidental thereto.}}

| {{|Milk Act 1934|public|51|31-07-1934|An Act to provide for temporarily securing to producers of milk, by means of payments out of moneys provided by Parliament, a minimum return in respect of milk used in the manufacture of milk products; for conditionally requiring repayment to the Exchequer of the amount of such payments; for making, out of moneys so provided, payments for the purposes of improving the quality of the milk supply and increasing the demand for milk; for regulating the manner in which milk is described for the purposes of advertisement and sale; for imposing and conferring certain duties and powers on boards administering milk marketing schemes; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Poor Law (Scotland) Act 1934|public|52|31-07-1934|An Act to make permanent certain temporary enactments relating to the relief of the poor in Scotland; and to make further provision with regard to such relief.}}

| {{|County Courts Act 1934|public|53|31-07-1934|An Act to consolidate certain enactments relating to County Courts.}}

| {{|Cattle Industry (Emergency Provisions) Act 1934|public|54|31-07-1934|An Act to provide for the establishment of a Cattle Fund; for the making of payments and advances to the said fund out of moneys provided by Parliament and out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom; for the making of payments out of the Cattle Fund to producers of cattle in respect of the sale by them, during a limited period, of certain cattle or carcases of certain cattle; for the marking of imported cattle; for the appointment of a Cattle Committee; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Dindings Agreement (Approval) Act 1934|public|55|16-11-1934|repealed=y|An Act to approve an agreement made on behalf of His Majesty with the Sultan of Perak.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}

| {{|Incitement to Disaffection Act 1934|public|56|16-11-1934|maintained=y|An Act to make better provision for the prevention and punishment of endeavours to seduce members of His Majesty' forces from their duty or allegiance.}}

| {{|Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1934|public|57|16-11-1934|An Act to continue certain expiring laws.}}

| {{|Betting and Lotteries Act 1934|public|58|16-11-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to amend the law with respect to betting on tracks where sporting events take place, including the law with respect to totalisators on horse racecourses; to authorise, subject to restrictions, the establishment of totalisators on dog racecourses; to prohibit betting on tracks with young persons and pari mutuel betting except by authorised totalisators; to amend the law with respect to lotteries and certain prize competitions; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2004) }}

| {{|Poor Law Act 1934|public|59|16-11-1934|An Act to amend the enactments relating to the relief of the poor in England and Wales so as to secure uniformity throughout Great Britain in the provisions relating to the disregarding of sick pay, maternity benefit, and wounds or disability pensions.}}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Public Works Facilities Scheme (Huddersfield Corporation) Confirmation Act 1934|local|7|28-03-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire County Council Act 1980 (c. xiv)) }}

| {{|Public Works Facilities Scheme (Boston Corporation) Confirmation Act 1934|local|8|28-03-1934||po1=Boston Corporation (Water) Scheme.|po1short=n}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Belper) Act 1934|local|9|28-03-1934||po1=Belper Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (North Buckinghamshire Joint Hospital District) Act 1934|local|10|28-03-1934||po1=North Buckinghamshire Joint Hospital Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Crosby, Litherland and Waterloo Joint Cemetery District) Act 1934|local|11|28-03-1934||po1=Crosby, Litherland and Waterloo Joint Cemetery Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Rochester, Chatham and Gillingham Joint Sewerage District) Act 1934|local|12|28-03-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by County of Kent Act 1981 (c. xviii)) }}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Wirral Joint Hospital District) Act 1934|local|13|28-03-1934||po1=Wirral Joint Hospital Order 1934|}}

| {{|Aire and Calder Navigation Act 1934|local|14|28-03-1934|}}

| {{|Somersham Rectory Act 1934|local|15|28-03-1934|}}

| {{|South Metropolitan Gas (No. 1) Act 1934|local|16|26-04-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Gas Act 1948) }}

| {{|Brighton, Hove and Worthing Gas Act 1934|local|17|26-04-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Gas Act 1948) }}

| {{|East Worcestershire Water Act 1934|local|18|26-04-1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Accrington) Act 1934|local|19|17-05-1934||po1=Accrington Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Watford) Act 1934|local|20|17-05-1934||po1=Watford Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Blackburn) Act 1934|local|21|17-05-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by County of Lancashire Act 1984 (c. xxi)) }}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Shipley) Act 1934|local|22|17-05-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv)) }}

| {{|South Metropolitan Gas (No. 2) Act 1934|local|23|17-05-1934|}}

| {{|Church House (Westminster) Act 1934|local|24|17-05-1934|}}

| {{|Cambridge University and Town Waterworks Act 1934|local|25|17-05-1934|}}

| {{|Workington Corporation Act 1934|local|26|17-05-1934|}}

| {{|Post Office Sites Act 1934|local|27|22-06-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Postal Services Act 2000 (Consequential Modifications to Local Enactments) Order 2003 (SI 2003/1542)) }}

| {{|Clydebank and District Water Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|28|22-06-1934||po1=Clydebank and District Water Order 1934|}}

| {{|Irvine and District Water Board Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|29|22-06-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by SI 1961/872) }}

| {{|Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|30|22-06-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1962 (c.ii)) }}

| {{|Birmingham United Hospital Act 1934|local|31|22-06-1934|}}

| {{|Watchet Urban District Water Act 1934|local|32|22-06-1934|}}

| {{|Corby (Northants) and District Water Act 1934|local|33|22-06-1934|}}

| {{|Wandsworth Borough Council Act 1934|local|34|22-06-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Local Law (Greater London Council and Inner London Boroughs) Order 1965 (SI 1965/540)) }}

| {{|Southern Railway Act 1934|local|35|22-06-1934|}}

| {{|South West Suburban Water Act 1934|local|36|22-06-1934|}}

| {{|West Gloucestershire Water Act 1934|local|37|22-06-1934|}}

| {{|Darlington Corporation Act 1934|local|38|28-06-1934|}}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway Act 1934|local|39|28-06-1934|}}

| {{|London County Council (General Powers) Act 1934|local|40|28-06-1934|}}

| {{|Renfrewshire County Council (Eastwood and Mearns) Water Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|41|12-07-1934||po1=Renfrewshire County Council (Eastwood and Mearns) Water Order 1934|}}

| {{|Dundee Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|42|12-07-1934|maintained=n|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Dundee Corporation (Water, Transport, Finance, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1954 (2 & 3 Eliz. 2. c.ix)) }}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Morley) Act 1934|local|43|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the borough of Morley.|note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv))|po1=Morley Order 1934|Provisional order altering a local Act[lower-alpha 1] and a provisional order.[lower-alpha 2] }}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Steyning and District Water) Act 1934|local|44|12-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=Steyning and District Water Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Milford Haven) Act 1934|local|45|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the urban district of Milford Haven.|note4=
(Repealed by Pembrokeshire Water Board Order 1962 (SI 1962/389))|po1=Milford Haven Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Burnham and District Water) Act 1934|local|46|12-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=Burnham and District Order 1934|}}

| {{|Provisional Orders (Marriages) Confirmation Act 1934|local|47|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1977) }}

| {{|Mexborough and Swinton Traction (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|48|12-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=Mexborough and Swinton Traction Trolley Vehicles) Order 1934|}}

| {{|St. Helens Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|49|12-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=St. Helens Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order 1934|}}

| {{|Southend-on-Sea Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|50|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Minister of Transport under the Southend-on-Sea Corporation Act 1926 relating to Southend-on-Sea Corporation trolley vehicles.|note4=
(Repealed by Essex Act 1987 (c. xx)) }}

| {{|Nottingham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|51|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995) }}

| {{|Prince of Wales's Hospital Plymouth Act 1934|local|52|12-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Walthamstow Corporation Act 1934|local|53|12-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Maidstone Waterworks Act 1934|local|54|12-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Stockport Corporation Act 1934|local|55|12-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Stockport Extension Act 1934|local|56|12-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Newport Extension Act 1934|local|57|12-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to extend the boundaries of the borough of Newport and for purposes incidental thereto.}}

| {{|London County Council (Money) Act 1934|local|58|12-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by London County Council (Loans) Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xxvi)) }}

| {{|London Passenger Transport (Interim Financial Arrangements) Act 1934|local|59|12-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Newport Corporation (General Powers) Act 1934|local|60|12-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to remove certain restrictions against the erection of buildings applicable to the Old Cemetery Newport to confer further powers upon the Newport Corporation in relation to their water and electricity undertakings and other matters to make better provision for the health local government improvement and finance of the borough and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Leek) Act 1934|local|61|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the urban district of Leek.|po1=Leek Order 1934|Provisional order partially repealing and amending certain local Acts and provisional orders.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Sheppey Water) Act 1934|local|62|25-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the Sheppey Water and Lighting Company Limited.|note4=
(Repealed by Kent Water Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xi))|po1=Sheppey Water Order 1934|Provisional order under the Gas and Water Works Facilities Act 1870 and the Gas and Water Works Facilities Act 1870 Amendment Act 1873 confirming the construction of waterworks by the Sheppey Water and Lighting Company Limited and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Stoke-on-Trent) Act 1934|local|63|25-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the city of Stoke-on-Trent.|note4=
(Repealed by Staffordshire Act 1983 (c. xviii))|po1=Stoke-on-Trent Order 1934|Provisional Order to enable the Stoke-on-Trent Corporation to put in force the compulsory clauses of the Lands Clauses Acts.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Weymouth and Portland Joint Hospital District) Act 1934|local|64|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the Weymouth and Portland Joint Hospital District.|po1=Weymouth and Portland Joint Hospital Order 1934|Provisional order forming a united district under section 279 of the Public Health Act 1875.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Wey Valley Water) Act 1934|local|65|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to the Wey Valley Water Company.|po1=Wey Valley Water Order 1934|Provisional order under the Gas and Water Works Facilities Act 1870 and the Gas and Water Works Facilities Act 1870 Amendment Act 1873 empowering the Wey Valley Water Company to raise additional capital and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Wycombe and District Joint Hospital) Act 1934|local|66|25-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=Wycombe and District Joint Hospital Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (South Middlesex and Richmond Joint Hospital District) Act 1934|local|67|25-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=South Middlesex and Richmond Joint Hospital Order 1934|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Herriard and District Water) Act 1934|local|68|25-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=Herriard and District Water Order 1934|}}

| {{|Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|69|25-07-1934|maintained=y||po1=Glasgow Corporation Order 1934|}}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|70|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to confirm a Provisional Order under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Acts 1899 and 1933 relating to the London Midland and Scottish Railway.|po1=London, Midland and Scottish Railway Order 1934|Provisional Order to authorise the London Midland and Scottish Railway Company to acquire lands in Scotland to extend the time for the completion of certain authorised railways and works and for the purchase of lands and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Rotherham Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|71|25-07-1934|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989) }}

| {{|Torquay Corporation Act 1934|local|72|25-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Chailey Rural District Council Act 1934|local|73|25-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Sunderland and South Shields Water Act 1934|local|74|25-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Lowestoft Corporation Act 1934|local|75|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to define the seaward boundary of the borough of Lowestoft to provide for the leasing of part of the pier known as the South Pier by the London and North Eastern Railway Company to the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the said borough and to empower the said mayor aldermen and burgesses to maintain and manage the premises so leased to them to confer further powers upon the said mayor aldermen and burgesses with regard to the supply of electricity and the health local government and improvement of the borough and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Tynemouth Corporation Act 1934|local|76|25-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|North Wales Electric Power Act 1934|local|77|25-07-1934|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Tyne Improvement Act 1934|local|78|25-07-1934|maintained=y|An Act to alter the constitution of the Tyne Improvement Commission to consolidate with amendments the enactments relating to the appointment and election of the Tyne Improvement Commissioners and the auditors of their accounts to confer further powers on and to amend the Acts relating to the Commissioners and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Wantage Urban District Council Act 1934|local|79|25-07-1934|}}

| {{|Public Works Facilities Scheme (Penicuik Water) Confirmation Act 1934|local|80|31-07-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Edinburgh Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1958 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. v)) }}

| {{|Public Works Facilities Scheme (Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation Sutton Road Bridge) Confirmation Act 1934|local|81|31-07-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Humberside Act 1982 (c. iii)) }}

| {{|Public Works Facilities Scheme (Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation Victoria Pier) Confirmation Act 1934|local|82|31-07-1934||po1=Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation (Victoria Pier) Scheme.|po1short=n}}

| {{|Clyde Valley Electricity Power Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|83|31-07-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by South of Scotland Electricity Order Confirmation Act 1956 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xciv)) }}

| {{|Alloa and District Gas Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|84|31-07-1934||po1=Alloa and District Gas Order 1934|}}

| {{|Falkirk Electricity Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|85|31-07-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by South of Scotland Electricity Order Confirmation Act 1956 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xciv)) }}

| {{|Stirlingshire and Falkirk Water Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|86|31-07-1934||po1=Stirlingshire and Falkirk Water Order 1934|}}

| {{|Pier and Harbour Orders (Clacton-on-Sea and St. Mawes) Confirmation Act 1934|local|87|31-07-1934||po1=Clacton-on-Sea Pier Order 1934| |po2=St. Mawes Pier and Harbour Order 1934|}}

| {{|Durham County Water Board Act 1934|local|88|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Middlesex County Council Act 1934|local|89|31-07-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Middlesex County Council Act 1944 (7 & 8 Geo. 6. c.xxi)) }}

| {{|Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corporation Act 1934|local|90|31-07-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corporation (General Powers) Act 1935 (25 & 26 Geo. 5. c. cxxiv)) }}

| {{|North Linsdsey Water Act 1934|local|91|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Ramsgate Corporation Act 1934|local|92|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Sheffield Gas Act 1934|local|93|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Weston-super-Mare Urban District Act 1934|local|94|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Cardiff Corporation Act 1934|local|95|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|London Passenger Transport Act 1934|local|96|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Manchester Corporation Act 1934|local|97|31-07-1934|}}

| {{|Land Drainage Provisional Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|98|16-11-1934||po1=Rother and Jury's Gut Catchment Board Drainage Order 1934|}}



25 & 26 Geo. 5

The fourth session of the 36th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 20 November 1934 until 25 October 1935.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Special Areas (Development and Improvement) Act 1934|public|1|21-12-1934|archived=n|An Act to provide for the initiation, organisation, prosecution and assistance of measures designed to facilitate the economic development and social improvement of certain areas which have been specially affected by industrial depression; for the appointment of Commissioners for those purposes; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Hamilton Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|1|21-12-1934||po1=Hamilton Burgh Order 1934|}}

| {{|Aberdeen Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1934|local|2|21-12-1934|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Aberdeen Corporation (Administration Finance, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1940 (3 & 4 Geo. 6. c. iii)) }}



See also


    1. Morley Corporation Act 1923 (13 & 14 Geo. 5. c. cv)
    2. Morley Order 1929
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