This is an incomplete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1810. Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

All modern acts have a short title, e.g. "the Local Government Act 2003". Some earlier acts also have a short title given to them by later acts, such as by the Short Titles Act 1896.

1810 (50 Geo. 3)

The fourth session of the 4th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 23 January 1810 until 21 June 1810.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Duties on Malt, etc. Act 1810|public|1|20-02-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for continuing to His Majesty certain Duties on Malt, Sugar, Tobacco and Snuff, in Great Britain; and on Pensions, Offices and Personal Estates in England; for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills Act 1810|public|2|12-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Ten millions five hundred thousand Pounds, by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (No. 2) Act 1810|public|3|12-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and for extending the Times limited for those Purposes respectively, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven; and to permit such Persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Hilary Term One thousand eight hundred and eleven.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Indemnity Act 1810|public|4|12-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and for extending the Times limited for those Purposes respectively, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven; and to permit such Persons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors, to make and file the same on or before the First Day of Hilary Term One thousand eight hundred and eleven.|note4=
(Repealed by Promissory Oaths Act 1871) }}

| {{|Distillation of Spirits Act 1810|public|5|12-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to prohibit the Distillation of Spirits from Corn or Grain in Great Britain, for a limited Time; and to continue, until Four Months after the Expiration of such Prohibition, an Act of the last Session of Parliament, to suspend the Importation of British or Irish-made Spirits into Great Britain or Ireland respectively.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Cornwall Duchy Act 1810|note1=[1]|public|6|12-03-1810|archived=n|An act to enable His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales, to grant Leases of certain Lands and Premises called Prince's Meadows, in the Parish of Lambeth, in the County of Surrey, Parcel of His said Royal Highness's Duchy of Cornwall, for the Purpose of building thereon.}}

| {{|Mutiny Act 1810|public|7|21-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Annuity to Duke of Wellington, etc. Act 1810|public|8|21-03-1810|archived=n|An act for settling and securing a certain Annuity on Viscount Wellington and the Two next persons to whom the Title of Viscount Wellington shall descend, in Consideration of his eminent Services.}}

| {{|Bounty of Raw Sugar Act 1810|public|9|21-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, so much of an Act of the Forty-seventh Year of His present Majesty, as allows a Bounty on British Plantation Raw Sugar exported.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Clandestine Running of Goods, etc. Act 1810|public|10|24-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for making perpetual certain of the Provisions of an Act of the Fifth Year of King George the First, for preventing the clandestine running of uncustomed Goods, and for preventing Frauds relating to the Customs.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Greenland Whale Fishery Act 1810|public|11|24-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, several Laws relating to the Encouragement of the Greenland Whale Fisheries.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Importation and Exportation Act 1810|public|12|24-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twelve, an Act made in the Forty sixth Year of His present Majesty, for permitting the Importation of Masts, Yards, Bowsprits and Timber for Naval Purposes from the British Colonies in North America, Duty-free.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Importation and Exportation (No. 2) Act 1810|public|13|24-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue an Act, made in the Forty fourth Year of His present Majesty, for permitting the Exportation of Salt from the Port of Nassau in the Island of New Providence, the Port of Exuma and the Port of Crooked Island in the Bahama Islands, in American Ships coming in Ballast; and amend and continue an Act made in the Forty eighth Year of His present Majesty, for permitting Sugar and Coffee to be exported from His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations to any Port in Europe to the Southward of Cape Finisterre, and Corn to be imported from such Port, and from the Coast of Africa, into the said Colonies and Plantations, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Marine Mutiny Act 1810|public|14|24-03-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the Regulation of His Majesty's Royal Marine Forces while on Shore.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Duties on Spirits (Ireland) Act 1810|public|15|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty Duties upon Spirits made or distilled in Ireland from Corn; to allow certain Drawbacks on the Exportation thereof; to make further Regulations for the Encouragement of Licensed Distillers; and for amending the Laws relating to the Distillery in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exportation and Importation (Ireland) Act 1810|public|16|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for further continuing, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, an Act of the Forty first Year of His present Majesty, for prohibiting the Exportation from Ireland, and for permitting the Importation into Ireland, Duty-free, of Corn and other Provisions.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exportation and Importation (Ireland) (No. 2) Act 1810|public|17|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, an Act for regulating the Drawbacks and Bounties on the Exportation of Sugar from Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exportation and Importation (Great Britain) Act 1810|public|18|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the further continuing, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, certain Bounties and Drawbacks on the Exportation of Sugar from Great Britain; and for suspending the Countervailing Duties and Bounties on Sugar when the Duties imposed by an Act of the Forty fifth Year of His present Majesty shall be suspended.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exportation and Importation (Great Britain) (No. 2) Act 1810|public|19|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for further continuing, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, an Act made in the Thirty ninth Year of His present Majesty, for prohibiting the Exportation from and permitting the Importation to Great Britain of Corn, and for allowing the Importation of other Articles of Provision, without Payment of Duty.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Quarantine Act 1810|public|20|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for removing Doubts as to the Power of appointing Superintendants of Quarantine and their Assistants.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Importation and Exportation (No. 3) Act 1810|public|21|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for amending and continuing so amended, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and twelve, an Act of the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty, for consolidating and extending the several Laws in force, for allowing the Importation and Exportation of certain Goods and Merchandize into and from certain Ports in the West Indies.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Purchase of Quays, Port of London Act 1810|public|22|06-04-1810|archived=n|An act for authorizing the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury to purchase certain Quays within the Port of London.}}

| {{|National Debt Act 1810|public|23|06-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting Annuities to discharge certain Exchequer Bills.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Militia (Great Britain) Act 1810|public|24|18-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act, passed in the last Session of Parliament, for completing the Militia of Great Britain; and to make farther Provision for completing the said Militia.|note4=
(Repealed by Militia Act 1816) }}

| {{|Militia (Great Britain) (No. 2) Act 1810|public|25|18-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend several Acts, relating to the Local Militia of Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Volunteer Act 1863) }}

| {{|Exportation Act 1810|public|26|18-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting a Duty on Foreign Plain Linen taken out of Warehouse and exported to Foreign Parts.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Silk Manufacture (Ireland) Act 1810|public|27|18-04-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirty one, certain Acts made in the Parliament of Ireland, for the better Regulation of the Silk Manufacture.|note4=
(Repealed by Silk Manufactures Act 1824) }}

| {{|Quartering of Soldiers Act 1810|public|28|18-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for increasing the Rates of Subsistence to be paid to Innkeepers and others on quartering Soldiers.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Highways (Ireland) Act 1810|public|29|18-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for amending the Irish Road Acts.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Fees of Coroners (Ireland) Act 1810|public|30|18-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Fees payable to Coroners in Ireland, upon holding inquisitions.|note4=
(Repealed by Coroners' Fees (Ireland) Act 1820) }}

| {{|Session Court (Scotland) Act 1810|public|31|18-05-1810|archived=n|An act for augmenting the Salaries of the Lords of Session, Lords Commissioners of Judiciary, and Barons of Exchequer in Scotland, and Judges in Ireland.}}

| {{|Stage Coaches, etc. (Ireland) Act 1810|public|32|24-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal certain Parts of several Acts of the Parliament in Ireland so far as relates to the limiting the Number of Persons to be carried by Stage Coaches or other Carriages; for enacting other Limitations in lieu thereof; and for other Purposes relating thereto.|note4=
(Repealed by Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act 1850) }}

| {{|School Sites (Ireland) Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|33|24-05-1810|archived=n|An act for enabling Tenants in Tail and for Life, and also Ecclesiastical Persons, to grant Land for the Purpose of endowing Schools in Ireland.}}

| {{|Exportation (No. 2) Act 1810|public|34|24-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for allowing the Exportation of British and Irish made Malt from one Part of the United Kingdom to the other.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Stamps Act 1810|public|35|24-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for altering the Mode of collecting the Duty on Insurances against Loss by Fire, upon Property in His Majesty's Islands and Possessions in the West Indies, and elsewhere beyond the Seas; and for exempting certain Bonds and Receipts from Stamp Duty, for giving Relief in certain Cases of Stamps spoiled or misused, and for explaining Part of an Act passed in the Forty eighth Year of His Majesty's Reign, for granting Stamp Duties in Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Inland Revenue Repeal Act 1870) }}

| {{|National Debt (No. 2) Act 1810|public|36|24-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting Annuities to discharge an additional Number of Exchequer Bills.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Annuity to Duke of Brunswick Act 1810|public|37|24-05-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for enabling His Majesty to settle an Annuity on His Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Bonded Warehouses (Ireland) Act 1810|public|38|02-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to extend the Provisions of an Act passed in the Forty eighth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, an Act to permit certain Goods imported into Ireland to be warehoused or secured without the Duties due on the Importation thereof being first paid, and to amend the same.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Repayment of Duty in Certain Cases Act 1810|public|39|02-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for repaying in certain Cases the Duty paid on the Export of Foreign Plain Linen.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Bounty on Exportation Act 1810|public|40|02-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for discontinuing the Bounty on Exportation of Oil of Vitriol, and allowing a Drawback of a Proportion of the Duties paid on the Importation of Foreign Brimstone used in taking Oil of Vitriol.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Hawkers Act 1810|public|41|02-06-1810|archived=n|An act for placing the Duties of Hawkers and Pedlars under the Management of the Commissioners of Hackney Coaches.}}

| {{|Isle of Man Customs Act 1810|public|42|02-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act For consolidating the Duties Of Customs for the Isle of Man, and for placing the same under the Management of the Commissioners of Customs in England.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Highland Road and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1810|public|43|02-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for maintaining and keeping in Repair, Roads made and Bridges built in Scotland, under the Authority of the Parliamentary Commissioners for Highland Roads and Bridges.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Excise Officers (No. 7) Act 1810|public|44|02-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to provide for a durable Allowance of Superannuation to the Officers of Excise in Scotland, under certain Restrictions.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|National Debt (No. 3) Act 1810|public|45|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Twelve Millions by way of Annuities.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Consumption of Malt Liquors (Ireland) Act 1810|public|46|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for encouraging the Consumption of Malt Liquor in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Duties on Spirits (Ireland) Act 1812) }}

| {{|Insolvent Debtors (Ireland) Act 1810|public|47|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to extend and amend the Provisions of an Act made in the Thirty seventh Year of His present Majesty, for the Relief and Maintenance of Insolvent Debtors detained in Prison in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Stage Coaches, etc. (Great Britain) Act 1810|public|48|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal Three Acts, made in the Twenty eighth, Thirtieth and Forty sixth Years of His present Majesty, for limiting the Number of Persons to be carried on the Outside of Stage Coaches or other Carriages, and to enact other Regulations for carrying the Objects of the said Acts into Effect.|note4=
(Repealed by Stage Carriages Act 1832) }}

| {{|Poor Rate Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|49|09-06-1810|archived=n|An act to amend the Laws for the Relief of the Poor, so far as relate to the examining and allowing the Accounts of Churchwardens and Overseers by Justices of the Peace.}}

| {{|Relief of the Poor Act 1810|public|50|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to explain and amend an Act made in the last Session of Parliament, relating to the Relief and Employment of the Poor, so far as relates to the more effectual carrying the same into Execution; and to extend the Provisions thereof to Parishes which shall not have adopted the Provisions of an Act of the Twenty second Year of His present Majesty, for the better Relief and Employment of the Poor.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Bastards Act 1810|public|51|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal so much of an Act, passed in the Seventh Year of King James the First, as relates to the Punishment of Women delivered of Bastard Children; and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Poor Act 1810|public|52|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend so much of an Act, passed in the Eighth and Ninth Year of King William the Third, as requires poor Persons receiving Alms to wear Badges.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Frauds on Exportation Act 1810|public|53|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for preventing Frauds relating to the Exportation of British and Irish made Malt from one Part of the United Kingdom to the other.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|British Fisheries Act 1810|public|54|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, an Act of the Thirty ninth Year of His present Majesty, for the more effectual Encouragement of the British Fisheries.|note4=
(Repealed by Sea Fisheries Act 1868) }}

| {{|Importation Act 1810|public|55|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to prohibit the Importation of Italian Silk Crapes and Tiffanies, and to increase the Shares of Seizures payable to Officers in respect of Foreign wrought Silks and Foreign manufactured Leather Gloves.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Pension Duties Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|56|09-06-1810|archived=n|An act to explain and amend an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, for continuing and making perpetual several Duties of One Shilling and Six Pence in the Pound, repealed by an Act of the last Session of Parliament on Offices and Employments of Profit, and on Annuities, Pensions and Stipends.}}

| {{|Manufactures (Great Britain) Act 1810|public|57|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, an Act of the Twenty third Year of His present Majesty, for the more effectual Encouragement of the Manufacture of Flax and Cotton in Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Land Tax Redemption Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|58|09-06-1810|archived=n|An act to amend several Acts for the Redemption and Sale of the Land Tax.}}

| {{|Embezzlement by Collectors Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|59|09-06-1810|archived=n|An Act for more effectually preventing the Embezzlement of Money or Securities for Money belonging to the Public by any Collector, Receiver, or other Person entrusted with the Receipt, Care, or Management thereof.}}

| {{|Exportation (No. 3) Act 1810|public|60|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for permitting the Exportation to Newfoundland of Foreign Salt, Duty-free, from the Import Warehouses at the Port of Bristol; and for repealing so much of an Act of the last Session as allows Salt, the Produce of any Part of Europe South of Cape Finisterre, to be shipped in any Port of Europe direct to certain Ports in North America.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Duty on Sugar, etc. Act 1810|public|61|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for making Sugar and Coffee, of Guadeloupe, Saint Eustatia, Saint Martin, and Saba, liable to the same Duty on Importation as Sugar and Coffee not of the British Plantations.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Isle of Man Smuggling Act 1810|public|62|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the more effectual Prevention of Smuggling in the Isle of Man.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Exportation (No. 4) Act 1810|public|63|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable His Majesty to authorize the Exportation of the Machinery necessary for erecting a Mint in the Brazils.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exportation (No. 5) Act 1810|public|64|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to permit the Removal of Goods, Wares and Merchandize, from the Port in Great Britain where first warehoused, to any other warehousing Port for the Purpose of Exportation.|note4=
(Repealed by Warehousing of Goods Act 1823) }}

| {{|Crown Lands Act 1810|public|65|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for uniting the Offices of Surveyor General of the Land Revenues of the Crown, and Surveyor General of His Majesty's Woods, Forests, Parks and Chases.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Postage Act 1810|public|66|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to authorize the Judge Advocate General to send and receive Letters and Packets free from the Duty of Postage.|note4=
(Repealed by Post Office (Repeal of Laws) Act 1837) }}

| {{|Black Game in Somerset and Devon Act 1810|public|67|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for the better Preservation of Heath Fowl, commonly called Black Game, in the Counties of Somerset and Devon.|note4=
(Repealed by Game Act 1831) }}

| {{|National Debt (No. 4) Act 1810|public|68|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of One million four hundred thousand Pounds by way of Annuities, for the Service of Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1870) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (No. 3) Act 1810|public|69|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Six Millions, by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of Great Britain, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (No. 4) Act 1810|public|70|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to issue Exchequer Bills, on the Credit of such Aids or Supplies as have been or shall be granted by Parliament for the Service of Great Britain, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Charges of Loan, etc., of Present Session Act 1810|public|71|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for appropriating Part of the Surplus of the Stamp Duties granted in the Forty-eighth Year of His present Majesty, for defraying the Charges of the Loan made and Stock created in the present Session of Parliament.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Howth Harbour Act 1810|public|72|09-06-1810|archived=n|An act for improving and completing the Harbour on the North Side of the Hill of Howth near Dublin, and rendering it a fit Situation for His Majesty's Packets.}}

| {{|Baking Trade Act 1810|public|73|09-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to alter, explain and amend the Laws now in force respecting the Trade of Bakers, residing out of the City of London or the Liberties thereof, or beyond Ten Miles of the Royal Exchange.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Postage (No. 2) Act 1810|public|74|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty certain additional Duties upon Letters and Packets sent by the Post within Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Post Office (Repeal of Laws) Act 1837) }}

| {{|Window Duty (Ireland) Act 1810|public|75|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to grant to His Majesty an additional Duty on Dwelling Houses io Ireland, in respect of the Windows or Lights therein.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Stamps (Ireland) Act 1810|public|76|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal certain Duties under the Care of the Commissioners for managing the Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to grant new and additional Duties, and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Customs Act 1810|public|77|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for imposing additional Duties of Customs on certain Species of Wood imported into Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1861) }}

| {{|Suppression of Insurrection, etc. (Ireland) Act 1810|public|78|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal an Act made in the Forty seventh Year of His present Majesty, for suppressing Insurrection, and preventing the Disturbances of the Publick Peace in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Distillation of Spirits (Scotland) Act 1810|public|79|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for regulating the Continuance of Licences for distilling Spirits from Sugar in the Lowlands of Scotland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Importation (No. 2) Act 1810|public|80|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for reviving and further continuing, until the Twenty fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, several Laws for allowing the Importation of certain Fish from Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador, and of certain Fish from Parts of the Coast of His Majesty's North American Colonies, and for granting Bounties thereon.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Fees in Public Offices, etc. (Ireland) Act 1810|public|81|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue, until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and eleven, certain Acts for appointing Commissioners to enquire into the Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites and Emoluments received in several Publick Offices in Ireland, to examine into any Abuses which may exist in the same, and into the Mode of receiving, collecting, issuing and accounting for Publick Money in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Flax and Hemp Seed (Ireland) Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|82|15-06-1810|archived=n|An act to amend the Laws relative to the Sale of Flax Seed and Hemp Seed io Ireland.}}

| {{|Woollen Manufacture Act 1810|public|83|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to repeal several Acts respecting the Woollen Manufacture, and for indemnifying Persons liable to any Penalty for having acted contrary thereto.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Teinds Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|84|15-06-1810|archived=n|An act for augmenting Parochial Stipends, in certain Cases, in Scotland.}}

| {{|Government Offices Security Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|85|15-06-1810|archived=n|An act to regulate the taking of Securities in all Offices, in respect of which Security ought to be given; and for avoiding the Grant of all such Offices, in the Event of such Security not being given within a Time to be limited after the Grant of such Office.}}

| {{|East India Company Act 1810|public|86|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend Two Acts passed in the Thirty-ninth and Forty-third Years of His present Majesty, for regulating the Manner in which the East India Company shall hire and take up Ships.|note4=
(Repealed by Hiring of Ships by East India Company Act 1818) }}

| {{|Courts-Martial on Troops of East India Company Act 1810|public|87|15-06-1810|archived=n|An act to amend Two Acts, relating to the raising Men for the Service of the East India Company; and the Quartering and Billetting such Men; and to Trials by Regimental Courts Martial.}}

| {{|Offices in Reversion Act 1810|public|88|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to make Provisions for a limited Time respecting certain Grants of Offices.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Militia Pay (Ireland) Act 1810|public|89|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for defraying, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, the Charge of the Pay and Clothing of the Militia of Ireland, and for making allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers of the said Militia during Peace.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Militia and Local Militia Pay (Great Britain) Act 1810|public|90|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for defraying the Charge of the Pay and Clothing of the Militia and Local Militia in Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Militia Allowances Act 1810|public|91|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to revive and continue, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and eleven, and amend so much of an Act made in the Thirty-ninth and Fortieth Year of His present Majesty, as grants certain Allowances to Adjutants and Serjeant Majors of the Militia of England disembodied finder an Act of the same Session of Parliament.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Militia Allowances (No. 2) Act 1810|public|92|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for making Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers of the Militia in Great Britain, while disembodied.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Holyhead Harbour Act 1810|public|93|15-06-1810|archived=n|An act for the improving and completing the Harbour of Holyhead, in the Isle of Anglesea.}}

| {{|Lotteries Act 1810|public|94|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money to be raised by Lotteries.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Lighthouses (Ireland) Act 1810|public|95|15-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to enable the Corporation for preserving and improving the Port of Dublin, to erect, repair and maintain Light Houses round the Coasts of Ireland, and to raise a Fund for defraying the Charge thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Merchant Shipping Repeal Act 1854) }}

| {{|Quartering of Soldiers (No. 2) Act 1810|public|96|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend an Act passed in this Session of Parliament, intituled, "An act for increasing the Rates of Subsistence to be paid to Innkeepers and others on quartering Soldiers."|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Importation and Exportation (Ireland) Act 1810|public|97|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and eleven, and to amend several Acts for granting certain Rates and Duties, and for allowing certain Drawbacks and Bounties on Goods, Wares and Merchandize imported into and exported from Ireland; and to grant to His Majesty until the said Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and eleven, certain new and additional Duties on the Importation, and to allow Drawback on the Exportation of certain Goods, Wares and Merchandize into and from Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Treasury Bills (Ireland) Act 1810|public|98|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for raising the Sum of Two hundred and sixteen thousand Pounds by Treasury Bills, for the Service of Ireland, for the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Making of Malt, etc. (Ireland) Act 1810|public|99|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to amend the several Acts relating to the making of Malt, and the granting of Permits and Certificates, and the Regulations of Braziers and of Persons employing more than one Still in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Illicit Distillation (Ireland) Act 1831) }}

| {{|Fines on Stills (Ireland) Act 1810|public|100|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for respiting certain Fines imposed on Stills in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Prisage and Butlerage (Ireland) Act 1810|public|101|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for confirming an Agreement for the Purchase of the Prisage and Butlerage of Wines in Ireland, entered into by the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury in Ireland, and the Right Honourable Walter Earl of Ormonde and Ossory and his Trustees, in pursuance of an Act made in the Forty sixth Year of His present Majesty's Reign.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Unlawful Oaths (Ireland) Act 1810|note1=[2]
or the Unlawful Oaths Act 1810|public|102|20-06-1810|archived=n|An act for the more effectually preventing the administering and taking of unlawful Oaths in Ireland; and for the Protection of Magistrates and Witnesses in Criminal Cases.}}

| {{|Prisons (Ireland) Act 1810|public|103|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for repealing the several Laws relating to Prisons in Ireland, and for re-enacting such of the Provisions thereof as have been found useful, with Amendments.|note4=
(Repealed by Prisons (Ireland) Act 1826) }}

| {{|Assessed Taxes Act 1810|public|104|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for altering the Amount of certain Duties of Assessed Taxes granted by an Act passed in the Forty eighth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, and for granting to His Majesty certain other Duties of Assessed Taxes on the Articles therein mentioned.|note4=
(Repealed by Revenue Act 1869) }}

| {{|Taxes Act 1810|public|105|20-06-1810|archived=n|An act to regulate the manner of making Surcharges of the Duties of Assessed Taxes, and of the Tax upon the Profits arising from Property, Professions, Trades and Offices, and for amending the Acts relating to the said Duties respectively.}}

| {{|Income Tax, etc. Act 1810|public|106|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for regulating the manner of assessing Lands in certain Cases to the Duties arising from the Profits of Property, Professions, Trades and Offices, and for giving Relief from the said Duties on occasion of Losses in other Cases therein mentioned.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Clothing of the Army, etc. Act 1810|public|107|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to regulate the Examination and Payment of Assignments for Clothing of His Majesty's Forces.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Sea Fisheries (Scotland) Act 1810|note1=[2]|public|108|20-06-1810|archived=n|An act to amend and enlarge the Powers of an Act passed in the Second Year of His present Majesty, for the Encouragement of the Fisheries of this Kingdom, and the Protection of the Persons employed therein.}}

| {{|Arms (Ireland) Act 1810|public|109|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to continue for Two Years, and from thence until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, and amend an Act made in the Forty seventh Year of His present Majesty, for the preventing improper Persons from having Arms in Ireland.|note4=
(Repealed by Arms, etc. (Ireland) Act 1843) }}

| {{|Bringing of Coals, etc., to London, etc. Act 1810|public|110|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to allow, until the First Day of August One thousand eight hundred and eleven, the bringing of Coals, Culm and Cinders to London and Westminster by inland Navigation.|note4=
(Repealed by Customs Law Repeal Act 1825) }}

| {{|Pensions (Scotland) Act 1810|public|111|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to limit the Amount of Pensions to be granted out of the Civil List of Scotland.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Court of Session Act 1810|public|112|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act for abridging the form of extracting Decrees of the Court of Session in Scotland, and for the Regulation of certain Parts of the Proceedings of that Court.|note4=
(Repealed by Court of Session Act 1988) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (No. 5) Act 1810|public|113|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for enabling His Majesty to raise the Sum of Three Millions for the Service of Great Britain.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Exchequer Bills (No. 6) Act 1810|public|114|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty a Sum of Money, to be raised by Exchequer Bills, and to be advanced and applied in the manner and upon the Terms therein mentioned, for the Relief of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|Appropriation Act 1810|public|115|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for granting to His Majesty certain Sums of Money out of the Consolidated Fund of Great Britain, and for applying certain Monies therein mentioned, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and ten; and for further appropriating the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1872 (No. 2)) }}

| {{|New Forest Act 1810|public|116|20-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to extend and amend the Term and Provisions of an Act of the Thirty ninth and Fortieth Year of His present Majesty, for the better Preservation of Timber in the New Forest, in the County of Southampton, and for ascertaining the Boundaries of the said Forest, and of the Lands of the Crown within the same.|note4=
(Repealed by Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act 1971) }}

| {{|Public Salaries, etc. Act 1810|public|117|21-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act to direct that Accounts of Increase and Diminution of Publick Salaries, Pensions and Allowances, shall be annually laid before Parliament, and to regulate and control the granting and paying of such Salaries, Pensions and Allowances.|note4=
(Repealed by Superannuation Act 1834) }}

| {{|Admiralty and Prize Courts Act 1810|public|118|21-06-1810|repealed=y|archived=n|An act for regulating the Offices of Registrars of Admiralty and Prize Courts.|note4=
(Repealed by High Court of Admiralty (England) Act 1840) }}

| {{|Houses of Parliament Act 1810|public|119|21-06-1810|archived=n|An act for further amending and enlarging the Powers of an Act of the Forty sixth Year of His present Majesty, for consolidating and rendering more effectual the several Acts for the Purchase of Buildings, and further Improvement of the Streets and Places near to Westminster Hall and the Two Houses of Parliament.}}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Cumberland County Rate Act 1810|local|1|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2008) }}

| {{|Bere Forest Inclosure Act 1810|local|218|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Wild Creatures and Forest Laws Act 1971) }}


Private acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Henry Wellesley's Divorce Act 1810|private|1|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Fredrick Fredricks Act 1810|private|2|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Yaxham, Westfield, Whinbergh, and Garveston (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|3|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Philip Heisch Act 1810|private|4|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of John Brandstrom Act 1810|private|5|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Glasson (Cumberland) Inclosure Act 1810|private|6|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Kirkbride (Cumberland) Inclosure Act 1810|private|7|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Warblington (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|8|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Samuel Staudenmayer Act 1810|private|9|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of William Lagemann Act 1810|private|10|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Charles Neuman Act 1810|private|11|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Andrew Reinholdt af Uhr Act 1810|private|12|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Blechingley and Horne (Surrey) Inclosure Act 1810|private|13|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Stanway (Gloucestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|14|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Tollerton (Yorkshire, North Riding) Inclosure etc. Act 1810|private|15|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thuxton (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|16|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Whitfield (Derbyshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|17|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Chitterne St. Mary (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|18|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Chitterne St. Mary and Chitterne All Saints (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1815 (55 Geo. 3. c. 67)) }}

| {{|Haslingfield (Cambridgeshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|19|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Lewisham (Kent) Inclosure Act 1810|private|20|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hemsby (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|21|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hardley and Langley (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|22|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Badsworth (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|23|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Holt (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|24|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hunshelf (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1810|private|25|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Attercliffe and Darnal (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|26|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Garforth (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1810|private|27|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sedgberrow (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|28|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sellinge (Kent) Inclosure Act 1810|private|29|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Barley (Hertfordshire) Allotments Act 1810|private|30|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Paul Bertheau Act 1810|private|31|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Frederick Horn Act 1810|private|32|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Frederick Sack Act 1810|private|33|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Leiston and Theberton (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|34|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Amberley (Sussex) Inclosure Act 1810|private|35|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Brundholme (Cumberland) Inclosure Act 1810|private|36|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Llangunnor and Llanddarog (Carmarthen) Inclosure Act 1810|private|37|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thorington (Essex) Inclosure Act 1810|private|38|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Roxton (Bedfordshire) Inclosure etc. Act 1810|private|39|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Pensham (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|40|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Walditch (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1810|private|41|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Alvington (Gloucestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|42|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Horley (Surrey) Inclosure Act 1810|private|43|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Allerpeverell (Devon) Inclosure Act 1810|private|44|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Bonehill or Bunhill (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|45|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Portsea (Hampshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|46|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Fridaythorpe (Yorkshire, East Riding) Inclosure etc, Act 1810|private|47|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Soulby (Westmorland) Inclosure Act 1810|private|48|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Wath upon Dearne (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|49|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Boston East (Lincolnshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|50|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Gilling (Yorkshire) Inclosure etc. Act 1810|private|51|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Glyndyfrdwy, Rûg, and Gwyddelwern (Merioneth) Inclosure Act 1810|private|52|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Fishtoft (Lincolnshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|53|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Gosforth (Cumberland) Inclosure etc. Act 1810|private|54|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Great Sheepey (Leicestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|55|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Llanaber, Llanddwywe, Llaneuddwyn, Llanbedr, and Llanfair (Merioneth) Inclosure Act 1810|private|56|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Litton Cheney (Dorset) Inclosure Act 1810|private|57|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Winterborn-Stoke and Stapleford (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|58|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Weston-super-Mare (Somerset) Inclosure Act 1810|private|59|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Sibsey (Lincolnshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|60|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Gordon's Estate Act 1810|private|61|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Thorp Audlin (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure etc. Act 1810|private|62|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Datchet (Buckinghamshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|63|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Mare (Staffordshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|64|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Saddleworth (Yorkshire, West Riding) Inclosure Act 1810|private|65|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Stoke Poges and Wexham (Buckinghamshire) Inclosure etc. Act 1810|private|66|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Ickleton (Cambridgeshire) Allotments Act 1810|private|67|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Teversham (Cambridgeshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|68|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|West Cottingwith and Thorganby (Yorkshire, East Riding) Inclosure Act 1810|private|69|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Gowthorpe (Yorkshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|70|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Gayton or Geyton (Norfolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|71|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Tibberton (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|72|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Hutton Conyers, Rainton with Newby, and Melmerby (Yorkshire, North Riding) Inclosure Act 1810|private|73|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Kingston (Cambridgeshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|74|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Pitton and Farley (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|75|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|West Monkton (Somerset) Inclosure Act 1810|private|76|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Peter Maze Act 1810|private|77|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Andrew Sandmark Act 1810|private|78|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Earl of Hyndford's Estate Act 1810|private|79|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|John Powell's Estate Act 1810|private|80|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Stepleton (Herefordshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|81|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Wigmore (Herefordshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|82|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Eckington (Worcestershire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|83|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Ashridge (Wiltshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|84|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|William Guard's Divorce Act 1810|private|85|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Earl of Essex and Sir Walter Devereux's Heirs' Estates Act 1810|private|86|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Waltham St. Lawrence (Berkshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|87|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Battisford (Suffolk) Inclosure Act 1810|private|88|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Launton (Oxfordshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|89|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Langford (Berkshire, Oxfordshire) Inclosure Act 1810|private|90|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Countess of Pembroke and Montgomery Act 1810|private|91|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Andrew Carrighau Act 1810|private|92|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Paul Favre Act 1810|private|93|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Withcall (Lincolnshire) Allotments etc. Act 1810|private|94|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Hans Grön Act 1810|private|95|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}

| {{|Naturalization of Johann Burckhardt Act 1810|private|96|23-01-1810|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|repealed=n|archived=n|}}



  • Journal of the House of Commons. Vol. 65. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. pp. 3–511.
  • Chronological Table of and Index to the Statutes. Vol. 1: To the End of the Session 59 Vict. Sess. 2 (1895) (13th ed.). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1896. pp. 194–196 via Google Books.

See also


  1. "Cornwall Duchy Act 1810". vLex.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The citation of this Act by this short title was authorised by the Short Titles Act 1896, section 1 and the first schedule. Due to the repeal of those provisions it is now authorised by section 19(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978.
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