This is a complete list of acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1929. Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland). For acts passed up until 1707, see the list of acts of the Parliament of England and the list of acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For acts passed from 1707 to 1800, see the list of acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland.

For acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the list of acts of the Scottish Parliament, the list of acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the list of acts and measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the list of acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.

The number shown after each act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.

19 & 20 Geo. 5

Continuing the fifth session of the 34th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 6 November 1928 until 10 May 1929.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Imperial Telegraphs Act 1929|public|7|05-02-1929|An Act to authorise the sale of the telegraph undertakings established under the Pacific Cable Acts, 1901 to 1924, and the West Indian Islands (Telegraph) Act, 1924, and of certain submarine telegraph undertakings in the possession of the Postmaster-General, and to make provision for certain matters incidental thereto.}}

| {{|Appellate Jurisdiction Act 1929|public|8|05-02-1929|An Act to make further provision with respect to the constitution of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council and to authorise the appointment of an additional Lord of Appeal in Ordinary.}}

| {{|Law of Property (Amendment) Act 1929|public|9|05-02-1929|maintained=y|An Act to amend the provisions of the Law of Property Act, 1925, relating to relief against forfeiture of under-leases.}}

| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1929|public|10|27-03-1929|An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, and one thousand nine hundred and thirty.}}

| {{|Superannuation (Diplomatic Service) Act 1929|public|11|27-03-1929|An Act to amend the law with respect to the pensions of persons in the Diplomatic Service.}}

| {{|Overseas Trade Act 1929|public|12|27-03-1929|An Act to extend the periods during which guarantees may respectively be given and remain in force under the Overseas Trade Acts, 1920 to 1926.}}

| {{|Agricultural Credits (Scotland) Act 1929|public|13|27-03-1929|maintained=y|An Act to secure in Scotland by means of the formation of a company and the assistance thereof out of public funds the making of loans for agricultural purposes on favourable terms, and to facilitate the borrowing of money in Scotland on the security of agricultural assets; and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Northern Ireland Land Act 1929|public|14|27-03-1929|maintained=y|An Act to amend the Northern Ireland Land Act, 1925.}}

| {{|Factory and Workshop (Cotton Cloth Factories) Act 1929|public|15|27-03-1929|An Act to empower the Secretary of State to make regulations with respect to cotton cloth factories and for purposes connected with the enforcement of the enactments relating to such factories.}}

| {{|Pensions (Governors of Dominions, &c.) Act 1929|public|16|27-03-1929|An Act to amend the law relating to the payment of pensions to Governors, and persons holding similar offices, who have served within His Majesty's Dominions, or in British Protectorates, or Mandated Territories.}}

| {{|Local Government Act 1929|public|17|27-03-1929|maintained=y|An Act to amend the law relating to the administration of poor relief, registration of births, deaths, and marriages, highways, town planning and local government; to extend the application of the Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act, 1928, to hereditaments in which no persons are employed; to grant complete or partial relief from rates in the case of the hereditaments to which that Act applies; to discontinue certain grants from the Exchequer and provide other grants in lieu thereof; and for purposes consequential on the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Unemployment Insurance (Northern Ireland Agreement) Act 1929|public|18|27-03-1929|An Act to confirm and give effect to an agreement made between the Treasury and the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland for continuing the agreement set forth in the Unemployment Insurance (Northern Ireland Agreement) Act, 1926.}}

| {{|Unemployment Insurance (Transitional Provisions Amendment) Act 1929|public|19|27-03-1929|An Act to amend subsection (2) of section fourteen of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1927, by extending to twenty-four months the period of twelve months therein mentioned.}}

| {{|Army and Air Force (Annual) Act 1929|public|20|25-04-1929|An Act to provide, during Twelve Months, for the Discipline and Regulation of the Army and Air Force.}}

| {{|Finance Act 1929|public|21|10-05-1929|An Act to re-impose income tax and to apply with respect to income tax and the annual value of property the like provisions (subject to the exception of certain temporary provisions contained in the Finance Act, 1926, and the Finance Act, 1927) as were applied in the last preceding year, to continue the duties of customs charged by section seven of the Finance Act, 1925, on hops, preparations of hops and beer, and the additional excise drawback payable under the said section, to impose a duty of customs on hop oil, to apply section ninety-eight of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, to hops, and to repeal the duty of excise payable on bets made with a bookmaker, the railway passenger duty, and the duty of customs on tea.}}

| {{|Appropriation Act 1929|public|22|10-05-1929|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}

| {{|Companies Act 1929|public|23|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to consolidate the Companies Acts, 1908 to 1928, and certain other enactments connected with the said Acts.|note4=
(Repealed by Companies Act 1948) }}

| {{|Gas Under takings Act 1929|public|24|10-05-1929|An Act to amend the law with respect to gas undertakings, and for purposes connected therewith.}}

| {{|Local Government (Scotland) Act 1929|public|25|10-05-1929|maintained=y|An Act to transfer to county councils and to the town councils of certain burghs in Scotland functions of existing local authorities relating to poor relief, lunacy and mental deficiency, education, public health, and other matters; to amend the law relating to local government in Scotland; to extend the application of the Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act, 1928, to lands and heritages in which no persons are employed, to net and cruive salmon fishings and to minerals let but unworked; to grant relief from rates in the case of the lands and heritages in Scotland to which that Act applies; to discontinue grants from the Exchequer for certain purposes in Scotland and to provide other grants in lieu thereof; and for purposes consequential on the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Agricultural Rates Act 1929|public|26|10-05-1929|An Act to grant complete exemption from rates during the current half-year in the case of agricultural hereditaments in England to which the Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Act, 1928, applies; and for purposes in connection therewith.}}

| {{|Savings Banks Act 1929|public|27|10-05-1929|An Act to amend the law relating to Savings Banks, Savings Bank Annuities, and the Post Office Register.}}

| {{|Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies Act 1929|public|28|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to permit the issue by Friendly Societies and Industrial Assurance Companies of policies of assurance on the duration of certain lives for a specified period, to validate certain endowment policies issued by such societies and companies, to exclude repayments of premiums under endowment policies from the computation of the maximum sums which may be paid on death by such societies and companies, and to make provision as to the rights of owners of certain endowment policies upon the surrender thereof.|note4=
(Repealed by Friendly Societies Act 1992) }}

| {{|Government Annuities Act 1929|public|29|10-05-1929|maintained=y|An Act to consolidate the Government Annuities Acts, 1829 to 1888, and the enactments amending those Acts.}}

| {{|Chatham and Sheerness Stipendiary Magistrate Act 1929|public|30|10-05-1929|An Act to prevent difficulties arising in the event of the office of stipendiary magistrate for Chatham and Sheerness not being filled.}}

| {{|Pharmacy Act 1929|public|31|10-05-1929|An Act to enable the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain to make byelaws providing for the registration, without examination, of persons registered as pharmaceutical chemists in Northern Ireland.}}

| {{|Artificial Cream Act 1929|public|32|10-05-1929|An Act to regulate the sale and manufacture of artificial cream.}}

| {{|Bridges Act 1929|public|33|10-05-1929|An Act to enable highway authorities and the owners of bridges carrying public carriage roads to make agreements with respect to the maintenance, improvement, reconstruction and transfer of such bridges, and of the approaches thereto and the roads carried thereby; to empower the Minister of Transport, in the absence of any such agreement, to make orders with respect to the matters aforesaid and for purposes incidental to the making of such agreements and orders.}}

| {{|Infant Life (Preservation) Act 1929|public|34|10-05-1929|maintained=y|An Act to amend the law with regard to the destruction of children at or before birth.}}

| {{|Fire Brigade Pensions Act 1929|public|35|10-05-1929|An Act to amend section eighteen of the Fire Brigade Pensions Act, 1925.}}

| {{|Age of Marriage Act 1929|public|36|10-05-1929|An Act to make void marriages between persons either of whom is under the age of sixteen.}}

| {{|Police Magistrates Superannuation (Amendment) Act 1929|public|37|10-05-1929|An Act to amend the Police Magistrates (Superannuation) Act, 1915, so far as relates to Metropolitan Police Magistrates.}}

| {{|Bastardy (Witness Process) Act 1929|public|38|10-05-1929|An Act to declare the law with respect to the issue of process by justices for compelling the attendance of witnesses in bastardy proceedings.}}

| {{|Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1929|public|39|10-05-1929|An Act to amend section thirty-two of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries, Act, 1923.}}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Parliament Square and Other Streets Act 1929|local|5|27-03-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 1) Act 1929|local|6|27-03-1929|maintained=y|An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Minister of Health relating to Luddenden Joint Hospital District Middlesex Districts Joint Small-pox Hospital District Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage District and Uxbridge Joint Hospital District.|po1=Luddenden Joint Hospital Order 1929|Provisional Order for partially repealing certain Confirming Acts. |po2=Middlesex Districts Joint Small-pox Hospital Order 1929|Provisional Order for repealing certain Confirmation Acts. |po3=Upper Stour Valley Main Sewerage Order 1929|Provisional Order amending certain confirmation Acts. |po4=Uxbridge Joint Hospital Order 1929|Provisional Order for altering Confirmation Acts.}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 2) Act 1929|local|7|27-03-1929|maintained=y||po1=County of Montgomery Order 1929| |po2=County of Somerset Order 1929|}}

| {{|Glasgow Young Women's Christian Association Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|8|27-03-1929|maintained=y||po1=Glasgow Young Women's Christian Association Order 1929|}}

| {{|Glasgow Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|9|27-03-1929|maintained=y||po1=Glasgow Corporation Order 1929|}}

| {{|Asiatic Steam Navigation Company Act 1929|local|10|27-03-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Lancashire Electric Power Act 1929|local|11|27-03-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Sheffield Gas (Consolidation) Act 1929|local|12|27-03-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Llanelly Corporation Act 1929|local|13|25-04-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Dyfed Act 1987 (c.xxiv)) }}

| {{|Torquay Cemetery Act 1929|local|14|25-04-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Torbay Corporation Act 1971 (c. xxxiii)) }}

| {{|Corn Exchange Act 1929|local|15|25-04-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Corn Exchange Act 1975 (c. xii)) }}

| {{|South Suburban Gas Act 1929|local|16|25-04-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Doncaster Area Drainage Act 1929|local|17|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|St. John's Hospital (Winchester) and Other Charities Scheme Confirmation Act 1929|local|18|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=St. John's Hospital (Winchester) and Other Charities Scheme.|po1short=n}}

| {{|Provisional Orders (Marriages) Confirmation Act 1929|local|19|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1977) }}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4) Act 1929|local|20|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Leyton Order 1929| |po2=Morley Order 1929| |po3=Newcastle-upon-Tyne (No. 2) Order 1929| |po4=Tintwistle Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (No. 5) Act 1929|local|21|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Walsall Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 6) Act 1929|local|22|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Brighton and Hove (Outfall Sewers) Order 1929| |po2=Bromley Order 1929| |po3=Guildford Order 1929| |po4=Warrington Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Middlesbrough Extension) Act 1929|local|23|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Middlesbrough (Extension) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (Yeovil Extension and Water) Act 1929|local|24|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Yeovil (Extension) Order 1929| |po2=Yeovil (Water) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Merthyr Tydfil Water Charges) Act 1929|local|25|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Merthyr Tydfil (Water Charges) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Doncaster Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|26|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1989) }}

| {{|Southend-on-Sea Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|27|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Essex Act 1987 (c. xx)) }}

| {{|Falkirk Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|28|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Falkirk Burgh Order 1929|}}

| {{|Nith Navigation Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|29|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Nith Navigation Order 1929|}}

| {{|Kirkcaldy Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|30|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Kirkcaldy Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1939 (2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. vi))|po1=|po1short=n}}

| {{|Dumfries and Maxwelltown Burghs Amalgamation Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|31|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=Dumfries and Maxwelltown Burghs Amalgamation Order 1929|}}

| {{|Dysart Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|32|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Kirkcaldy Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1939 (2 & 3 Geo. 6. c. vi)) }}

| {{|London and North Eastern Railway Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|33|10-05-1929|maintained=y||po1=London and North Eastern Railway Order 1929|}}

| {{|Yorktown (Camberley) and District Gas and Electricity Act 1929|local|34|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London and North Eastern Railway Act 1929|local|35|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Birkenhead Corporation Water Act 1929|local|36|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Blackburn Corporation Act 1929|local|37|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Pacific Cable Board (Pension and Provident Funds) Act 1929|local|38|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Salford Corporation Act 1929|local|39|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Metropolitan Water Board Act 1929|local|40|10-05-1929|maintained=y|An Act to confer powers upon the Metropolitan Water Board.}}

| {{|Crowborough District Water Act 1929|local|41|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Mid-Sussex Water Order 1985 (SI 1985/513)) }}

| {{|Gas Light and Coke Company's Act 1929|local|42|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Great Western Railway Act 1929|local|43|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Leamington and Warwick Traction Act 1929|local|44|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995) }}

| {{|Llanfrechfa Upper and Llantarnam Water Board Act 1929|local|45|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway Act 1929|local|46|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Royal Victoria and other Docks Approaches (Improvement) Act 1929|local|47|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Southern Railway Act 1929|local|48|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Tyne Improvement Act 1929|local|49|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Westminster City (Millbank) Improvement Act 1929|local|50|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Winchester Water and Gas Act 1929|local|51|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Windermere Urban District Council Act 1929|local|52|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London County Council (Money) Act 1929|local|53|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by London County Council (Loans) Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xxvi)) }}

| {{|Great Western Railway (Air Transport) Act 1929|local|54|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Railway Act 1993) }}

| {{|London and North Eastern Railway (Air Transport) Act 1929|local|55|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Railway Act 1993) }}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway (Air Transport) Act 1929|local|56|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Railway Act 1993) }}

| {{|Southern Railway (Air Transport) Act 1929|local|57|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Railway Act 1993) }}

| {{|Soke and City of Peterborough Act 1929|local|58|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Methodist Church Union Act 1929|local|59|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Methodist Church Act 1976 (c. xxx)) }}

| {{|Southampton Corporation Act 1929|local|60|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Nottingham Corporation Act 1929|local|61|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Southport and District Water Act 1929|local|62|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Lewes Corporation Act 1929|local|63|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Halifax Corporation Act 1929|local|64|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv)) }}

| {{|Gosport and Fareham Omnibus Services Act 1929|local|65|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Haslingden Corporation Act 1929|local|66|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Jarrow and South Shields Light Railways (Abandonment) Act 1929|local|67|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Preston Corporation Act 1929|local|68|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Iveagh Bequest (Kenwood) Act 1929|local|69|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Birmingham Corporation (Rivers Improvement) Act 1929|local|70|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Oldbury Urban District Council Act 1929|local|71|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Warley Corporation Act 1969 (c. liv)) }}

| {{|Aire and Calder Navigation Act 1929|local|72|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Chatham and District Traction Act 1929|local|73|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Chatham and District Traction Act 1955 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xiv)) }}

| {{|Cheltenham District Traction Act 1929|local|74|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Mexborough and Swinton Traction Act 1929|local|75|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Mexborough and Swinton Traction Act 1960 (8 & 9 Eliz. 2. c. xxiv)) }}

| {{|Mansfield District Traction Act 1929|local|76|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995) }}

| {{|Newport (Salop.) Urban District Council Act 1929|local|77|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Mount Vernon Hospital Act 1929|local|78|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Warrington Corporation Water Act 1929|local|79|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Galloway Water Act 1929|local|80|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by South of Scotland Electricity Order Confirmation Act 1956 (4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. xciv)) }}

| {{|Manchester Corporation Act 1929|local|81|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|County of Cornwall Act 1929|local|82|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|South Lancashire Transport Act 1929|local|83|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by South Lancashire Transport Act 1958 (6 & 7 Eliz. 2. c. xxxiii)) }}

| {{|Grimsby Corporation (Dock, &c.) Act 1929|local|84|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Wandsworth, Wimbledon and Epsom District Gas Act 1929|local|85|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Act 1929|local|86|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London County Council (General Powers) Act 1929|local|87|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Kingston-upon-Hull Extension Act 1929|local|88|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Imperial Continental Gas Association Act 1929|local|89|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Rhodes Trust Act 1929|local|90|10-05-1929|maintained=y|An Act to amend the provisions of the Will of the late Right Honourable Cecil John Rhodes and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Tunbridge Wells Corporation Act 1929|local|91|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Smethwick Corporation Act 1929|local|92|10-05-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by West Midlands County Council Act 1980 (c. xi)) }}

| {{|Metropolitan Railway Act 1929|local|93|10-05-1929|maintained=y|An Act to authorise the Metropolitan Railway Company to execute works and to acquire lands to extend the time for the compulsory purchase of certain lands and the completion of certain works to authorise the Company to raise further moneys to confer further powers on the Company and the Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Committee and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Pontypridd Urban District Council Act 1929|local|94|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Gas Act 1929|local|95|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Chester Corporation Act 1929|local|96|10-05-1929|maintained=y|}}


Private and personal acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Beaumont Thomas Estate Act 1929|private|1|10-05-1929|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=y|An Act to provide during the subsistence of the trust of accumulation contained in the will of Richard Beaumont Thomas deceased and during the lifetime and widowhood of his widow for the maintenance of the Testator's children and grandchildren out of the surplus income of the Testator's residuary estate and to direct how certain sums already paid for their maintenance advancement and benefit are to be accounted for and for the payment of an additional annuity to his widow and to enable the Testator's sons to appoint annuities to their widows and for other purposes.}} }}

20 & 21 Geo. 5

The first session of the 35th Parliament of the United Kingdom, which met from 25 June 1929 until 1 August 1930.

Public general acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Isle of Man (Customs) Act 1929|public|1|26-07-1929|An Act to amend the law with respect to Customs in the Isle of Man.}}

| {{|Government of India (Aden) Act 1929|public|2|26-07-1929|An Act to enable the superintendence, direction, or control of the military government of Aden to be transferred to and vested in such person or authority as His Majesty may, by Order in Council, direct; and for purposes consequential on the matters aforesaid.}}

| {{|Unemployment Insurance Act 1929|public|3|26-07-1929|An Act to amend the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1929, with respect to the amount of the contribution to be paid under those Acts out of moneys provided by Parliament.}}

| {{|Irish Free State (Confirmation of Agreement) Act 1929|public|4|26-07-1929|An Act to confirm and give effect to a certain agreement for interpreting and supplementing Article Ten of the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland to which the force of law was given by the Irish Free State (Agreement) Act, 1922, and by the Constitution of the Irish Free State (Saorstát Eireann) Act, 1922.}}

| {{|Colonial Development Act 1929|public|5|26-07-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y|An Act to authorise the making of advances for aiding and developing agriculture and industry in certain colonies and territories, to provide for the extension of the Colonial Stock Acts, 1877 to 1900, to stock forming part of the public debt of certain protected and mandated territories, and to amend the Palestine and East Africa Loans Act, 1926, and section eleven of the Trusts (Scotland) Act, 1921.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1998) }}

| {{|Housing (Revision of Contributions) Act 1929|public|6|26-07-1929|An Act to amend the Housing Acts (Revision of Contributions) Order, 1928, made under section five of the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act, 1924, so far as it relates to houses in respect of which contributions are payable under section two of that Act.}}

| {{|Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Act 1929|public|7|26-07-1929|repealed=y|An Act to authorise the Treasury to guarantee certain loans to be raised in connection with public utility undertakings, and to authorise the giving of financial assistance in respect of expenditure incurred or loans raised for development works.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}

| {{|Land Drainage Act 1929|public|8|26-07-1929|An Act to make further provision with respect to the construction of certain references to rateable value in enactments relating to the drainage and protection of land.}}

| {{|Under Secretaries of State Act 1929|public|9|06-12-1929|An Act to indemnify certain persons from any penal consequences which they may have incurred by sitting and voting as members of the Commons House of Parliament while holding the office of Under Secretary of State, and to render valid the election of such persons.}}

| {{|Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act 1929|public|10|06-12-1929|An Act to amend the Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act, 1925, section three of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1908, section three of the Old Age Pensions Act, 1919, and the enactments regulating the right to become a voluntary contributor under the National Health Insurance Acts, 1924 to 1928, and the mode of collecting contributions under those Acts, and to provide for the exclusion of payments on account of widows' or orphans' pensions in the assessment of damages under the Fatal Accidents Acts, 1846 to 1908.}}

| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1929 (Session 2)|public|11|20-12-1929|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirty.}}

| {{|Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1929|public|12|20-12-1929|An Act to continue certain expiring laws.}}

| {{|Highlands and Islands (Medical Service) Additional Grant Act 1929|public|13|20-12-1929|An Act to make provision with respect to an additional special grant for the purpose of improving medical service in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland.}}


Local acts

{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 3) Act 1929|local|1|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Cardiff Order 1929| |po2=Gateshead Order 1929| |po3=Newcastle-upon-Tyne Order 1929| |po4=Uxbridge (Acquisition of Lands) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 7) Act 1929|local|2|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Gillingham Order 1929| |po2=Sunderland Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 8) Act 1929|local|3|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Baildon Order 1929| |po2=Cambridge Order 1929| |po3=Oswestry Order 1929| |po4=South Staffordshire Joint Smallpox Hospital Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 9) Act 1929|local|4|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Bognor (Water) Order 1929| |po2=Bognor (Acquisition of Lands) Order 1929| |po3=South Mimms Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 10) Act 1929|local|5|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Maidstone Order 1929| |po2=Northampton Order 1929| |po3=Pontardawe Order 1929| |po4=Southampton Order 1929|}}

| {{|Darlington Corporation Trolley Vehicles (Additional Routes) Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|6|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Darlington Corporation Trolley Vehicles (Additional Routes) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation Act 1929|local|7|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Cattewater Harbour Order 1929| |po2=Pembrokeshire (Neyland Landing Stage) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Kilmarnock Water Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|8|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Kilmarnock Water Order 1929|}}

| {{|London, Midland and Scottish Railway Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|9|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=London, Midland and Scottish Railway Order 1929|}}

| {{|Inverness Water and Gas Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|10|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Inverness Water and Gas Order 1929|}}

| {{|Leith Harbour and Docks Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|11|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Leith Harbour and Docks Order 1929|}}

| {{|Dunfermline and District Traction Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|12|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Dunfermline and District Traction Order 1929|}}

| {{|Falkirk and District Traction Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|13|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Falkirk and District Traction Order 1929|}}

| {{|Greenock Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|14|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Greenock Burgh Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ross and Cromarty (Dornie Bridge, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|15|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Ross and Cromarty (Dornie Bridge, &c.) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ayr Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|16|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Ayr Burgh Order 1929|}}

| {{|Dundee, Broughty Ferry and District Traction Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|17|26-07-1929|maintained=y||po1=Dundee, Broughty Ferry and District Traction Order 1929|}}

| {{|Dundee Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|18|26-07-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Dundee Corporation (Water, Transport, Finance, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1954 (2 & 3 Eliz. 2. c.ix)) }}

| {{|Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire and Dunbartonshire Education Authorities Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|19|26-07-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1995) }}

| {{|Clyde Navigation Act 1929|local|20|26-07-1929|maintained=y|repealed=n|}}

| {{|Hendon Urban District Council Act 1929|local|21|26-07-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Grand Junction Company Act 1929|local|22|26-07-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Derby Corporation Act 1929|local|23|26-07-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Barmouth Urban District Council Act 1929|local|24|26-07-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|London Electric, Metropolitan District and City and South London Railway Companies Act 1929|local|25|26-07-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Romford Gas Act 1929|local|26|26-07-1929|maintained=y|An Act to incorporate and confer powers on the Romford Gas Company.}}

| {{|Stoke-on-Trent Extension Act 1929|local|27|26-07-1929|maintained=y|An Act to extend the boundaries of the city of Stoke-on-Trent and for other purposes.}}

| {{|Sutton District Waterworks Act 1929|local|28|26-07-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Edmonton Urban District Council Act 1929|local|29|06-12-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 11) Act 1929|local|30|06-12-1929|maintained=y||po1=Brighton Order 1929| |po2=Halifax Order 1929| |po3=Upton upon Severn Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 12) Act 1929|local|31|06-12-1929|maintained=y||po1=Bradford Order 1929| |po2=Newbury (Water) Order 1929|}}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Knebworth Water) Act 1929|local|32|20-12-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Lee Valley Water Act 1959 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. li)) }}

| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (Bristol and Ross Water) Act 1929|local|33|20-12-1929|maintained=y||po1=Bristol Waterworks Order 1929| |po2=Ross Water Order 1929|}}

| {{|Lanarkshire Traction Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|34|20-12-1929|maintained=y||po1=Lanarkshire Traction Order 1929|}}

| {{|Astley Ainslie Institution Order Confirmation Act 1929|local|35|20-12-1929|maintained=y||po1=Astley Ainslie Institution Order 1929|}}

| {{|Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Act 1929|local|36|20-12-1929|maintained=y|repealed=y| |note4=
(Repealed by Tyne & Wear Act 1980 (c. xliii)) }}

| {{|Glasgow Corporation Act 1929|local|37|20-12-1929|maintained=y|}}

| {{|Birmingham Corporation (General Powers) Act 1929|local|38|20-12-1929|maintained=y|}}


See also


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