Liu Qiao
Inspector of Yuzhou (豫州刺史)
In office
MonarchEmperor Hui of Jin
Personal details
Dengzhou, Henan
Died5 May 311
Zhoukou, Henan
ChildrenLiu You
Liu Ting
ParentLiu Fu (father)
Courtesy nameZhongyan (仲彥)
PeerageMarquis of Yangzhong
Baron of Anzhong

Liu Qiao (249 – 5 May 311), courtesy name Zhongyan, was a military general of the Jin dynasty (266–420). He participated in the conquest of Wu and the subjugation of Zhang Chang's rebellion, and was active during the War of the Eight Princes. In 305, he sided with the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong, against the Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue and was a central figure in their conflict. His defeat allowed Sima Yue to overcome Sima Yong and win the civil war, but Yue pardoned him and appointed him into the new regime. He was captured and executed by the Han-Zhao general, Shi Le following the Battle of Ningping in 311.

Early life and career

Liu Qiao was a native of Anzhong County (安眾縣; in present-day Dengzhou, Henan) in Nanyang Commandery. His family claimed descent from Marquis Kang of Anzhong, Liu Dan (劉丹) from the Western Han dynasty.[1] Liu Dan was the illegitimate son of the Prince Ding of Changsha, Liu Fa (劉発), who in turn was the sixth son of Emperor Jing of Han. Liu Qiao's grandfather, Liu Zhen (劉廙), and father, Liu Fu (劉阜), were both officials of the Cao Wei dynasty. When Liu Qiao was young, he served as a Gentleman Cadet of the Imperial Library before becoming an Army Advisor to the General Who Establishes Might, Wang Rong.

In 279, Emperor Wu of Jin launched a conquest of Jin's rival state, Eastern Wu, which Wang Rong took part in. Wang Rong ordered Liu Qiao and another Army Advisor, Luo Shang, to cross the Yangzi River and capture the key city of Wuchang (武昌; present-day Ezhou, Hubei). The two were successful at their task, and after Jin conquered Wu in 280, Liu Qiao was appointed Prefect of Xingyang. He was later promoted to Equestrian Forerunner to the Crown Prince.[2]

War of the Eight Princes

Empress Jia and Sima Lun's coups

In 291, Empress Jia, wife and regent of the developmentally disabled Emperor Hui of Jin, launched a coup against her co-regent, Yang Jun. Liu Qiao sided with and helped the empress, and after Yang Jun's death, he was awarded the title of Marquis of Yangzhong and appointed as Assistant Director of the Right in the Department of State Affairs. However, in 300, when the Prince of Zhao, Sima Lun carried out his coup against Empress Jia and her family, Liu Qiao sided with Sima Lun. For his contributions, he was given the title of Baron of Anzhong and made Cavalier Attendant-in-Ordinary.[3]

Service under Sima Jiong

In 301, Liu Qiao began serving the Prince of Qi, Sima Jiong after the latter overthrew Sima Lun and took control of the government. Sima Jiong was friends with the minister, Ji Shao, who he gave special treatment by always climbing downstairs just to welcome him. Liu Qiao disapproved of this habit, and he told Sima Jiong, "When Pei Wei and Zhang Hua were killed, all the officials were afraid of Sun Xiu and dared not accept their (Pei Wei and Zhang Hua) properties. So, what fear does Ji Shao have now to stop him from hoarding the Pei family's ox carts and the Zhang family's servants? Even when Yue Guang visits you, you would not leave your bed to greet him, so why show this respect to Ji Shao?" Sima Jiong agreed and stopped. Later, Ji Shao said to Liu Qiao, "Why does the Grand General (Sima Jiong) not greet me as he used to?" to which Liu Qiao replied, "Perhaps there was a upright individual who said that you were not worthy of such welcome." When Ji Shao asked who it was, Liu Qiao only said, "He is not far away."[4]

Sima Jiong had another trusted confidant named Dong Ai (董艾), who held a significant amount of power in the imperial court. Many officials were afraid to speak out against him except for Liu Qiao. In the span of twenty days, Liu Qiao attempted to remove him from office on six separate occasions for his wrong doings. Annoyed by Liu Qiao's opposition, Dong Ai asked the Assistant Director of the Right in the Department of State Affairs, Gou Xi, to remove him from his post. Thus, Liu Qiao was demoted to Colonel of the Garrison Cavalry.[5]

Zhang Chang's Rebellion

In 303, the Man rebel, Zhang Chang, led a rebellion against Jin in Jiangxia Commandery. The court made Liu Qiao the Inspector of Yuzhou and sent him with the Inspector of Jingzhou, Liu Hong to quell the rebellion. Liu Qiao camped in Runan Commandery, and when Zhang Chang sent his general Huang Chen (黃林) with 20,000 soldiers to invade Yuzhou, Liu Qiao repelled him.[6] As Zhang Chang was quickly gaining territory, Liu Hong sent his army to fight him in Jingling while Liu Qiao sent his general, Li Yang (李楊), to capture his capital in Jiangxia.[7] Zhang Chang was decisively defeated in Jingling, and by early 304, his rebellion had ended. Due to his merits, Liu Qiao was made General of the Left.

Alliance with Sima Yong

In 304, Zhang Fang, a general of the Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong, forcibly moved Emperor Hui from Luoyang to Chang’an. In response, Liu Qiao raised troops to return the emperor to Luoyang. In 305, the anti-Sima Yong coalition acclaimed the Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, as their leader. After becoming leader, Sima Yue assigned some of his allies to new positions without the emperor's consent. Liu Qiao was transferred to General Who Stabilizes the North and Inspector of Jizhou, while his old position of Inspector of Yuzhou was given to the Prince of Fanyang, Sima Xiao. Meanwhile, the two brothers, Liu Kun and Liu Yu, and their father Liu Fan (劉蕃) were given new and higher offices by Sima Yue and Sima Xiao.

Liu Qiao felt that Sima Yue was acting beyond his discretion and abusing his power. Therefore, he turned on the coalition and sent a letter to Sima Yong's court, denouncing Liu Kun and Liu Yu for their crimes and stating his intention to attack Sima Xiao's base in Xuchang. He also sent his eldest son, Liu You (劉祐), to block Sima Yue's army at the Ling Ramparts (靈壁) in Xiao County.[8] The Prince of Dongping, Sima Mao (司馬楙), another member of the coalition, also defected to Sima Yong's side and joined forces with Liu Qiao.

When Liu Qiao's letter reached Sima Yong, an edict was issued ordering the generals, Liu Hong and Liu Zhun, and the Prince of Pengcheng, Sima Shi (司馬釋) to assist Liu Qiao against the coalition. Sima Yong also ordered his generals Zhang Fang and Lü Lang (呂朗) to march towards Xuchang while the Prince of Chengdu, Sima Ying and Shi Chao camped at Heqiao (河穚; southwest of present-day Mengzhou, Henan) to act as reserves for Liu Qiao.[9] Liu Qiao was promoted to General Who Guards The East and Credential Holder, but although Sima Yong was heavily relying on him to win the war, the prince refused to listen to any of his suggestions.[10] Meanwhile, Liu Hong tried to persuade Liu Qiao and Sima Yue to sue for peace, but both parties ignored his request.

As Xuchang was very lightly defended, Liu Qiao easily took the city and forced Liu Kun, Liu Yu and Sima Xiao to flee north. In the process, he captured Liu Fan and his wife and forced them into a prison cart.[11] Despite taking Xuchang, Sima Yong's forces were also experiencing issues as Zhang Fang refused to move his army and Liu Hong secretly defected to Sima Yue.

Not long after Xuchang fell, Sima Xiao was able to get the Inspector of Jizhou, Wen Xian (溫羨), to relinquish the office to him. The Inspector of Youzhou, Wang Jun, supported Xiao by providing him with Xianbei and Wuhuan "charging cavalry". Liu Kun and Sima Xiao crossed the Yellow River to attack Xingyang, where they killed Shi Chao and forced Liu Qiao to retreat to Kaocheng (考城, in modern Shangqiu, Henan).[12] Sima Xiao then routed Sima Mao while Liu Kun recaptured Xuchang with little resistance. Finally, Liu Kun linked up with Sima Yue, and at Qiao Commandery, they defeated and killed Liu You. The defeats in quick succession caused Liu Qiao's soldiers to scatter, and he was forced to flee to Pingshi County (平氏; in present-day Nanyang, Henan) with only 500 riders.[13]

Liu Qiao's defeat caused Sima Yong to panic and allowed Sima Yue to march west into the Guanzhong region. In 306, Sima Yue's forces captured Chang'an and retrieved Emperor Hui. Despite Liu Qiao's betrayal, Yue included him in a general amnesty and assigned him as Libationer-Advisor of the Army to the Grand Tutor.[14]

Later life and death

Liu Qiao continued to serve in the Jin administration up to his death. At the time, Jin was in a period of crisis as the Xiongnu-led Han-Zhao state sought control over northern China. In 310, Liu Qiao followed Sima Yue when he left Luoyang with his army to Xiang County (項縣; in present-day Shenqiu County, Henan). After Sima Yue died in 311, Liu Qiao was subsequently made Inspector of Yuzhou, Chief Controller of Yuzhou and General Who Guards the East. Without a leader, Sima Yue's officials agreed to go to his fief to carry out his funeral first. However, the Han-Zhao general, Shi Le, intercepted them at Ningping City and dealt them a disastrous defeat. Liu Qiao was captured and executed by being crushed by a wall alongside many other officials.[15][16]

During the end of the Jianxing era, Emperor Min of Jin posthumously appointed him as Minister of Works. He was succeeded by at least one son named Liu Ting (劉挺), and his descendants can be traced all the way to the Tang dynasty. Among his descendants were Empress Liu of the Huan Chu dynasty and the Tang chancellor, Liu Ji.


  1. (劉喬,字仲彥,南陽人也。其先漢宗室,封安眾侯,傳襲曆三代。祖暠,魏侍中。父阜,陳留相。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  2. (伐吳之役,戎使喬與參軍羅尚濟江,破武昌,還授滎陽令,遷太子洗馬。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  3. (以誅楊駿功,賜爵關中侯,拜尚書右丞。豫誅賈謐,封安眾男,累遷散騎常侍。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  4. (喬言於冏曰;「裴、張之誅,朝臣畏憚孫秀,故不敢不受財物。嵇紹今何所逼忌,故畜裴家車牛、張家奴婢邪?樂彥輔來,公未嘗下床,何獨加敬於紹?」冏乃止。紹謂喬曰:「大司馬何故不復迎客?」。喬曰:「似有正人言,以卿不足迎者。」紹曰:「正人為誰?」喬曰:「其則不遠。」) Jin Shu, vol.61
  5. (冏腹心董艾勢傾朝廷,百僚莫敢忤旨。喬二旬之中,奏劾艾罪釁者六。艾諷尚書右丞苟晞免喬官,復為屯騎校尉。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  6. (朝廷以屯騎校尉劉喬爲豫州刺史,寧朔將軍沛國劉弘爲荊州刺史... 於是劉喬屯汝南... 昌遣其將黃林帥二萬人向豫州,劉喬擊卻之。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.85
  7. (...劉喬遣其將李楊等向江夏。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.85
  8. (越承制以豫州刺史劉喬爲冀州刺史,以范陽王虓領豫州刺史;喬以虓非天子命,發兵拒之。虓以劉琨爲司馬,越以劉蕃爲淮北護軍,劉輿爲潁川太守。喬上尚書,列輿兄弟罪惡,因引兵攻許,遣長子祐將兵拒越於蕭縣之靈壁,越兵不能進。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
  9. (會得劉喬上事,冬,十月,丙子,下詔稱:「劉輿迫脅范陽王虓,造搆凶逆。其令鎭南大將軍劉弘、平南將軍彭城王釋、征東大將軍劉準,各勒所統,與劉喬幷力;以張方爲大都督,統精卒十萬,與呂朗共會許昌,誅輿兄弟。」釋,宣帝弟子穆王權之孫也。丁丑,顒使成都王穎領將軍劉褒等,前車騎將軍石超領北中郎將王闡等據河穚,爲劉喬繼援;進喬鎭東將軍,假節。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
  10. (時河間王顒方距關東,倚喬為助,不納其言。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  11. (輿弟琨率眾救虓,未至而虓敗,虓乃與琨俱奔河北。未幾,琨率突騎五千濟河攻喬,喬劫琨父蕃,以檻車載之,據考城以距虓,眾不敵而潰。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  12. (琨遂與虓引兵濟河,斬石超於滎陽。劉喬自考城引退。虓遣琨及督護田徽東擊東平王楙於廩丘,楙走還國。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.86
  13. (劉琨分兵向許昌,許昌人納之。琨自滎陽率兵迎越,遇祐,眾潰見殺。喬眾遂散,與五百騎奔平氏。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  14. (帝還洛陽,大赦,越復表喬為太傅軍諮祭酒。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  15. (越薨,復以喬為都督豫州諸軍事、鎮東將軍、豫州刺史。卒于官,時年六十三。) Jin Shu, vol.61
  16. (謂其党孔萇曰:「吾行天下多矣,未嘗見如此人,當可活不?」萇曰:「彼晉之三公,必不為我盡力,又何足貴乎!」勒曰:「要不可加以鋒刃也。」使人夜排牆填殺之。) Jin Shu, vol.43
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