Gou Xi
Inspector of Yanzhou
In office
304 (304)–311 (311)
MonarchsEmperor Hui of Jin
Emperor Huai of Jin
Grand General (大將軍)
In office
311 (311)–311 (311)
MonarchEmperor Huai of Jin
Grand Commander (大都督)
In office
311 (311)–311 (311)
MonarchEmperor Huai of Jin
Personal details
Shanyang County, Shaanxi
Died7 October 311
RelationsGou Chun (brother)
OccupationGeneral and politician
Courtesy nameDaojiang (道將)
PeerageMarquis of Dongping
Duke of Dongping
NicknameButcher (屠伯)

Gou Xi (died 7 October 311[1]), courtesy name Daojiang, was a Chinese military commander of the Western Jin Dynasty. He came to prominence as a general under the Prince of Donghai, Sima Yue, after he quelled the rebellions of Gongshi Fan (公師藩), Ji Sang and Shi Le. Sima Yue initially valued Gou Xi, but after Gou Xi was constantly antagonized by Yue, their relationship broke down in 310. Gou Xi plotted with Emperor Huai of Jin to overthrow Yue from power, which caused Yue to die of stress shortly after, and Gou Xi being instated to the positions of Grand General and Grand Commander.  However, their victory was short-lived due to the Disaster of Yongjia, which saw Emperor Huai and Luoyang’s capture at the hands of Han-Zhao forces in 311. That same year, Gou Xi was captured and later executed by Shi Le.

War of the Eight Princes and suppressing Sima Ying's loyalists

Early career

Gou Xi hailed from Shanyang County in Henei Commandery and was of humble origins. He was first employed under Shi Jian who later recommended him to Sima Yue[2] to serve as his General Secretary and Prefect of Yangping. Following the fall of Sima Lun in May 301, Gou Xi went to serve the Grand General Sima Jiong. After Jiong was killed by Sima Ai in January 303, Gou Xi was removed from the government for a brief period before Ai brought Gou Xi back to work under him.[3] In 304, Gou Xi participated in Sima Yue's campaign against Sima Ying which ended in defeat for Yue at Dangyin (蕩陰; in present-day Anyang, Henan). Gou Xi was captured, but after Sima Ying was lost to Wang Jun that same year, Gou Xi escaped to Sima Yue's brother, Sima Xiao (司馬虓), who appointed him Inspector of Yanzhou.

Defeating Gongshi Fan and Ji Sang

By 305, Sima Ying had been removed from his position as Crown Younger Prince by Sima Yong. The people of Hebei still supported Ying at this point and were angered by the decision. Because of this, former generals of Ying led by Gongshi Fan rebelled in the region, attacking many local counties and commanderies before making their way to Yecheng. Gou Xi through Sima Xiao’s order reinforced the city and turned away the rebels. In 306, Gou Xi’s army killed Gongshi Fan while he and his soldiers were trying to cross the Yellow River from Baima (白馬; near present-day Hua County, Henan).[4]

However, two of Gongshi Fan's followers, Ji Sang and Shi Le, survived and fled to the pastures to raise their own army. In 307, claiming of wanting to avenge Sima Ying, they sacked Yecheng, killed the city's commander Sima Teng, and stole the coffin of Sima Ying (who died in 306) before invading Yanzhou. Sima Yue tasked Gou Xi and Wang Zan (王讚) in defeating the rebels. Gou Xi and Ji Sang and Shi Le's forces were locked in a stalemate for several months at Pingyuan and Yangping (陽平; in present-day Shen County, Shandong) while Sima Yue provided Gou Xi with support from Guandu (官渡; northeast of present-day Zhongmu County, Henan). On 14 September, Gou Xi finally landed a decisive victory over Ji Sang at Dongwuyang County (東武陽; in present-day Shen County, Shandong), forcing Ji Sang and Shi Le to fall back to Qingyuan County (清淵; in present-day Linxi County, Hebei).[5] Gou Xi pursued the duo and broke through eight ramparts, killing more than ten thousand of the rebels. The pair decided to flee to Liu Yuan's state of Han-Zhao, but were forced to split up after they were intercepted and routed by Ding Shao (丁紹) along the way.[6] Shi Le eventually found his way to Liu Yuan while Ji Sang was killed by the Qihuo group.

Gou Xi's feats in defeating Gongshi Fan, Ji Sang and Shi Le made him highly revered by the populace of his time. Many compared him to the ancient generals Han Xin and Bai Qi. By the time Ji Sang was defeated, Sima Yue had already established himself as Jin's paramount leader from his civil war with Sima Yong. As reward for quelling the rebellions, Sima Yue made Gou Xi General Who Nurtures The Army and Chief Controller in Qingzhou and Yanzhou.[7]

During Sima Yue's regency

Fall out with Sima Yue

In Yanzhou, Gou Xi was said to have administered well while enforcing strict laws over the provinces. Sima Yue and Gou Xi were both initially on good terms to the point that they were described as close as brothers whenever they were in court. However, their relationship began to crack when, at the advice of Pan Tao (潘滔), Sima Yue appointed himself the Governor and acting Chief Controller of Yanzhou while moving Gou Xi to positions in Qingzhou. Sima Yue and Pan Tao both saw Yanzhou as a strategically important province and did not trust Gou Xi in holding it.[8] When Gou Xi arrived in Qingzhou to assume his posts, he immediately implemented excessively strict laws and oversaw many executions each day, earning him the nickname 'Butcher (屠伯)'. In 307, the Administrator of Dunqiu (頓丘, in present-day Qingfeng County, Henan) Wei Zhi (魏植), rebelled in Yanzhou, but was quickly defeated by Gou Xi. During his absence, Gou Xi left his brother, Gou Chun (苟纯), in charge of Qingzhou, and Gou Chun carried out more executions than his brother had.[9]

At the time, the powerful bandit, Wang Mi was terrorizing Yanzhou and Qingzhou. After Wang Mi defeated Sima Yue's general Ju Xian (派鞠), Gou Xi attacked Wang Mi and routed him, dispersing his troops.[10] However, Wang Mi returned with more momentum in 308 to pillage Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou and Yuzhou. This time, Gou Xi was unable to defeat him. Wang Mi eventually looted the Xuchang and tried to capture Luoyang but, fortunately for Jin, he was turned back by Wang Yan.

While Gou Xi and Sima Yue's relationship deteriorated, Gou Xi was constantly slandered to Sima Yue by Pan Tao and Yue's other advisors. In 310, Gou Xi became furious about this issue and sent a petition to Yue asking him to behead the slanderers, but Yue refused. This was the breaking point for Sima Yue and Gou Xi, as shortly after, Gou Xi began sending proclamations in his provinces alleging and denouncing Yue for his offences and calling for a campaign against him. Meanwhile, Emperor Huai of Jin, who hated Sima Yue for abusing his power, decided to reach out to Gou Xi and collaborate with him, which Gou Xi agreed to.[11]

Alliance with Emperor Huai

Emperor Huai's first edict to him was to put down Wang Mi and his subordinate Cao Ni, who were now generals of Han-Zhao, as they were threatening the Luoyang region again. Gou Xi did so, but had to return to Qingzhou when Cao Ni broke into Langye. Gou Xi defeated Cao Ni several times, but in January 311, Gou Xi conceded a devastating lost to Cao Ni at Linzi due to strong winds blowing dust and obstructing his army's vision. Gou Xi fled to Gaoping in the middle of the night while many of his soldiers surrendered to Cao Ni. At Gaoping, Gou Xi gathered new troops and rebuilt his army.[12]

Soon after, Emperor Huai secretly wrote an edict and sent it to Gou Xi ordering him to campaign against Sima Yue. However, Yue had previously noticed that Emperor Huai and Gou Xi were exchanging letters frequently, and this time he sent his cavalry to intercept Emperor Huai's envoys. Upon knowing the content of the edict, Sima Yue denounced Gou Xi and sent Yang Mao (楊瑁) and Pei Dun (裴盾) to campaign against him. Gou Xi in response sent his soldiers to capture Pan Tao. Pan Tao escaped, but his colleagues Liu Zeng (劉曾) and Cheng Yan (程延) were executed by Gou Xi. Overly stressed with the situation at hand, Yue soon died of illness.[13]

Disaster of Yongjia and death

With Sima Yue's death, Emperor Huai appointed Gou Xi the Grand General, Grand Commander, and Chief Controller of Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Jingzhou, and Yangzhou, giving him very significant power over the state's military. Gou Xi wrote a petition to the emperor asking him to move the capital over to Cangyuan (倉垣, in present-day Kaifeng, Henan) in Yanzhou. Gou Xi even sent his official, Liu Hui (劉會), with boats, 500 guards and grains to escort the Emperor from Luoyang. Emperor Huai wanted to go, but later refused at the behest of his ministers who did not want to leave their property behind. Luoyang was in a dire situation at this point due to an ongoing famine and the Han-Zhao threat, but Emperor Huai faced a number of difficulties in trying to leave the capital. In the end, Han-Zhao forces captured Luoyang as well as the Emperor himself in July 311.[14]

Emperor Huai's surviving son, Sima Duan (司馬端), fled to Cangyuan, where Gou Xi proclaimed him as the new crown prince and moved his base to Mengcheng. In his final days, Gou Xi grew very cruel and indulgent. His advisors Yan Heng (閻亨) and Ming Yu (明預) criticized him for this, but Gou executed the former and ignored the latter. Because of this, Gou Xi alienated himself from his supporters. Shi Le, now a general of Han-Zhao, captured Wang Zan at Yangxia (陽夏; present-day Taikang County, Henan) and pressed on to Mengcheng where he defeated Gou Xi. Shi Le placed a lock around Gou Xi's neck and made him his Marshal of the Left. Just a month later, Gou Xi plotted with Wang Zan to assassinate Shi Le, but the plan was discovered, and Shi Le put the two of them as well as Gou Chun to death.[15]


  1. guihai day of the 9th month of the 5th year of the Yong'jia era, per Emperor Huai's biography in Book of Jin
  2. Gou Xi's biography in Book of Jin indicated that Sima Yue was already Prince of Donghai at this point. Thus, Gou Xi first joined Sima Yue between October 291 and June 301.
  3. (齐王冏辅政,晞参冏军事,拜尚书右丞,转左丞,廉察诸曹,八坐以下皆侧目惮之。及冏诛,晞亦坐免。长沙王乂为骠骑将军,以晞为从事中郎。) Book of Jin, Volume 61
  4. (公師藩自白馬南渡河,兗州刺史苟晞討斬之。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 86
  5. (八月,己卯朔,苟晞擊汲桑於東武陽,大破之。桑退保清淵。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 86
  6. (苟晞追擊汲桑,破其八壘,死者萬餘人。桑與石勒收餘衆,將奔漢,冀州刺史譙國丁紹邀之於赤橋,又破之。桑奔馬牧,勒奔樂平。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 86
  7. (威名甚盛,時人擬之韓白。進位撫軍將軍、假節、都督青兗諸軍事,封東平郡侯,邑萬戶。) Book of Jin, Volume 61
  8. (長史潘滔說之曰:「兗州天下樞要,公宜自牧。」及轉苟晞為青州刺史,由是與晞有隙。尋詔越為丞相,領兗州牧,督兗、豫、司、冀、幽、并六州。越辭丞相不受,自許遷於鄄城。) Book of Jin, Volume 59
  9. (晞至青州,以嚴刻立威,日行斬戮,州人謂之「屠伯」。頓丘太守魏植爲流民所逼,衆五六萬,大掠兗州,晞出屯無鹽以討之。以弟純領青州,刑殺更甚於晞。晞討植,破之。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 86
  10. (州刺史苟晞逆擊彌,大破之。) Book of Jin, Volume 100
  11. (时潘滔及尚书刘望等共诬陷晞,晞怒,表求滔等首,又请越从事中郎刘洽为军司,越皆不许。晞于是昌言曰:“司马元超为宰相不平,使天下淆乱,苟道将岂可以不义使之?韩信不忍衣食之惠,死于妇人之手。今将诛国贼,尊王室,桓文岂远哉!”乃移告诸州,称己功伐,陈越罪状。) Book of Jin, Volume 61
  12. (會王彌遣曹嶷破琅邪,北攻齊地。苟純城守,嶷眾轉盛,連營數十里。晞還,登城望之,有懼色,與賊連戰,輒破之。後簡精銳,與賊大戰,會大風揚塵,遂敗績,棄城夜走。嶷追至東山,部眾皆降嶷。晞單騎奔高平,收邸閣,募得數千人。) Book of Jin, Volume 61
  13. (而苟晞又表討越,語在《晞傳》。越專擅威權,圖為霸業,朝賢素望,選為佐吏,名將勁卒,充於己府,不臣之跡,四海所知。而公私罄乏,所在寇亂,州郡攜貳,上下崩離,禍結釁深,遂憂懼成疾。永嘉五年,薨于項。秘不發喪。以襄陽王范為大將軍,統其眾。還葬東海... 天下歸罪於越。帝發詔貶越為縣王。何倫、李惲聞越之死,秘不發喪,奉妃裴氏及毗出自京邑,從者傾城,所經暴掠。) Book of Jin, Volume 59
  14. (苟晞表請遷都倉垣,使從事中郎劉會將船數十艘、宿衞五百人、穀千斛迎帝。帝將從之,公卿猶豫,左右戀資財,遂不果行。旣而洛陽饑困,人相食,百官流亡者什八九。帝召公卿議,將行而衞從不備。帝撫手歎曰︰「如何曾無車輿!」乃使傅祗出詣河陰,治舟楫,朝士數十人導從。帝步出西掖門,至銅駝街,爲盜所掠,不得進而還。) Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 87
  15. (晞以京邑荒馑日甚,寇难交至,表请迁都,遣从事中郎刘会领船数十艘,宿卫五百人,献谷千斛以迎帝。朝臣多有异同。俄而京师陷,晞与王赞屯仓垣。豫章王端及和郁等东奔晞,晞群官尊端为皇太子,置行台。端承制以晞领太子太傅、都督中外诸军、录尚书,自仓垣徙屯蒙城,赞屯阳夏。晞出于孤微,位至上将,志颇盈满,奴婢将千人,侍妾数十,终日累夜不出户庭,刑政苛虐,纵情肆欲。辽西阎亨以书固谏,晞怒,杀之。晞从事中郎明预有疾居家,闻之,乃举病谏晞曰:“皇晋遭百六之数,当危难之机,明公亲禀庙算,将为国家除暴。阎亨美士,奈何无罪一旦杀之!”晞怒白;“我自杀阎亨,何关人事,而举病来骂我!”左右为之战栗,预曰:“以明公以礼见进,预欲以礼自尽。今明公怒预,其若远近怒明公何!昔尧舜之在上也,以和理而兴;桀纣之在上也,以恶逆而灭。天子且犹如此,况人臣乎!愿明公且置其怒而思预之言。”晞有惭色。由是众心稍离,莫为致用,加以疾疫饥馑,其将温畿、傅宣皆叛之。石勒攻阳夏,灭王赞,驰袭蒙城,执晞,署为司马,月余乃杀之。) Book of Jin, Volume 61
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