Wafaa Abed Al Razzaq (Arabic: وفاء عبد الرزاق) is an Iraqi poet and writer. She was born in 1952 in Basra, Iraq. She currently resides in London, UK, and holds a bachelor's degree in accounting.


  • Mitropolite Nicholaous No'man Prize of Human Virtues, for the script entitled From the War Child's Diary – 2008
  • The Golden Anka’a Medal of literary Creation[1] – The International Golden Anka’a Festival – 2008


Wafaa Abed Al Razzaq has participated in a number of poetry festivals and in the foundation of:

  • The White Palm Tree Gallery – Iraq
  • The White Palm Tree House for custody and re-qualifying street children in Iraq


  • Ambassador of Iraqi Orphan Children in Iraq – London
  • Supervisor for broad follow-up - International Golden Al–Anqa’a Touring Festival
  • Foundation member at the Hope messenger Association - London
  • Iraqi Writers Union – Iraq
  • Exiled Writers Ink – London, UK
  • Poets Around the World Movement – Chile
  • Iraqi Association, member of the administration committee, head of the cultural committee – auditor of Iraqi association newspaper (AL Muntada) – London, UK
  • Arabic Union for Internet Writers
  • Syrian Story Friends Association – Syria
  • Poetas del Mundo
  • In addition to many other associations and organizations


  • Seven poetry books in traditional Arabic language, published between 1999 and 2008, in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq.
  • Seven poetry books in Iraqi spoken language published between 1996 and 1999, in Abu Dhabi and Jordan.
  • Six poetry CD's in Iraqi spoken language – poetry reading accompanied by music
  • Two short story books, published in 2000, Al-Kindi editor, Jordan
  • Three novels published between 2000 and 2001, Al-Kindi editor, Jordan
  • One poetic novel published in 2001, Al-Kindi editor, Jordan


From the War Child's Diary, translated from Arabic to French by Hédia DRIDI, co-revised by Josyane De Jesus-Bergey and Mohamed Rafrafi and published by L'Harmattan Edition, Paris, December 2008, with the title: Mémoires de l'enfant de la guerre – Ne volez pas ma voix.

Currently under publication

From the War Child's Diary: a poetry book that carries a message against war and calls for world peace. The book is currently under production for an 80-minute film against war.

  • Wafaa Abed Al Razzaq has been published in several Arabic-language magazines and newspapers
  • Some of her poems have been translated into English, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish and Persian.

See also


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