Vjerica Radeta
Вјерица Радета
Vice President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
In office
6 June 2016  3 August 2020
Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia
In office
3 June 2016  3 August 2020
In office
25 August 2003  31 May 2012
Substitute Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
In office
25 June 2007  1 October 2012
Personal details
Vjerica Maljković

(1955-10-15) 15 October 1955
Livno, PR Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia
Political partySerbian Radical Party
EducationFaculty of Law
Alma materUniversity of Sarajevo

Vjerica Radeta (née Maljković; Serbian Cyrillic: Вјерица Радета, née Маљковић; born 15 October 1955) is a Serbian politician. She is a prominent figure in the far-right Serbian Radical Party (Srpska radikalna stranka, SRS) and has served several terms in the National Assembly of Serbia.

Early life and career

Radeta was born in Livno, in what was then the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. A graduate of the University of Sarajevo's law faculty, she later moved to Serbia and now resides in the Belgrade municipality of Zemun.[1][2] She was secretary of the Zemun municipal assembly in the late 1990s, at a time when the Radicals governed the municipality.


The late Milošević years (1998–2000)

After several years in opposition, the Radical Party joined a coalition government led by the Socialist Party of Serbia (Socijalistička partija Srbije, SPS) in February 1998, and Radeta was afterward appointed as a deputy minister of justice in the government of Serbian prime minister Mirko Marjanović.[3] In February 2000, in the aftermath of the Kosovo War, she was included on a list of Serbian government officials banned from travelling to European Union countries.[4]

Radeta was given the fifth and final position on the Radical Party's electoral list for New Belgrade in the 2000 Yugoslavian parliamentary election.[5] The Radicals won a single seat in the division, which was automatically assigned to their first-ranked candidate, party leader Vojislav Šešelj.[6] Radeta also ran for the City Assembly of Belgrade in the concurrent 2000 Serbian local elections and lost to a candidate of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (Demokratska opozicija Srbije, DOS) in Zemun's eleventh division.

Both the parliamentary and the local elections were overshadowed by the 2000 Yugoslavian presidential election, in which SPS leader and incumbent president Slobodan Milošević was defeated by DOS candidate Vojislav Koštunica. This was a watershed event in the political culture of Yugoslavia and Serbia; the Marjanović government fell shortly after Milošević's defeat, and Radeta's tenure as a deputy minister came to an end.

Parliamentarian (2003–2012)

Živković and Koštunica administrations (2003–08)

Radeta received the forty-second position on the Radical Party's electoral list in the 2000 Serbian parliamentary election, which was held after Milošević's fall from power.[7] The SRS won twenty-three seats, and Radeta was not initially included in its assembly delegation. (From 2000 to 2011, Serbian parliamentary mandates were awarded to sponsoring parties or coalitions rather than to individual candidates, and it was common practice for the mandates to be assigned out of numerical order. Radeta could have been included in the SRS delegation at the start of parliament notwithstanding her position on the list, but she was not.)[8] The DOS won a landslide victory, and the Radical Party served in opposition. Radeta ultimately received a mandate on 25 March 2003 as the replacement for another SRS member who had resigned.[9]

She was given the thirty-fifth position on the Radical Party's list in the 2003 Serbian parliamentary election and was awarded a mandate for a second term when the list won eighty-two seats.[10][11] Although the Radicals won more seats than any other party in this election, they fell well short of a majority and continued to serve in opposition. During this term, Radeta served as deputy chair of the judiciary and administration committee and was a member of the committee on constitutional affairs.[12] In 2005, she attempted to amend Serbia's information law to ban the registration of media outlets that, in her words, "report[ed] notorious lies by pathological liar Nataša Kandić," a Serbian human rights activist and vocal opponent of Serbian nationalism.[13]

Radeta appeared in the fifth position on the SRS list for the Zemun municipal assembly in the 2004 Serbian local elections and was elected when the list won a plurality victory with twenty-six out of fifty-seven mandates.[14][15][16] She did not seek re-election at the local level in 2008.

She was again included on the Radical Party's list in the 2007 parliamentary election and was given a mandate for a third term when the party won eighty-one seats.[17][18] As before, the Radicals won the greatest number of seats but could not form government and remained in opposition. Radeta again served on the justice and constitutional affairs committees and was deputy chair of the legislative committee; she was also a member of Serbia's republic election commission during this time.[19][20]

Cvetković administration (2008–12)

Radeta appeared in the eighth position on the SRS list in the 2008 parliamentary election and was again included in her party's delegation when the list won seventy-eight seats.[21][22] The results of this election were inconclusive, and the Radicals afterward held discussions with the Democratic Party of Serbia (Demokratska stranka Srbije, DSS) and the Socialists about forming a coalition government. This ultimately did not happen; the Socialists instead joined a coalition government led by the For a European Serbia (Za evropsku Srbiju, ZES) alliance, and the Radicals continued in opposition. In this term, Radeta again served on the legislative, constitutional affairs, and justice committees and was a member of the committee on interethnic relations and the parliamentary friendship group with Japan.[23]

In July 2008, Radeta took part in a Belgrade rally against the Serbian government's decision to extradite former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague for crimes committed during the Bosnian War. During a Radical Party press conference, she said that Serbian president Boris Tadić could meet the same fate as Zoran Đinđić, the former Serbian prime minister who was assassinated in 2003 after approving the extradition of Slobodan Milošević.[24] Radeta was quoted as saying, "We are not threatening (him), but we are warning of the curse which followed all the traitors in Serbian history."[25] She also said that the Radicals had asked the Serbian Orthodox Church to state its opinion on the extradition, on the grounds that only the church could formally excommunicate members and cast anathemas on them; the party's hope was that the church would take these steps against Tadić.[26] Radeta's comments were widely reported in the international media, including the New York Times.[27] Nada Kolundžija, a prominent member of Tadić's Democratic Party (Demokratska stranka, DS), stated that "Radeta's comments could be interpreted as a call for violence, as justification for [Đinđić]'s murder." Some of Tadić's supporters called for legal action to be taken against Radeta.[28]

The Radical Party experienced a serious split later in 2008, with several prominent members joining the more moderate Serbian Progressive Party (Srpska napredna stranka, SNS) under the leadership of Tomislav Nikolić and Aleksandar Vučić. Radeta remained with the Radicals and was considered a leading figure in the party's hardline wing.[29][30] During an assembly debate in September 2008, after Karadžić's extradition, Radeta shouted, "A curse on every Radical, on his seed and family, who ever meets with Tadić after the shameful extradition." The Economist noted that this comment was directed at Nikolić, who had met with Tadić to ensure the passage of a key agreement with the European Union.[31]

Serbia's electoral system was reformed in 2011, such that parliamentary mandates were awarded in numerical order to candidates on successful lists. Radeta received the sixth position on the Radical Party's list in the 2012 parliamentary election and was given the same position in the 2014 election.[32][33] The party fell below the electoral threshold both times.

Return to parliament and after (2016–present)

The Radicals won twenty-two seats in the 2016 parliamentary election. Radeta, who again received the sixth position on the party's list, was elected to a fifth term.[34] The Radicals once again served in opposition, and Radeta became the deputy leader of her party's assembly group. At the beginning of this parliament, she was selected as one of its six deputy speakers.[35] She was also a member of the committee on constitutional and legal issues; a member of the committee on the judiciary, public administration, and local self-government; a member of the committee on the rights of the child; a deputy member of the committee on administrative, budgetary, mandate, and immunity issues; and a member of the parliamentary friendship groups with Belarus, Russia, and Venezuela.[36]

Radeta insulted Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina leader Tomislav Žigmanov in May 2018, calling him an Ustasha.[37]

On 24 July 2018, Radeta responded to the death of Hatidža Mehmedović, founder of the Mothers of Srebrenica organization, by tweeting, "Who is going to bury her? The husband or sons?" Mehmedović's husband and two sons were killed by Serb forces in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, and Radeta's comment was immediately condemned by several politicians and human rights groups in Serbia. Zorana Mihajlović, one of Serbia's deputy prime ministers, said, "we are used to listening to the ugliest words from the [Radical Party] officials, but I could not believe that they are so shameless to offend the dead [...] this is not the shame for the Radicals, it is a disgrace for those who voted for them and brought them to the parliament." Representatives of the Sandžak Council for Protection of Human Rights and Freedom urged Serbian civil society and media to distance themselves from "this sublimate of fascism" and "clearly reject it and support justice for both dead and alive.”[38]

Radeta deleted her Twitter account in the aftermath of this controversy. Šešelj contended that Radeta's tweet had been "clumsily" expressed and its meaning misunderstood: Radeta, he said, had meant to imply that Mehmedović's husband and sons had faked their deaths and were still alive in exile under assumed names.[39] An article in the newspaper Politika from this period noted that Radeta was known for using extremely abusive language on Twitter long before this specific controversy and observed that, "it would be hard for a respectable newspaper to reprint even a fraction of the epithets that the Deputy Speaker of the Assembly of Serbia used in reference to her various opponents."[40]

She was given the fifth position on the SRS list in the 2020 parliamentary election and was promoted to the fourth position in the 2022 parliamentary election.[41][42] In both cases, the list failed to cross the electoral threshold.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Radeta was appointed as a substitute member of Serbia's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on 25 June 2007 and continued in this role until 1 November 2012. For most of her tenure, she was a member of the social, health, and family affairs committee. She did not serve with any political grouping.[43]

Warrant for arrest

In January 2015, Radeta and two other members of the Radical Party (Petar Jojić and Jovo Ostojić) were charged with contempt of court by the ICTY for having allegedly "threatened, intimidated, offered bribes to or otherwise interfered with" witnesses in the trial of party leader Vojislav Šešelj.[44] According to Agence France Presse, Radeta was specifically accused of having "contacted a prosecution witness and [telling] him Šešelj's lawyers 'would help him' if he changed his testimony" in a contempt of court case against the Radical Party leader. The witness was described as having later received a monthly payment from the Radical Party and a list of questions and answers to memorize.[45]

The three accused SRS members declined to go to The Hague to face the charges, and the Belgrade Higher Court subsequently ruled that the country was not obligated to extradite them. The ruling indicated that Serbian law only requires the extradition of persons accused of serious offences such as war crimes, not those accused of contempt of court or other comparatively minor crimes.[46] The tribunal continued to demand that the three Radicals be extradited, arguing that Serbia's existing legal framework could not be used as an excuse for non-compliance and urging the country to change its legislation to comply with the arrest warrants.[47] Foreign affairs minister Ivica Dačić responded in August 2016 that Serbia's law on extraditions had been adopted by the Serbian parliament in cooperation with international agencies, that no objections were raised at the time, and that the tribunal had no authority to propose changes.[48]

In March 2017, Interpol issued high-priority red notices for the arrests of Radeta and her two colleagues.[49] Rasim Ljajić, a deputy prime minister of Serbia, responded by stating that, "There is a Serbian court ruling that they will not be surrendered. There is no legal ground for this [extradition], and we have to respect the conclusions of the independent judicial authorities."[50]

With the wrapping up of the ICTY in December 2017, the case was transferred to the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT).[51] The matter remains unresolved as of 2022. Both Radeta and Jojić continued to serve in the national assembly until 3 August 2020. Ostojić died of natural causes in June 2017 without having been arrested or extradited.[52]

In December 2020, the IRMCT reiterated its demand that Radeta and Jojić be extradited to The Hague.[53] In June of the following year, Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić reaffirmed his government's view that the decision of the Belgrade Higher Court was binding and that the two accused would not be extradited.[54]

Electoral record

Local (Belgrade)

2000 City Assembly of Belgrade election: Zemun Division 11
Vladan Janićijević (incumbent) (***WINNER***)Democratic Opposition of Serbia
Dragan LukićSocialist Party of SerbiaYugoslav Left
Ranko MilićevićSerbian Renewal Movement
Vjerica MaljkovićSerbian Radical Party
Živan SelakovićWorkers' Party of Yugoslavia
Dragan SimićCitizens' Group
Source: [55]


  1. VJERICA RADETA, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 6 June 2018.
  2. VJERICA RADETA, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 6 June 2018.
  3. VJERICA RADETA, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 6 June 2018.
  4. "Prosiren spisak lica koja ne mogu dobiti vize za zemlje EU", B92, 28 February 2000, accessed 6 September 2018.
  6. ИЗБОРИ 2000: ВЕЋЕ РЕПУБЛИКА И ВЕЋЕ ГРАЂАНА САВЕЗНЕ СКУПШТИНЕ, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Department of Statistics (2000), pp. 40, 59.
  7. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 23. децембра 2000. године и 10. јануара 2001. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (1 Српска радикална странка – др Војислав Шешељ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 2 July 2021.
  8. Serbia's Law on the Election of Representatives (2000) stipulated that parliamentary mandates would be awarded to electoral lists (Article 80) that crossed the electoral threshold (Article 81), that mandates would be given to candidates appearing on the relevant lists (Article 83), and that the submitters of the lists were responsible for selecting their parliamentary delegations within ten days of the final results being published (Article 84). See Law on the Election of Representatives, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 35/2000, made available via LegislationOnline, accessed 28 February 2017.
  9. DRUGA SEDNICA, PRVOG REDOVNOG ZASEDANJA, 25.03.2003., Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 6 September 2018.
  10. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 28. децембра 2003. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (2. СРПСКА РАДИКАЛНА СТРАНКА - др ВОЈИСЛАВ ШЕШЕЉ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 2 July 2021.
  11. PRVA SEDNICA, 27.01.2004., Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 18 May 2018.
  12. СПИСАК НАРОДНИХ ПОСЛАНИКА "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2007-01-07. Retrieved 2022-06-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 14 May 2021.
  13. "Serbia: B92TV receives bomb threats after broadcasting war-crimes video," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 15 July 2005 (Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 1236 gmt 15 Jul 05).
  14. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 24 (8 September 2004), p. 47.
  15. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 32 (11 November 2004), p. 3.
  16. In the 2004 local elections, the first one-third of mandates were awarded to candidates on successful lists in numerical order. Radeta was automatically elected. See Law on Local Elections Archived 2021-06-02 at the Wayback Machine, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 33/2002; made available via LegislationOnline, accessed 29 May 2021.
  17. Radeta received the twelfth position. See Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 21. јануара и 8. фебрауара 2007. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (4 Српска радикална странка - др Војислав Шешељ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 2 July 2021.
  18. 14 February 2007 legislature, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 5 March 2017.
  19. СПИСАК НАРОДНИХ ПОСЛАНИКА "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2008-03-03. Retrieved 2022-06-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link), National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 14 May 2021.
  20. "New Serbian parliament constituted," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 14 February 2007 (Source: Radio B92 text website, Belgrade, in Serbian 1435 gmt 14 Feb 07).
  21. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 11. маја 2008. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (4 СРПСКА РАДИКАЛНА СТРАНКА - Др ВОЈИСЛАВ ШЕШЕЉ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 2 July 2021.
  22. 11 June 2008 legislature, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 5 March 2017.
  23. ВЈЕРИЦА РАДЕТА, Archived 2012-01-16 at the Wayback Machine, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 4 June 2022.
  24. Jovana Gec, "Deadline for Karadzic to file appeal passes amid efforts to stall his extradition," Associated Press Newswires, 25 July 2008.
  25. Suzana Markovic, "Serb hardliners use Karadzic to turn up heat on pro-EU gov't," Agence France Presse, 26 July 2008. Radeta's precise words were reported and translated differently by different media sources.
  26. "Radicals' warns president of historical 'curse' on Serbian 'traitors,'," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 25 July 2008 (Source: Radio B92 text website, Belgrade, in English 1341 gmt 25 Jul 08).
  27. See for instance "Serb's Extradition Is Challenged Over Arrest Details," New York Times, 26 July 2008, p. 10; Damir Marusic, "Don't Rest on Tadic's Laurels," Wall Street Journal, 29 July 2008, p. 13; Ian Traynor, "Serbia war crimes: Lukewarm turnout at mass rally for Karadzic," The Guardian, 30 July 2008, p. 14; Robert Marquand, "Serb radicals rally around Karadzic," Christian Science Monitor, 30 July 2008, p. 8; "Karadzic lawyer confirms appeal," Al Jazeera English, 27 July 2008; Neil MacDonald, "Belgrade prepares for Karadzic backlash," Financial Times, 27 July 2008; "Radicals threaten Serb leader's life," The Australian, 28 July 2008, p. 15; "Anwalt legt Einspruch gegen Karadzics Auslieferung ein," AP German Worldstream, 26 July 2008; "Death threats to Serbian president over Karadzic arrest," Trend News Agency (Azerbaijan), 26 July 2008.
  28. "Serbian Democrats want Radicals prosecuted for 'death threats' to president," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 26 July 2008 (Source: Radio B92 text website, Belgrade, in English 0759 gmt 26 Jul 08).
  29. "Analysts see three factions locked in power struggle in Serbian Radical Party," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 11 August 2008 (Source: Blic website, Belgrade, in Serbian 8 Aug 08).
  30. "Serbian Radicals' leader reportedly losing control of assembly deputies," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 5 September 2008 (Source: Blic website, Belgrade, in Serbian 5 Sep 08).
  31. "Serbia: A New Strongman," The Economist, 20 September 2008, p. 20.
  32. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине, 6. мај 2012. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (2 СРПСКА РАДИКАЛНА СТРАНКА - ДР ВОЈИСЛАВ ШЕШЕЉ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 28 September 2021.
  33. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 16. и 23. марта 2014. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (6 СРПСКА РАДИКАЛНА СТРАНКА - ДР ВОЈИСЛАВ ШЕШЕЉ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 4 June 2022.
  34. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине, 24. април 2016. године – Изборне листе (4 Др ВОЈИСЛАВ ШЕШЕЉ - СРПСКА РАДИКАЛНА СТРАНКА), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 2 July 2021.
  35. "Maja Gojkovic reelected Serbian National Assembly president", B92, 6 June 2016, accessed 25 July 2018.
  36. VJERICA RADETA, Archived 2020-01-14 at the Wayback Machine, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 4 June 2022.
  37. "Serbia: Radical Party official calls Croat deputy an Ustasha," HINA, 22 May 2018.
  38. "Evil tweet by Serbia's official on Srebrenica woman death" Archived 2018-07-25 at the Wayback Machine, N1, 24 July 2018, accessed 24 July 2018.
  39. "Šešelj: Neću nikome dozvoliti da smeni Radetu", N1, 27 July 2018, accessed 6 September 2018.
  40. Jelena Cerovina, "Vjerica za nevericu", Politika, 28 July 2016, accessed 6 September 2018. The translated quotation appears in "Serbian commentary profiles controversial Radical Party MP," British Broadcasting Forum Monitoring European, 1 August 2018.
  41. "Ko je sve na listi radikala?", Danas, 9 March 2020, accessed 2 July 2021.
  42. "Ko su kandidati Srpske radikalne stranke za poslanike", Danas, 18 February 2022, accessed 3 June 2022.
  43. Ms Vjerica RADETA, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, accessed 4 June 2022.
  44. "UN court charges top officials in Serb nationalist party," Associated Press Newswires, 1 December 2015.
  45. "Serbia 'not cooperating' in arrests: UN war crimes tribunal," Agence France Press, 10 February 2016.
  46. "Serbian court rules against extradition of three party officials to The Hague," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 18 May 2016 (Source: Radio B92 text website, Belgrade, in English 0000 gmt 18 May 16).
  47. "ICTY urges Serbia to hand over three Radical Party officials," HINA, 2 August 2016.
  48. "Serbian minister rejects ICTY request to amend legislation," HINA, 3 August 2016.
  49. "Interpol Issues Arrest Notices For Associates Of Serbian Ultranationalist," Radio Free Europe Documents and Publications, 31 March 2017.
  50. "Interpol Issues Arrest Warrant for Serbian Parliament Vice-Speaker, Associates," Sputnik News Service, 31 March 2017.
  51. "Experts say ICTY failed to bring reconciliation to Balkans," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 6 December 2017 (source: Source: Blic website in Serbian 3 Dec 17).
  52. "Preminuo Jovo Ostojić član SRS koga traži Hag", Politika, 30 June 2017, accessed 14 April 2018.
  53. "The Hague court again demands extradition of two Radicals from Serbia", N1, 12 August 2020, accessed 13 April 2021.
  54. Milica Stojanović, "Serbian State Security Officials’ Verdict Due by June 30", Balkan Insight, 9 June 2021, accessed 22 October 2021.
  55. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 46 Number 13 (15 September 2000), p. 426-427; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 46 Number 15 (20 October 2000), p. 469.
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