
  • 30,600 BC – Pestle used as a tool in southern Italy to grind oats.[1]

Neolithic Revolution


  • 2600 BC – Large-scale commercial timbering of cedars in Phoenicia (Lebanon) for export to Egypt and Sumeria. Similar commercial timbering in South India.
  • 1700 BC – Wind powered machine developed by the Babylonians
  • 1500 BC – Seed drill in Babylonia
  • 1300 BC – Creation of canal linking the Nile delta to the Red Sea
  • 691 BC – First aqueduct (approx. 50 miles long) constructed to bring water to Nineveh.
  • 530 BC – Tunnel of Eupalinos first underground aqueduct
  • 500 BC – The moldboard iron plough is invented in China
  • 500 BC – Row cultivation of crops using intensive hoeing to weed and conserve moisture practised in China
  • 300 BC – Efficient trace harness for plowing invented in China
  • 200 BC – Efficient collar harness for plowing invented in China
  • 100 BC – Rotary winnowing fan invented in China
  • 100 BC – The multi-tube seed drill is invented in China
  • AD 200 – The fishing reel invented in China
  • 600 – The distillation of alcohol in China
  • 607 – The Chinese begin constructing a massive canal system to connect the Yellow and Yangtze rivers


Modern technological advances

Green Revolution

See also


  1. Multistep food plant processing at Grotta Paglicci (Southern Italy) around 32,600 cal B.P.
  2. James Owen for National Geographic News (2008-08-06). "Stone Age Milk Use Began 2,000 Years Earlier". Archived from the original on August 9, 2008.
  3. Céide Fields. Archived 2012-05-01 at the Wayback Machine Visitor Centre Ballycastle, County Mayo, Ireland.
  4. [Haneklaus, S., Lilienthal, H., Schnug, E., 2016. 25 years Precision Agriculture in Germany – a retrospective. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture : July 31 – August 3, 2016, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.]
  5. Hybrid rice for Food Security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  6. Moskin, Julia. (July 19, 2005). "Tattooed Fruit Is on Way". New York Times.
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