Music captain lieutenant shoulder board, Finnish Navy
Compare: Captain lieutenant shoulder board, Finnish Navy

In Finnish Defence Forces, special officers (Finnish: Erikoisupseeri : erikois + upseeri) is a group of military personnel which are officers assigned to tasks that required special non-military training in some areas: medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, music, economics and technical fields.[1][2] Their military ranks range from lieutenant to lieutenant general.

The majority of special officers are engineers, eligibility requirement being master's degree in engineering or an engineering degree or a university degree suitable for the position, in addition to non-commissioned officer or reserve officer training.[3]

As of 2023 there are about 800 special officers.[3]

Examples opf duties of a special officer: System Engineer, Conductor, Flight Test Engineer, Mechanical Officer, Quality Manager, Teaching Engineer, Chief Medical Officer, Sector Leader, Military Engineer, Military Doctor, Military Chaplain, Electrical Engineer, Research Engineer, Warehouse Manager.[1]

Notable special officers

  • Jukka Juusti, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Defense (2016-2021), engineer lieutenant general
  • Kari Renko, director of the logistics department of the Defense Forces (2020-2022), engineer major general
  • Kimmo Koskenvuo, Chief Medical Officer of Finnish Defense Forces (1978-1996), medical lieutenant general
  • Pekka Somer, Chief Medical Officer of the Defense Forces (1953–1967), medical lieutenant-general

See also


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