Formation2011 (2011)
FounderJosep Ramon Bosch
Founded atSantpedor
LeaderJavier Barraycoa

Somatemps is a collective in Catalonia generally considered to be aligned with the far-right of Spain[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14] and also of being Spanish nationalist.[15] They state to be committed to defend what they call "the hispanic identity of Catalonia".[16] It was founded between 2011[17] and November 16, 2013 in Santpedor (Bages),[18][19] where one of its founders, Josep Ramon Bosch, resides.[20] The organisation is led by Javier Barraycoa.[21] Currently Somatemps has around 300 members.[17] The name of Somatemps was intended as word-play between "Som a temps"—"we are in time" (to stop independentism)—and the medieval Catalan militias Sometent.[18] Somatemps has contributed to the creation of the association Catalan Civil Society.[22][23][14][24]


The first meeting of the entity was attended by both leaders of Platform for Catalonia (PxC) and the Republican Social Movement (MSR) with Juan Antonio Llopart, referents to Spain of parties such as the Greek Golden Dawn or the British National Party (BNP) and fascist movements such as Casa Pound.[25] Somatemps is considered a far-right organization as per police[26] and press sources.[4][27][28][29]

Josep Alsina, who succeeded Bosch in Somatemps, when he was young he had been a member of the NSSP, the National Socialist Spanish Party or PENS, Partido Español Nacional Socialista in Spanish. PENS is a neo-Nazi organization created in Barcelona in 1970 and that had strong links with the secret services of the Superior Center of Defense Information (SECED), to the point that he could pay a local and print large runs of Nazi propaganda. The PENS came to commit attacks against bookstores, cinemas and theaters or distributors of books and publishing houses.[30] Alsina also relates Jorge Buxadé Villalba, who has publicly acknowledged being a member of Catalan Civil Society,[31] and who attended the 7th nomination of Falange Española de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista (FE de las JONS) for Tarragona in the 1995 Catalan elections.[32] Buxadé also became a State Attorney in September 2009, under the orders of the Spanish Government, when he challenged the consultation on the independence of Catalonia held in Arenys de Munt.[32][30]

Somatemps also received the help of the lawyer Ariadna Hernández, at that time coordinating VOX in the demarcation of Barcelona and partner of one of the main drivers of the neofascist Casal Tramuntana, the councilor of PxC in l'Hospitalet de Llobregat Alberto Sánchez.[33][25] Journalist Xavier Rius has even come to the point that Catalan Civil Society has had contacts with which he was delegated from the Spanish government in Catalonia, María de los Llanos de Luna, contacts but Bosch denies insistently despite the fact that there are photographs of the meeting.[34]

The entity organized in December 2013 in Ripoll the 1st Congress of Spanish Catalanity in which the ex democratic socialist Joaquim Coll (member of Catalan Civil Society) and the People's Party Fernando Sánchez-Costa participated.[35] He was also organizing protests in front of the Convergence and Union headquarters for the Pujol case, which was joined by Platform for Catalonia (PxC) before Parliament for the same reason.[36]

Entities like Spain and Catalans in 2012 and Som Catalunya, Som Espanya in 2013, had wanted to publicly commemorate the Hispanic Day in Barcelona, but they did not manage to concentrate a sufficiently large attendance. Somatemps tried to take over the relief by convening the founding assembly on April 26 at the Poblet Monastery.[19] A few days ago, an event had already been held in Barcelona where the presentation of the Catalan Civil Society was attended by, among others, the extreme right of Santiago Abascal, general secretary of the new Vox and Borja García-Nieto, the president of the Equestrian Circle.[37] Somatemps did not adhere to the rally on October 12 in Barcelona although they were present.[36]

In the context of the Spanish constitutional crisis and before the 1-O Catalan independence referendum of 2017, Somatemps participated in the so-called "ham operation"[38][17] which sent 25 kg of Iberian ham and boxes of Rioja wine to the Spanish police and Civil Guard agents summoned in Barcelona by the Spanish government. The agents were allocated in hotels and ships docked in Barcelona's seaport. Somatemps organized a donation campaign which obtained around 2.500 euros of funds for the symbolic operation.[17][39] Other actions in which Somatemps has participated involved bringing food to the policemen.[40]

On November 18, 2017 Somatemps participated in a far-right demonstration supporting the Spanish unionism.[4] This demonstration opposed a demonstration call made by Unit Against Fascism and Racism.[4]

Political Agenda

This organisation is of Spanish Nationalist nature.[15] They believe that a constitution is irrelevant for Spain, and despise the concepts of freedom and social equality expressed in the current constitution. They promote a Spain formed by a single political nation, alluding to what they believe was the old Spanish Empire.[41] By proposing a single political nation, they deny the existence of national and regional identities in Spain and their corresponding political movements. This means they pursue some sort of imperialism with a single political nation ruling over the rest. In consequence, they are positioned against Catalan Nationalism.[41]

Catalan education system which makes extensive use of Catalan as tuition language is also against Somatemps doctrine.[42][36] Somatemps claims that pupils in Catalonia are indoctrinated into Catalan nationalism, something which multiple studies have refuted, identifying as main factors parental and neighbourhood influence.[36] Other points which Somatemps defend to support Spanish Nationalism is to point out a supposed Catalan history revisionism.[41]

Somatemps opposes to policies and campaigns aiding immigrants,[43][44][45] including those from Red Cross and Plataforma per la Llengua[46] which promote the learning of Catalan language among immigrants with the purpose of improving equality of opportunities.[47][48]

Somatemps supports political catholicism, positioning the Catholic Church as a part of their view of a Spanish nation.[49][50] LGBT campaigns are belittled as an offence to their religious sentiments.[51][52] In their blog they have criticised the pride parade for indecency,[53] published texts deeming laws which protect the LGBT group as unnecessary and indoctrinating,[54] and texts against same-sex marriage and abortion.[55][56]


  1. Birnbaum, Michael (November 9, 2017). "For some, Catalonia crackdown evokes memories of the dark days of Spain's dictatorship". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2019-01-24. "We want to make sure we're present on the street to get across the idea that there is another Catalonia," said Josep Alsina, the leader of a far-right activist group called Somatemps, or Minutemen, which has staged counterprotests at pro-independence rallies and also marched on Catalonia's pro-independence regional radio station.
  2. Regué, Júlia (2017-11-02). "La violencia ultra atiza en las calles de Barcelona". elperiodico (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-15. Estas convocatorias fueron secundadas por organizaciones de extrema derecha como Vox, Hogar Social, Democracia Nacional, Plataforma per Catalunya, España 2000, Som Identitaris o Somatemps.
  3. "La extrema derecha aprovecha el conflicto catalán para reactivarse". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-15. La división entre los grupos de extrema derecha ha sido una constante desde hace 40 años, desde la disolución del partido político Fuerza Nueva (1976 – 1982), que tenía como presidente al franquista Blas Piñar y por eslogan "Dios, Patria y Bandera". Pero ahora hay una máxima que vuelve a unir la extrema derecha: garantizar la unidad de España. Este objetivo común une en las calles a organizaciones como Democracia Nacional, Nudo Patriota Español, Alianza Nacional, Hazte Oír, Falange Española de las JONS, Falange Auténtica, Hogar Social, Último Bastión, Legión Urbana, Generación Identitaria, Vox, Som Identitaris, Movimiento Social Repúblicano (que forma parte de la Alianza Europea de Movimientos Nacionales), Somatemps y una larga lista de grupos extremistas.
  4. 1 2 3 4 "Ultraderechistas y antifascistas se manifiestan sin altercados en Barcelona". (in Spanish). 2017-11-18. Archived from the original on 2018-04-14. Retrieved 2018-04-14. Los vecinos de la plaza Artós habían convocado, con el apoyo de organizaciones ultraderechistas como Somatemps, una concentración de rechazo a la manifestación convocada por Unitat Contra el Feixisme y el Racisme (UCFR), que tenía el lema "Unánomos contra las agresiones fascistas".
  5. "El proceso cohesiona y visibiliza la extrema derecha españolista". 15 November 2017. Retrieved 2018-05-15. Para empezar, han aparecido en las grandes manifestaciones de Societat Civil Catalana. Aparte de SCC y los tres partidos unionistas, Borràs contó hasta 14 organizaciones de extrema derecha en la concentración del 8 de octubre, entre las cuales Somatemps, Plataforma per Catalunya y las diversas Falanges.
  6. Caballero, Nacho (2017-12-17). "Sale escoltado el grupo de ultras que protestaba por la muerte de Víctor Laínez". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-15. Grupos fascistas como Alianza Nacional y Somatemps habían hecho un llamamiento a concentrarse en Zaragoza en la Plaza de la Memoria Histórica . Sin embargo, la iniciativa tuvo muy poco seguimiento.
  7. Barcelona, Efe. "Tensión en La Rambla entre una marcha de ultraderecha y grupos antifascistas". Retrieved 2018-05-15. La marcha islamófoba convocada en La Rambla por grupos de ultraderecha como Falange, Democracia Nacional, Plataforma per Catalunya, Generación Identitaria o Somatemps ha generado tensión al ser rechazada por grupos antifascistas, que han obligado a los manifestantes a dejar el lugar.
  8. "Los terroristas planeaban un ataque aún mayor". DW.COM (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-15. La marcha islamófoba convocada en La Rambla por grupos de ultraderecha como Falange, Democracia Nacional, Plataforma per Catalunya, Generación Identitaria o Somatemps ha generado tensión al ser rechazada por grupos antifascistas, que han obligado a los manifestantes a dejar el lugar.
  9. 20Minutos. "Tres días después de los atentados de Cataluña, al menos un terrorista sigue huido". - Últimas Noticias (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-15. La marcha islamófoba convocada en la Rambla por grupos de ultraderecha como Falange, Democracia Nacional, Plataforma per Catalunya, Generación Identitaria o Somatemps ha generado tensión al ser rechazada por grupos antifascistas, que han obligado a los manifestantes a dejar el lugar.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  10. "David Simon, creador de 'The Wire', carga contra los fascistas que se manifestaron en Barcelona". El Huffington Post (in European Spanish). 2017-08-19. Retrieved 2018-05-15. El pasado viernes tuvo lugar una marcha islamófoba convocada en La Rambla por grupos de ultraderecha como Falange, Democracia Nacional, Plataforma per Catalunya, Generación Identitaria o Somatemps que ha generado tensión al ser rechazada por grupos antifascistas.
  11. "Recogen 2.000 firmas para pedir la expulsión de SCC del campus de la UAB". La Vanguardia. Retrieved 2018-05-15. La plataforma considera que en la manifestación convocada ayer en Barcelona por SCC se "evidenció" que había militantes de organizaciones de la extrema derecha como Somatemps, Democracia Nacional o la Fundación Francisco Franco.
  12. "Una máscara contra el miedo por ser anti independentista". ELMUNDO (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-15. Quizás haya más periodistas que manifestantes, una treintena de estos últimos, mayoritariamente miembros del partido de extrema derecha Democracia Nacional y de la asociación Somatemps, también escorada a la derecha.
  13. Regué, Júlia (2018-08-19). "Radiografía de la extrema derecha en Catalunya". elperiodico (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-09-03.
  14. 1 2 "Diccionari de l'extrema dreta a Catalunya, de la A a la Z". Crític (in Catalan). Retrieved 2018-07-20. Entre els seus impulsors i membres destacats, hi trobem personalitats i acadèmics diversos, entre els quals hi destaca l'expresident d'SCC, Josep Ramon Bosch (que, tot i mantenir-se com a president de forma legal, va abandonar l'entitat per centrar-se en SCC)
  15. 1 2 Strange, Hannah (2018-10-07). "How the former French prime minister Manuel Valls is looking to tame Catalan separatists as mayor of Barcelona". The Telegraph. ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 2019-01-24. The TV station France 5 this week reported on Mr Bosch's founding of Somatemps, a Spanish nationalist group in Catalonia widely described as far-Right. He was also reported to have attended a 2013 rally organised by the Francisco Franco Foundation, though claims to have been accompanying his father.
  16. "¿QUIÉNES SOMOS? / QUI SOM?" (in European Spanish). 2016-06-26. Retrieved 2018-03-31.
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  20. "Yo soy español, español, español..." El Temps (in Catalan). Retrieved 2018-03-31.
  22. "Felicitaciones a Sociedad Civil Catalana por su nuevo Presidente: José Rosiñol" (in European Spanish). 7 November 2017. Archived from the original on 13 June 2018. Retrieved 2018-07-20. Con José Rosiñol algunos miembros de Somatemps estuvieron trabajando intensamente en la creación de Sociedad Civil Catalana. Ello, esperemos, permitirá intensificar las relaciones entre las asociaciones civiles que combate el nacionalismo y que fructificaron en los pasados actos unitarios del 30 de septiembre y 12 de octubre.
  23. "Jordi Borràs: 'El nucli fundador de Societat Civil Catalana és Somatemps, organització d'extrema dreta'". (in Catalan). Retrieved 2018-07-20. en un dels documents interns de SCC a què hem tingut accés, hi apareixen trenta dels fundadors. I deu són de Somatemps. Bosch no era pas l'únic de Somatemps i de SCC.
  24. "Quién está detrás de las asociaciones que han sacado a la calle a miles de ciudadanos por España y por Catalunya" (in European Spanish). Retrieved 2018-07-20. Según destapa el periodista Jordi Borràs en su libro Plus Ultra, la creación de SCC fue "una acción cuidadosamente estudiada y planificada por la necesidad imperante de reagrupar un españolismo profundamente desmovilizado". Dicha influencia se ve reflejada en la figura de su primer presidente Josep Ramon Bosch, quien también ocupó simultáneamente durante un año y medio la presidencia de Somatemps hasta que tuvo que dimitir por sus vínculos con la extrema derecha.
  25. 1 2 Viñas, Carles (2013). "De l'extrema dreta al nacional-populisme". DivÈrsia (4). ISSN 2014-8429.
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  29. Caballero, Nacho (2017-12-17). "Sale escoltado el grupo de ultras que protestaba por la muerte de Víctor Laínez". (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-04-14.
  30. 1 2 "Els vincles ocults de l'extrema dreta amb Societat Civil Catalana". Crític (in Catalan). Retrieved 2018-03-31.
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  32. 1 2 "Un ex candidato de Falange frente a una ex conseller comunista". La Vanguardia (in Spanish). Retrieved 2018-05-09.
  33. Directa. "Somatemps, la força de xoc de l'espanyolisme a Catalunya". Directa (in Catalan). Retrieved 2018-03-31.
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  36. 1 2 3 4 Wong, Alia (2017-11-03). "Is Catalonia Using Schools as a Political Weapon?". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2018-07-16.
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