Rotruda (or Roza) of Pavia (died after March 945) was an Italian noblewoman. Rotruda was married to Giselbert I of Bergamo and later became the mistress of Hugh of Italy.


Rotruda was the daughter of the iudex (judge) Walpert of Pavia. She married Giselbert of Bergamo c.895.[1] Together they had a son, Lanfranc I of Bergamo.

Probably after Giselbert I’s death (c.927/929), Rotruda became the mistress of Hugh of Italy,[2] with whom she had a daughter, Rotlinda.[3] Because of her relationship with Hugh, Rotruda is mentioned in Liutprand of Cremona's work Antapodosis.[4]

Marriage and children

With Giselbert, Rotruda had the following children:

With Hugh, Rotruda had the following children:

  • Rotlinda (or Rolenda) (930-1001), who married Bernard, count of Pavia


  • Liutprand of Cremona, Antapodosis, in Die Werke Liudprands von Cremona, ed. J. Becker, MGH SS rer Germ 41 (Hannover and Leipzig, 1915), accessible online at: Monumenta Germaniae Historica (in Latin)
  • Liutprand of Cremona, The Complete Works of Liudprand of Cremona, ed. and trans. P. Squatriti (Washington, D.C., 2007). (English translation)
  • F. Menant, ‘Les Giselbertins, comtes du comté de Bergame et comtes palatins,’ in Formazione e strutture dei ceti dominanti nel medioevo (1988), pp. 115–186.
  • J. Jarnut, Bergamo 568-1098. Verfassungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte einer lombardischen Stadt im Mittelalter (Wiesbaden, 1977).
  • D.A. Bullough, ‘Urban change in Early Medieval Italy: the example of Pavia,’ Papers of the British School at Rome 34, n.s. 21 (1966), 82-130.


  1. Menant, ‘Les giselbertins,’ pp. 124, 129; Jarnut, Bergamo, pp. 51, 76
  2. Bullough, 'Urban change,' pp. 113f.
  3. Jarnut, Bergamo, pp. 35, 58f., 261
  4. Liutpand of Cremona, Antapodosis, III.39 and IV.14
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