Triq l-Indipendenza

In Malta most of the main roads are in the outskirts of the localities to connect one urban area with another urban area. The most important roads are those that connect the south of the island with the northern part, like Tal-Barrani Road, Aldo Moro Street in Marsa (the widest road in Malta) and Birkirkara Bypass (the busiest road in Malta).

Traffic in Malta drives on the left. Car ownership in Malta is excessively high, given the islands' small size. In 1990, there were 182,254 registered cars, giving an automobile density of 582 per km2.[1] In 2009, the country had the fifth-highest number of vehicles per capita in the world, with 607 motor vehicles per 1,000 people.[2] At the end of March 2022, the number of licensed motor vehicles reached 414,669.[3]

Malta has 3,096 kilometres of road, 2,704 km (87.3%) of which are paved and 392 km are unpaved as of 2008.[4] The official road user guide for Malta is The Highway Code.[5]

Route Network in Malta

Route 1

From Ċirkewwa (Il-Mellieħa) to Birżebbuġa:

Route 5

From Tal-Qroqq (L-Imsida) to Il-Mosta

Route 6

From Blata l-Bajda (Il-Ħamrun) to Valletta

Route 7

From Mrieħel (Ħal Qormi) to Għajn Qajjet (Ir-Rabat)

Route 8

From Għajn Dwieli (Paola, Malta) to Il-Ħamrun

Route 9

From Addolorata Cemetery (Paola, Malta) to Malta International Airport (Ħal Luqa)

Route 16

From Ħad-Dingli to Buġibba

Route 17

From L-Imġarr to Il-Mosta

Route 18

From Kappara (San Ġwann) to Tarġa Gap (Il-Mosta)

Route 19

From Santa Venera to Birkirkara

Route 20

From San Anton Palace (Ħ'Attard) to Fleur de Lys, Malta

Route 21

From Ħal Qormi (St. Sebastian's Parish area) to Ta' Qali

Route 22

From Tal-Qroqq (L-Imsida) to Blata l-Bajda

Route 23

From Tal-Ħawli (Il-Birgu) to Fort St. Leonard (Ħaż-Żabbar)

Route 24

From Corradino (Paola, Malta to Bormla

Route 25

From Ħaż-Żebbuġ to Ħ'Attard

Route 26

From Bulebel to Marsaskala

Route 27

From Ħaż-Żebbuġ to Is-Siġġiewi

Route 28

From Malta International Airport (Ħal Luqa) to Il-Qrendi

Route 29

From Bir id-Deheb (Iż-Żejtun) to Qajjenza (Birżebbuġa)

Route 30

From Bir id-Deheb (Iż-Żejtun) to Delimara (Marsaxlokk)

Route 31

From Ħal Kirkop to Iż-Żurrieq

Route 32

From Ħal Kirkop to Ħal Safi

Route 33

From Ħal Safi to Malta International Airport

Route 34

From Grand Harbour (Paola, Malta) to Notre Dame Gate (Ħaż-Żabbar)

Route 114

From Qammieħ (Ċirkewwa) to Aħrax (Marfa) in Il-Mellieħa

Route 115

From Għadira Beach (Il-Mellieħa) to Manikata

Route 116

From Pwales (Xemxija, San Pawl il-Baħar) to Selmun Palace (Il-Mellieħa)

Route 117

From Ta' Pennellu (Il-Mellieħa) to Ħal Far (Birżebbuġa)

Route 118

From Madliena (Is-Swieqi) to Għajn Tuffieħa

Route 119

From Birguma (In-Naxxar) to Santa Margarita (Il-Mosta)

Route 120

From Kennedy Grove (Qawra) to San Pawl tat-Tarġa (In-Naxxar)

Route 121

From Qalet Marku (Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq) to Magħtab

Route 122

From Tarġa Gap (Il-Mosta) to Żebbiegħ(L-Imġarr)

Route 123

From Żebbiegħ (L-Imġarr) to Ġnejna Bay

Route 124

From Fiddien (Ir-Rabat) to Lippija Tower (L-Imġarr)

Route 125

From Bieb ir-Ruwa (Ir-Rabat) to Baħrija

  • Triq is-Sajf ta' San Marin (St. Martin's Summer Street), Baħrija – leading from Ir-Rabat, Bieb ir-Ruwa and Kunċizzjoni to Baħrija

Route 126

From Fiddien (Ir-Rabat) to Mtaħleb

  • Il-Pont tal-Fiddien (Fiddien Bridge), Ir-Rabat – leading from Ir-Rabat to Mtaħleb and Baħrija
  • Triq l-Imtaħleb (Mtaħleb Road), Ir-Rabat – leading from Fiddien to Mtaħleb and Miġra l-Ferħa

Route 127

From Paceville to L-Imsida

Route 128

From L-Imsida to Kappara (San Ġwann)

Route 129

From Kappara (San Ġwann) to Misraħ Lewża

From 130

From Blata l-Bajda to San Anton Palace (Ħ'Attard)

Route 131

From Nigret (Ir-Rabat) to Dingli Cliffs (Ħad-Dingli)

Route 132

From Tal-Virtù (Ir-Rabat) to Albert Town (Il-Marsa)

Route 133

From Mdina to Gianpula (Ħaż-Żebbuġ)

Route 134

From Bulebel (Iż-Żejtun) to Żonqor Tower (Marsaskala)

Route 135

From Tal-Ħawli (Il-Birgu) to Ix-Xgħajra

Route 137

From Iż-Żejtun to Delimara

Route 138

From Marsaxlokk to Għar Dalam (Birżebbuġa)

Route 139

From Is-Siġġiewi to Ħaġar Qim (Il-Qrendi)

Route 140

From Tal-Providenza (Is-Siġġiewi) to Għar Lapsi

Route 141

From Ħal Far to Birżebbuġa

Route 142

From Bengħisa Battery to Għar Ħasan

Route 143

From Malta Freeport to Kalafrana

Route 144

From Qajjenza (Birżebbuġa) to Malta Freeport

Route Network in Gozo

Route 1

From Mġarr, Gozo (Għajnsielem) to Dwejra (San Lawrenz)

  • Triq ix-Xatt (Gozo Ferry), Mġarr, Gozo
  • Triq l-Imġarr (Mġarr Road), Għajnsielem
  • Triq l-Imġarr (Mġarr Road), Ix-Xewkija
  • Triq Fortunato Mizzi (F. Mizzi Street), Victoria, Gozo
  • Triq ir-Repubblika (Republic Street), Victoria, Gozo
  • Pjazza Indipendenza (Independence Square) or it-Tokk, Victoria, Gozo
  • Triq Sant' Orsla (St. Ursula Street), Victoria, Gozo
  • Triq il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II (Pope John Paul II Street), Victoria, Gozo
  • Triq l-Għarb (Għarb Road), L-Għarb
  • Triq Franġisk Portelli (F. Portelli Street), L-Għarb
  • Triq San Lawrenz (St. Lawrence Road), San Lawrenz
  • Pjazza San Lawrenz (St. Lawrence Square), San Lawrenz
  • Triq id-Duluri (Our Lady of Sorrows Street), San Lawrenz
  • Triq Ta' Ċangura (Ciangura Road), San Lawrenz
  • Triq il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral (Fungus Rock Road), San Lawrenz

Route 2

From Mġarr, Gozo (Għajnsielem) to Victoria, Gozo

Route 3

From Victoria, Gozo to Marsalforn (Żebbuġ, Gozo)

Route 4

From Ix-Xewkija to Ix-Xagħra

Route 10

From Victoria, Gozo to Ix-Xlendi (Il-Munxar)

Route 11

From Ta' Kerċem to Żebbuġ, Gozo

Route 12

From Ix-Xewkija to Victoria, Gozo

Route 13

From Victoria, Gozo to Ta' Sannat

Route 15

From Mġarr, Gozo to Ramla Bay (Ix-Xagħra)

Route 100

From L-Għarb to L-Għasri

Route 102

From L-Għarb to Ta' Pinu

Route 103

From Żebbuġ, Gozo to Ix-Xagħra

Route 106

From Ta' Kerċem to Santa Luċija, Gozo

Route 107

From Ta' Kerċem to Għajn Abdul

Route 112

From Ix-Xewkija to Mġarr ix-Xini

Route 113

From Xlendi (Il-Munxar) to Ta' Ċenċ (Ta' Sannat)

Route 114

From Ix-Xagħra to Ramla Bay

These are the main roads and highways of Malta by locality:


  • B'Kara Road (Triq Birkirkara)- the road leading from Balzan and Birkirkara to Attard centre.
  • Hal Warda Road (Triq Ħal Warda) – the road leading from the outskirts of Attard, Mdina Road, to Attard centre.
  • Mdina Road (Triq l-Imdina) – the road leading from Birkirkara and Balzan to Ta' Qali, Rabat, Malta and Mdina.
  • National Stadium Avenue (Vjal l-Istadium Nazzjonali)- the road leading from Zebbug, Malta, Rabat, Malta and Mdina to Ta' Qali.
  • Notary Zarb Street (Triq in-Nutar Zarb) – the road leading from Attard to Balzan, San Anton Palace area, Birkirkara and Mriehel.
  • Old Railway Track (Triq il-Linja) – the road leading from San Anton Palace area to Attard centre.
  • Pitakli Street (Triq il-Pitkali) – the road leading from Attard centre to Misrah Kola and Ta' Qali.
  • St. Catherine Street (Triq Santa Katarina) – the road leading from Attard centre to Tal-Mirakli area, Lija and Mosta.
  • Tat-Torba Road (Triq Tat-Torba) – the road leading from Attard to Lija and Naxxar.
  • Zaghfran Street (Triq iż-Żagħfran) – This road connects Mdina Road with Notary Zarb Street.
  • Zebbug Road (Triq Ħaż-Żebbuġ) – The road leading from Attard to Zebbug, Malta and Siggiewi.
  • Tigan Street (Triq it-Tigan)


  • Birbal Street (Triq Birbal) – the road leading from Attard to Birkirkara.
  • De Paule Avenue (Vjal de Paule) – the road leading from Balzan outskirts, Aqueduct area, to San Anton Palace and Balzan Centre.
  • Mdina Road (Triq l-Imdina) – This road is also known as Notabile Road. The road leading to Balzan from Fleur-de-Lys and Mriehel, Birkirkara, and Qormi.


  • '79 Street (Triq '79) – the road leading from Bormla to Birgu centre
  • Cottonera Road (Triq il-Kottonera) – the main road of Tal-Hawli area.
  • St. Edward's Road (Triq San Dwardu) – the road leading from Zabbar to Birgu and Kalkara.
  • Vittoriosa Waterfront (Xatt il-Forn) – the road leading from Birgu centre to Cottonera Marina.


  • Birkirkara Bypass (Dawret Birkirkara) – This road also known as Triq Dun Karm. This is the busiest road in Malta that connects Birkirkara, the most populated locality in Malta, with Lija, Balzan, Iklin, Naxxar, Mosta and the northern part of Malta from one side. And from the other side connects Birkirkara with Gharghur, San Gwann, Swatar, Msida, Mater Dei Hospital, University of Malta and the centre part and the southern part of Malta.
  • Fleur-de-Lys Road (Triq Fleur-de-Lys) – the road leading from Birkirkara to Fleur-de-Lys, Santa Venera, Hamrun, Mriehel and Qormi.
  • Mannarino Road (Triq Mannarinu) – the road leading from Birkirkara Valley to Ta' Paris, Swatar and Msida.
  • Naxxar Road (Triq in-Naxxar) – the road leading from Birkirkara Valley to Balzan, Lija, Iklin, Naxxar and Birkirkara Bypass.
  • Notabile Road (Triq Notabile) – This street is also known as Mdina Road. The road leading from Hamrun, Santa Venera and Birkirkara to Attard, Balzan, Mriehel and Rabat, Malta.
  • Psaila Street (Triq Salvu Psaila) – the road leading from Birkirkara to Santa Venera and Regional Road.
  • Valley Road (Triq il-Wied) – the road that connects different areas of Birkirkara altogether, like Ta' Paris, Fleur-de-Lys and Mriehel. This road also connects Birkirkara with Balzan.


  • B'Bugia Road (Triq Birżebbuġa)- The main road leading to Birzebbuga centre.
  • Ferretti Street (Triq F.M. Ferretti) – the road leading from Ghar Dalam area to Qajjenza and Marsaxlokk.
  • Ghar Dalam Road (Triq Għar Dalam) – This road known also as Zejtun Road. The road leading to Zejtun, Ghaxaq and Tal-Barrani Road.
  • Hal Far Road (Triq Ħal Far) – The main road of Hal Far. The road leading from Malta Freeport to Malta International Airport, Luqa, Gudja, and Zurrieq.
  • Pretty Bay Road – The road leading from Pretty Bay to Birzebbuga Centre
  • Qajjenza Road (Triq il-Qajjenza) – the road leading from Birzebbuga to Marsaxlokk and Delimara.
  • Sacred Heart Promenade (Dawret il-Qalb Imqaddsa) – the road leading from St. George's Bay to Pretty Bay.
  • St. Patrick's Road (Triq San Patrizju) – the road leading from Birzebbuga to Malta Freeport and Hal Far.


  • 8 December Road (Triq it-8 ta' Diċembru) – the main road between Birgu and Bormla, serve also as the main Cottonera bus terminus.
  • Cospicua Waterfront (Ix-Xatt ta' Bormla) – the road leading from Bormla centre to Fgura and Senglea.
  • Immaculate Street (Triq l-Immakulata) – the road leading from Bormla centre to Verdala and San Gwann t'Ghuxa area.
  • San Gwann t'Ghuxa Road (Triq San Ġwann t'Għuxa) – the road leading from San Gwann t'Ghuxa area to Senglea and Paola, Malta
  • Silver Jubilee Road (Triq il-Ġublew tal-Fidda) – the main road that leads to Bormla from Tal-Hawli area.
  • Three Cities Road (Triq it-Tlett Ibliet) – the road leading from Paola, Malta to Bormla and Senglea.


  • Main Street (Triq il-Kbira) – the main road of Dingli centre.
  • Panoramic Street (Triq Panoramika) – the road leading from Dingli Cliffs to Siggiewi, Girgenti and Fawwara.
  • Rabat Road (Triq ir-Rabat) – the road leading from Dingli centre to Buskett, Rabat, Malta and Mdina.
  • Turretta Street (Triq it-Turretta) – the road leading from Dingli centre to Dingli Cliffs.



  • Floriana's Victims Street (Triq il-Vittmi Furjaniżi) – the road leading from Valletta Waterfront to Marsa, Malta. The main road for cruise liners terminal.
  • Independence Road (Triq l-Indipendenza) – the road leading from Floriana and Blata l-Bajda to Pieta', Malta, Msida and Sliema.
  • Lascaris Wharf (Xatt ta' Lascaris) – the main road that connect Floriana with Valletta from the harbor side.
  • National Road (Triq Nazzjonali) – the road leading from Floriana to Hamrun, Marsa, Malta and the South of Malta.
  • Pinto Wharf (Xatt ta' Pinto) – the road leading from Valletta Waterfront to Floriana centre and Valletta main terminus.
  • St. Anne Street (Triq Sant' Anna) – the road leading from Valletta to Floriana centre and Blata l-Bajda.





  • Gzira Strand (Triq ix-Xatt) – the road leading from Ta' Xbiex and Gżira to Sliema.
  • Msida Road (Triq l-Imsida) – the road leading from Msida and Ta' Xbiex to Gzira.
  • Rue d'Argens (Triq d'Argens) – This is the main road of Gzira, connecting Msida with Sliema (Mrabat area) and San Giljan.
  • Sliema Road (Triq Tas-Sliema) – This road is also known as Kappara Hill. This road connect Gzira with San Gwann, Kappara, Regional Road and University of Malta area.


  • Mountbatten Street (Triq Mountbatten) – This street is also known as Joe Sciberras Street. This street connect Hamrun with Pietà, Malta and Guardamangia.
  • Parish Priest Mifsud Street (Triq il-Kappillan Mifsud) – This street connects Hamrun (Immaculate Conception Parish area) with Santa Venera and Birkirkara. This street also leads to Regional Road.
  • St. Joseph High Street (Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp) – The principle road of Hamrun, known also as Strada Rjali (Royal Street). This road, that starts from Blata l-Bajda, connecting Valletta with Santa Venera, Birkirkara (Malta largest city), Attard, Qormi and other cities in the centre of Malta.


  • Geronimo Abos Street (Triq Geronimo Abos) – the main road of Lower Iklin. The road leading from Birkirkara Bypass to Iklin centre.
  • Valley Road (Triq il-Wied) – the main road of Upper Iklin. The road leading from Iklin centre to Naxxar, Gharghur and San Gwann.


  • Italian Mission Street (Triq il-Missjoni Taljana) – the road leading from Rinella Bay to Smart City
  • Kalkara Strand (Ix-Xatt) – the road leading from Birgu to Kalkara centre
  • Marina Road (Triq il-Marina) – the road leading from Kalkara centre to Rinella Bay
  • St. Rocco Street (Triq Santu Rokku) – the main road of Smart City
  • Alexander barri bi qrun ta' cerva




Marsa, Malta

  • 13 December Road (Triq Diċembru Tlettax) – The road leading from Valletta and Floriana, Malta area to Marsa centre and Albert Town.
  • Aldo Moro Street (Triq Aldo Moro) – This road that connects the south of Malta with Valletta Harbor area is also known as Trunk Road or Millennia Road. This road connects Marsa with Qormi, Luqa, Paola and the Malta International Airport.
  • Belt il-Hazna Road (Triq Belt il-Ħażna) – the road leading from Albert Town to the Menqa area, the Valletta Harbor.
  • Coal Wharf (Moll il-Faħam) – one of the busiest wharfs in Malta.
  • Flagstone Wharf (Moll iċ-Ċangaturi) – the wharf leading from the Menqa area, Valletta Harbor, to Marsa centre.
  • Ghammieri Road (Triq l-Għammieri) – This road known also as Ingiered Street. The road leading from Albert Town and Marsa Sports Complex to Marsa Industrial Estate and Qormi.
  • Labour Road (Triq il-Labour) – the road connecting Marsa, Albert Town area, with Paola, Malta.
  • Marsa Cross Street (Triq is-Salib tal-Marsa) – the main road of Marsa, Holy Trinity Parish area, leading from Albert Town to Marsa centre.
  • Marsa-Hamrun Bypass (Dawret il-Marsa u l-Ħamrun) – the bypass leading from Marsa to Qormi, Santa Venera tunnels, Hamrun and the centre part of Malta.
  • Wine Wharf (Triq l-Għassara tal-Għeneb) – the wharf leading from Marsa, Menqa area, to Floriana, Malta and Valletta Waterfront.


  • Blajjiet Street (Triq il-Blajjiet) – the road leading from Zabbar to Zonqor.
  • Marina Street (Triq ix-Xatt) – the main road of Marsaskala Bay.
  • Qaliet Street (Triq il-Qaliet) – the main road of St. Thomas Bay.
  • St. Anne Street (Triq Sant' Anna) – the main road between the new Marsaskala Bypass and the old one.
  • St. Anthony Street (Triq Sant' Antnin) – the main road leading to Marsaskala Bypass in Zabbar.
  • Tal-Gardiel Road (Triq Tal-Gardiel) – the road leading from St. Thomas Bay to Marsaskala Bay.
  • Zabbar Road (Triq San Ġwakkin) – the road leading from Marsaskala to Zabbar, known also as the old bypass.
  • Zonqor Road (Triq iż-Żonqor) – the road leading from Marsaskala to Zonqor.


  • Fishermen Strand (Xatt is-Sajjieda) – the main road of Marsaxlokk
  • Entrenchment Road (Triq it-Trunċiera) – the road leading from Marsaxlokk to Qajjenza and Birzebbuga.
  • Zejtun Road (Triq iż-Żejtun) – the road leading from Marsaxlokk to Zejtun and Tal-Barrani Road.



  • George Borg Olivier Street (Triq Ġorġ Borġ Olivier) – the main road of Mellieha centre.
  • Louis Wettinger Street (Triq Louis Wettinger) – This road also known as the northern part of Mellieha Bypass. This road connects Selmun area with Ta' Pennellu area in Mellieha.
  • Mellieha Bypass (Dawret il-Mellieħa) – the road connects whole Malta with the northeast part of the island, such as Cirkewwa, Marfa, Armier and Ghadira Bay. This is the most busiest road in Mellieha. This road connects Malta with Gozo and Comino, because traffic has to pass from this bypass to catch the Gozo Ferry or the Comino and Kemmunett ferries. At this moment is under construction and people are using Anchor Bay Road.
  • Main Street (Triq il-Kbira) – the road leading from Mellieha outskirts, Belleview area, to Mellieha centre.
  • Marfa Road (Triq il-Marfa) – the road leading from Mellieha centre to Ghadira Beach, Armier, Marfa, Cirkewwa and Paradise Bay. During this road there is the Gozo Ferry and Comino and Cominotto ferries.
  • Mellieha Road (Triq il-Mellieħa) – the road leading from Mellieha to Manikata and Ghajn Tuffieha.
  • St. Paul's Bay Road (Triq San Pawl il-Baħar) – This road is also known as Xemxija Hill, Mistra Hill or Selmun Hill. The road leading from San Pawl il-Bahar to Mellieha and Cirkewwa.


  • Golden Bay Road (Triq Għajn Tuffieħa) – the road leading from Zebbiegh to Ghajn Tuffieha, Manikata and Mellieha.
  • Mosta Road (Triq il-Mosta) – the road leading from Mgarr to Mosta, Ta' Qali and the centre of Malta.
  • Roman Baths Street (Triq il-Banjijiet Rumani) – the road leading from Mgarr to Zebbiegh, Ghajn Tuffieha and Manikata.
  • Sir Temi Zammit Street (Triq Sir Temi Zammit) – the main road of Zebbiegh.


  • Constitution Street (Triq il-Kostituzzjoni) – the road leading from Mosta centre to Targa Gap, Burmarrad, Bidnija and the northern part of Malta.
  • Durumblat Road (Triq Durumblat) – the road leading from Attard to Mosta, Ta' Mlit area, and Ta' Qali.
  • Eucharistic Congress Street (Triq il-Kungress Ewkaristiku) – the road leading from Mosta centre to Mosta Technopark, Lija and Birkirkara areas.
  • Frances Pisani Street (Triq Franġisk Pisani) – the road leading from Mosta, Sghajtar area, to Naxxar, Mosta Technopark, Lija and Birkirkara.
  • Independence Avenue (Vjal l-Indipendenza) – the road leading from Birkirkara, Lija, Iklin and the centre of Malta to Mosta, Ta' Mlit and Blata l-Gholja areas.
  • Main Street (Triq il-Kbira) – the road leading from Ta' Qali, Mgarr and Mosta, Blata l-Gholja area, to Mosta centre and Naxxar.
  • Maltese Missioners Street (Triq il-Missjunarji Maltin) – the road leading from Rabat, Malta, Mdina, Ta' Qali and Mgarr to Burmarrad, Bidnija, Mosta (Targa Gap and Ta' Zokkrija areas), and the northern part of Malta.
  • Millbrae Avenue (Vjal Millbrae) – the road leading from Mosta, Targa Gap area, to Bidnija and Burmarrad.
  • Mosta Heroes Avenue (Vjal il-Qalbiena Mostin) – the road leading from Mosta, Santa Margarita area, to Naxxar and Sghajtar area.
  • San Pawl tal-Qliegha Road (Triq San Pawl tal-Qliegħa) – the road leading from Mgarr and Rabat, Malta to Ta' Qali and Mosta, Tas-Sriedek area.
  • St. Anton Abbot Street (Triq San Anton Abbati) – One of the roads that connect Mosta with Naxxar.
  • Valletta Road (Triq Valletta) – the road leading from Mosta Technopark area to Naxxar, Iklin, Lija, Ta' Qali and the centre of Malta.




  • Exiled Maltese Street (Triq il-Maltin Internati u Eżiljati) – This road is also known as Mtarfa Bypass. This road connects Mtarfa with Rabat, Malta, Mdina and the centre of Malta.
  • Vincenzo Bonello Street (Triq il-Kavallier Vincenzo Bonello) – The road leading from Mtarfa Bypass to Buqana Road, Ta' Qali and Mosta.


Paola, Malta

  • 28 April Avenue (Vjal it-28 ta' April) – This road known also as Il-Benniena. The road leading from Paola to Fgura.
  • Corradino Road (Triq Kordin) – the main road of Corradino area, connecting Paola with Fgura and Marsa, Malta.
  • Cospicua Road (Triq Bormla) – the road leading to Corradino Industrial Estate, MCAST, Ghajn Dwieli and Cottonera area.
  • Ghajn Dwieli Road (Triq Għajn Dwieli) – the road leading from Paola to Bormla and Senglea.
  • Paola Hill (Telgħat Raħal Ġdid) – the road leading from Paola centre to Corradino Industrial Estate and Harbor area.
  • Paola Square (Pjazza Antoine de Paule) – the main road of Paola centre.
  • Sir Paul Boffa Avenue (Vjal Sir Paul Boffa) – the road leading from Paola to Marsa, Malta.
  • St. Lucia Avenue (Vjal Santa Luċija) – the road leading from Marsa, Malta to Santa Lucija, Tarxien and Tal-Barrani Road.
  • Valletta Road (Triq il-Belt Valletta) – This road known also as Prison Street. The road leading from Paola centre to Ta' Lourdes area.

Pembroke, Malta

  • Profs. W. Ganado Street (Triq il-Profs. W. Ganado) – the road leading from Pembroke and St. Andrew's Road to Paceville and St. George's Bay.

Pietà, Malta


  • Guze' Duca Street (Triq Ġużè Duca) – This road form part of Mdina Road, Qormi. This road connects Qormi with Tal-Handaq Industrial Estate.
  • Luqa Road (Triq Ħal Luqa) – the road leading from Qormi to Hal Farrug, Luqa, the Malta International Airport and the south of Malta.
  • Manuel Dimech Street (Triq Manwel Dimech) – the road leading from Hamrun, Marsa Racecourse and Marsa Park and Ride to Qormi, St. Sebastian Parish, centre.
  • Mdina Road (Triq l-Imdina) – the road leading from Marsa, Malta and Luqa to Zebbug, Malta, Siggiewi, Rabat, Malta and north of Malta.
  • Mill Street (Triq il-Mitħna) – the road leading from Qormi, St. George Parish, to Santa Venera and Birkirkara.
  • Mriehel Bypass (Dawret l-Imrieħel) – Part of this street is also known as Triq is-Sebh. The road leading from Marsa, Malta, Marsa-Hamrun Bypass, and Regional Road to Mriehel, Attard, Balzan and the centre of Malta.


  • Hagar Qim Road (Triq Ħaġar Qim) – the road leading from Qrendi centre to Hagar Qim and Blue Grotto area.
  • Tempest Street (Triq it-Tempesta) – the road leading from Qrendi to Mqabba or the Maqluba area.

Rabat, Malta

  • Buqana Road (Triq Buqana) – the road leading from Mdina Road, Zebbug, Malta, to Ta' Qali, Mosta and the north of Malta.
  • College Street (Triq il-Kulleġġ) – the main road of Rabat, St. Dominic's area, that connect Rabat centre with Tal-Virtu'.
  • Dingli Road (Triq Ħad-Dingli) – the road leading from Rabat to Dingli.
  • Hal Tartarni Road – the road leading from Rabat centre to Buskett.
  • Saqqajja Hill (Triq Ħal Tartarni) – the road leading from Valletta and the centre of Malta to Rabat, Mdina, Mtarfa and Dingli.
  • St. Rita's Street (Triq Santa Rita) – the main road in front of Rabat Parish Church. The road leading from Rabat centre to Mdina, Mtarfa and the centre of Malta.

San Giljan

  • Birkirkara Road (Triq Birkirkara) – the road leading from Balluta Bay and Sliema (Mrabat area) to San Gwann.
  • Church Street (Triq il-Knisja) – the road leading from Paceville centre to Portomaso and San Giljan.
  • Dragonara Road (Triq id-Dragunara) – the road leading from St. George's Bay to Paceville centre, Portomaso and San Giljan.
  • George Borg Olivier Street (Triq Ġorġ Borġ Olivier) – the road leading from Balluta Bay to Spinola and San Giljan centre.
  • Gort Street (Triq Gort) – the road leading from Paceville centre to St. Andrew's Road. This serve also as Paceville main bus terminus.
  • Main Street (Triq il-Kbira) – the road leading from Sliema to Balluta Bay.
  • Michelangelo Borg Street (Triq Mikielanġ Borġ) – the road leading from San Giljan centre to Regional Road, San Gwann and Ta' Giorni.
  • Ross Street (Triq Ross) – the road leading from Portomaso to Spinola Bay.
  • St. George's Beach (Ix-Xatt ta' San Ġorġ) – the road leading from Pembroke, Malta to Paceville and San Giljan.
  • St. George's Road (Triq San Ġorġ) – the road leading from San Giljan centre, Spinola Bay, to Paceville.
  • St. Augustine Street (Triq Santu Wistin) – the road leading from Swieqi to Paceville and St. George's Bay.

San Gwann

  • Bellavista Road (Triq Bellavista) – the road leading from Kappara and Regional Road to Mater Dei Hospital, Ta' Zwejt, San Gwann Industrial Estate and Tal-Balal Road.
  • Kappara Hill (Triq Tas-Sliema) – This road is also known as Sliema Road. The road leading from Gżira to Kappara and San Gwann centre.
  • Mensija Road (Triq il-Mensija) – the road leading from San Gwann centre to Mensija, Ta' Giorni and Swieqi.
  • Naxxar Road (Triq in-Naxxar) – the road leading from San Giljan, Balluta Bay and Sliema (Mrabat area) to San Gwann.
  • Rihan Avenue (Vjal ir-Riħan) – the road leading from Kappara and Mensija to Ta' Zwejt, Gharghur, Naxxar and Iklin.

San Pawl il-Bahar

  • Burmarrad Road (Triq Burmarrad) – the road leading from Mosta and Bidnija to Burmarrad, St. Paul's Bay area and the northern part of Malta.
  • Ghajn Tuffieha Road (Triq Għajn Tuffieħa) – the road leading from St. Paul's Bay, Xemxija and Bugibba to Ghajn Tuffieha, Mgarr and Manikata.
  • Islets Promenade (Dawret il-Gżejjer) – the road leading from St. Paul's Bay and Bugibba Promenade to Bay Square, Perched Beach, Ta' Fra Ben Bay and Qawra.
  • Kennedy Drive – The road leading from Bahar ic-Caghaq, Salini and Naxxar to Qawra, Bugibba, St. Paul's Bay, Xemxija and Burmarrad.
  • Mosta Road (Triq il-Mosta) – the road leading from Bugibba and Burmarrad to St. Paul's Bay centre.
  • Parades Street (Triq Parades) – This road along with St. Paul's Street forms the main road of St. Paul's Bay centre.
  • Pioneers' Corp Street (Triq il-Korp tal-Pijunieri) – the main road that connects Bugibba and Qawra, one of the busiest tourist resorts in Malta.
  • Pwales Beach (Xatt il-Pwales) – the road leading from St. Paul's Bay centre to Xemxija.
  • Qawra Promenade (Dawret il-Qawra) – This is the main road of Qawra, one the busiest area in this tourist resort. This road connects Qawra with San Pawl il-Bahar, Burmarrad, Mosta, Naxxar and Salini Bay.
  • St. Paul's Street (Triq San Pawl) – This is the main roads of St. Paul's Bay centre. This road connects Bugibba and Qawra with St. Paul's Bay and Xemxija.
  • St. Paul's Bay Bypass (Dawret San Pawl) – the road leading from Burmarrad, Mosta and Bugibba to Xemxija, Ghajn Tuffieha and Mellieha area.
  • Trunciera Road (Triq it-Trunċiera) – the road leading from Bugibba, Bugibba Terminus, to Ta' Fra Ben Bay and Qawra Promenade.
  • Waves Street (Triq il-Ħalel) – the road leading from Bugibba Promenade and Qawra to Bugibba centre.
  • Wileg Street (Triq il-Wileġ) – the road leading from Qawra Promenade to Bugibba centre and St. Paul's Bay.
  • Xemxija Hill (Telgħat ix-Xemxija) – This is the main promenade of Xemxija hamlet. This road connects St. Paul's Bay area with Mellieha. All the traffic to catch the Gozo Ferry has to pass from this road.

Santa Lucija

  • Luqa Road (Triq Ħal Luqa) – the road leading Paola, Malta with Luqa and Malta International Airport.
  • Dawret it-Torri (Tower By-Pass)
  • Triq Katarina Vitale (Catherine Vitale Street)
  • Triq Marija DeDominicis (Maria De Dominicas Street)
  • Triq il-Begonja (Begonia Street)
  • Triq il-Pepprin (Poppies Street)
  • Triq il-Prinjoli (Aleppo Pine Street)
  • Triq Tal-Barrani (Tal-Barrani Road)
  • Vjal l-Oleandri (Oleandri Avenue)

Santa Venera


  • Blat il-Qamar Street (Triq Blat il-Qamar) – the road leading from Siggiewi to Dingli, Buskett, Rabat, Malta and Mdina.
  • Dr. Nicholas Zammit Street (Triq it-Tabib Nikol Zammit) – The road leading from Siggiewi Bypass to Girgenti.
  • Lapsi Street (Triq Lapsi) – The road leading from Siggiewi centre to Ghar Lapsi, Hagar Qim and Tal-Providenza areas.
  • Mgr. Michael Azzopardi Street (Triq Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi) – This road known also as Siggiewi Bypass. The road that connects Siggiewi with Zebbug, Malta, Qormi and the centre of Malta.
  • Mqabba Road (Triq l-Imqabba) – The road leading from Siggiewi to Mqabba, Hal Farrug, Luqa and the Malta International Airport.
  • Qrendi Road (Triq il-Qrendi) – This road form part of the Siggiewi Bypass, Mgr. Michael Azzopardi Street, that connects Siggiewi with Zebbug, Malta and the centre of Malta.
  • Ta' Kilpa Road (Triq Ta' Kilpa) – the road leading from Siggiewi centre to Qrendi.


  • Manuel Dimech Street (Triq Manwel Dimech) – the road leading from Sliema Ferries to Mrabat and Balluta Bay.
  • Qui-Si-Sana Strnd (Ix-Xatt ta' Qui-Si-Sana) – the road leading from Tower Road to Tigne Point.
  • The Strand (Ix-Xatt) – this road also known as Sliema Ferries. The road leading from Gżira, Msida and Ta' Xbiex to Sliema commercial area.
  • Tigne' Strand (Ix-Xatt ta' Tigne') – the road leading from Sliema Ferries to Tigne Point.
  • Tower Road (Triq it-Torri) – the main road of Sliema. This road stretch from through the Sliema promenade, that connects Gżira and Sliema (Ferries area and Tigne Point) with San Giljan, Balluta Bay and Paceville.


Ta' Xbiex

  • Abate Rigord Street (Triq l-Abate Rigord) – the road leading from Gżira and Sliema to Ta' Xbiex centre and Msida.
  • Ta' Xbiex Strand (Ix-Xatt ta' Ta' Xbiex) – the promenade leading from Sliema and Gżira to Msida.
  • Testaferrata Street (Triq Testaferrata) – the road leading from Msida to Sliema area.


Valletta (Capital City)

  • Great Sirge Road (Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir) – The main road that connect Floriana, Malta with Valletta. This road is near the largest square in Malta, Fosos Square.
  • Marsamxett Road (Triq Marsamxett) – This road form part of the Valletta Ring Road, that connects Floriana, Malta, Belt-is-Sebh area, with Fort St. Elmo and Marsamxett Harbour.
  • Mediterranean Street (Triq il-Mediterran) – This road with Quarry Wharf form part of the Valletta Ring Road, the Valletta Harbor side.
  • Quarry Wharf (Xatt il-Barriera) – This wharf form part of the Valletta Ring Road. This road connects Valletta Waterfront with Fort St. Elmo.
  • St. Elmo Place (Pjazza Sant' Iermu) – The busiest area at the tip of Valletta, near Fort St. Elmo.


  • Convent Street (Triq il-Kunvent) – the road leading from Zabbar outskirts to Zabbar centre.
  • Hompesch Gate Street (Triq il-Mina ta' Hompesch) – the road leading from Zabbar to Fgura.
  • Labour Road (Triq Tal-Labour) – the road leading from Zabbar to Birgu, Bormla and Kalkara.
  • Marsaskala Bypass (Triq Villabate) – the main road leading from Zabbar to Marsaskala.
  • Marsaskala Road (Triq Wied il-Għajn) – the old road leading from Zabbar to Marsaskala.
  • Sanctuary Street (Triq is-Santwarju) – the main road of Zabbar.
  • St. Leonard's Street (Triq San Leonardu) – the main road of St. Peter's hamlet, leading from Xghajra to Kalkara.
  • Xghajra Road (Triq ix-Xgħajra) – the road leading from Zabbar centre to Xghajra.

Zebbug, Malta

  • Attard Road (Triq Ħ'Attard) – the road leading from Zebbug to Attard, Balzan and the centre part of Malta.
  • Freedom Avenue (Vjal il-Ħelsien) – the main road of Zebbug. This road leads from Zebbug outskirt to Zebbug centre.
  • Mdina Road (Triq l-Imdina) – the road leading from Qormi, Luqa and the southern part of Malta to Mdina, Rabat, Malta, Ta' Qali, Mosta and the centre part of Malta.
  • Siggiewi Road (Triq is-Siġġiewi) – the road leading from Qormi and Zebbug, Malta to Siggiewi, Ghar Lapsi and Zurrieq area.


  • Cospicua Road (Triq Bormla) – This road also known as Tac-Cawsli Road. Leading from Zejtun to Fgura, Zabbar and Cottonera.
  • President Anton Buttigieg Street (Triq il-President Anton Buttigieg) – the main bypass of Zejtun, leads to Marsaskala, Ghaxaq, Bir id-Deheb and Tal-Barrani road.
  • St. Thomas Bay Road (Triq id-Daħla ta' San Tumas) – This road leading from Zejtun to Marsaskala and St. Thomas Bay.
  • Tal-Barrani Road (Triq Tal-Barrani) – the main road that leads from the south of Malta to the centre of Malta. This road principally leads from Zejtun to Tarxien, Ghaxaq, Gudja, Santa Lucija, Paola, Malta, Marsaxlokk and Birzebbuga.
  • Xrobb l-Ghagin Road (Triq Xrobb l-Għaġin) – This road leading from Zejtun to Marsaxlokk and Delimara.



Fontana, Gozo


  • Borg Gharib Road (Triq Borġ Għarib) – the road leading from Ghajnsielem outskirts to Qala.
  • Mgarr Road (Triq l-Imġarr) – the road leading from Mgarr (Gozo) and Ghajnsielem to Victoria, Malta, Xewkija and the western part of Gozo.
  • St. Anthony's Street (Triq Sant' Antnin) – the road leading from Mgarr (Gozo) and Ghajnsielem to Nadur and Qala.


  • Church Street (Triq il-Knisja) – the road leading from Gharb outskirts, Frances Portelli Street, to Gharb centre.
  • Frances Portelli Street (Triq Franġisk Portelli) – the road leading from Ta' Pinu area to San Lawrenz.
  • Gharb Road (Triq l-Għarb) – the road leading from Victoria, Malta and Ghasri outskirts to Gharb, Ta' Pinu and San Lawrenz.
  • Our Lady of Virtues Street (Triq il-Madonna tal-Virtut) – the road leading from Gharb centre to Birbuba hamlet.
  • Santu Pietru Road (Triq Santu Pietru) – the road leading from Birbuba hamlet to Santu Pietru hamlet.
  • Ta' Pinu Road (Triq Ta' Pinu) – the road leading from Gharb outskirts to Ta' Pinu, Ghasri and Ghammar hamlet.


  • Ghammar Road (Triq Ta' Għammar) – the road leading from Ta' Pinu and Ghammar hamlet to Ghasri centre.
  • Lantern Street (Triq il-Fanal) – the road leading from Ta' Gurdan lighthouse and Tal-Fanal Village complex to Ghasri centre.
  • Savior Gambin Street (Triq Salvu Gambin) – the main road of Ghasri centre.
  • Zebbug Road (Triq iż-Żebbuġ) – the road leading from Ghasri to Zebbug, Gozo and Sara Valley.


  • Advocate Calleja Street (Triq l-Avukat Calleja) – the main street to Kercem centre.
  • Santa Katarina tal-Qabbieza Street (Triq Santa Katarina tal-Qabbieża) – the road leading from Kercem and Santa Lucija to Gharb.
  • St. Paul's Estate Street (Triq Qasam San Pawl) – the road leading from Kercem centre to Santa Lucija hamlet.
  • Ta' Xuxa Road (Triq Ta' Xuxa) – the road leading from Kercem centre to Victoria, Malta and Fontana, Gozo.


  • Kalkara tal-Gir Street (Triq il-Kalkara tal-Ġir) – the road leading from Munxar to Sannat and Ta' Cenc Cliffs.
  • Qsajjem Road (Triq il-Qsajjem) – the road connecting Munxar with Xlendi.
  • Ras il-Bajjada Street (Triq Ras il-Bajjada) – the road leading from Munxar centre to Xlendi.
  • St. Simon Street (Triq San Xmun) – the road leading from Kantra Valley to Xlendi centre.
  • Victoria Road (Triq ir-Rabat) – the road leading from Xlendi to Fontana, Malta and Victoria, Malta.


  • Ghajn Qasab Road (Triq Għajn Qasab) – the road leading from Nadur and Ta' Bingemma area to Ramla Bay and Xaghra.
  • Hanaq Road (Triq Ta' Ħanaq) – the main road of Ta' Hida area.
  • Mgarr Road (Triq l-Imġarr) – the road leading from Nadur to Ghajnsielem and Mgarr (Gozo).
  • Qala Road (Triq il-Qala) – the road leading from Nadur to Qala.
  • Racecourse Street (Triq it-Tiġrija) – the main road of Nadur centre.
  • Ramla Bay Road (Triq ir-Ramla) – the road leading from Nadur centre to Ta' Bingemma area and Ramla Bay.
  • Victoria Road (Triq ir-Rabat) – the road leading from Nadur to Victoria, Malta, Ta' Xhajma Racecourse and Xewkija.
  • Xandriku Street (Triq Xandriku) – the road leading from Nadur centre to the road leading to Mgarr (Gozo) and Ghajnsielem.


  • Hondoq Bay Road (Triq Ħondoq ir-Rummien) – the road leading from Qala to Hondoq ir-Rummien Bay.
  • Immaculate Conception Street (Triq il-Kunċizzjoni) – the main road of Qala centre.
  • Mgarr Road (Triq l-Imġarr) – the road leading from Qala to Mgarr (Gozo) and Ghajnsielem.

San Lawrenz

  • Frances Portelli Street (Triq Franġisk Portelli) – the road leading from Gharb and Victoria, Malta to San Lawrenz centre.
  • Fungus Rock Road (Triq il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral) – the road leading from San Lawrenz centre to Dwejra and the Azure Window area.
  • Ghajn Abdul Road (Triq Għajn Abdul) – the road leading from San Lawrenz to St. Ralph's Pond, Kercem.
  • Rokon Street (Triq ir-Rokon) – the road next to San Lawrenz main tourist resort complex.
  • Wileg Road (Triq il-Wileġ)- the road leading from San Lawrenz centre to Santu Pietru hamlet, Gharb.


  • Kalkar tal-Gir Street (Triq il-Kalkara tal-Ġir) – the road leading from Sannat centre to Munxar.
  • Ta' Cenc Road (Triq Ta' Ċenċ) – the road leading from Sannat to Victoria, Malta and Ta' Cenc Cliffs.

Victoria, Gozo (Gozo's capital)

  • Archbishop Peter Pace Street (Triq l-Arċisqof Pietru Pace) – the road leading from Victoria center to Gozo General Hospital.
  • Capuchin Street (Triq il-Kapuċċini) – the road leading from Victoria to Marsalforn.
  • City Gate Street (Triq Putirjal) – the road leading from St. Frances Square area to Gozo Main Bus Terminus and shopping centers area.
  • Dawwara Road (Triq id-Dawwara) – the road leading from Victoria to Fontana, Malta and Xlendi.
  • Dr. Anton Tabone Street (Triq it-Tabib Anton Tabone) – the road leading from Victoria to Sannat and Munxar.
  • Enrico Mizzi Street (Triq Neriku Mizzi) – the road leading from Victoria centre to Tac-Cawla area.
  • Foreman Street (Triq l-Imgħallem) – the road leading from Victoria to Zebbug, Gozo.
  • Fortunato Mizzi Street (Triq Fortunato Mizzi) – the road leading from Victoria centre to Xewkija, Xaghra, Ta' Xhajma Racecourse, Nadur and Qala.
  • Gedrin Street (Triq Gedrin) – the road leading from Victoria to Kercem and Lunzjata Valley.
  • Mgarr Road (Triq l-Imġarr) – the road leading from Victoria to Xewkija, Gozo Stadium, Ghajnsielem and Mgarr (Gozo).
  • Pope John Paul II Street (Triq il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu II) – the road leading from Victoria centre to Gharb, Ghasri, San Lawrenz, Ta' Pinu and Dwejra.
  • Republic Street (Triq ir-Repubblika) – the main street that connects Victoria with The Citadel.
  • St. Frances Square (Pjazza San Franġisk) – the busiest area of Gozo.
  • St. Ursula Street (Triq Sant' Orsla) – the road leading from The Citadel to Savina area and the roads leading to the Western part of Gozo.
  • Vajringa Street (Triq Vajringa) – the road connecting Tomba area with St. Francis Square area.


  • 8th September Avenue (Vjal it-8 ta' Settembru) – the road leading from Xaghra centre to Ggantija.
  • Clay Street (Triq it-Tafla) – the main street near Ggantija temples.
  • Ghajn Hosna Road (Triq Għajn Ħosna) – the road leading from Xaghra to Ramla Bay and Nadur.
  • Gnien Xibla Road (Triq Ġnien Xibla) – the main street of Xaghra centre.
  • Marsalforn Road (Triq Marsalforn) – the road leading from Xaghra to Marsalforn.
  • Ta' Hamet Road (Triq Ta' Ħamet) – the road leading from Xewkija, Victoria, Malta and Ta' Xhajma Racecourse to Xaghra.


Zebbug, Gozo

  • Church Street (Triq il-Knisja) – the road leading from Zebbug outskirts, Zebbug Cemetery area, to Zebbug centre.
  • Ghajn Mhelhel Road (Triq Għajn Mħelħel) – the road leading from Zebbug centre to Xwejni, Qbajjar and Marsalforn.
  • Victoria Road (Triq ir-Rabat) – the road leading from Marsalforn to Victoria, Malta.
  • St. Mary Street (Triq Santa Marija) – the road leading from Qbajjar to Marsalforn.
  • Xaghra Road – the road leading from Marsalforn to Xaghra.


  1. Sammut & Savona-Ventura, "Petrol Lead in a Small Island Environment", International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 9 (1996) at 33-40.
  2. "NationMaster – Transportation statistics". Retrieved 21 October 2009.
  3. "Motor Vehicles: Q1/2022 (News Release 000/2022)" (PDF). National Statistics Office (NSO) Malta. 27 April 2022. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
  4. "CIA World Factbook – Malta". Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved 26 October 2014.
  5. "Land Transport". Government of Malta. Retrieved 26 October 2014.
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