Fine Art Exhibition "Painting of 1940–1990s. The Leningrad School"
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia
Nikolai Nekrasov Memorial Museum

Retrospective Exhibition "Painting of 1940–1990s. The Leningrad School" (Russian: Живопись 1940-1990 годов. Ленинградская школа (выставка, 1996)) was one of the most notable events in the Saint Petersburg exhibition live of 1996.[1] The exhibition took place at the Memorial Museum of Nikolai A. Nekrasov.

History and Organization

The exhibition opened on March 2, and ran until 3 April, 1997. A catalog was published for the exhibition.[2]

Contributing Artists

The exhibition included 93 artworks from 50 painters of the Leningrad School:[2]

Contributed Artworks

For the Exhibition were selected art works created in 1950-1980s. Some of them had been exhibited before,[3][4][5][6] while other paintings were shown for the first time.

Genre painting was represented by the works of "Ica Cream Vender" by Veniamin Borisov, "At the Summer Bath house" by Maya Kopitseva, "Spring in the City" by Piotr Litvinsky, "Gas pipeline laying" and "Asphalt laying works" by Anatoli Nenartovich, "Spring Day" by Nikolai Pozdneev, "Station Baikal. At the pier" by Anatoli Vasiliev, and some others.[2]

Portrait painting was represented by the works of "Junior Sergeant" by Vladimir Chekalov, "Schoolgirl" by Tatiana Gorb, "In summer at reading" by Nikolai Pozdneev, "In the Sun" by Alexander Samokhvalov, "Old Man" by Leonid Tkachenko, and some others.[2]

Landscape and Cityscape painting was represented by the works of "Windy Day" by Irina Baldina, "Winter Tale" and "Arabian coast" by Vsevolod Bazhenov, "Be a full wind" and "Near Kostroma City" by Evgeny Chuprun, "On the Volga River" and "Somewhere in Karelia" by Nikolai Galakhov, "Autumn Road" by Mikhail Kozell, "Izborsk Fortress" by Sergei Osipov, "Wave. Caspian Sea" and "Old Ladoga" by Vladimir Ovchinnikov, "Little street" by Nikolai Timkov, "Silhouettes Gurzuf" by Ruben Zakharian, and some others.[2]

Still life painting was represented by the works of "Roses" by Samuil Nevelshtein, "Still life with Pussy-Willows" by Taisia Afonina, "Still life with yellow material" by Rostislav Vovkushevsky, "A Lilac" by Kapitolina Rumiantseva, and some others.[2]


The exhibition was widely covered in the press[7][8][9][10][11][12] and in literature specialized in Soviet fine art.[1]

See also


  1. 1 2 Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. Saint Petersburg: NP-Print Edition, 2007. P.405, 422. ISBN 5-901724-21-6, ISBN 978-5-901724-21-7
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Живопись 1940—1990 годов. Ленинградская школа. Каталог. СПб., 1996.
  3. Осенняя выставка произведений ленинградских художников. 1956 года. Каталог. Л., Ленинградский художник, 1958. С.22.
  4. Каталог весенней выставки произведений ленинградских художников 1965 года. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1970. С.7.
  5. Зональная выставка произведений ленинградских художников 1980 года. Каталог. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1983. С.19.
  6. Ленинградские художники. Живопись 1950-1980 годов. Каталог. СПб.,Выставочный центр Санкт-Петербургского Союза художников, 1994.
  7. Визирякина Т. Эпоха. Время. Художник // Невское зеркало. 1996, № 7.
  8. Саблин В. «Ленинградская школа» в Петербурге // Вечерний Петербург. 1996, 21 марта.
  9. Ленинградская школа // «Афиша». Еженедельное приложение к газете «Санкт-Петербургские ведомости». 1996, 2 марта.
  10. Цыганов А. Чтобы собирать такие картины, надо быть немного романтиком // Невское время. 1996, 13 марта.
  11. Арсеньева З. Ленинградская школа складывалась во времена «ленинградского дела» // «Пятница». Еженедельное приложение к газете «Час Пик». 1996, 8 марта.
  12. Федоров С. Весна в городе и натюрморт с вербами // Смена. 1996, 6 марта.

Further reading

  • Справочник членов Ленинградской организации Союза художников РСФСР. Л., Художник РСФСР, 1987.
  • Художники народов СССР. Биобиблиографический словарь. Т/1-4. М., Искусство, 1970-1995.
  • Справочник членов Союза художников СССР. Том 1,2. М., Советский художник, 1979.
  • Time for Change. The Art of 1960-1985 in the Soviet Union. Saint Petersburg, State Russian Museum, 2006.
  • Юбилейный справочник выпускников Санкт-Петербургского академического института живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры имени И. Е. Репина Российской Академии художеств. 1915—2005. СПб., Первоцвет, 2007.

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