The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to hydrology:

Hydrology study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability.

What type of thing is hydrology?

Hydrology can be described as all of the following:

Essence of hydrology

Branches of hydrology

  • Hydrometry the measurement of the different components of the hydrologic cycle
  • Chemical hydrology the study of the chemical characteristics of water
  • Ecohydrology the study of interactions between organisms and the hydrologic cycle
  • Hydrogeology the study of the presence and movement of water in aquifers
  • Hydroinformatics the adaptation of information technology to hydrology and water resources applications
  • Hydrometeorology the study of the transfer of water and energy between land and water body surfaces and the lower atmosphere
  • Isotope hydrology the study of the isotopic signatures of water
  • Surface hydrology the study of hydrologic processes that operate at or near the Earth's surface
  • Catchment hydrology study of the governing processes in a given hydrologically-defined catchment
  • Drainage basin management covers water-storage, in the form of reservoirs, and flood-protection.
  • Water quality includes the chemistry of water in rivers and lakes, both of pollutants and natural solutes.

History of hydrology

History of hydrology

Things studied by hydrology

Abstract concepts in hydrology

Phenomena studied by hydrology

Water movement pathways

Water cycle (aka "hydrological cycle")

Physical things studied by hydrology

Environmental issues

Measurement tools


  • Aquifer characterization
  • Flow direction
  • Piezometer - groundwater pressure and, by inference, groundwater depth (see: aquifer test)
  • Conductivity, storativity, transmisivity
  • Geophysical methods

Surface water[1]

  • Water level
  • Channel shape
  • Discharge


  • Precipitation[1]
  • Rain gauge rainfall depth (unit) and intensity (unit time1)
  • Disdrometer raindrop size, total precipitation depth and intensity
  • Doppler weather radar raindrop size, total precipitation depth and intensity, rain cloud reflectivity converted to precipitation intensity through calibration to rain gauges
  • Wind profiler precipitation vertical and horizontal motion, vertical cross-section of reflectivity and typing
  • Frozen precipitation (on ground)
  • Mean windspeed and direction
  • Mean air temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air pressure
  • Heat flux
  • Cloudiness/Sunshine
  • Evapotranspiration [2]
  • Water budget method
  • Water vapor transfer method
  • Component analysis
  • Large-scale

Soil/porous media[1]

  • Bulk density & porosity
  • Oven dried sample
  • Matric potential
  • Hydraulic conductivity
  • Disc permeameter measures soil hydraulic conductivity
  • Rainfall simulator measures output through the application of constant input ("rain") in a sealed area
  • Slug test addition or removal of water and monitors the time until return to predisturbance level
  • Piezometer
  • Soil moisture content (water volume percentage)

Water quality[1]

  • Conductivity
  • pH
  • Dissolved oxygen (DO)
  • Turbidity
  • Water clarity
  • Bed load
  • Erosion/deposition






Infiltration/Soil Movement

Streamflow/Open channel





Hydrological transport model

Applications of hydrology

Some examples of applications of hydrology:

Hydrology organizations

Intergovernmental organizations

International research bodies

National research bodies

National and international societies

Basin- and catchment-wide overviews

  • Connected Waters Initiative, University of New South Wales[32] – Investigating and raising awareness of groundwater and water resource issues in Australia
  • Murray Darling Basin Initiative, Department of Environment and Heritage, Australia[33]

Hydrology publications

  • Hydrological Processes, ISSN 1099-1085 (electronic) 0885-6087 (paper), John Wiley & Sons
  • Hydrology Research, ISSN 0029-1277, IWA Publishing (formerly Nordic Hydrology)
  • Journal of Hydroinformatics, ISSN 1464-7141, IWA Publishing
  • Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ISSN 0733-9496, ASCE Publication
  • Journal of Hydrology
  • Water Research
  • Water Resources Research
  • Hydrological Sciences Journal Journal of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) ISSN 0262-6667 (Print), ISSN 2150-3435 (Online)

Persons influential in the field of hydrology

Allied sciences

Hydrology lists

  • Drainage basins by area largest hydrologically defined watersheds in the world
  • Floods chronological and geographic list of major floods worldwide
  • Waterways worldwide listing of waterbodies classified as rivers, canals, estuaries, and firths

See also

Other water-related fields
  • Oceanography more general study of water in the oceans and estuaries.
  • Meteorology more general study of the atmosphere and of weather, including precipitation as snow and rainfall.
  • Limnology study of inland waters (running and standing waters, both fresh and saline, natural or man-made), including their biological, chemical, physical, geological, and other attributes.[34] This includes the study of lakes and ponds, rivers, springs, streams and wetlands.
  • Water resources sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Hydrology studies the availability of those resources, but usually not their uses.


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