Launch of the TEXUS 50 sounding rocket from the rocket launch site Esrange, Kiruna

The Mobile Rocket Base (German: Mobile Raketenbasis), abbreviated MORABA, is a department of the DLR Space Operations and Astronaut Training in Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich. Since the 1960s, the MORABA has performed scientific high altitude research missions with unmanned rockets and balloons, and has developed the required mechanical and electrical systems. Their operational areas include upper atmosphere research, microgravity research, astronomy, geophysics, materials science, as well as hypersonic research.

EuroLaunch, a cooperation between MORABA and SSC Esrange, offers international launch services for stratospheric balloons and sounding rockets. Since 1971, MORABA also cooperates with the Brazilian Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço (IAE) of the Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial (DCTA).

Divisions of MORABA

Mobile Infrastructure

The mobile ground stations and antennas for telemetry (reception of data) and tele-command (transmission of control commands), as well as range instrumentation radar stations for the exact trajectory measurement, are part of the Mobile Infrastructure. This includes also ground support systems for communication, power supplies, etc. The main tasks include tracking the trajectory of sounding rockets or research balloons, RF data reception, data processing, distribution and archiving. Transport, setup and maintenance of the mobile stations, as well as mission preparation, are also part of the activities.

Electrical Flight Systems

The Electrical Flight Systems group develops, builds, and qualifies the necessary electrical and electronic systems aboard the rockets and balloons. Among others, this includes onboard computer systems, control and measurement equipment, data management and telemetry components, and RF transmission systems. Attitude, rate, and acceleration sensors are calibrated and flown in these systems. Cold gas rate and attitude control systems are developed and qualified by this group. The construction of Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) is also in the scope of tasks.

Mechanical Flight Systems

The Mechanical Flight Systems group performs structural calculations, aerodynamic and thermal analyses. Also, mechanical configuration and design of the payload and the entire vehicle are planned and accomplished, as well as the integration of scientific experiments and the spin balancing of the final payload. Furthermore, this group develops and maintains separation and payload recovery systems.

Launch Services

The tasks of the Launch Services group include procurement, inspection, modification and storage of rocket motors and pyrotechnics, setup of the mobile launch pads, assembling the rocket stages and ignition systems, integrating the payload and rocket motors, and loading the rocket onto the launcher. Furthermore, the group is responsible for support of flight safety, trajectory calculations, aerodynamic calculations, and selection of the rocket configuration.

Mechanical and electronic flight systems developed by MORABA

  • Rocket fins and sub structures
  • Separation systems of the rocket stages
  • De-spin systems to eliminate rocket spin before the experiment phase
  • Parachute recovery systems
  • TV multichannel transmission systems
  • On-board systems for rate, attitude, spin rate, and precession control
  • Ignition units for safe ignition of rocket motors and payload pyrotechnics
  • Mobile electrical and mechanical ground systems, such as ground stations and launch pads
  • Telemetry and tele-command systems
  • Integrated radio frequency systems for rockets and balloons


The Mobile Rocket Base emerged from the "Working Group For Space Exploration", a common foundation of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) and the former German Laboratory for Aviation (DVL). This working group was founded in 1965 and had its first headquarters in Munich. Since April 1969 the Mobile Rocket Base is located in Oberpfaffenhofen, near Munich, in the department "Space Operations and Astronaut Training" of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

The first mobile campaign to study the solar eclipse in May 1966 on the Greek island of Euboea, on behalf of the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO), demonstrated the feasibility to move and set up extensive technical and scientific equipment in a short time in a remote location.

The beginning: Atmospheric research

In cooperation with the MPE, a campaign for the study of the magnetic field of the Earth was carried out in the spring of 1967, at Esrange (Sweden). With five Nike-Apache rockets, artificial barium clouds (Aurora Borealis) were created in about 100 km altitude, in order to visualize the magnetic field lines.

In addition to the rocket launch sites in Scandinavia (Kiruna and Andenes), also Sardinia, Wallops Island and Matagorda Island (USA), White Sands (USA), Greenland, Trivandrum (India), Woomera (Australia), Huelva (Spain), Natal (Brazil), and Adelaide Island (Antarctica) were used for the launch of payloads with various scientific purposes. In the following years, sounding rockets were used mainly in the fields of upper atmosphere and research into the causes of global warming.

New fields of application: Microgravity research

With the start of the "HEATPIPE 1" payload, manufactured by Dornier, Friedrichshafen, a new field of application for sounding rockets emerged. The launch took place on January 22, 1976 at Esrange, with the aim to investigate the function of heat pipes and latent heat storage in a microgravity environment for their application in future satellite projects.

Initially intended as a supplementary programme for the German Spacelab missions, the first launch of a TEXUS payload took place on December 13, 1977 with a two-stage Skylark rocket at Esrange. In the following years, up to four TEXUS missions (6 minutes of microgravity) were flown per year, with numerous experiments. In order to meet the ever-increasing number of experiments with different requirements and objectives, the Swedish MASER programme, the MAXUS programme (13 minutes microgravity), and the MiniTEXUS programme (3 minutes microgravity) were initiated, under the aegis of the European Space Agency (ESA).

Further tasks: Launch of high altitude research balloons

Already in May 1975, the Mobile Rocket Base was involved in research balloons with the flight of the 2.5-ton "Spectro-Stratoscope" instrument[1] in Palestine (Texas), for the reception of the PCM data from the payload. Together with the Max Planck Institute for Aeronomy in Lindau (Harz, Germany), international balloon flights were carried out in Aire-sur-l'Adour (France), Mendoza (Argentina), and Hyderabad (India), to explore the chemical composition (and pollution) of the atmosphere in different altitudes and latitudes.

Technology transfer: From rockets to satellites

In the early years of German sounding rocket research, the payloads were designed and built by engineers and technicians from the companies Dornier, MBB, Kayser-Threde, and ERNO. Parallel to the withdrawal of Dornier and MBB from payload construction for sounding rockets, MORABA developed and tested, in addition to the already existing spin rate and attitude control modules and parachute recovery systems, mechanical and electrical flight systems which were difficult or impossible to obtain on the market. The first and successful application of a rocket-qualified data acquisition and transmission / reception system on a satellite was in the re-entry experiment "EXPRESS". For this project, in late 1994 a complete transmitting and receiving station with all necessary functions was set up by MORABA in the South Australian desert and was operated over the turn of the year. After the launch with a Japanese satellite launcher and a 7-day orbital flight, the landing of the EXPRESS capsule was planned to occur in the vicinity of the town of Coober Pedy (Australia). However, due to a malfunction of the rocket, the capsule entered an elliptical orbit with very low Perigee and landed in Africa after only a few revolutions.

Further applications of developments of MORABA in space flight missions included experiments aboard the Russian space station Mir and the DLR satellite BIRD.

Latest trend: Hypersonic research - the flying wind tunnel

Similar to the novel use of the rocket platform for microgravity research, the use of sounding rockets as a flying hypersonic wind tunnel has increased steadily. With the help of sounding rockets, large flight models are brought to speeds of above Mach 12 and reentry periods of up to one minute can be achieved. For the DLR Sharp Edge Flight Experiment (SHEFEX) MORABA designed and built the payload subsystems and the rocket system. With its launch in October 2005 from Andenes (Norway) the project has been successfully completed. Further experiments of this kind were the also successfully completed follow-up project SHEFEX II (launched in June 2012), as well as the scramjet engine research programs HIFiRE and Scramspace.

Missions conducted or supported by MORABA

SHEFEX II sounding rocket on the Launcher at Andøya Rocket Range
Preparation of a VSB-30 rocket motor for the launch of the TEXUS 50 sounding rocket
TEXUS 50 rocket in the Skylark launch tower at Esrange, Kiruna

Current projects of MORABA

  • TEXUS (German: Technologische EXperimente Unter Schwerelosigkeit): Technology Experiments in Microgravity Environment
  • REXUS/BEXUS: Sounding Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students
  • STERN: Students' Experimental Rockets (German: STudentische Experimental-RaketeN): Support program for students to develop innovative rocket engines
  • MAPHEUS: Material Physics Experiments in Microgravity (German: MAterialPHysikalische Experimente Unter Schwerelosigkeit)
  • WADIS (German: WellenAusbreitung und DISsipation in der Mittleren Atmosphäre): Research project of the Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Kühlungsborn, Germany, and the Institute of Space Systems (IRS) of the University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • SHEFEX (SHarp Edge Flight Experiment): Program of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • MASER: Sounding rocket program of the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), for microgravity research
  • MAXUS: Joint venture between Astrium and the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) for materials science research in microgravity environment
  • HIFiRE: Australian program for the development of a supersonic combustion ramjet (Scramjet)
  • MAIUS: Study of a Bose–Einstein condensate in microgravity environment
  • ROTEX (ROcket Technology EXperiment): Students' flight experiments of the Institute of Aerodynamics at the RWTH Aachen University
  • Corsair (formerly CSSR: Comet Surface Sample Return): Cooperation with NASA. The goal is to take a sample from the surface of a comet nucleus and transport it to Earth.

Selected missions

MissionLaunch dateLaunch siteFeature / annotation
Conestoga ISeptember 9, 1982Matagorda Island, USALaunch of the first privately funded rocket that reached space.[2][3]
SupernovaAugust 24, 1987WoomeraProject of the MPE to study the X-ray emission of Supernova 1987A.
SpaceMailFebruary 6, 2000Alcantara (Brasil)PR campaign of the Deutsche Post AG.[4][5]
SHEFEXOctober 27, 2005Andøya (Norway)Novel hypersonic reentry vehicle, developed by DLR.
REXUS 3April 5, 2006Esrange (Sweden)Flight test REGINA of the inflate system for the ARCHIMEDES balloon probe, a project of the Mars Society Germany.
TEXUS 45February 21, 2008Esrange (Sweden)Among other experiments, study of motion sicknesses with the aid of Tilapia fishes in microgravity[6][7]
SHEFEX IIJune 22, 2012Andøya (Norway)Further development of the SHEFEX vehicle. On this flight, before the ignition of the second stage, the VS-40 launch vehicle was realigned using a cold gas attitude control system.

List of rocket and balloon missions

Chronological list of rocket and balloon missions involving MORABA
Launch Date Rocket Configuration Project Location Country Payload

Mass (kg)


Length (m)

25.10.2019 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 28 Kiruna Sweden
23.10.2019 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 29 Kiruna Sweden
19.03.2019 Improved Orion REXUS 26 Kiruna Sweden
11.03.2019 Improved Orion REXUS 25 Kiruna Sweden
04.03.2019 Improved Orion REXUS 23 Kiruna Sweden
18.10.2018 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 27 Kiruna Sweden
17.10.2018 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 26 Kiruna Sweden
12.03.2018 Improved Orion REXUS 24 Kiruna Sweden
20.10.2017 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 25 Kiruna Sweden
18.10.2017 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 24 Kiruna Sweden
16.03.2017 Improved Orion REXUS 22 Kiruna Sweden
15.03.2017 Improved Orion REXUS 21 Kiruna Sweden
07.10.2016 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 23 Kiruna Sweden
05.10.2016 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 22 Kiruna Sweden
18.03.2016 Improved Orion REXUS 19 Kiruna Sweden
15.03.2016 Improved Orion REXUS 20 Kiruna Sweden
10.10.2015 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 20 Kiruna Sweden
07.10.2015 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 21 Kiruna Sweden
18.03.2015 Improved Orion REXUS 18 Kiruna Sweden
17.03.2015 Improved Orion REXUS 17 Kiruna Sweden
10.10.2014 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 18 Kiruna Sweden
08.10.2014 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 19 Kiruna Sweden
29.05.2014 Improved Orion REXUS 15 Kiruna Sweden
28.05.2014 Improved Orion REXUS 16 Kiruna Sweden
10.10.2013 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 17 Kiruna Sweden
08.10.2013 Balloon 12k m³ BEXUS 16 Kiruna Sweden
15.07.2013VS-30MAPHEUS 4KirunaSweden
28.06.2013VS-30WADIS 1AndøyaNorway4,3
08.05.2013Improved OrionREXUS 13KirunaSweden
07.05.2013Improved OrionREXUS 14KirunaSweden
12.04.2013VSB-30 V17TEXUS 50KirunaSweden
09.12.2012S30 - Improved Orion V10IGUAIBA / INPE 14AlcantaraBrasil
25.11.2012Nike - Improved OrionMAPHEUS 3KirunaNorway
16.11.2012Improved OrionREXUS 11KirunaSweden
25.09.2012Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 15KirunaSweden
24.09.2012Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 14KirunaSweden
12.09.2012S30 - Improved OrionHIFiRE 3AndøyaNorway
22.06.2012VS-40SHEFEX 2AndøyaNorway
23.04.2012S30 - Improved OrionHIFiRE 5AndøyaNorway
19.03.2012Improved OrionREXUS 12KirunaSweden
13.02.2012VSB-30MASER 12KirunaSweden
03.12.2011S30 - Improved OrionICI 3Ny-Ålesund (Spitsbergen)Norway
27.11.2011VSB-30TEXUS 48KirunaSweden
28.09.2011BalloonBEXUS 13KirunaSweden
27.09.2011BalloonBEXUS 12KirunaSweden
21.07.2011Nike - Improved OrionPHOCUSKirunaSweden
11.05.2011Improved OrionCamurupim (RTV-04)NatalBrasil
29.03.2011VSB-30 V15TEXUS 49KirunaSweden
23.02.2011Improved OrionREXUS 10KirunaSweden
22.02.2011Improved OrionREXUS 9KirunaSweden
19.12.2010Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 9AndøyaNorway
13.12.2010Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 8AndøyaNorway
12.12.2010VSB-30 V14MICROG1A (Maracati 2)AlcantaraBrasil
06.12.2010Improved OrionMaracati 2 (RTV-03)AlcantaraBrasil
05.12.2010Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 7AndøyaNorway
23.11.2010BalloonBEXUS 11KirunaSweden
27.10.2010Nike - Improved OrionMAPHEUS 2KirunaSweden
09.10.2010BalloonBEXUS 10KirunaSweden
26.03.2010Castor 4BMAXUS 8KirunaSweden808,06,0
04.03.2010Improved OrionREXUS 8KirunaSweden105,23,1
02.03.2010Improved OrionREXUS 7KirunaSweden121,73,1
29.05.2009Improved OrionMaracati 1 (RTV-02)AlcantaraBrasil
22.05.2009Nike - Improved OrionMAPHEUS 1KirunaSweden198,0
29.11.2009VSB-30 V10TEXUS 47KirunaSweden
22.11.2009VSB-30 V09TEXUS 46KirunaSweden373,0
11.10.2009Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 9KirunaSweden
10.10.2009Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 8KirunaSweden
13.03.2009Improved OrionREXUS 5KirunaSweden101,73,1
12.03.2009Improved OrionREXUS 6KirunaSweden95,13,5
08.12.2008S30 - Improved Orion V05ICI-2Ny-Ålesund (Spitsbergen)Norway
27.10.2008Improved OrionParelhas (RTV-01)NatalBrasil
22.10.2008Nike - Improved OrionREXUS 4KirunaSweden
08.10.2008Balloon 12k m³BEXUS 7KirunaSweden
08.10.2008Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 6KirunaSweden
12.07.2008Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 6AndøyaNorway
07.07.2008Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 5AndøyaNorway
30.06.2008Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 4AndøyaNorway
Jun 2008BalloonMIPAS/TELISTeresinaBrasil
15.05.2008VSB-30 V08MASER 11KirunaSweden387,35,1
01.04.2008Improved OrionAPRIL ONE (RTV-00)KirunaSweden83,02,8
21.02.2008VSB-30 V06TEXUS 45KirunaSweden357,04,9
07.02.2008VSB-30 V05TEXUS 44KirunaSweden372,84,8
31.01.2008S30 - Improved OrionHotPay 2AndøyaNorway138,12,9
04.08.2007Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 3AndøyaNorway
19.07.2007VSB-30 V04Cuma 2AlcantaraBrasil
28.03.2007BalloonBEXUS 5KirunaSweden
17.09.2006Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 2AndøyaNorway
09.09.2006Nike - Improved OrionECOMA 1AndøyaNorway
19.06.2006BalloonBEXUS 4KirunaSweden
11.05.2006VSB-30 V03TEXUS 43KirunaSweden407,0
02.05.2006Castor 4BMAXUS 7KirunaSweden784,7
05.04.2006Improved OrionREXUS 3KirunaSweden100,0
01.12.2005VSB-30 V02TEXUS 42 (TEXUS-EML)KirunaSweden372,2
27.10.2005S30 - Improved Orion V03SHEFEX 1AndøyaNorway
19.06.2005 - 08.07.2005MAXUS 7 Recovery Drop Test 2KirunaSweden
02.05.2005Skylark 7MASER 10KirunaSweden370,0
11.04.2005 - 19.04.2005Castor 4BMAXUS 7 Recovery Drop Test 1KirunaSweden
22.03.2005Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 3KirunaSweden
18.01.2005 - 21.01.2005Super Loki 4 ChaffROMA 2005AndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 2 Mini MidasROMA 2005AndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 13 Falling SpheresROMA 2005AndøyaNorway
02.12.2004Skylark 7TEXUS 41KirunaSweden401,65,2
22.11.2004Castor 4BMAXUS 6KirunaSweden793,0
28.10.2004Improved OrionREXUS 2KirunaSweden100,0
23.10.2004VSB-30 V01CajuanaAlcantaraBrasil
2004PHOENIX FlightVidselSweden
2004Nike - OrionLouise 1CELFrance
26.02.2004Balloon 10k m³BEXUS 2KirunaSweden
28.11.2003Nike - Improved OrionICI-1Ny-Ålesund (Spitsbergen)Norway
2003PHOENIX FTS Drop TestKirunaSweden
17.06.2003 - 04.07.2003Improved OrionROMA/MIDASNy-Ålesund (Spitsbergen)Norway
Improved OrionROMA/MIDASNy-Ålesund (Spitsbergen)Norway
Improved OrionROMA/MIDASNy-Ålesund (Spitsbergen)Norway
08.04.2003Skylark 7TEXUS 40KirunaSweden364,0
01.04.2003Castor 4BMAXUS 5KirunaSweden795,0
28.01.2003Terrier - OrionSAGE/MaCWAVEKirunaSweden
24.01.2003Terrier - OrionSAGE/MaCWAVEKirunaSweden
10.01.2003 - 30.01.2003Viper 46 Falling SpheresSAGE/MaCWAVEKirunaSweden
01.12.2002VS-30 V06Cuma 1AlcantaraBrasil
23.11.2002S30 - Improved Orion V02PirapemaAlcantaraBrasil
21.08.2002 - 10.10.2002Viper IIIA 1 ChaffROMA 2002AndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 22 Falling SpheresROMA 2002AndøyaNorway
05.07.2002Improved OrionMIDAS 8AndøyaNorway
05.07.2002Improved OrionMIDAS 7AndøyaNorway
05.07.2002Terrier - OrionMaCWAVEAndøyaNorway
02.07.2002Improved OrionMIDAS 6AndøyaNorway
01.07.2002Terrier - OrionMaCWAVEAndøyaNorway
28.06.2002 - 05.07.2002Viper IIIA 14 Falling SpheresMIDAS / MaCWAVEAndøyaNorway
Super Loki 12 Falling SpheresMIDAS / MaCWAVEAndøyaNorway
16.03.2002Skylark 7MASER 9KirunaSweden347,0
16.12.2001Improved OrionHygrosonde 2KirunaSweden
16.07.2001 - 14.09.2001Viper IIIA 5 ChaffROMA 2001LongyearbyenNorway
Viper IIIA 25 Falling SpheresROMA 2001LongyearbyenNorway
24.06.2001Improved OrionMIDAS 5 ConeAndøyaNorway
17.06.2001Improved OrionMIDAS 4 ConeAndøyaNorway
08.06.2001 - 24.06.2001Viper IIIA 5 ChaffMIDAS / SOLSTICEAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 7 Falling SpheresMIDAS / SOLSTICEAndøyaNorway
08.05.2001Skylark 7TEXUS 39KirunaSweden364,1
06.05.2001NSMNSM 2AndøyaNorway
29.04.2001Castor 4BMAXUS 4KirunaSweden803,4
19.02.2001Improved OrionMAXUS Test FlightKirunaSweden
24.10.2000NSMNSM 1AndøyaNorway
21.08.2000S30 - Improved Orion V01BaronesaAlcantaraBrasil160,0
15.05.2000Improved OrionMIDAS 3 ConeAndøyaNorway
06.05.2000Improved OrionMIDAS 2AndøyaNorway
06.05.2000 - 15.05.2000Viper IIIA 1 Mini MIDASAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 3 Falling SpheresAndøyaNorway
02.04.2000Skylark 7TEXUS 38KirunaSweden369,1
27.03.2000Skylark 7TEXUS 37KirunaSweden369,2
06.02.2000VS-30 V05SpaceMailAlcantaraBrasil
09.10.1999 - 13.10.1999BalloonAir Sampler 5Aire sur L'AdourFrance
16.08.1999 - 22.09.1999Viper IIIA 14 Falling SpheresTRAMP/TransisitionAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 3 ChaffTRAMP/TransisitionAndøyaNorway
14.07.1999Black Brant VADROPPS 2AndøyaNorway
06.07.1999Improved OrionMIDAS 1AndøyaNorway
05.07.1999Black Brant VADROPPS 1AndøyaNorway
04.07.1999 - 16.07.1999Viper IIIA 1 Mini MidasAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 2 Mini DustyAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 10 Falling SpheresAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 1 ChaffAndøyaNorway
Super Loki 3 ChaffAndøyaNorway
03.05.1999 - 17.05.1999BalloonAir Sampler 4KirunaSweden
14.05.1999Skylark 7MASER 8KirunaSweden334,0
15.03.1999VS-30 V04Sao MarcosAlcantaraBrasil
21.01.1999Black Brant XIICaperAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 1 Falling SphereCaperAndøyaNorway
03.12.1998Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 6KirunaSweden198,72,9
24.11.1998Castor 4BMAXUS 3KirunaSweden785,1
21.10.1998Super Loki 1 Falling SphereAriane 503 SupportKourouFrance
07.10.1998OrionMAXUS TestKirunaSweden
10.05.1998BalloonOzone Sampler 3KirunaSweden
06.03.1998Nike - Improved OrionNLTE 2KirunaSweden209,0
03.03.1998Nike - Improved OrionNLTE 1KirunaSweden212,0
11.02.1998Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 5KirunaSweden196,33,0
07.02.1998Skylark 7TEXUS 36KirunaSweden383,2
26.01.1998Nike - Improved OrionMermaidKirunaSweden182,63,0
04.01.1998 - 27.02.1998Viper IIIA 26 Falling SpheresTRAMP/PORTA (26)Adelaide Island (Rothera)Antarctica
Viper IIIA 3 Falling SpheresRONALD 2AndøyaNorway
31.01.1998VS-30 V03RONALD 2AndøyaNorway
30.10.1997Super Loki (Falling Spheres)Meteorological RocketKourouFrance
30.10.1997Super Loki (Falling Spheres)Meteorological RocketKourouFrance
12.10.1997VS-30 V02Ronald 1AndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 2 Falling SpheresKANEAndøyaNorway
Terrier - Improved OrionKANEAndøyaNorway
16.08.1997BalloonAir Sampler 2KirunaSweden
15.07.1997 - 08.09.1997ViperTRAMP/TemperatureAndøyaNorway
01.05.1997BalloonAir Sampler 1KirunaSweden
28.04.1997VS-30 V01SantanaAlcantaraBrasil
24.11.1996Skylark 7TEXUS 35KirunaSweden331,0
03.05.1996Skylark 7MASER 7KirunaSweden355,0
02.03.1996Skylark 7TEXUS 34KirunaSweden393,5
28.11.1995Castor 4BMAXUS 2KirunaSweden796,7
23.11.1995Super Loki 1 Falling SphereMeteorological RocketKourouFrance
20.11.1995Super Loki 1 Falling SphereMeteorological RocketKourouFrance
08.10.1995Improved OrionOrion TestflightKirunaSweden
14.07.1995Improved OrionOrion TestflightKirunaSweden
02.05.1995Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 3KirunaSweden200,52,9
29.04.1995Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 4KirunaSweden162,52,8
28.03.1995 - 31.05.1995Viper IIIA 21 Falling SpheresAerosoleAndøyaNorway
25.01.1995Viper IIIA 1 Falling SphereSCIFERAndøyaNorway
25.01.1995Black Brant XIISCIFERAndøyaNorway
30.11.1994Skylark 7TEXUS 33KirunaSweden331,2
12.08.1994Nike - OrionEcho 94 / ConeAndøyaNorway
31.07.1994Nike - OrionEcho 94 / DustyAndøyaNorway
28.07.1994Nike - OrionEcho 94 / DustyAndøyaNorway
22.07.1994 - 17.08.1994Viper IIIA 12 Falling SpheresEcho 94AndøyaNorway
05.05.1994Skylark 7TEXUS 32KirunaSweden390,1
03.05.1994Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 2KirunaSweden162,02,9
19.02.1994OrionRasmus 5KirunaSweden
29.11.1993Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 1KirunaSweden160,02,9
26.11.1993Skylark 7TEXUS 31KirunaSweden346,4
04.11.1993Skylark 7MASER 6KirunaSweden372,0
02.08.1993Nike - OrionNLC - 93KirunaSweden
02.08.1993Nike - OrionNLC - 93KirunaSweden
Viper IIIA 6 Falling SpheresNLC - 93KirunaSweden
18.07.1993 - 19.08.1993Viper IIIA 5 Falling SpheresTURBO-SCALEAndøyaNorway
2 Nike - OrionTURBO-SCALEAndøyaNorway
26.05.1993Nike - OrionAerospatialCELFrance
01.05.1993Skylark 7TEXUS 30KirunaSweden375,7
27.02.1993OrionStrafam 3/21KirunaSweden
18.02.1993BalloonSTRAFAM 3/2KirunaSweden
10.02.1993BalloonSTRAFAM 3/2KirunaSweden
08.02.1993BalloonSTRAFAM 3/2KirunaSweden
22.11.1992Skylark 7TEXUS 29KirunaSweden397,0
08.11.1992Castor 4BMAXUS 1BKirunaSweden784,7
18.08.1992Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS 1KirunaSweden
23.04.1992 - 03.06.199221 Viper IIIAAerosoleAndøyaNorway
11.05.1992BalloonMikroba 5KirunaSweden
09.04.1992Black Brant IXMASER 5KirunaSweden
23.11.1991Skylark 7TEXUS 28KirunaSweden381,5
04.10.1991Nike - OrionTurbo - MetalAndøyaNorway
03.10.1991Nike - OrionTurbo - MetalAndøyaNorway
30.09.1991Nike - OrionTurbo - MetalAndøyaNorway
20.09.1991Nike - OrionIOMASAndøyaNorway
20.09.1991Nike - OrionTurbo - MetalAndøyaNorway
17.09.1991Nike - OrionTurbo - MetalAndøyaNorway
10.9.1991 - 04.10.1991Super Loki / 2 Falling SpheresMetalAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA / 8 ChaffMetalAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA / 9 Falling SpheresMetalAndøyaNorway
Aug 1991Nike - Improved OrionMiniTEXUS TestKirunaSweden
09.08.1991Nike - OrionNLC - 91KirunaSweden
01.08.1991Nike - OrionNLC - 91KirunaSweden
Jul/Aug 1991Nike - OrionNLC - 91KirunaSweden
Nike - OrionNLC - 91KirunaSweden
Black Brant VNLC - 91KirunaSweden
Black Brant VNLC - 91KirunaSweden
3 Super ArcasNLC - 91KirunaSweden
Viper IIIA 6 Falling SpheresNLC - 91KirunaSweden
Viper IIIA 2 ChaffNLC - 91KirunaSweden
08.05.1991Castor 4BMAXUS 1KirunaSweden766,2
09.04.1991Skylark 7Sissi 4KirunaSweden
09.04.1991OrionRasmus 4KirunaSweden
Apr 1991Super Loki 3 Data SondesSissi 4KirunaSweden
Apr 1991Viper IIIA 2 Falling SpheresSissi 4KirunaSweden
06.02.1991BalloonSTRAFAM 3/1KirunaSweden
04.02.1991BalloonSTRAFAM 3/1KirunaSweden
03.02.1991OrionStrafam 3/2KirunaSweden
26.01.1991BalloonSTRAFAM 3/1KirunaSweden
26.01.1991BalloonSTRAFAM 3/1KirunaSweden
22.01.1991BalloonSTRAFAM 3/1KirunaSweden
18.01.1991BalloonSTRAFAM 3/1KirunaSweden
25.11.1990Skylark 12MAXUS - Test (Spin Rack)KirunaSweden
15.11.1990Skylark 7TEXUS 27KirunaSweden360,2
02.08.1990Skylark 6Sissi 3KirunaSweden
26.07.1990Skylark 7Sissi 2KirunaSweden
Jul/Aug 1990Super Loki 4 Data SondesSissi 3KirunaSweden
Jul/Aug 1990Viper IIIA 2 Falling SpheresSissi 2KirunaSweden
23.05.1990BalloonMikroba 4KirunaSweden
15.05.1990Skylark 7TEXUS 26KirunaSweden381,3
13.05.1990Skylark 7TEXUS 25KirunaSweden385,3
29.03.1990Black Brant IXBMASER 4KirunaSweden
13.03.1990Nike - OrionDyanaCELFrance
06.03.1990Nike - OrionDyanaCELFrance
06.03.1990Improved OrionRasmus 3KirunaSweden85,0
06.03.1990Skylark 6Sissi 1KirunaSweden
20.02.1990Nike - OrionDyanaCELFrance
Jan-Mar 1990Super Loki 25 Data SondesDyanaAndøyaNorway
Jan-Mar 1990Viper IIIA 24 ChaffDyanaAndøyaNorway
Jan-Mar 1990Viper IIIA 35 Falling SpheresDyanaAndøyaNorway
Jan-Mar 1990S520DyanaAndøyaNorway
Jan-Mar 19906 Nike - OrionDyanaAndøyaNorway
25.01.1990OrionStrafam 2/3KirunaSweden
17.01.1990 - 26.02.19904 Super Loki / 3 Viper IIIAUchinouraJapan
06.12.1989Skylark 7TEXUS 24KirunaSweden375,9
25.11.1989Skylark 7TEXUS 23KirunaSweden363,7
16.08.1989 - 31.08.19892 Super Loki / 7 Viper IIIAUchinouraJapan
08.05.1989BalloonMikroba 3KirunaSweden
03.05.1989Skylark 7TEXUS 22KirunaSweden410,5
30.04.1989Skylark 7TEXUS 21KirunaSweden332,7
10.04.1989Black Brant IXCMASER 3KirunaSweden
09.02.1989Skylark 2ACRose 4KirunaSweden
07.02.1989Skylark 2ACRose 3KirunaSweden
30.01.1989OrionStrafam 2/2KirunaSweden
06.12.1988OrionRasmus 2KirunaSweden
05.12.1988Skylark 2ACRose 2AndøyaNorway
02.12.1988Skylark 7TEXUS 20KirunaSweden391,8
28.11.1988Skylark 7TEXUS 19KirunaSweden381,7
26.11.1988Skylark 2ACRose 1AndøyaNorway
03.09.1988Skylark 12Interzodiak 2NatalBrasil
Jun/Jul 1988Viper IIIA 10 ChaffMac - SodiumAndøyaNorway
09.05.1988Skylark 7Test FlightKirunaSweden
06.05.1988Nike - Black Brant VTEXUS 18KirunaSweden368,8
02.05.1988Nike - Black Brant VTEXUS 17KirunaSweden347,0
12.04.1988BalloonMikroba 2KirunaSweden
29.02.1988Black Brant IXCMASER 2KirunaSweden
23.11.1987Skylark 7TEXUS 16KirunaSweden379,7
12.11.1987Nike - OrionMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
12.11.1987Nike - OrionMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
21.10.1987Nike - OrionMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
21.10.1987Nike - OrionMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
15.10.1987Nike - OrionMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 9 ChaffMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 8 Falling SpheresMac - EpsilonAndøyaNorway
24.08.1987Skylark 7Super Nova 1987AWoomeraAustralia
Jun/Jul 19874 Super ArcasMac - SineAndøyaNorway
Jun/Jul 1987Streched Super Loki 28 ChaffMac - SineAndøyaNorway
Jun/Jul 1987Viper IIIA 27 Falling SpheresMac - SineAndøyaNorway
09.05.1987Skylark 7TEXUS 15KirunaSweden379,1
06.05.1987OrionRasmus 1KirunaSweden
03.05.1987Skylark 7TEXUS 14BKirunaSweden372,7
30.03.1987BalloonMPAE LindauHyderabadIndia
19.03.1987Black Brant IXBMASER 1KirunaSweden
July 1986Nike - OrionMAEDKirunaSweden
July 1986Nike - OrionMAEDKirunaSweden
July 1986Nike - OrionMAEDKirunaSweden
July 1986Super Loki 6 Falling SpheresMAEDKirunaSweden
14.05.1986BalloonMicroba 1KirunaSweden
12.05.1986Skylark 7TEXUS 14KirunaSweden372,7
30.04.1986Skylark 7TEXUS 13KirunaSweden379,9
30.10.1985RadarvermessungNAVEX D1DFVLR OberpfaffenhofenGermany
06.05.1985Skylark 7TEXUS 12KirunaSweden365,1
27.04.1985Skylark 7TEXUS 11KirunaSweden350,5
03.03.1985Skylark 12Interzodiak 1NatalBrasil
22.02.1985OrionTest with CFK-FinsNatalBrasil
15.02.1985OrionTest with CFK-FinsNatalBrasil
30.01.1985Skylark 12Caesar 2AndøyaNorway162,93,4
15.05.1984Skylark 7TEXUS 10KirunaSweden375,8
03.05.1984Skylark 7TEXUS 9KirunaSweden359,0
18.02.1984Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway171,04,2
16.02.1984Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway171,04,2
10.02.1984Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway170,04,1
10.02.1984Skylark 7Map - WineKirunaSweden
31.01.1984Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway170,04,1
27.01.1984Skylark 12Caesar 1AndøyaNorway160,03,4
25.01.1984Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway171,04,2
13.01.1984Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway170,04,1
06.01.1983Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway159,03,9
07.12.1983Nike - OrionMap - WineAndøyaNorway149,53,8
02.12.1983 - 23.02.1984Streched Super Loki 14 ChaffMap - WineAndøyaNorway
Super Loki 4 ChaffMap - WineAndøyaNorway
Super Loki 35 Data SondesMap - WineAndøyaNorway
Viper IIIA 58 Falling SpheresMap - WineAndøyaNorway
05.10.1983BalloonMPAE LindauMendozaArgentina
19.09.1983OL (liquid)OrtragKirunaSweden
13.05.1983Skylark 7TEXUS 8KirunaSweden348,8
05.05.1983Skylark 7TEXUS 7KirunaSweden374,6
09.09.1982AriesConestoga I Test FlightMatagordaUSA
03.08.1982Nike - OrionStrafamKirunaSweden
08.05.1982Skylark 7TEXUS 6KirunaSweden368,5
29.04.1982Skylark 7TEXUS 5KirunaSweden373,0
09.12.1981Skylark 7Energiebilanz (E 2)KirunaSweden
08.05.1981Skylark 7TEXUS 4KirunaSweden365,5
30.04.1981Skylark 7TEXUS 3BKirunaSweden373,5
01.12.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
01.12.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
16.11.1980Skylark 7EnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
16.11.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
11.11.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
Taurus - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
Taurus - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
Taurus - OrionEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
Skua 3 ChaffEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
Super Loki 14 Falling SpheresEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
Super Loki 11 Data SondesEnergiebilanzKirunaSweden
28.11.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzAndøyaNorway105,02,8
16.11.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzAndøyaNorway106,02,8
11.11.1980Nike - OrionEnergiebilanzAndøyaNorway105,02,8
28.04.1980Skylark 7TEXUS 3KirunaSweden373,3
26.10.1979Nike - OrionTest FlightNatalBrasil
22.10.1979Nike - OrionTest FlightNatalBrasil
12.10.1979Skylark 12Astro - HelNatalBrasil
31.03.1979AriesPORCUPINE, IMS Aries 4KirunaSweden
19.03.1979AriesPORCUPINE, IMS Aries 3KirunaSweden
13.03.1979Skylark 7Astro 4 / 1WoomeraAustralia
22.02.1979Skylark 7Astro 4 / 2WoomeraAustralia
16.11.1978Skylark 7TEXUS 2KirunaSweden360,0
13.09.1978OrionBasic Orion Test FlightKirunaSweden
31.03.1978 - 18.04.197876 Meteorological RocketsAndøyaNorway
02.02.1978OrionBasic Orion Test FlightAndøyaNorway45,01,9
30.01.1978Skylark 12IMS - Teilsturm/NL-TAndøyaNorway202,53,7
30.01.1978Skylark 12IMS - Teilsturm/NL-TAndøyaNorway202,53,7
13.12.1977Skylark 7TEXUSKirunaSweden347,0
02.11.1977Skylark 12IMS - Teilsturm/NL-TAndøyaNorway202,53,7
13.10.1977Skylark 12IMS - Teilsturm/NL-TAndøyaNorway202,53,7
10.06.1977Black Brant VHeatpipe 2HuelvaSpain
20.03.1977AriesPORCUPINE, IMS Aries 2KirunaSweden
16.03.1977Skylark 7Polare HochatmosphäreAndøyaNorway308,55,0
20.02.1977Skylark 7Polare HochatmosphäreAndøyaNorway308,55,0
08.02.1977Skylark 7Polare HochatmosphäreAndøyaNorway283,05,0
26.01.1977AriesAstro 8/2White SandsUSA
22.01.1977Skylark 7Polare HochatmosphäreAndøyaNorway282,05,0
1976 - 1977Radar MeasurementMRCA / TORNADOWorkerszellGermany
17.07.1976Skylark 7SL 1402HuelvaSpain
27.06.1976Black Brant IVAstroHuelvaSpain
30.03.1976AriesPORCUPINE, IMS Aries 1KirunaSweden
10.03.1976Black Brant IVAstro 6HuelvaSpain
22.01.1976Skylark 7Heatpipe 1KirunaSweden
21.01.1976Nike - ApacheWinteranomalieHuelvaSpain
21.01.1976Cuckoo - RavenWinteranomalieHuelvaSpain
04.01.1976Nike - ApacheWinteranomalieHuelvaSpain
04.01.1976Cuckoo - RavenWinteranomalieHuelvaSpain
09.10.1975Skylark 7MPI Lindau Astro 7HuelvaSpain
14.03.1975Skylark 7ASTRO 1/2, MPE GarchingWoomeraAustralia
11.01.1975Black Brant IVMPE GarchingGreenlandGreenland
18.12.1974Black Brant IVMPE GarchingGreenlandGreenland
17.12.1974Black Brant IVMPE GarchingGreenlandGreenland
07.10.1974Skylark 7SL 1304 / Astro 9, MPE GarchingHuelvaSpain
07.05.1974Research Flight Vehicle (liquid engine)ERNO Test FlightCELFrance
Mar 1974Black Brant IVMPE GarchingAndøyaNorway
06.02.1974Black Brant IVMPE GarchingAndøyaNorway
16.01.1974Skylark 7MPE GarchingHuelvaSpain
11.01.1974Skua 3 ChaffMPE GarchingHuelvaSpain
11.01.1974Super Loki 2 Falling SpheresMPE GarchingHuelvaSpain
27.11.1973Skylark 7ESRO Nutzlast (S 74)HuelvaSpain
24.11.1973Javelin/JA-07MPE GarchingNatalBrasil
18.11.1973Javelin/JA-06MPE GarchingNatalBrasil
06.10.1973Skylark 7ESRO Nutzlast (S 92)HuelvaSpain
02.10.1973Skylark 7ESRO Nutzlast (S 93)HuelvaSpain
04.07.1973Black Brant VCAeros - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway198,23,2
12.05.1973Black Brant VCAeros - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway169,62,9
16.02.1973Black Brant VCPonta NegraNatalBrasil
07.02.1973Black Brant VCPonta NegraNatalBrasil
03.02.1973Black Brant VCPonta NegraNatalBrasil
01.02.1973Black Brant VCPonta NegraNatalBrasil
13.12.1972Cuckoo - ZenitUni BernAndøyaNorway139,02,5
24.10.1972Research Flight Vehicle (liquid engine)ERNO Test FlightCELFrance
10.10.1972Research Flight Vehicle (liquid engine)ERNO Test FlightCELFrance
13.06.1972 - 18.03.1972Recovery S91ESRO
11.03.1972Sand HawkMPE GarchingThumbaIndia
08.03.1972Black Brant VCAeros-VorprogrammNatalBrasil
05.03.1972Sand HawkMPE GarchingThumbaIndia
03.02.1972Black Brant VAeros-VorprogrammNatalBrasil
16.11.1971Skylark 2MPE GarchingSardiniaItaly
24.03.1971SkylarkMPE GarchingKirunaSweden
15.03.1971SkylarkMPE GarchingKirunaSweden
28.01.1971Nike - TomahawkMPE GarchingAndøyaNorway72,62,8
17.01.1971Nike - TomahawkMPE GarchingAndøyaNorway54,62,3
14.01.1971Skylark 6Test FlightAberporthUK
16.12.1970Nike - TomahawkUni FrankfurtWallopsUSA
10.12.1970Nike - TomahawkUni FrankfurtWallopsUSA
29.11.1970 - 09.12.1970Recovery 3cESRO
22.10.1970Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigNatalBrasil
13.10.1970Skylark 3Uni BonnSardiniaItaly
12.10.1970Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigNatalBrasil
08.10.1970Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigNatalBrasil
08.10.1970Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigNatalBrasil
06.10.1970Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigNatalBrasil
01.10.1970Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigNatalBrasil
10.09.1970 - 12.10.1970Recovery 3bESRO
12.06.1970 - 27.06.1970Recovery 3aESRO
22.03.1970Skylark 3Uni BonnSardiniaItaly
18.03.1970Black Brant IVAMPI HeidelbergAndøyaNorway75,02,1
15.03.1970Black Brant IVAMPI HeidelbergAndøyaNorway75,02,1
08.03.1970Black Brant VAAZUR - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway126,02,1
06.03.1970Black Brant VAAZUR - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway126,02,1
14.02.1970Black Brant VAAZUR - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway124,02,1
14.02.1970Black Brant VAAZUR - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway124,02,1
02.02.1970Black Brant VAAZUR - ZusatzprogrammAndøyaNorway142,02,6
29.01.1970Javelin-7001/JA-05DVL, Nike - J-20, SAFO-IONONatalBrasil
26.01.1970Javelin-7001/JA-04DVL, Nike - J-19, SAFO-IONONatalBrasil
04.07.1969 - 28.07.1969Recovery 1 + Recovery 2ESRO
17.03.1969Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden
16.03.1969Nike - ApacheTH BochumKirunaSweden
15.03.1969Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden27,01,4
04.12.1968Black Brant IIITU BraunschweigKirunaSweden48,02,7
03.12.1968Black Brant IIITU BraunschweigKirunaSweden
19.11.1968Black Brant IIITU BraunschweigKirunaSweden48,12,7
12.06.1968Nike - ApacheMPI HeidelbergKirunaSweden35,02,1
11.06.1968Nike - ApacheMPI HeidelbergKirunaSweden35,02,1
06.04.1968Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden28,81,5
23.03.1968Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden
20.03.1968Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden28,81,5
05.12.1967Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigKirunaSweden26,71,5
30.09.1967 - 12.11.1967Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden
23.10.1967Nike - ApacheTU BraunschweigKirunaSweden28,81,5
11.04.1967Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden22,81,5
10.04.1967Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden22,81,5
09.04.1967Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden22,81,5
08.04.1967Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden22,81,5
07.04.1967Nike - ApacheMPE GarchingKirunaSweden22,81,5
21.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966CentaureTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966CentaureTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966Sparrow ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966Sparrow ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966Sparrow ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966Sparrow ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
20.05.1966Sparrow ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
15.05.1966ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
15.05.1966CentaureTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece
15.05.1966Sparrow ArcasTotal Eclipse, MPE GarchingKarystosGreece

Further reading

  • Peter Turner: Einmal ins All und zurück. DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen 2007, ISBN 978-3-00-022037-1.
  • Burkhard Franke: Forschungsraketen - Technologische Experimente unter Schwerelosigkeit durchgeführt mit TEXUS, MiniTEXUS und MAXUS. Stedinger Verlag, Lemwerder 2007.
  • Wilfried Ley, Klaus Wittmann, Willi Hallmann: Handbuch der Raumfahrttechnik. Carl Hanser Verlag, München 2011, ISBN 978-3-446-42406-7.
  • Kurt Trettner: Deutschlands Raketen starten in Schweden! In: hobby - Das Magazin der Technik. Nr. 15, 1967, S. 88–92.
  • Günther Seibert: The History of Sounding Rockets and Their Contribution to European Space Research. ESA Publications Division, November 2006, ISBN 92-9092-550-7.

See also


  1. Kiepenheuer, K. O.; Mehltretter, J. P. (1964). "Spectrostratoscope: A Balloon-Borne Solar Observatory". Applied Optics. 3 (12): 1359–1361. Bibcode:1964ApOpt...3.1359K. doi:10.1364/AO.3.001359.
  2. Alan Peppard (2012-09-11). "30 Years Ago, First Privately Funded Space Launch Was on Wynne family's Texas island". The Dallas Morning News. Archived from the original on 2012-11-04. Retrieved 2013-09-24.
  3. John C. Abell (2009-09-09). "Sept. 9, 1982: 3-2-1 … Liftoff! The First Private Rocket Launch". Wired. Retrieved 2014-09-02.
  4. Wolf H. Goldschmitt (1999-08-27). "Die Deutsche Post schickt Briefe zum Mann im Mond". Die Welt. Retrieved 2013-09-25.
  5. metropress GmbH (2000-02-08). "Spektakuläre Grußaktion zum Millenniumswechsel - Deutsche Post befördert 2000 Briefe und Karten ins All". news aktuell. Retrieved 2013-09-25.
  6. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (2008-02-21). "TEXUS 45 erfolgreich gestartet". News-Archiv. Retrieved 2013-10-15.
  7. Universität Hohenheim (2008-02-13). "Weltraumkrankheit: Wir wollen von Fischen lernen". Presse Archiv. Archived from the original on 2013-11-14. Retrieved 2013-10-15.
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