The Military Corps of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (Italian: Corpo speciale volontario ausiliario dell'Esercito Italiano dell'Associazione dei cavalieri italiani del Sovrano militare Ordine di Malta, Corpo Militare EI-SMOM), is a voluntary auxiliary body of the Italian Army for health and humanitarian assistance.[1]

Army parade in Italy, Republic Day 2007

A successor to the armed forces of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (the Navy of the Order, the Guard of the Grand Master, the Regiment of Malta (infantry), the Regiment of the Falconers (hunters), the Regiment of Cavalry, and the Company of Bombardiers), the Military Corps was founded on 19 January 1877 as the Association of Italian Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, with the purpose of providing support and health services for the then Royal Italian Army, both in times of war and peace. With circular letter n. 156 of the Official Military Journal of 9 April 1909, by order of King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, became a special auxiliary body of the Royal Italian Army and adopted the gray-green uniform.

The Military Corps has been involved in a variety of conflicts. In the Italo-Turkish War (1911–1912) to the Corps was given the Regia Marina Hospital ship Regina Margherita (nave ospedale), which made seven crossings between Naples and Libya, repatriating 1,162 wounded and sick. Mobilized for the First World War (1914–1918), the Military Corps operated with eight relief posts at the front, a field hospital, a territorial hospital in Rome and four hospital trains that transported 448,000 sick over 560,000 km. In addition to honors and a commendation[2] by General Diaz, on October 23 1921, the Corps was granted the use of a banner similar to that established for the Corpo sanitario dell'Esercito Italiano of the Royal Italian Army.[3]

See also


  1. "EI-SMOM: come arruolarsi nel Corpo militare dell'ACISMOM?" [EI-SMOM: how to join the ACISMOM Military Corps?] (in Italian).
  2. Diaz, Armando (16 February 1919). (Speech) (in Italian). Mentre i servizi delle benefiche associazioni di soccorso, compiutasi con la vittoria e l'unità della Patria, si vanno smobilitando, mi è grato rivolgere a codesto Sovrano militare ordine di Malta, con pensiero memore, il commosso ringraziamento mio e dell'Esercito mobilitato. Fedele alle sue nobili tradizioni, codesto insigne Ordine ha portato, nell'aspra e vittoriosa guerra, un largo e apprezzato contributo di nobili intenti e di generose opere, ed ha provveduto, con l'ausilio dei ricchi mezzi onde è dotato, e con lo zelo e la fede dei suoi ufficiali e dei suoi militi, ad integrare l'opera delle unità sanitarie mobilitate, dando prova di rara sapienza, di organizzazione, di nobile slancio e di alto sentimento di fratellanza. È pertanto con viva gratitudine ch'io porgo agli ufficiali e militi del Sovrano militare ordine di Malta, il fervido saluto dei combattenti d'Italia [While the services of the charitable relief associations, accomplished with the victory and unity of the Fatherland, are being demobilized, I am grateful to address this Sovereign Military Order of Malta, with mindful thought, my heartfelt thanks and that of the mobilized Army. Faithful to its noble traditions, this distinguished Order has brought, in the bitter and victorious war, a large and appreciated contribution of noble intentions and generous works, and has provided, with the help of the rich means with which it is gifted, and with the zeal and faith of its officers and soldiers, to integrate the work of the mobilized health units, giving proof of rare wisdom, organization, noble enthusiasm and a high feeling of brotherhood. It is therefore with deep gratitude that I extend to the officers and soldiers of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the fervent greeting of the combatants of Italy.] {{cite speech}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  3. Royal Decree October 23, 1921, No. 1418, 23 October 1921
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