Michał Twaróg of Bystrzyków (Polish: 'Michał Twaróg z Bystrzykowa'; Latin: Michael vulgo Parisiensis de Majori Bystrzyków) (c. 1450–1520) was a Polish philosopher and theologian of the early 16th century.


Michał Twaróg studied at Paris in 1473–77, during the period when, following the anathematization of the Nominalists (1473), the Scotist school of philosophy enjoyed its greatest triumphs there. He brought Scotism to Poland and taught at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków from 1485, serving as its rector in 1513–14.[1]

Twaróg was the author of many works of philosophy and theology revered by contemporary historians. As the abbot of the collegiate church in Wojnicz (1497–1520) he supported financially the functioning of the local hospital. A prominent student of Twaróg was Jan of Stobnica (c.1470–1519), a moderate Scotist, professor at the same Jagiellonian University (Kraków Academy) between 1498 and 1514, who took account also of the theories of the Ockhamists, Thomists and Humanists.[2]

See also


  1. Past Rectors of the Jagiellonian University of Kraków Archived 2009-07-10 at the Wayback Machine Brief history at JU official website.
  2. Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Zarys dziejów filozofii w Polsce (A Brief History of Philosophy in Poland), [in the series:] Historia nauki polskiej w monografiach (History of Polish Learning in Monographs), [volume] XXXII, Kraków, Polska Akademia Umiejętności (Polish Academy of Learning), 1948. This monograph draws from pertinent sections in earlier editions of the author's Historia filozofii (History of Philosophy), pp. 6–7.


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