Vincent Cespedes
Vincent Cespedes

(1973-09-14)14 September 1973

Vincent Cespedes (born 14 September 1973 in Aubervilliers, Seine-Saint-Denis) is a French philosopher, writer and composer.

He is the author of essays on various subjects, and he published a novel on Cheikh Anta Diop and Panafricanism philosophy, set in the context of relations between Africa and the West. Since 2008 he has directed a collection which he created at Larousse editions: "Philosopher" ("Philosophize"). He is also a painter,[1] a pianist, a rapper and a composer.


  • 2004: Maraboutés (Marabouted)
    (Fayard, Paris, 627 pages)
  • 2001: I Loft You (Mille et Une Nuits, Paris, 129 pages) – the first French essay about reality television
  • 2002: La Cerise sur le béton. Violences urbaines et libéralisme sauvage (The Cherry on the Concrete, Urban Violence and Savage Liberalism) (Flammarion, Paris, re-ed. 2005, 344 pages)
  • 2002: Sinistrose. Pour une renaissance du politique (Sinistrose, For a Renaissance of the Political) (Flammarion, Paris, 192 pages) – with regard the French elections of 2002, which saw the extreme right pass through the first round
  • 2003: Je t'aime. Une autre politique de l'amour (I Love You. A Different Politic of Love) (Flammarion, Paris, 490 pages)
  • 2006: Mélangeons-nous. Enquête sur l'alchimie humaine (Let's mix. Investigating Human Alchemy) (Maren Sell, Paris, 363 pages)[2]
  • 2007: Mot pour mot. Kel ortograf pr 2m1 ? (Word for Word. Wat spelling 4 2moro ?)
    (Flammarion, Paris, 288 pages) – fictionalized dialogue on French spelling
  • 2008: Mai 68, la philosophie est dans la rue ! (May 68, Philosophy is in the Street!)
    (Larousse, coll. " Philosopher ", Paris, 288 pages)[3]
  • 2010: Magique étude du Bonheur (Magic Study of Happiness)
    (Larousse, coll. " Philosopher ", Paris, 240 pages)
  • 2010: L'Homme expliqué aux femmes (Men Explained to Women[4])
    (Flammarion, Paris, 254 pages)
  • 2013: L'Ambition ou l'épopée de soi[5]
    (Flammarion, Paris, 312 pages)
  • 2015: Youth Now (Flammarion, Paris, 150 pages)
  • 2021: Le Monde est flou. L'avenir des intelligences, "Hazy World. The future of intelligences", Plon, 2021, 280 pages.
  • 2006: Contre-Dico philosophique (Philosophical Counter-dictionary) (Milan, Paris, 288 pages)
  • 2008: Tous philosophes ! 40 invitations à philosopher
    (All Philosophers! 40 Invitations to Philosophize)
    (Albin Michel, Paris, 176 pages)
  • 2009: J'aime, donc je suis. À la découverte de votre philosophie amoureuse (I love, therefore I am. Discover Your Love Philosophy) (Larousse, Paris, 128 pages)
  • 1999: Concours de professeur des écoles. Dossiers d'entretien (Teaching examinations. Interviews)
    (Vuibert, re-ed. 2000, 320 pages)
  • 2008 : La télé nous rend fous !, Flammarion.
  • 2010 : Dictionnaire de la mort (″Dictionary of Death″), Larousse.
  • 2011 : Le Jeu du Phénix (″The Phoenix Game″),[6] a philosophical tarot.
  • 2012 : Plages philo à l'usage de tous, Tallandier.
  • 2014 : Vents contraires, " Aujourd'hui tous les élèves doivent être des philosophes »
  • 2016 : Les mots (et les actes) pour vivre ensemble, Cherche Midi.
  • 2016 : Éloge de l'érection, Le Bord de l'Eau.
  • 2017 : Managers, dirigeants, libérez-vous ! Quand la transformation des dirigeants libère l'intelligence collective, Vuibert.
  • 2017 : Sur les chemins de l'harmonie. Sagesse éternelle et regards contemporains, Larousse.
  • 2010 : Slide[7] (for contemporary dance show).
  • 2012 : Hélices[8] (for contemporary dance show).
  • 2015 : Born As A Star (Сериал Рожденная Звездой), russian sitcom, 12 episodes.
  • 2016 : Médée[9] (original music for Heiner Müller's poece, Médée-matériau, directed by Rabiàa Tlili).
  • 2016 : VIINCΞ, Ma Femme idéale, Recordless Company[10] (single).
  • 2017 : Art'n'Sex, Recordless Company[11] (single).
  • 2017 : Eternity (on an Arthur Rimbaud's poetry, translated in english), Recordless Company[12] (single).
  • 2017 : VIINCΞ, Microliberté (rap), Recordless Company[13](EP, 4 tracks).
  • 2017 : À Bouche Que Veux-Tu, Recordless Company[14] (for contemporary dance show).
  • 2017 : L'Amour simple (for cello and piano), Recordless Company[15] (single).


He gives conferences in France and abroad, intervening notably in the circles of the hospital (clinical research ethics, psychiatry), of companies and institutions.

He is among "the young guard" in a ranking conducted by L'OBS on the "50 Stars of Thought",[16] as well as among the nine portraits of "intellectuals of the twenty-first century" brushed by Le Journal du Dimanche.[17]

Regular guest of the Solidays music festival[18] organised by Solidarité sida (a French AIDS awareness group for youth), he participated in the launch of "Printemps Solidaire" at the Zénith Paris on 1 February 2017, in front of 6,000 spectators.[19]

He had practiced Kung-Fu for 20 years and was stunt performer in Brotherhood of the Wolf (Christophe Gans, 2001), directed by Philip Kwok.

He is also a pianist and composer.[20] His first rap EP, under the alias VIINCΞ, "Microliberté", was released on 13 October 2017 on Recordless Company record label.[21]

Direct Philosophy

In 2016, he organizes about ten times a month video sessions on Facebook Live to interact directly with Internet users connected to the themes that they suggest; an exercise which he calls "balbutiement" (″stammering″).[22]

It is also thanks to the exploration of this technology that he creates and animates the first role-playing game in Facebook live video, Primate Joke:[23] a meditation on the future of humanity and modern democracies, where emotions and thought are taken care of by monkeys-cyborgs, the "Cymians".

With these experiences, he created "Dream Tanks[24]" in August 2016: citizen agoravideos in which Internet users (called "Editors") seize a theme and interact with their "co-drivers" (users connected) . This initiative of "direct philosophy" will produce fifty Dream Tanks from the first month, by publishers from 17 to 73 years, from all origins and around the world (France, Peru, Thailand, China). In a year, the number of Dream Tanks will be 450.

Tintin Gate

On 19 September 2017, he launched on his Facebook Page an absurd but well-argued idea, clearly stamped "Fake news", which will trigger the "Tintin Gate": the idea that Tintin was always perceived as a girl for his creator, Hergé.[25] The controversy goes around the world in less than a week. The philosopher will explain himself to Guardian: his objective was to demonstrate that the "serious" media now needed attractive "fake news" to prosper on the Internet.[26]

New technologies

In 2016, he created the human values test Deepro[27] (for ″Deep Profiling″), presenting his new axiology directly in the form of a mobile app.[28]
His philosophical tarot, Le Jeu du Phénix (″The Phoenix Game″), is also adapted for mobile app.

In 2017, with his team of French and Vietnamese developers, he launches the IMLAC project (″Intelligent Matricial Language About Concepts″), the construction of a philosophical artificial intelligence, based on his system of formalization of human behaviors, on the Lovotic of Hooman Samani, on works by Lotfi Zadeh and on swarm intelligence.[29]


  1. Two covers of his books represent his paintings, I Love You (Flammarion, 2003) and The Cherry on the Concrete (Flammarion 2002).
  2. French critical review of Let's mix. Investigating Human Alchemy
  3. French critical review of May 68: Philosophy is in the Streets!
  4. "Article about Men Explained to Women in". Archived from the original on 6 January 2011. Retrieved 5 January 2011.
  5. An extract in English from L'Ambition ou l'épopée de soi
  6. ″Philosopher est-il jouer ?″ (″Philosophy, is it playing?″), Libération, November 2011.
  7. Slide, 4 tracks, 2010.
  8. Hélices (trailer), 2012.
  9. Médée, 5 tracks, 2016.
  10. VIINCΞ, Ma Femme idéale, single, Recordless Company, 2017.
  11. Vincent Cespedes, Art'n'Sex, single, Recordless Company, 2017.
  12. Vincent Cespedes, Eternity, single, Recordless Company, 2017.
  13. VIINCΞ, Microliberté, 4 tracks, Recordless Company, 2017.
  14. À Bouche Que Veux-Tu, 5 tracks, Recordless Company, 2017.
  15. Vincent Cespedes, L'amour simple, single, Recordless Company, 2017.
  16. L'OBS, October, 2008.
  17. Le Journal du dimanche, December, 2009.
  18. Solidays music festival, 2016.
  19. Printemps Solidaire, Zénith-Paris, 2017.
  20. France Musique, « Voyage en moi majeur », January, 2012 Archived 28 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine.
  21. VIINCΞ, "Microliberté", Recordless Company, 2017).
  22. Direct philosophy, on Facebook Live
  23. Primate Joke, first role-playing game in Facebook live video.
  24. Dream Tanks Facebook Page
  25. The Independent, ″Is Tintin a girl? French philosopher says theory on comic book character was a 'thought experiment'″ », 2017.
  26. The Guardian, ″Is Tintin a girl? Philosopher says his theory was 'fake news'″.
  27. Deepro, mobile app on human values, on App Store and Google Play, Matkaline, 2016.
  28. « La philo au bout des doigts… » (″Philo on your fingertips″), Le Meunier qui dort, 2016.
  29. Le Jeu du Phénix, on App Store and Google Play, Matkaline, 2017.
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