The following is a list of terms referring to an average person. Many are used as placeholder names.


By culture

Arab world

Fulan (male: فلان) Fulana (female: فلانة)[2]



  • Hans Meier / Maier / Mayer[3]
  • Herr und Frau Österreicher (Mr and Mrs Austrian)[4]

Belgium (Dutch)


  • Jan Novák ("John/Jon Newman") Jana Nováková ("Jane Newman")
  • Otakar Všudybyl ("Ottokar Waseverywhere")[5] and Jana Zcestovalá ("Jane Welltraveled"),[6] used on travelcards or ID cards samples


  • Hr. og Fru Danmark (Mr. and Mrs. Denmark)[7]


Matti Meikäläinen (male, literally "our Matti"), Maija Meikäläinen (female, literally "our Maija")[8]


  • Very popular names (similar to John/Jane Doe): Jean Dupont, Paul Martin, M./Mme Durand, M./Mme Martin, etc.;
  • Usable as a common word: Pierre-Paul-Jacques (with the meaning of "Someone");[9]
  • Random people (similar to Average John/Jane): Monsieur/Madame Tout-le-monde, (M./Mme) Untel/Unetelle (Mr/Mrs NoName),[10] Madame Michu (only female),[11] (M./Mme) Tartempion (familiar and little satirical);[12]
  • Other:
    • (M./Mme) Machin/Machine (familiar terms, used when one does not take the pain to find another term);[13]
    • (Un) Gazier originally, a man who worked in gas transport; nowadays, it is a familiar term to tell "Someone" (mostly for a man, this term is rare for women, and in such a case, the correct orthography is "Gazière").[14]

See also fr:wikt:Tartempion#Synonymes


  • Max Mustermann (Max Sample Man, for men), Erika Mustermann (Erika Sample Man, for women), used as a placeholder name in official documents, ID samples etc. since 1978. More recently, other first names have also been used in specific context, such as Leon Mustermann (sample children's passport),[15] Cleopâtre Mustermann (sample travel document for foreigners),[16] or Manu Musterperson (Manu Sample Person, as a gender-neutral form).[17]
  • Otto Normalverbraucher (Otto Normal Consumer), used mostly in economic contexts
  • Lieschen Müller, sometimes derogatory
  • Hinz und Kunz, similar to "Tom, Dick and Harry"



  • Mario Rossi[19]
  • Pinco Pallino[20]
  • Tal dei Tali[21]
  • Signor Nessuno[22]
  • Uomo medio[23]
  • Cittadino qualunque[23]
  • "Tizio,[24] Caio[25] e Sempronio[26]" equivalent to "Tom, Dick and Harry"


  • Tarō Yamada (male)
  • Hanako Yamada (female)




  • Ola Nordmann (male), Kari Nordmann (female), common Norwegian first names and a surname that literally translates to "Norwegian"
  • Often depicted with blonde hair and traditional Norwegian folk clothing.



  • Jan Kowalski (male), Anna Kowalska (female), the second most common Polish surname.
  • For a broader representation of average Poles "Kowalski" may be grouped with some other common surnames, such as Nowak (the most common Polish surname), Malinowski, or Wiśniewski: "Imagine our neighbors, the Kowalskis or Nowaks, who earn PLN 100 less per month than we do".[30]


  • Fulano (from Arabic), Sicrano (unknown etymology), Beltrano (from given name Beltrão)[31] "Fulano, Sicrano e Beltrano" equivalent to "Tom, Dick and Harry"


Common placeholder first names in Russia are Ivan and Pyotr, due to their commonality. Their placeholder function may be seen in old Russian textbooks: in arithmetical problems or sentences to illustrate grammar.[32]

For a group of average persons or to stress the randomness of a selection, a triple common Russian surnames are used together in the same context: "Ivanov, Petrov, or Sidorov". This is a relatively new phenomenon that was unknown in the early 20th century. Ivanov, being derived from the most common first name, is a placeholder for an arbitrary person. In its plural form, "Ivanovs", it may be used as a placeholder for a group of people.[32] There is a military joke: The sergeant asks the rookies: "Your surnames!" - "Ivanov!", "Petrov!", "Sidorov!" - "Are you brothers?" - "No, we are namesakes, sir!"[33]

In informal, humorous or ironic contexts, the placeholder Vasya Pupkin is sometimes used. The surname, derived from the word "pup", meaning "navel", is funny-sounding for a Russian.

In Russian jokes, a placeholder name for an archetypal Jew is Rabinovich.


  • Fulano, from Arabic, Mengano, Zutano. "Fulano, Mengano y Zutano" equivalent to "Tom, Dick and Harry"


  • Svensson, medelsvensson describing an average Swede. Svensson being one of the most common surnames in Sweden.


  • Somchai (common name for male – literally meaning "appropriate for a man"), Somsri (common, if somewhat dated, name for female), Sommai (common names of either gender), nai-gor (นาย equivalent to 'Mr. A')[34]

United Kingdom

United States

Social Security card featuring John Q. Public

See also


  1. "Cambridge Dictionary - Normie". Cambridge Dictionary.
  2. "نذكرها كثيراً في أحاديثنا.. ما هو "فلان" أو "فلانة"؟". العربية. March 17, 2018.
  3. Max Mustermann - es gibt ihn wirklich (Max Mustermann - he actually exists), German newspaper article
  4. Ernährungsfehler von Herrn und Frau Österreicher (Unhealthy Food Habits Of Mr and Mrs Austrian), Austrian government website
  5. "Od 1. 6. 2020 je možné vydat LP na doklad pacienta | Elektronické preskripce". Retrieved 2023-09-22.
  6. "hr. og fru Danmark". Den Danske Ordbog (in Danish). Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. Retrieved August 28, 2022.
  7. Milburn, Trudy (2015). Communicating User Experience: Applying Local Strategies Research to Digital Media Design. Lexington Books. p. 134. ISBN 978-1-4985-0614-4.
  8. "Pierre, Paul ou Jacques en français & son équivalent anglais | Yolaine Bodin". Yolaine Bodin. 16 February 2017.
  9. "Untel : Définition simple et facile du dictionnaire".
  10. "Madame Michu (Définition)".
  11. "Tartempion (Définition)".
  12. "MACHIN : Définition de MACHIN".
  13. "Définitions : Gazier - Dictionnaire de français Larousse".
  14. BGBl. 2007 I S. 2386, 2411.
  15. Zweite Verordnung zur Änderung der Passverordnung sowie zur Änderung der Aufenthaltsverordnung vom 15. Februar 2017, Anlage 1 (zu Artikel 1), BGBl. I S. 162, Anlagen D4c, D7a, D8a.
  16. Gender-Regeln: Berliner Beamte sollen ihre Pronomen angeben
  17. "Boaz and Ploni Almoni | Yeshivat Har Etzion". Retrieved 2023-06-26.
  18. Waldman, Katy (2015-03-20). "Are You a John Q. Public or a Joe Blow?". Slate Magazine. Retrieved 2021-06-20.
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  28. Chung, Esther. "We Are All Makcik Kiah, And Her Family Is Our Family | TRP". Retrieved 2021-03-07.
  29. Mariusz Rutkowski, "PRZECIĘTNY KOWALSKI. UWAGI O KONOTACJACH I MEDIALNYCH WYSTĄPIENIACH JEDNOSTKI ONIMICZNEJ", Zeszyty Naukowe KUL, vol 58, no. 3 (231), 2015, pp. 3-9.
  30. "De onde vêm os termos Fulano, Beltrano e Sicrano?", September 27, 2016
  31. 1 2 "Иванов, Петров, Сидоров..." (archived), In: "Чужое имя", Kanun Almanac [Альманах Канун], issue 6, St.Petersburg, 2001, pp.273-293.
  32. Alim Akhmadeev, ИВАНОВ, ПЕТРОВ, СИДОРОВ, Istoki July 3, 2020,
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  36. "Outraged of Tunbridge Wells, Edited by Nigel Cawthorne - Review". The Independent. 2013-12-08. Retrieved 2020-06-13.
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