The protected areas of Guinea include national parks, a strict nature reserve, a faunal reserve, and classified forests.[1]

National parks

Strict nature reserves

Biosphere reserves

Faunal reserves

  • Tristao Faunal Reserve

Classified forests

  • Badiar-sud Classified Forest
  • Bagata Classified Forest
  • Bakoun Classified Forest
  • Balayan-Souroumba Classified Forest
  • Bambaya Classified Forest
  • Bani Classified Forest
  • Banie Classified Forest
  • Bantarawel Classified Forest
  • Baro Classified Forest
  • Beauvois Classified Forest
  • Bellel Classified Forest
  • Binti Classified Forest
  • Botokoly Classified Forest
  • Boula Classified Forest
  • Chutes de Tinkisso Classified Forest
  • Colline-Macenta Classified Forest
  • Counsignaki Classified Forest
  • Damakhania Classified Forest
  • Dara-Labe Classified Forest
  • Darou-salam Classified Forest
  • Diécké Classified Forest
  • Diogoure Classified Forest
  • Dixinn Classified Forest
  • Djimbera (Bantiguel) Classified Forest
  • Dokoro Classified Forest
  • Fello Digue Classified Forest
  • Fello Sounga Classified Forest
  • Fello-Selouma Classified Forest
  • Fitacouna Classified Forest
  • Fougoumba Classified Forest
  • Foye-Madinadian Classified Forest
  • Galy Classified Forest
  • Gambi Classified Forest
  • Gangan Classified Forest
  • Gban Classified Forest
  • Gouba Classified Forest
  • Goulgoul-Kankande Classified Forest
  • Grandes Chutes Classified Forest
  • Gueme Sangan Classified Forest
  • Gueroual Classified Forest
  • Guirila Classified Forest
  • Haute-Komba Classified Forest
  • Kabela Classified Forest
  • Kakrima Classified Forest
  • Kala Classified Forest
  • Kaloum Classified Forest
  • Kambia Classified Forest
  • Khabitaye Classified Forest
  • Koni Classified Forest
  • Konkoure Fetto Classified Forest
  • Kora Classified Forest
  • Koumban-Kourou Classified Forest
  • Kourani-Oulete- Dienne Classified Forest
  • L'Amana Classified Forest
  • Laine Classified Forest
  • Lefarani Classified Forest
  • Loffa Classified Forest
  • Mafou Classified Forest
  • Makona Classified Forest
  • Milo Classified Forest
  • Mirire Classified Forest
  • Miti Kambadaga Classified Forest
  • Mombeya Classified Forest
  • Mt. Balan Classified Forest
  • Mt. Balandougou Classified Forest
  • Mt. Konossou Classified Forest
  • Mt. Kouya Classified Forest
  • Mt. Loura Classified Forest
  • Mt. Tetini Classified Forest
  • Mt. Yonon Classified Forest
  • N'Dama Classified Forest
  • N'Guidou Classified Forest
  • Nialama (or Nyalama) Classified Forest
  • Sources du Niger Classified Forest
  • Nono Classified Forest
  • Ouladin Classified Forest
  • Paradji Classified Forest
  • Pic de Fon Classified Forest
  • Pic de Tibe Classified Forest
  • Pinselli Classified Forest
  • Sala Classified Forest
  • Sambalankan Classified Forest
  • Selly-Koro Classified Forest
  • Sere Classified Forest
  • Serima Classified Forest
  • Sierra-Fore Classified Forest
  • Sincery-Ourssa Classified Forest
  • Sobory Classified Forest
  • Souarela Classified Forest
  • Sources de Kindia Classified Forest
  • Souti-Yanfu Classified Forest
  • Soyah Classified Forest
  • Tafsirla Classified Forest
  • Tamba Classified Forest
  • Tangama Classified Forest
  • Tialakoun Classified Forest
  • Tinka Classified Forest
  • Tomine Koumba Classified Forest
  • Yardo Classified Forest
  • Ziama Massif Classified Forest

Ramsar sites - wetlands of international importance

  • Bafing-Falémé
  • Bafing-Source
  • Gambie-Koulountou
  • Gambie-Oundou-Liti
  • Ile Alcatraz
  • Ile Blanche
  • Iles Tristao
  • Konkouré
  • Niger Source
  • Niger-Mafou
  • Niger-Niandan-Milo
  • Niger-Tinkisso
  • Rio Kapatchez
  • Rio Pongo
  • Sankarani-Fié
  • Tinkisso
  • Mount Nimba


  1. UNEP-WCMC (2020). Protected Area Profile for Guinea from the World Database of Protected Areas, June 2020. Available at:
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