This is a list of people executed in the United States in 2011. Forty-three people were executed in the United States in 2011, all by lethal injection. Fifteen of them were in the state of Texas. One (Humberto Leal Garcia) was a foreign national from Mexico, while another (Manuel Valle) was a foreign national from Cuba.[1][2]

List of people executed in the United States in 2011

No. Date of execution Name Age of person Gender Ethnicity State Method Ref.
At execution At offense Age difference
1 January 6, 2011 Billy Don Alverson 39 24 15 Male Black Oklahoma Lethal injection [3]
2 January 11, 2011 Jeffrey David Matthews 38 21 17 White [4]
3 January 13, 2011 Leroy White 52 29 23 Black Alabama [5]
4 January 25, 2011 Emmanuel Fitzgerald Hammond 45 23 22 Georgia [6]
5 February 9, 2011 Martin Link 47 27 20 White Missouri [7]
6 February 15, 2011 Michael Wayne Hall 31 18 13 Texas [8]
7 February 17, 2011 Frank G. Spisak Jr. 59 31 28 Ohio [9]
8 February 22, 2011 Timothy Wayne Adams 42 33 9 Black Texas [10]
9 March 10, 2011 Johnnie Roy Baston 37 20 17 Ohio [11]
10 March 29, 2011 Eric John King 47 26 21 Arizona [12]
11 March 31, 2011 William Glenn Boyd 45 20 25 White Alabama [13]
12 April 12, 2011 Clarence Carter 49 26 23 Black Ohio [14]
13 May 3, 2011 Cary D. Kerr 46 36 10 White Texas [15]
14 May 6, 2011 Jeffrey Brian Motts 36 30 6 South Carolina [16]
15 May 10, 2011 Benny Joe Stevens 52 40 12 Mississippi [17]
16 May 17, 2011 Rodney Gray 38 42 17 Black [18]
17 Daniel Lee Bedford 63 36 27 White Ohio [19]
18 May 19, 2011 Jason Oric Williams 43 23 20 Alabama [20]
19 May 25, 2011 Donald Edward Beaty 56 29 27 Arizona [21]
20 June 1, 2011 Gayland Charles Bradford 42 20 22 Black Texas [22]
21 June 16, 2011 Lee Andrew Taylor 32 12 White [23]
22 Eddie Duvall Powell III 41 25 16 Black Alabama [24]
23 June 21, 2011 Milton Wuzael Mathis 32 19 13 Texas [25]
24 June 23, 2011 Roy Willard Blankenship 55 22 33 White Georgia [26]
25 June 30, 2011 Richard Lynn Bible 49 26 23 Arizona [27]
26 July 7, 2011 Humberto Leal Garcia 38 21 17 Hispanic Texas [28]
27 July 19, 2011 Thomas Paul West 52 28 24 White Arizona [29]
28 July 20, 2011 Mark Anthony Stroman 41 31 10 Texas [30]
29 July 21, 2011 Andrew Grant DeYoung 37 19 18 Georgia [31]
30 July 29, 2011 Robert W. Jackson III 38 18 20 Delaware [32]
31 August 10, 2011 Martin Robles 33 24 9 Hispanic Texas [33]
32 August 18, 2011 Jerry Terrell Jackson 30 20 10 Black Virginia [34]
33 September 13, 2011 Steven Michael Woods Jr. 31 21 White Texas [35]
34 September 21, 2011 Lawrence Russell Brewer 44 31 13 [36]
35 Troy Anthony Davis 42 20 22 Black Georgia [37]
36 September 22, 2011 Derrick O'Neal Mason 37 19 17 Alabama [38]
37 September 28, 2011 Manuel Valle 61 27 34 Hispanic Florida [39]
38 October 20, 2011 Christopher Thomas Johnson 38 32 6 White Alabama [40]
39 October 27, 2011 Frank Martinez Garcia 39 28 10 Hispanic Texas [41]
40 November 15, 2011 Reginald Brooks 66 36 29 Black Ohio [42]
41 Oba Chandler 65 43 22 White Florida [43]
42 November 16, 2011 Guadalupe Esparza 46 34 12 Hispanic Texas [44]
43 November 18, 2011 Paul Ezra Rhoades 54 28–30 24–26 White Idaho [45]
Average: 44 years 27 years 18 years


Male 43 100%
Female 0 0%
White 23 53%
Black 15 35%
Hispanic 5 12%
Texas 13 30%
Alabama 6 14%
Ohio 5 12%
Arizona 4 9%
Georgia 4 9%
Florida 2 5%
Mississippi 2 5%
Oklahoma 2 5%
Delaware 1 2%
Idaho 1 2%
Missouri 1 2%
South Carolina 1 2%
Virginia 1 2%
Lethal injection 43 100%
January 4 9%
February 4 9%
March 3 7%
April 1 2%
May 7 16%
June 6 14%
July 5 12%
August 2 5%
September 5 12%
October 2 5%
November 4 9%
December 0 0%
30–39 17 40%
40–49 15 35%
50–59 7 16%
60–69 4 9%
Total 43 100%

Executions in recent years

Number of executions
2012 43
2011 43
2010 46
Total 132

See also


  1. "Execution List 2011". Death Penalty Information Center. Retrieved October 17, 2021.
  2. "U.S. Executions Since 1976". The Clark County Prosecuting Attorney. Retrieved October 17, 2021.
  3. "Billy Don Alverson Executed January 6, 2011 06:10 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  4. "Jeffrey David Matthews Executed January 11, 2011 06:09 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Oklahoma".
  5. "Leroy White Executed January 13, 2011 09:10 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  6. "Emmanuel Fitzgerald Hammond Executed January 25, 2011 11:39 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  7. "Martin Link Executed February 9, 2011 12:15 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Missouri".
  8. "Michael Wayne Hall Executed February 15, 2011 06:23 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  9. "Frank G. Spisak Jr. Executed February 17, 2011 10:34 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  10. "Timothy Wayne Adams Executed February 22, 2011 06:31 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  11. "Johnnie Roy Baston Executed March 10, 2011 10:30 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  12. "Eric John King Executed March 29, 2011 at 10:22 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  13. "William Glenn Boyd Executed March 31, 2011 06:23 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  14. "Clarence Carter Executed April 12, 2011 10:25 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  15. "Cary D. Kerr Executed May 3, 2011 06:19 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  16. "Jeffrey Motts Executed May 6, 2011 6:17 p.m. by Lethal Injection in South Carolina".
  17. "Benny Joe Stevens Executed May 10, 2011 at 6:22 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  18. "Rodney Gray Executed May 17, 2011 at 6:12 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Mississippi".
  19. "Daniel Lee Bedford Executed May 17, 2011 11:18 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  20. "Jason Oric Williams Executed May 19, 2011 06:19 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  21. "Donald Edward Beaty Executed May 25, 2011 at 7:38 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  22. "Gayland Charles Bradford Executed June 1, 2011 06:25 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  23. "Lee Andrew Taylor Executed June 16, 2011 06:24 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  24. "Eddie Duvall Powell III Executed June 16, 2011 06:30 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  25. "Milton Wuzael Mathis Executed June 21, 2011 06:53 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  26. "Roy Willard Blankenship Executed June 23, 2011 08:37 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  27. "Richard Lynn Bible Executed June 30, 2011 at 11:11 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  28. "Humberto Leal Jr. a/k/a Humberto Leal Garcia Executed July 7, 2011 06:21 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  29. "Thomas Paul West Executed June 30, 2011 at 11:10 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Arizona".
  30. "Mark Anthony Stroman Executed July 20, 2011 08:53 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  31. "Andrew Grant DeYoung Executed July 21, 2011 08:04 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  32. "Robert W. Jackson III Executed July 29, 2011 12:12 a.m. by Lethal Injection in Delaware".
  33. "Martin Robles Executed August 10, 2011 06:21 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  34. "Jerry Terrell Jackson Executed August 18, 2011 9:14 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Virginia".
  35. "Steven Michael Woods Jr. Executed September 13, 2011 06:22 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  36. "Lawrence Russell Brewer Executed September 21, 2011 06:21 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  37. "Troy Anthony Davis Executed September 21, 2011 11:08 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Georgia".
  38. "Derrick O'Neal Mason Executed September 22, 2011 06:49 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  39. "Manuel Valle Executed September 28, 2011 07:14 p.m. EST by Lethal Injection in Florida".
  40. "Christopher Thomas Johnson Executed October 20, 2011 06:25 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Alabama".
  41. "Frank Martinez Garcia Executed October 27, 2011 07:02 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  42. "Reginald Brooks Executed November 15, 2011 2:04 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Ohio".
  43. "Oba Chandler Executed November 15, 2011 04:25 p.m. EST by Lethal Injection in Florida".
  44. "Guadalupe Esparza Executed November 16, 2011 06:21 p.m. CDT by Lethal Injection in Texas".
  45. "Paul Ezra Rhoades Executed November 18, 2011 9:15 p.m. by Lethal Injection in Idaho".
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   List of people executed   
   in the United States in   
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