This is an incomplete list of the paintings by the Belgian painter James Ensor (1860–1949)

ImageTitleTechniqueDimensions (cm)YearCollectionRef
Bathing Hutoil on card18 x 231876Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
La Plaine flamande vue des dunesoil on card23.5 x 31.51876private collection
Girl with the Upturned NoseOil on canvas mounted on wood54 × 451879Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Portrait of the Artist at his Easeloil on canvas40 x 331879private collection
Chinoiseries with Fansoil on canvas80 x 1001880Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[1]
The Lamp Boyoil on canvas151.5 x 911880Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[2]
Le Maraisoil on canvas-1880Musée des Beaux-Arts, Tournai
Woman with Red Parasoloil on canvas51 x 371880Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Still Life with Duckoil on canvas82 x 1021880Musée des beaux-arts, Tournai
The Cabbageoil on canvas67.5 x 79.51880Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[3]
After the Stormoil on canvas52.5 x 62.51880Kunstmuseum aan Zee, Ostend
Une coloristeoil on canvas102 x 821880Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[4]
Portrait of the Artist's Fatheroil on canvas100 x 801880Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[5]
Nature morte au géraniumoil on canvas60 x 70c.1880Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[6]
The Bourgeois Salonoil on canvas133 x 1091881Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[7]
Étude de meroil on canvas50 x 731881private collection
La Dame sombreoil on canvas100 x 811881Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[8]
Afternoon in Ostendoil on canvas108 x 1331881Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
La Dame en bleuoil on wood68.5 x 58.51881Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[9]
Russian Musicoil on canvas133 x 1101881Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[10]
Le Fiacreoil on canvas41.5 x 541880-1882private collection
The Woman with the Blue Shawloil on canvas74 x 591881Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[11]
La Rue de Flandre sous la neigeoil on canvas41.5 x 541881Fondation Socindec, Vaduz
The Lady in Distressoil on canvas100.4 x 79.71882Musée d'Orsay, Paris[12]
The Oyster Eateroil on canvas240 x 1851882Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[13]
Portrait of the Artist's Motheroil on canvas100 x 801882Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[14]
Les masques scandalisésoil on canvas135 x 1121883Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[15]
The Roweroil on canvas79 x 991883Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
The Drunkardsoil on canvas115 x 1651883Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels
Ensor in a Flowered Hatoil on canvas76.5 x 61.51883Kunstmuseum aan Zee, Ostend
The Rooftops of Ostendoil on canvas149 x 2071884Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[16]
Enfant à la poupéeoil on canvas149 x 911884Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne
Éventails et étoffesoil on canvas47.5 x 55.51885Kunsthaus Zurich
The Lighthouse at Ostendoil on panel62 x 751885Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[17]
Skeletons Looking at Chinoiserieoil on canvas100 x 601885Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent
Le Meuble hantéoil on canvas89 x 1031885 - c.1890destroyed during the Second World War
Les Enfants à la toiletteoil on canvas135 x 1001886Museum voor Schone Kunsten Gent
The Tribulations of Saint Antonyoil on canvas118 x 167.51887Museum of Modern Art, New York[18]
Adoration of the Shepherdsoil on wood46.7 x 60c.1887Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[19]
Masks Confronting Deathoil on canvas81.3 x 100.31888Museum of Modern Art, New York[20]
Astonishment of the Wouze Maskoil on canvas109 x 131.51889Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[21]
Fall of the Rebel Angelsoil on canvas108 x 1321889Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Skeletons Warming Themselvesoil on canvas74.8 x 601889Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth
Attributs d'atelier
Image © Ad Meskens / Wikimedia Commons
oil on canvas83 x 1131889Neue Pinakothek, Munich[22]
Christ's Entry into Brussels in 1889oil on canvas252.5 x 430.51888-1889J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles[23]
Old Lady with Masksoil on canvas54 x 47.51889Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent
La Tour de Lissewegheoil on canvas61 x 731890Fondation Socindec, Vaduz
The Intrigueoil on canvas89.5 x 1491890Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[24]
Ensor at the Easeloil on canvas59.5 x 411890Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Les bains à OstendeCraie noire, crayon de couleur et oil on panel37.5 x 45.51890private collection
Musique dans la rue de Flandreoil on canvas24 x 191891Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Skeletons Fighting over a Hanged Manoil on canvas59 x 741891Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp[25]
Skeletons Fighting over a Pickled Herringoil on panel16 x 211891Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[26]
The Good Judgesoil on panel38 x 461891private collection
Les Chanteurs grotesquesoil on panel16 x 211891private collection
Ecce homo (le Christ et les critiques)oil on panel12 x161891private collection
The Man of Sorrowsoil on panel21.5 x 161892Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
The Rayoil on panel80 x 1001892Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[27]
Les Masques singuliersoil on canvas100 x 801892Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[28]
The Bad Doctorsoil on panel50 x 611892Université libre de Bruxelles
La Vierge consolatriceoil on panel40 x 381892private collection
Pierrot in Despairoil on canvas144.5 x 194.51892Kröller-Müller Museum[29]
The Savoy Cabbageoil on canvas81 x 1001894Museum Folkwang, Essen[30]
The Dead Cockereloil on canvas80 x 1001894Kunsthalle Mannheim[31]
The Dangerous Cooksoil on panel38 x461896private collection
Les Cuirassiers à WaterlooRoyal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Death and the Masksoil on canvas78.5 x 1001897Musée des beaux-arts, Liège
Ensor aux masquesoil on canvas120 x 801899private collection
Au Conservatoire[32]Oil on canvas mounted on wood56.5 x 71.51902Musée d'Orsay, Paris
Personages devant l'affiche de "La gamme d'amour"oil on canvas86.5 x 711914Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels[33]
Carnival in Flandersoil on panel27 x 36après 1920Kunsthaus Zurich
Still Life with Cabbageoil on canvas72 x 1021921Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo[34]


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