Freshman members of the United States Senate

The 104th United States Congress began on January 3, 1995. There were nine new senators (all Republicans) and 86 new representatives (13 Democrats, 73 Republicans), as well as one new delegate (an independent), at the start of the first session. Additionally, three senators (one Democrat, two Republicans) and seven representatives (four Democrats, three Republicans) took office on various dates in order to fill vacancies during the 104th Congress before it ended on January 3, 1997.


Took office January 3, 1995

State Image Senator Seniority Switched party Prior background Birth year
Arizona Jon Kyl (R) 3rd
(94th overall)
Open seat; replaced Dennis DeConcini (D)
U.S. House of Representatives 1942
Maine Olympia Snowe (R) 1st
(92nd overall)
Open seat; replaced George J. Mitchell (D)
U.S. House of Representatives
Maine Senate
First Lady of Maine
Michigan Spencer Abraham (R) 8th
(99th overall)
Open seat; replaced Donald Riegle (D)
Michigan Republican Party Chair 1952
Minnesota Rod Grams (R) 6th
(97th overall)
Open seat; replaced David Durenberger (R)
U.S. House of Representatives 1948
Missouri John Ashcroft (R) 7th
(98th overall)
Open seat; replaced John Danforth (R)
Governor of Missouri
Missouri Attorney General
State Auditor of Missouri
Ohio Mike DeWine (R) 2nd
(93rd overall)
Open seat; replaced Howard Metzenbaum (D)
Lieutenant Governor of Ohio
U.S. House of Representatives
Ohio Senate
Pennsylvania Rick Santorum (R) 5th
(96th overall)
Defeated Harris Wofford (D)
U.S. House of Representatives 1958
Tennessee Bill Frist (R) 9th
(100th overall)
Defeated Jim Sasser (D)
Surgeon 1952
Wyoming Craig L. Thomas (R) 4th
(95th overall)
Open seat; replaced Malcolm Wallop (R)
U.S. House of Representatives
Wyoming House of Representatives

Took office during the 104th Congress

State Image Senator Took office Switched party Prior background Birth year
Oregon Ron Wyden (D) February 5, 1996 Yes
Open seat; replaced Bob Packwood (R)
U.S. House of Representatives 1949
Kansas Sheila Frahm (R) June 11, 1996 No
Appointed; replaced Bob Dole (R)
Lieutenant Governor of Kansas
Kansas Senate
Kansas Sam Brownback (R) November 7, 1996 No
Replaced Sheila Frahm (R), who lost in primary
U.S. House of Representatives
Kansas Secretary of Agriculture

House of Representatives

Took office January 3, 1995

District Representative Switched party Prior background Birth year
Arizona 1 Matt Salmon (R) Yes State Senator 1958
Arizona 4 John Shadegg (R) No Air National Guard 1949
Arizona 6 J. D. Hayworth (R) Yes Television host 1958
California 1 Frank Riggs (R) Yes U.S. Representative[lower-alpha 1] 1950
California 16 Zoe Lofgren (D) No Congressional staffer 1947
California 19 George Radanovich (R) Yes County commissioner 1955
California 22 Andrea Seastrand (R) No State Assemblywoman 1941
California 44 Sonny Bono (R) No Mayor of Palm Springs 1935
California 49 Brian Bilbray (R) Yes County supervisor 1951
Florida 1 Joe Scarborough (R) Yes Lawyer 1963
Florida 15 Dave Weldon (R) Yes Physician 1953
Florida 16 Mark Foley (R) No State Senator 1954
Georgia 7 Bob Barr (R) Yes U.S. Attorney 1948
Georgia 8 Saxby Chambliss (R) Yes Lawyer 1943
Georgia 10 Charlie Norwood (R) Yes Army Captain 1941
Idaho 1 Helen Chenoweth (R) Yes Consultant 1938
Illinois 5 Michael Patrick Flanagan (R) Yes Army Captain 1962
Illinois 11 Jerry Weller (R) Yes State Representative 1957
Illinois 18 Ray LaHood (R) No State Representative 1945
Indiana 2 David M. McIntosh (R) Yes Domestic Policy Council 1958
Indiana 4 Mark Souder (R) Yes Congressional aide 1950
Indiana 8 John Hostettler (R) Yes Engineer 1961
Iowa 4 Greg Ganske (R) Yes Plastic surgeon 1949
Iowa 5 Tom Latham (R) No Businessman 1948
Kansas 2 Sam Brownback (R) Yes Kansas Secretary of Agriculture 1956
Kansas 4 Todd Tiahrt (R) Yes State Senator 1951
Kentucky 1 Ed Whitfield (R) Yes State Representative 1943
Kentucky 3 Mike Ward (D) No State Representative 1951
Maine 1 James B. Longley Jr. (R) Yes Lawyer 1951
Maine 2 John Baldacci (D) Yes State Senator 1955
Maryland 2 Bob Ehrlich (R) No State Delegate 1957
Michigan 8 Dick Chrysler (R) Yes Automobile manufacturer 1942
Michigan 13 Lynn N. Rivers (D) No State Representative 1956
Minnesota 1 Gil Gutknecht (R) Yes State Representative 1951
Minnesota 6 Bill Luther (D) Yes State Senator 1945
Mississippi 1 Roger Wicker (R) Yes State Senator 1951
Missouri 5 Karen McCarthy (D) No State Representative 1947
Nebraska 2 Jon Lynn Christensen (R) Yes Marketer 1963
Nevada 1 John Ensign (R) Yes Veterinarian 1958
New Hampshire 2 Charles Bass (R) Yes State Senator 1952
New Jersey 2 Frank LoBiondo (R) Yes State Assemblyman 1946
New Jersey 8 William J. Martini (R) Yes Chosen Freeholder 1947
New Jersey 11 Rodney Frelinghuysen (R) No State Assemblyman 1946
New York 1 Michael Forbes (R) Yes Small Business Administration 1952
New York 4 Dan Frisa (R) No State Assemblyman 1955
New York 19 Sue W. Kelly (R) No Congressional advisor 1936
North Carolina 2 David Funderburk (R) Yes U.S. Ambassador to Romania 1944
North Carolina 3 Walter B. Jones Jr. (R) Yes State Representative 1943
North Carolina 4 Fred Heineman (R) Yes Police chief 1929
North Carolina 5 Richard Burr (R) Yes Sales manager 1955
North Carolina 9 Sue Myrick (R) No Mayor of Charlotte 1941
Ohio 1 Steve Chabot (R) Yes City Councilor 1953
Ohio 6 Frank Cremeans (R) Yes Businessman 1943
Ohio 18 Bob Ney (R) Yes State Senator 1954
Ohio 19 Steve LaTourette (R) Yes Public defender 1954
Oklahoma 1 Steve Largent (R) No Professional football player 1954
Oklahoma 2 Tom Coburn (R) Yes Doctor 1948
Oklahoma 4 J. C. Watts (R) Yes College football player 1957
Oregon 2 Wes Cooley (R) No State Senator 1932
Oregon 5 Jim Bunn (R) Yes State Senator 1956
Pennsylvania 2 Chaka Fattah (D) No State Senator 1956
Pennsylvania 13 Jon D. Fox (R) Yes County Commissioner 1947
Pennsylvania 18 Mike Doyle (D) Yes City Councilor 1953
Pennsylvania 20 Frank Mascara (D) No County Commissioner 1930
Pennsylvania 21 Phil English (R) No City Controller 1956
Rhode Island 1 Patrick J. Kennedy (D) Yes State Representative 1967
South Carolina 1 Mark Sanford (R) No Air Force Captain 1960
South Carolina 3 Lindsey Graham (R) Yes State Representative 1955
Tennessee 3 Zach Wamp (R) Yes County party chairman 1957
Tennessee 4 Van Hilleary (R) Yes Air Force Reserve Command 1959
Tennessee 7 Ed Bryant (R) No U.S. Attorney 1948
Texas 9 Steve Stockman (R) Yes Salesman 1956
Texas 10 Lloyd Doggett (D) No Supreme Court Justice 1946
Texas 13 Mac Thornberry (R) Yes Congressional staffer 1958
Texas 18 Sheila Jackson Lee (D) No City Councilor 1950
Texas 25 Ken Bentsen Jr. (D) No Investment banker 1959
Utah 2 Enid Greene Waldholtz (R) Yes Lawyer 1958
Virginia 11 Tom Davis (R) Yes County Supervisor 1949
Washington 1 Rick White (R) Yes Lawyer 1953
Washington 2 Jack Metcalf (R) Yes State Senator 1927
Washington 3 Linda Smith (R) Yes State Senator 1950
Washington 4 Doc Hastings (R) Yes State Representative 1941
Washington 5 George Nethercutt (R) Yes Attorney 1944
Washington 9 Randy Tate (R) Yes State Representative 1965
Wisconsin 1 Mark Neumann (R) Yes Home builder 1954
Wyoming at-large Barbara Cubin (R) No State Senator 1946

Non-voting members

District Delegate Switched party Prior background Birth year
U.S. Virgin Islands at-large Victor O. Frazer (I) Yes Lawyer 1943

Took office during the 104th Congress

District Representative Took office Switched party Prior background Birth year
California 15 Tom Campbell (R) December 12, 1995 Yes U.S. Representative 1952
Illinois 2 Jesse Jackson Jr. (D) December 12, 1995 No Campaign manager 1965
California 37 Juanita Millender-McDonald (D) March 26, 1996 No State Assemblywoman 1938
Maryland 7 Elijah Cummings (D) April 16, 1996 No State Delegate 1951
Oregon 3 Earl Blumenauer (D) May 21, 1996 No City Commissioner 1948
Missouri 8 Jo Ann Emerson (R) November 5, 1996 No None 1950
Kansas 2 Jim Ryun (R) November 27, 1996 No Olympic athlete 1947

See also


  1. Previously elected to the 102nd Congress, serving from 1991 to 1993.
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