This is a List of national vegetation classification systems. These systems classify natural habitat type according to vegetation.

Many schemes of vegetation classification are in use by the land, resource and environmental management agencies of different national and state jurisdictions. The International Vegetation Classification (IVC or EcoVeg) has been recently proposed but has not been yet widely adopted.[1]


  • Australia
  • Austria: Austrian Vegetation Database, computerized phytosociological information (vegetation relevés).[4][5]
  • Belgium: Vlavedat (Flemish Vegetation Databank) [6]
  • Brazil: Manual Técnico da Vegetação Brasileira (IBGE, second edition, 2012).[7]
  • Canada: Canadian National Vegetation Classification (CNVC) Full taxonomic vegetation 8-level hierarchy based on floristic, ecological, and physiognomic criteria. Based on 'associations' and 'alliances'.[8][9]
  • Czech Republic: Czech National Phytosociological Database, computerized phytosociological information (vegetation relevés).[10]
  • Denmark: Danske Vegetationstyper[11]
  • Europe: SynBioSys Europe information system of distributed European TURBOVEG databases relating to plant species, vegetation and landscape data administered by the European Vegetation Survey. When completed this will contain 30 national species lists.[12]
  • France: Sophy, computerized phytosociological information (vegetation relevés).[13]
  • Germany: FloraWeb website of the Bundesamt für Naturschutz (German Federal Nature Agency, or Bfn) for wild plant species, plant communities, and the natural vegetation of Germany.[14] This includes VegetWeb the central German vegetation database.[15][16]
  • Germany: German Vegetation Reference Database (GVRD) digitized German forest and grassland vegetation relevés at the University of Halle.[17]
  • Great Britain: British National Vegetation Classification (NVC), based on the five volume British Plant Communities, published by Cambridge University Press ISBN 0-521-79716-0. Classification is by 'community', 'subcommunity' and 'variant'.[18]
  • Ireland: Irish Vegetation Classification, based on plot data from the National Vegetation Database.[19]
  • New Zealand: National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS), physical archive and computer databank recording approximately 77,000 vegetation survey plots.;[20] New Zealand Terrestrial Ecosystems (based on Ecosystem Units)[21]
  • Poland: Geobotanical regionalization of Poland,[22] Potential natural vegetation of Poland,[23] ' Polish Vegetation Database,[24] System of Exchange of Information on Biodiversity in Poland - databases,[25] Monitoring of species and natural habitats,[26] Databank on Forests - interactive GIS map,[27] Guide for determining plant associations in Poland [28]
  • Slovakia: Centrálnej databázy fytocenologických zápisov (Central Database of Phytosociological Relevés, CDF) [29]
  • United States: U.S. National Vegetation Classification (NVC), a hierarchical system of vegetation types. Upper levels of the NVC are mainly based primarily on physiognomy (growth form, cover, structure) and the lower levels on floristics (species composition and abundance).[30] The NVC is maintained for the U.S. government by the non-profit group NatureServe.[31]
  • United States: Vegbank, vegetation plot database of the Ecological Society of America.[32]

See also


  1. Faber-Langendoen, Don; Keeler-Wolf, Todd; Meidinger, Del; Tart, Dave; Hoagland, Bruce; Josse, Carmen; Navarro, Gonzalo; Ponomarenko, Serguei; Saucier, Jean-Pierre; Weakley, Alan; Comer, Patrick (2014). "EcoVeg: a new approach to vegetation description and classification". Ecological Monographs. 84 (4): 533–561. doi:10.1890/13-2334.1. ISSN 0012-9615.
  2. Benson, J.S. (2006). "New South Wales Vegetation Classification and Assessment: Introduction — the classification, database, assessment of protected areas and threat status of plant communities" (PDF). Cunninghamia. 9 (3): 331–382. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-09-24. Retrieved 2016-09-24.
  3. Harris, S.; Kitchener, A. (2015). From Forest to Fjaeldmark: descriptions of Tasmania's vegetation (2nd ed.). Hobart: Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. ISBN 978-0724667970. Retrieved 6 June 2016.
  4. Based on Mucina et al. 1993, Die Pflanzengesellschaften Österreichs, Vol 1; Grabherr & Mucina 1993, Die Pflanzengesellschaften Österreichs, Vol. 2; Willner & Grabherr 2007, Die Wälder und Gebüsche Österreichs
  5. Austrian Vegetation Database
  6. De Vlaamse vegetatiedatabank Archived 2011-10-05 at the Wayback Machine
  7. "IBGE | Portal do IBGE | IBGE".
  8. CNVC
  9. Principles of the classification, accessed 26 August 2011
  10. National Phytosociological Database
  11. Danske Vegetationstyper
  12. SynBioSys Europe, accessed 25 August 2011
  13. Sophy
  14. FloraWeb - Daten und Informationen zu Wildpflanzen und zur Vegetation Deutschlands, accessed 25 August 2011
  15. VegetWeb
  16. English summary of Vegetweb, accessed 25 August 2011
  17. "Home - Vegetation Databases Halle - German Vegetation Reference Database (GVRD)".
  18. National Vegetation Classification
  19. National Vegetation Database
  20. National Vegetation Database
  21. Singers, Nicholas J.D.; Rogers, Geoffrey M. (2014). A classification of New Zealand's terrestrial ecosystems (PDF). Wellington: Department of Conservation. ISBN 9780478150131.
  22. Regionalizacja geobotaniczna Polski (in Polish)
  23. Potencjalna roślinność naturalna Polski (in Polish)
  24. Polska Baza Danych o Roślinności (in Polish)
  25. System Wymiany Informacji o Bioróżnorodnosci - bazy danych (in English)
  26. Monitoring gatunków i siedlisk przyrodniczych (in Polish)
  27. Bank Danych o Lasach - mapa interaktywna (in Polish)
  28. Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski (in Polish)
  29. CDF
  30. National Vegetation Classification Standard (Version 2.0), February 2008, accessed 25 August 2011
  31. USNVC
  32. Vegbank page the Ecological Society of America
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