Listed below are the largest lakes and seas on various worlds in the Solar System. The table includes single bodies of water or other liquid on or near the surface of a solid body (terrestrial planet, planetoid, or moon). All objects on this list are expected to be round, hence anything that is part of a belt or disc is expected to be a dwarf planet.

Cold surface oceans or lakes are found on two worlds, Earth and Saturn's moon Titan. Lava lakes are found on Earth and Jupiter's moon Io. Subsurface oceans or seas occur on the other Galilean moons of Jupiter, Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, and are suspected to exist on the some of Saturn's other moons, the asteroid Ceres, the larger trans-Neptunian objects, and ice planets in planetary systems. Recent analysis of the interior of Ganymede (the largest moon of Jupiter), taking into account the effects of salt, suggests that it and some of the other icy bodies may not have a single interior global ocean but several stacked ones, separated by different phases of ice, with the lowest liquid layer adjacent to the rocky mantle below.[1][2] In June 2020, NASA scientists reported that it is likely that exoplanets with oceans may be common in the Milky Way galaxy, based on mathematical modeling studies of their internal heating rates. The majority of such worlds would probably have subsurface oceans, similar to those of the icy moons Europa and Enceladus.[3][4]


Largest known lakes and seas, with composition and dimensions, where known, grouped by celestial body but sortable by size, depth, etc.
Body Type of object Liquid water content in zetta liter[5] Lake/sea Composition Location Area (km2) Average depth (km) Image Notes
Earth planet
1.335 World Ocean salt water surface 361,300,000 3.68 (max 11.02) 71% of Earth's surface
Caspian Sea salt water surface 389,000 0.21 (max 1.02) While it is an oceanic body of water, the only one of Earth beside the ocean, dwarfed by the ocean and consequently no lake, it is nevertheless Earth's largest endorheic body of surface liquid
(0.07% of Earth's surface)
Lake Michigan–Huron fresh water surface 117,400 0.07 (max 0.28) largest freshwater lake
Mars planet
 ? south-polar lake? (not confirmed) salt water or brine? subglacial c. 200 (shallow, > 0.2 m) there may be additional such lakes[6][7]
Io moon of Jupiter  ? Gish Bar Patera lava surface 9,600  ?
Loki Patera lava surface < 32,000  ?
Europa moon of Jupiter 2.6 (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 30,000,000 est. 50–100 global ocean under 10 to 30 km of ice, perhaps twice the volume of Earth's ocean
Ganymede moon of Jupiter 35.4 (internal global ocean) salt water? subsurface c. 80,000,000 apiece 100 100 km thick, under 150 km of ice, six times the volume of Earth's ocean;[8]
possibly three oceans, one under another
Callisto moon of Jupiter 5.3 (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 65,000,000 120–180 global ocean under 135 to 150 km of ice
Enceladus moon of Saturn 0.01 (internal global ocean) (salt?) water subsurface c. 650,000 26–31 or 38 ± 4 global ocean under 21–26 or 23 ± 4 km of ice, based on libration[9][10]
Dione moon of Saturn 0.14 (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 2,700,000 65 ± 30 global ocean under 99 ± 23 km of ice[10]
Rhea moon of Saturn  ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 1,000,000–2,000,000 c. 15 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 400 km)[lower-alpha 1]
Titan moon of Saturn 18.6 Kraken Mare hydrocarbons surface ≈ 400,000
(0.5% of Titan's surface)
0.85 (max) largest known body of surface liquid beside Earth's Ocean; the northern Moray Sinus bay is the only part measured bathymetrically [13]
Ligeia Mare predominantly methane, with small amounts of ethane and nitrogen[14][15] surface 126,000 ~0.2[16]
Punga Mare hydrocarbons surface 61,000 ~0.11[16]
(internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 80,000,000 < 300 global ocean of water under < 100 km of ice
Titania moon of Uranus  ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 5,000,000 c. 15–50 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 150–200 km)
Oberon moon of Uranus  ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 3,000,000 c. 15–40 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 250 km)
Triton moon of Neptune 0.03 (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 20,000,000 c. 150–200 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 150–200 km)
Orcus Kuiper belt object
 ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 500,000 c. 15 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 200 km)
Pluto Kuiper belt object
1 (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 10,000,000–15,000,000 c. 100–180 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 150–230 km)
Makemake Kuiper belt object
 ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 3,000,000  ? possible global ocean under the ice
Gonggong scattered disc object  ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 2,000,000–3,000,000  ? possible global ocean under the ice
Eris scattered disc object  ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 10,000,000 c. 150–200 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 150–250 km)
Sedna sednoid  ? (internal global ocean) water?
water–ammonia mixture?
subsurface c. 1,000,000 c. 15 possible global ocean under the ice (c. 200 km)

See also


  1. Possible depending on the degree of differentiation of the interior,[11] which is uncertain.[12]


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