List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar is located in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
List of fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar
Fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar

Several fossiliferous stratigraphic units in Madagascar have provided fossils, most notably the Maastrichtian Maevarano Formation and the Jurassic Isalo III Formation. The oldest fossil-bearing formations date to ages before the break-up of Madagascar from Africa and India; the units of the Sakoa Group are found in both India and Madagascar, while the Beaufort Group is shared with southern Africa.

Berivotra FormationMaastrichtian[1]
Maevarano FormationMaastrichtian[2]
Ankazomihaboka FormationConiacian[3]
Ambolafotsy FormationTuronian[4]
Ankarafantsika FormationCenomanian[5]
Kandreho FormationMiddle or Late Toarcian[6]
Bemaraha FormationEarly Bajocian-Early Bathonian[7]
Isalo GroupIsalo III FormationBajocian-Bathonian[8]
Isalo II FormationLadinian-Carnian[9]
Sakamena GroupMiddle Sakamena FormationInduan[10]
Lower Sakamena FormationCapitanian-Wuchiapingian[11]
Beaufort GroupCapitanian[12]
Sakoa GroupSakoa FormationSakmarian-Artinskian[13]
Karharbari FormationSakmarian-Artinskian[14]
Talchir FormationAsselian-Sakmarian[15]

See also


Further reading

  • O. Appert. 1977. Die Glossopteris flora der Sakoa in Sudwest-Madagaskar. Palaeontographica Abteilung B 162:1-50
  • Buffetaut, É.; G. Termier, and H. Termier. 1981. A teleosaurid (Crocodylia, Mesosuchia) from the Toarcian of Madagascar and its palaeobiogeographical significance. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 55. 313–319. Accessed 2018-08-30.
  • L. R. Cox. 1936. Karroo Lamellibranchia from Tanganyika Territory and Madagascar. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 92(365):32-56
  • A. A. Farke and J. J. W. Sertich. 2013. An abelisauroid theropod dinosaur from the Turonian of Madagascar. PLoS ONE 8(4):e62047
  • M. D. Gottfried, R. R. Rogers, and K. A. Curry Rogers. 2004. First record of Late Cretaceous coelacanths from Madagascar. Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates, in G. Arratia, M. V. H. Wilson, and R. Cloutier (eds.), Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München 687-691
  • M. D. Gottfried, J. A. Rabarison, and L. L. Randriamiarimanana. 2001. Late Cretaceous elasmobranchs from the Mahajanga Basin of Madagascar. Cretaceous Research 22:491-496
  • N. J. Mateer, P. Wycisk, L. L. Jacobs, M. Brunet, P. Luger, M. A. Arush, F. Hendriks, T. WEissbrod, G. Gvirtzman, E. Mbede, A. Dina, R. T. J. Moody, G. Weigelt, H. A. El-Nakhal, J. Hell and J. Stets. 1992. Correlation of nonmarine Cretaceous strata of Africa and the Middle East. Cretaceous Research 13:273-318
  • J. M. Mazin and G. M. King. 1991. The first dicynodont from the Late Permian of Malagasy. Palaeontology 34(4):837-842
  • R. Paulian. 1965. Découverte d’une faune entomologique permienne à Madagascar. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris 260:4028-4030
  • C. Dal Sasso and G. Pasini. 2003. First record of pterosaurs (Diapsida, Archosauromorpha, Pterosauria) in the Middle Jurassic of Madagascar. Atti della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano 144:281-296
  • Wagensommer, Alexander; Marianna Latiano; Géraud Leroux; Gianluca Cassano, and Simone D'Orazi Porchetti. 2012. New dinosaur track sites from the Middle Jurassic of Madagascar: ichnotaxonomical, behavioral and palaeoenvironmental implications. Palaeontology 55. 109–126. Accessed 2018-08-30.
  • Wagensommer, A.; M. Latiano, and U. Nicosia. 2010. First report of dinosaur footprints from Madagascar: two tracksites from the Middle Jurassic Bemaraha Formation. Ichnos 17. 127–136. Accessed 2018-08-30.
  • E. I. White. 1932. On a new Triassic fish from North-east Madagascar. Journal of Natural History 10:80-83
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