This article contains encyclicals issued by Pope Leo XIII during his twenty-five-year reign as Pope in 1878–1903.[1][2]

No.Title (Latin)Title (English translation)SubjectDate
1.Inscrutabili Dei consilioOn the Evils of Society21 April 1878
2.Quod apostolici munerisOn Socialism28 December 1878
3.Aeterni PatrisOf the Eternal FatherOn the Restoration of Christian Philosophy4 August 1879
4.Arcanum divinaeThe hidden design of the divine wisdomOn Christian Marriage10 February 1880
5.Grande munusOn Saints Cyril and Methodius30 September 1880
6.Sancta Dei civitasThe Holy City of GodOn Mission Societies3 December 1880
7.DiuturnumOn the Origin of Civil Power29 June 1881
8.Licet multaOn Catholics in Belgium3 August 1881
9.Etsi NosOn Conditions in Italy15 February 1882
10.Auspicato concessumOn St. Francis of Assisi17 September 1882
11.Cum multaWith manyOn Conditions in Spain8 December 1882
12.Supremi apostolatus officioThe Supreme Apostolic OfficeOn Devotion to the Rosary1 September 1883
13.Nobilissima Gallorum gensOn the Religious Question in France8 February 1884
14.Humanum genusOn Freemasonry20 April 1884
15.Superiore annoLast yearOn the Recitation of the Rosary30 August 1884
16.Immortale Dei"God's Immortal"On the Christian Constitution of States1 November 1885
17.Spectata fidesOn Christian Education27 November 1885
18.Quod auctoritateProclaiming a Jubilee22 December 1885
19.IampridemOn Catholicism in Germany6 January 1886
20.Quod multumOn the Liberty of the Church22 August 1886
21.PergrataOn the Church in Portugal14 September 1886
22.Vi è ben notoOn the Rosary and Public Life20 September 1887
23.Officio sanctissimoThe Holiest Office (or Duty)On the Church in Bavaria22 December 1887
24.Quod anniversariusThis AnniversiaryOn His Sacerdotal Jubilee1 April 1888
25.In plurimisOn the Abolition of Slavery (sent to the Bishops of Brazil)5 May 1888
26.LibertasLibertyOn the Nature of Human Liberty20 June 1888
27.Saepe NosOn Boycotting in Ireland24 June 1888
28.Paterna CaritasOn Reunion with Rome25 July 1888
29.Quam aerumnosaOn Italian Immigrants10 December 1888
30.Etsi cunctasOn the Church in Ireland21 December 1888
31.Exeunte iam annoOn Right Ordering of Christian Life25 December 1888
32.Magni NobisOn The Catholic University of America7 March 1889
33.Quamquam pluriesOn Devotion to St. Joseph15 August 1889
34.Sapientiae ChristianaeOf Christian WisdomOn Christians as Citizens10 January 1890
35.Dall'alto dell'Apostolico SeggioOn Freemasonry in Italy15 October 1890
36.Catholicae EcclesiaeOf the Catholic ChurchOn Slavery in the Missions20 November 1890
37.In ipsoIn itselfOn Episcopal Reunions in Austria3 March 1891
38.Rerum novarum"New Things"On Capital and Labour15 May 1891
39.Pastoralis vigilantiaeOf pastoral (things)On Religious Union25 June 1891
40.Pastoralis officiiOf the Pastoral OfficeOn the Morality of Duelling12 September 1891
41.Octobri menseThe Month of OctoberOn the Rosary22 September 1891
42.Au Milieu Des SollicitudesOn the Church and State in France16 February 1892
43.Quarto abeunte saeculoOn Christopher Columbus16 July 1892
44.Magnae Dei MatrisOf the great Mother of GodOn the Rosary8 September 1892
45.Custodi di quella fedeOn Freemasonry8 December 1892
46.Inimica visOn Freemasonry8 December 1892
47.Ad extremasTo the farthestSeminaries for Native Clergy24 June 1893
48.Constanti HungarorumOn the Church in Hungary2 September 1893
49.Laetitiae sanctaeOf holy praiseCommending Devotion to the Rosary8 September 1893
50.Non MediocriOn the Spanish College in Rome25 October 1893
51.Providentissimus DeusThe most provident GodOn the Study of Holy Scripture18 November 1893
52.CaritatisOn the Church in Poland19 March 1894
53.Inter GravesOn the Church in Peru1 May 1894
54.Praeclara gratulationis publicaeThe Reunion of Christendom20 June 1894
55.Litteras a vobisOn the Clergy in Brazil2 July 1894
56.Iucunda semper expectationeOn the Rosary8 September 1894
57.Orientalium dignitasThe dignity of the EasternersOn the Churches of the East30 November 1894
58.Christi nomenThe Name of ChristOn Propagation of the Faith and Eastern Churches24 December 1894
59.LonginquaOn Catholicism in the United States6 January 1895
60.Permoti NosOn Social Conditions in Belgium10 July 1895
61.AdiutricemAdjutrixOn the Rosary5 September 1895
62.InsignesOn the Hungarian Millennium1 May 1896
63.Satis cognitumOn the Unity of the Church29 June 1896
64.Fidentem piumque animumOn the Rosary20 September 1896
65.Divinum illud munusOn the Holy Spirit9 May 1897
66.Militantis EcclesiaeOn St. Peter Canisius1 August 1897
67.Augustissimae Virginis MariaeOf the Most August Virgin MaryOn the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary12 September 1897
68.Affari vosOn the Manitoba School Question8 December 1897
69.Caritatis studiumOf the studies of charityOn the Church in Scotland25 July 1898
70.Spesse volteOn the Suppression of Catholic Institutions5 August 1898
71.Quam religiosaOn Civil Marriage Law16 August 1898
72.Diuturni temporisOn the Rosary5 September 1898
73.Quum diuturnumOn the Latin American Bishops' Plenary Council25 December 1898
74.Annum sacrumA Holy YearConsecration to the Sacred Heart25 May 1899
75.Depuis le jour"Since the Day "On the Education of the Clergy8 September 1899
76.Paternae"Fathers "On the Education of the Clergy18 September 1899
77.Omnibus compertumOn Unity Among the Greek21 July 1900
78.Tametsi futura prospicientibusOn Jesus Christ the Redeemer1 November 1900
79.Graves de communi reOn Christian Democracy18 January 1901
80.GravissimasThe GravestOn Religious Orders in Portugal16 May 1901
81.ReputantibusOn the Language Question in Bohemia20 August 1901
82.Urbanitatis veterisOn the Foundation of a Seminary in Athens20 November 1901
83.In amplissimoOn the Church in the United States15 April 1902
84.Quod votisOn the Proposed Catholic University30 April 1902
85.Mirae caritatisMirror of CharityOn the Holy Eucharist28 May 1902
86.Quae ad nosOn the Church in Bohemia and Moravia22 November 1902
87.Fin dal principioOn the Education of the Clergy8 December 1902
88.Dum multaMarriage Legislation24 December 1902

See also


  1. Leo XIII, Encyclicals at Accessed 28 December 2023.
  2. Pope Leo XIII Archived 26 September 2011 at the Wayback Machine Papal Encyclicals Online (includes 1 Bull, 1 Apostolic Letter and 1 Constitution). Accessed 11 October 2011.
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