Below is a sortable list of compositions by Tōru Takemitsu. The works are categorized by genre, date of composition, titles and scoring.

Scores by Takemitsu are published by Ongaku No Tomo Sha, C.F. Peters, Éditions Salabert, Schott Japan, and Universal Edition.

Genre Date Japanese title (original title) English title Scoring Notes
Orchestral1957弦楽のためのレクイエムRequiemfor string orchestra
Orchestral1958ソリチュード・ソノールSolitude Sonorefor orchestra
Orchestral1961樹の曲Music of Treefor orchestra
Orchestral1962コロナIICorona IIfor string orchestrauses graphic notation; written in collaboration with Kōhei Sugiura
Orchestral1964地平線のドーリア The Dorian Horizonfor 17 strings
Orchestral1967グリーンGreenfor orchestra
Orchestral1971Winterfor orchestra
Orchestral1973, 1979秋庭歌一具In an Autumn Gardenfor gagaku orchestra
Orchestral1976マージナリアMarginaliafor orchestra
Orchestral1977鳥は星型の庭に降りるA Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Gardenfor orchestra
Orchestral1981ア・ウェイ・ア・ローン IIA Way a Lone IIfor string orchestra
Orchestral1981夢の時Dreamtimefor orchestra
Orchestral1982雨ぞふるRain Comingfor chamber orchestra
Orchestral1982星・島(スター・アイル)Star-Islefor orchestra
Orchestral1983Lacrimafor string orchestra
Orchestral1985夢窓Dream/Windowfor orchestra
Orchestral1988トゥウィル・バイ・トワイライト – モートン・フェルドマンの追憶にTwill by Twilight: In Memory of Morton Feldmanfor orchestracomposed in memory of composer Morton Feldman
Orchestral1988トゥリー・ラインTree Linefor chamber orchestraearly title: 並木 (Namiki)
Orchestral1988For Lenny's Birthday, Variations on a Theme by Bernsteinfor orchestra1 of the 8 variations on "New York, New York, It's a Wonderful Town" from On the Town and other themes written for Leonard Bernstein's 70th birthday; collaborative composition with Luciano Berio, Leon Kirchner, John Williams, Jacob Druckman, et al.
  1. 神秘
  2. 閉じた眼
  1. Mystère
  2. Les Yeux clos
for orchestra
Orchestral1991ハウ・スロー・ザ・ウィンドHow Slow the Windfor orchestra
Orchestral1992セレモニアル – An Autumn Ode –Ceremonial: An Autumn Odefor orchestra with shō
Orchestral1992系図 – 若い人たちのための音楽詩 –Family Tree: Musical Verses for Young Peoplefor narrator and orchestrawords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Orchestral1993群島S.Archipelago S.for 21 players in 5 groupsGroup A: oboe (oboe d'amore), violin, viola, violoncello, double bass, harp, percussion (1 player)
Group B: horn I, horn II, trumpet, trombone I, trombone II
Group C: flute (alto flute), bassoon, violin, viola, violoncello, celesta, percussion (1 player)
Group D: clarinet
Group E: clarinet
Orchestral1994精霊の庭Spirit Gardenfor orchestra
Orchestral1994, 1995三つの映画音楽
  1. 『ホゼー・トレス』
  2. 『黒い雨』
  3. 『他人の顔』
Three Film Scores
  1. "José Torres"
  2. "Black Rain"
  3. "The Face of Another"
for string orchestra
Concertante1959シーンScenefor cello and string orchestraalso for cello and piano
Concertante1964テクスチュアズTexturesfor piano and orchestraincorporated into Arc, Part II
弧(アーク) 第1部
  1. パイル
  2. ソリチュード
  3. Your Love and the Crossing
Arc, Part I
  1. Pile
  2. Solitude
  3. Your Love and the Crossing
for piano and orchestrarevised in 1976
弧(アーク) 第2部
  1. テクスチュアズ
  2. リフレクション
  3. コーダ
Arc, Part II
  1. Textures
  2. Reflection
  3. Coda: Shall Begin from the End
for piano and orchestrarevised in 1976
Concertante1967ノヴェンバー・ステップスNovember Stepsfor biwa, shakuhachi and orchestra
Concertante1968アステリズムAsterismfor piano and orchestra
Concertante1970ユーカリプス IEucalypts Ifor flute, oboe, harp and string orchestra
Concertante1971カシオペアCassiopeiafor percussion solo and orchestra
Concertante1973Autumnfor biwa, shakuhachi and orchestra
Concertante1974ジティマルヤGitimalya: Bouquet of Songsfor marimba and orchestra
Concertante1974–1975カトレーンQuatrainfor clarinet, violin, cello, piano and orchestra
Concertante1980遠い呼び声の彼方へ!Far Calls. Coming, Far!for violin and orchestra
Concertante1981海へ II
  1. 白鯨
  2. 鱈岬
Toward the Sea II
  1. The Night
  2. Moby Dick
  3. Cape Cod
for alto flute, harp and string orchestra
Concertante1983夢の縁へTo the Edge of Dreamfor guitar and orchestra
Concertante1984虹へ向かって、パルマVers, l'arc-en-ciel, Palmafor oboe d'amore, guitar and orchestra
Concertante1984オリオンとプレアデスOrion and Pleiadesfor cello and orchestra
Concertante1984リヴァランRiverrunfor piano and orchestra
Concertante1971–1986ジェモーGémeauxfor oboe, trombone, 2 orchestras and 2 conductors
Concertante1987ウォーター・ドリーミングI Hear the Water Dreamingfor flute and orchestra
Concertante1987ノスタルジア – アンドレイ・タルコフスキーの追憶に –Nostalghia: In Memory of Andrej Tarkovskijfor violin and string orchestracomposed in memory of filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky
Concertante1987夕暮れにYūgure nifor orchestraarrangement
Concertante1989ア・ストリング・アラウンド・オータムA String Around Autumnfor viola and orchestra
Concertante1990フロム・ミー・フロウズ・ホワット・ユー・コール・タイムFrom me flows what you call Timefor 5 percussionists and orchestra
Concertante1991ファンタズマ/カントスFantasma/Cantosfor clarinet and orchestrawinner of the 1994 Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition
Concertante1991夢の引用 – Say Sea, take me! –Quotation the Dream: Say Sea, Take Me!for 2 pianos and orchestra
Concertante1994ファンタズマ/カントス IIFantasma/Cantos IIfor trombone and orchestra
Concertante1995スペクトラル・カンティクルSpectral Canticlefor violin, guitar and orchestra
Concertante1995ミロの彫刻のようにComme la Sculpture de Mirófor flute, harp and orchestraincomplete; Takemitsu's last work inspired by the sculpture of Joan Miró
Chamber music1951, 1989妖精の距離Distance de féefor violin and piano
Chamber music1955室内協奏曲Concerto de chambrefor 13 instruments
Chamber music1958ソン・カリグラフィ ILe Son-calligraphié Ifor 4 violins, 2 violas and 2 cellos
Chamber music1958ソン・カリグラフィ IILe Son-calligraphié IIfor 4 violins, 2 violas and 2 cellos
Chamber music1959シーンScenefor cello and pianoalso for cello and string orchestra
Chamber music1959–1960マスクMasquefor 2 flutes
Chamber music1960ソン・カリグラフィ IIILe Son-calligraphié IIIfor 4 violins, 2 violas and 2 cellos
Chamber music1960ランドスケープLandscapefor 2 violins, viola and cello
Chamber music1961リングRingfor flute, terz guitar and lute
Chamber music1961不良少年Bad Boyfor 3 guitarsarranged for 2 guitars by Norio Sato
Chamber music1962サクリファイスSacrificefor alto flute, lute and vibraphone with crotales
Chamber music1964一柳慧のためのブルー・オーロラBlue Aurora for Toshi Ichiyanagichance operation composition for Toshi Ichiyanagi
Chamber music1965ソナントSonantfor 2 flutes, violin, cello, guitar and 2 bandoneonsrevised as Valeria in 1969
Chamber music1965, 1969ヴァレリアValeriafor violin, cello, guitar, electronic organ and 2 piccolosrevised version of Sonant (1965)
Chamber music1966悲歌Hika (Elegy)for violin and piano
Chamber music1966エクリプス<蝕>Eclipsefor biwa and shakuhachi
Chamber music1968クロス・トークCross Talkfor bandoneón and tape
Chamber music1969スタンザ IStanza Ifor guitar, harp, piano (also celesta), vibraphone and female voice (soprano)
Chamber music1970四季Seasonsfor 4 percussion players, or 1 percussion player and tapealso version for traditional Japanese musical instruments
Chamber music1967–1971ムナーリ・バイ・ムナーリMunari by Munarifor percussion
Chamber music1971声(ヴォイス)Voicefor flute
Chamber music1971ユーカリプスIIEucalypts IIfor flute, oboe and harp
Chamber music1971スタンザIIStanza IIfor harp and tape
Chamber music1972ディスタンスDistancefor oboe and shō ad libitum
Chamber music1973Voyagefor 3 biwa
Chamber music1974ガーデン・レインGarden Rainfor brass ensemble (horn, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, tuba)
Chamber music1974フォリオスFolios
  1. Folio I
  2. Folio II
  3. Folio III
for guitar
Chamber music1974–1977ギターのための12のうた
  1. ロンドンデリーの歌
  2. オーバー・ザ・レインボー
  3. サマータイム
  4. 早春賦
  5. 失われた恋
  6. 星の世界
  7. シークレット・ラヴ
  8. ヒア・ゼア・アンド・エヴリウェア
  9. ミッシェル
  10. ヘイ・ジュード
  11. イエスタデイ
  12. インターナショナル
12 Songs for Guitar for guitartranscriptions
1. Irish folk song
2. music by Harold Arlen
3. music by George Gershwin
4. music by Akira Nakada (中田章)
5. music by Joseph Kosma
6. music by Charles Crozat Converse
7. music by Sammy Fain
8.~11. music by The Beatles: Paul McCartney and John Lennon
12. music by Pierre De Geyter
Chamber music1975星たちの息子 – 第一幕への前奏曲『天職』 –Le Fils des étoiles: Prélude du 1er acte "La Vocation"arrangement for flute and harporiginal music by Erik Satie
Chamber music1976ブライスBrycefor flute, 2 harps and 2 percussion players
Chamber music1976ウェイブス<波>Wavesfor clarinet solo, horn, 2 trombones and bass drum
Chamber music1977カトレーンIIQuatrain IIfor clarinet, violin, cello and piano
Chamber music1977–1978ウォーターウェイズWaterwaysfor violin, cello, clarinet, piano, 2 harps and 2 vibraphones
Chamber music1980ア・ウェイ・ア・ローンA Way a Lonefor 2 violins, viola and cello
Chamber music1981海へ
  1. 白鯨
  2. 鱈岬
Toward the Sea
  1. The Night
  2. Moby Dick
  3. Cape Cod
for alto flute and guitar (or harp)
Chamber music1981雨の樹Rain Treefor 3 percussion players (or 3 keyboard players)after Kenzaburō Ōe's 1982 serial novel Women Listening to the Rain Tree (「雨の木」を聴く女たち)
Chamber music1981, 1989海へ III
  1. 白鯨
  2. 鱈岬
Toward the Sea III
  1. The Night
  2. Moby Dick
  3. Cape Cod
for alto flute and harp
Chamber music1982雨の呪文Rain Spellfor flute (also alto flute), clarinet, harp, piano and vibraphone
Chamber music1982クロス・ハッチCross Hatchfor marimba and vibraphone (or 2 keyboard instruments)
Chamber music1983ラスト・ワルツThe Last Waltzfor guitararrangement
Chamber music1983十一月の霧と菊の彼方からFrom Far beyond Chrysanthemums and November Fogfor violin and piano
Chamber music1983揺れる鏡の夜明け
  1. 過ぎてゆく鳥
  2. 影の中で
  3. 揺れる鏡
Rocking Mirror Daybreak
  1. Autumn
  2. Passing Bird
  3. In the Shadows
  4. Rocking Mirror
for 2 violins
Chamber music1984オリオンOrionfor cello and piano
Chamber music1986アントゥル・タンEntre-tempsfor oboe, 2 violins, viola and cello
Chamber music1987シグナルズ・フロム・ヘヴン – Two Antiphonal Fanfares –
  1. デイ・シグナル
  2. ナイト・シグナル
Signals from Heaven, Two Antiphonal Fanfares
  1. Day Signal
  2. Night Signal
for 2 horns, piccolo trumpet, 4 trumpets (also 2 cornets), 4 trombones and tuba
Chamber music1987ヒロシマという名の少年A Boy Named Hiroshimafor 2 guitars
Chamber music1987すべては薄明のなかで – ギターのための四つの小品 –All in Twilight, 4 Piecesfor guitarwritten for Julian Bream
Chamber music1989巡り – イサム・ノグチの追憶に –Itinerant: In Memory of Isamu Noguchifor flutecomposed in memory of Japanese American artist Isamu Noguchi
Chamber music1991ギターのための小品 – シルヴァーノ・ブソッティの60歳の誕生日に –A Piece for Guitar: For the 60th Birthday of Sylvano Bussottifor guitarSylvano Bussotti
Chamber music1992そして、それが風であることを知ったAnd Then I Knew 'Twas Windfor flute, viola and harp
Chamber music1993ビトゥイーン・タイズBetween Tidesfor violin, cello and piano
Chamber music1993エキノクスEquinoxfor guitar
Chamber music1993秋のうたHerbstlied (Autumn Song)for clarinet, 2 violins, viola and celloarrangement from The Seasons, Op. 37a, by Tchaikovsky
Chamber music1993枯葉Les Feuilles mortes (Autumn Leaves)for 2 violins, viola and celloarrangement of the song by Joseph Kosma
Chamber music1994鳥が道に降りてきたA Bird Came down the Walkfor viola and piano
Chamber music1994径 – ヴィトルド・ルトスワフスキの追憶に –Paths: In Memoriam of Witold Lutosławskifor trumpetcomposed in memory of composer Witold Lutosławski
Chamber music1995エアAirfor flutelast published work
Chamber music1995森の中で – ギターのための三つの小品 –
  1. ウェインスコット・ポンド-コーネリア・フォスの絵画から-
  2. ローズデール
  3. ミュアー・ウッズ
In the Woods, 3 Pieces
  1. Wainscot Pond – after a Painting by Cornelia Foss
  2. Rosedale
  3. Muir Woods
for guitar
Keyboard1948?かけひKakehi (Conduit)for pianoincomplete
Keyboard1948?箏歌Sōkafor pianoincomplete
Keyboard1948?クラヴサンのためにFor Harpsichord (Clavecin no tame ni)for harpsichord
Keyboard1948二つのメロディ2 Melodiesfor pianoincomplete
Keyboard1949二つの小品2 Piecesfor pianoincomplete
Keyboard1948–1949ロマンスRomancefor piano
Keyboard1950二つのレントLento in due movimenti
  1. Adagio
  2. Lento misteriosamente
for pianorevised as Litany in 1989
Keyboard1952At the Circusfor piano
Keyboard1952, 1959
  1. ゆっくりと、悲しく語りかけるように
  2. 静かに残酷な響きで
  3. 愛の歌
Uninterrupted Rest (Pause ininterrompue)
  1. Slowly, Sadly and As If to Converse With
  2. Quietly and with a Cruel Reverberation
  3. A Song of Love
for pianoafter a poem by Shūzō Takiguchi; also known as Uninterrupted Rest(s) and La Pause ininterrompue
Keyboard1960あわれみたまえMisererefor pianojazz composition
Keyboard1960愛してLove Mefor pianojazz composition
Keyboard1961ピアノ・ディスタンスPiano Distancefor piano
Keyboard1962ピアニストのためのコロナCorona for Pianist(s)
  1. Study for Vibration
  2. Study for Intonation
  3. Study for Articulation
  4. Study for Expression
  5. Study for Conversation
for 1 or more pianosuses graphic notation; written in collaboration with Kōhei Sugiura
Keyboard1973フォー・アウェイFor Awayfor piano
  1. 微風
Piano Pieces for Children
  1. Breeze
  2. Clouds
for piano
Keyboard1979閉じた眼 – 瀧口修造の追憶に –Les Yeux clos: In Memory of Shuzo Takiguchifor pianocomposed in memory of Japanese poet Shūzō Takiguchi, inspired by Les Yeux clos of Odilon Redon
Keyboard1982雨の樹素描Rain Tree Sketchfor piano
Keyboard1986夢見る雨Rain Dreamingfor harpsichord
Keyboard1988閉じた眼 IILes Yeux clos IIfor piano
Keyboard1989リタニ – マイケル・ヴァイナーの追憶に –Litany: In Memory of Michael Vyner
  1. Adagio
  2. Lento misterioso
for pianocomposed in memory of Michael Vyner; revision of Lento in due movimenti (1950)
Keyboard1992雨の樹素描 II – オリヴィエ・メシアンの追憶に –Rain Tree Sketch II: In Memory of Olivier Messiaenfor pianocomposed in memory of composer Olivier Messiaen
Keyboard1992ゴールデン・スランバーズGolden Slumbersfor pianoarrangement from Abbey Road by The Beatles
Choral1953美幌町町歌Bihoro SongCity song for Bihoro, Hokkaidō; words by Kōichi Ōshita (大下孝一)
Choral1961–1966風の馬Wind Horse
  1. Vocalise I
  2. Spell of Fingers
  3. Vocalise II
  4. Vocalise III
  5. Legend of the Dining Table and Coda
for mixed chorus
Choral1963三重県立四日市南高等学校校歌Yokkaichi Minami High School Song, Yokkaichi, MieSchool song; words by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Choral1963三重県伊賀市上野西小学校校歌Kamino Nishi Elementary School Song, Iga, MieSchool song; words by Keiji Hashimoto (橋本鶏二)
  1. According to What
for 2 orchestras with soloists (guitar, harp, piano/celeste, vibraphone) and female chorus
Choral1982芝生Grassfor male choruswords by Shuntarō Tanikawa; English words by W. S. Merwin; commissioned by the Harvard Glee Club
Choral1983東村山市久米川東小学校校歌Kumegawahigashi Elementary School Song, Higashimurayama, TokyoSchool song; words by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Choral1987手作り諺 – 四つのポップ・ソング –Handmade Proverbs, 4 Pop Songs
  1. Your Eyes
  2. Three Bonzes
  3. Cinderella's Misfortune
  4. A Farewell Gift
for 6 male voiceswords by Shūzō Takiguchi
Choral1990マイ・ウェイ・オブ・ライフ -マイケル・ヴァイナーの追憶にMy Way of Life: In Memory of Michael Vynerfor baritone, mixed chorus and orchestracomposed in memory of Michael Vyner
Choral1991秋葉学園歌Akiba Gakuen SongSchool song; words by Makoto Ooka
Vocal1950sMI・YO・TAMI・YO・TAfor voice and pianoearly melody for a film score that remained unused; completed in 1996 after Takemitsu's death by Toshirō Mayuzumi; words by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1954さようならSayōnarafor voice and pianowords by Kuniharu Akiyama (秋山邦晴)
Vocal1955小さな部屋でIn a Small Room (Chiisana heya de)for voice and pianowords by Akira Kawaji (川路明)
Vocal1958うたうだけI Just Sing (Utau dake)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1958黒い絵画 レオノーレ・フィニによせてTableau Noirfor speaker and chamber orchestrawords by Kuniharu Akiyama (秋山邦晴); inspired by the art of Leonor Fini
Vocal1961恋のかくれんぼThe Game of Love (Koi no kakurenbo)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1961○と△の歌A Song of ○'s (Circles) and △'s (Triangles) (Maru to sankaku no uta)for voice and pianowords by the composer
Vocal1962環礁Coral Islandfor soprano and orchestrawords by Makoto Ōoka
Vocal1962小さな空Small Sky (Chiisana sora)for voice and pianowords by the composer
Vocal1963La Neige (Yuki)for voice and pianoFrench words by Shin'ichi Segi (瀬木慎一); theme song from the 1963 film White and Black (白と黒)
Vocal1963見えないこどもUnseen Child (Mienai kodomo)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1963雲に向かって起つTake Off for the Clouds (Kumo ni mukatte tatsu)song for a television drama; words by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1963素晴らしい悪女A Marvelous Kid (Subarashii akujo)for voice and pianoSpanish words by Fumio Nagata (永田文夫); theme song from the 1978 film A Marvelous Kid
Vocal1965三月のうたIn the Month of March (Sangatsu no uta)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1965死んだ男の残したものはAll That the Man Left Behind When He Died (Shinda otoko no nokoshita mono wa)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1966ワルツWaltzfor voice and pianoGerman words by Tatsuji Iwabuchi (岩淵達治); from the 1966 film The Face of Another
Vocal1968めぐり逢いThe Encounter (Meguriai)for voice and pianowords by Ichirō Araki (荒木一郎); theme song from the 1968 film Two Hearts in the Rain
Vocal1978燃える秋Glowing Autumn (Moeru aki)for voice and pianowords by Hiroyuki Itsuki; theme song from the 1978 film Glowing Autumn
Vocal1978Wings (Tsubasa)for voice and pianowords by the composer
Vocal1979さくら さくらSakura Sakurafor voice and pianoJapanese folk song
Vocal1983島へTo the Island (Shima e)for voice and pianowords by Mitsuru Izawa
Vocal1985明日ハ晴レカナ、曇リカナWill Tomorrow, I Wonder, Be Cloudy or Clear? (Ashita wa hare kana, kumori kana)for voice and pianowords by the composer
Vocal1985ぽつねんAll Alone (Potsunen)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Vocal1995昨日のしみYesterday's Spot (Kinō no shimi)for voice and pianowords by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Jazz1958パナンペの思いがけない勝利の話-アイヌ民話よりの自由な脚色-Panampe no omoigakenai shōri no hanashi, Based on the Ainu Folklorefor a chorus of five male singers and jazz band
Jazz1960お休み!Be Sleep Baby!
Jazz19613たす3と3ひく33 tasu 3 to 3 hiku 3 (3 Plus 3 and 3 Minus 3)
Stage1951Joie de vivreBallet
Stage1953銀河鉄道の旅Ginga tetsudo no tabiFantastic Ballet
Stage1954Romantic Suite: Nutcracker for ChildrenChildren's Ballet; collaboration with Jun Date after Tchaikovsky
Stage1954夏と煙Summer and SmokeIncidental music for the play by Tennessee Williams
Stage1955未来のイヴEve of the Futurefor tapeBallet; musical collaboration with composer Toshirō Mayuzumi
Stage1955野性の女La SauvageIncidental music for the play by Jean Anouilh
Stage1955アンフィトリオン38Amphitryon 38Incidental music for the play by Jean Giraudoux
Stage1956愛の条件〈オルフェとユリディス〉Ai no jōken (Orphée et Eurydice)Incidental music for a version of the play Eurydice by Jean Anouilh
Stage1956せむしの聖女A Hunchbacked Sacred WomanIncidental music a reworking of the play Ardèle ou la Marguerite by Jean Anouilh
Stage1956Kの死The Death of K (K no shi)Incidental music for the play by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Stage1956タンタロスの踊りTantalos no odoriIncidental music for the play by Rinzō Shiina
Stage1957トロイ戦争は起こらないだろうLa guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieuIncidental music for the play The Trojan War Will Not Take Place by Jean Giraudoux
Stage1957守銭奴L'AvareIncidental music for the play by Molière
Stage1958国性爺Koxinga (Kokusen'ya)Incidental music for the puppet play The Battles of Coxinga by Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Stage1959海賊Le CorsaireIncidental music for the play by Marcel Achard
Stage1959死せる女王La Reine morteIncidental music for the play by Henry de Montherlant
Stage1959怒りを込めて振り返れLook Back in AngerIncidental music for the 1956 play by John Osborne
Stage1960狼生きろ豚は死ねThe Wolf Must Live, the Pig Must Die (Ookami ikiro buta wa shine)Incidental music for the 1963 play by Shintarō Ishihara
Stage1960お芝居はおしまいThe Play Is Finished (Oshibai wa oshimai)Incidental music for the play by Shuntarō Tanikawa
Stage1961おまえの敵はおまえだOmae no teki wa omae daIncidental music for the play by Jun Ishikawa
Stage1961地獄のオルフェOrpheus DescendingIncidental music for the play by Tennessee Williams
Stage1962黒の悲劇Black Tragedy (Kuro no higeki)Incidental music for the play by Seiichi Yashiro (矢代静一)
Stage1962白夜White Night (Byakuya): An IntermezzoIncidental music for the play by Shūji Terayama
Stage1964一ノ谷物語 – 琴魂 –Ichinotani monogatari: KotodamaIncidental music for the play by Shintarō Ishihara
Stage1964一柳慧のためのブルー・オーロラBlue Aurora for Toshi IchiyanagiTheatre Piece
Stage1964Time Perspective for Jasper JohnsTheatre Piece
Stage1966七つの丘の出来事Seven Hills Events for Ay-OTheatre Piece
Stage1966カラマーゾフの兄弟The Brothers KaramazovIncidental music for the play by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Stage1972マクベスMacbethIncidental music for the play by William Shakespeare
Stage1973愛の眼鏡は色ガラスLove Wears Tinted Glasses (Ai no megane wa iro garasu)Incidental music for the 1973 play by Kōbō Abe
Stage1974祝典喜劇 ポセイドンの仮面際Poseidon Mask Festival (Shukuten kigeki Poseidon kamensai)Incidental music for the 1973 play by Kunio Tsuji
Stage1975シラノ・ド・ベルジュラックCyrano de BergeracIncidental music for the play by Edmond Rostand
Stage1979子午線の祀りFestival of the Meridian (Shigosen no matsuri)Incidental music for the play by Junji Kinoshita
Stage1982ウィングズ – 翼 –WingsIncidental music for the play by Arthur Kopit
Stage1984波長(ウェイブレングス)Wavelengthfor 2 percussion players, 2 dancers with video installationTheatrical work; unfinished
Electronic music1955ルリエフ・スタティクStatic Relieffor tape
Electronic music1956ヴォーカリズムA・IVocalism A・Ifor tapemusique concrète
Electronic music1956木・空・鳥Tree, Sky, Bird (ki・sora・tori)for tapemusique concrète
Electronic music1956ユリディスの死La Mort de Eurydicefor tape
Electronic music1958空、馬、そして死Sky, Horse and Deathfor tape
Electronic music1956–1957クラップ・ヴォーカリズムClap Vocalismfor tape
Electronic music1957Dialoguefor tape
Electronic music1960クワイエト・デザインQuiet Designfor tape
Electronic music1960水の曲Water Musicfor tape
Electronic music1964怪談Kwaidanfor tape
Electronic music1964懐かしのサンフランシスコNatsukashino San Francisco [Longed-for San Francisco]for tape
Electronic music1970Years of Ear – What Is Music? –for tape
Electronic music1970トゥワードTowardfor tape
Electronic music1986ミネアポリスの庭A Minneapolis Gardenfor tape
Electronic music1986静寂の海The Sea Is Stillfor tape
Commercial music1954森永チョコレートMorinaga Chocolate
Commercial music1982サントリーリザーブSuntory Reserve
Film scores1955北斎Hokusainot produced
Film scores1955銀輪Ginrinalso known as Bicycle in Dream
Film scores1956狂った果実Crazed Fruitdirected by Kō Nakahira; co-composed with Masaru Satō; also known as Juvenile Passions
Film scores1956朱と緑Red and Green, aka Midnight Visitordirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1956つゆのあとさきThe Rainy seasondirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1957土砂降りCloudburst (Doshaburi)directed by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1958噛みつかれた顔役The Country Bossdirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1959ホゼー・トレスJosé Torresdirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1959春を待つ人々Waiting for Springdirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1959危険旅行Dangerous trip, aka Vagabond Loversdirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1959いたづらJoking, aka Love Lettersdirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1959明日への盛装directed by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1960乾いた湖Dry Lake, aka Youth in Furydirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1960波の塔directed by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1961もずThe Shrikesdirected by Minoru Shibuya
Film scores1961斑女Hannyo, aka Woman of Tokyodirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1961不良少年Bad Boysdirected by Susumu Hani
Film scores1962熱海ブルースAtami Bluesdirected by Donald Richie
Film scores1962充たされた生活Mitasareta seikatsu (A Full Life)directed by Susumu Hani
Film scores1962からみ合いThe Inheritancedirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1962切腹Harakiridirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1962おとし穴Pitfalldirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1962涙を、獅子のたてがみにTears in the Lion's Manedirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1962裸体The Bodydirected by Masashige Narisawa (成澤昌茂)
Film scores1963イヴ・クライン モノクロームの画家Yves Klein: Monochrome Artistdirected by Shin'ichi Segi (瀬木慎一); documentary film about Yves Klein
Film scores1963古都Twin Sisters in Kyotodirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1963素晴らしい悪女A Marvelous Kid, aka Wonderful Bad Womandirected by Hideo Onchi
Film scores1963太平洋ひとりぼっちAlone on the Pacificdirected by Kon Ichikawa
Film scores1963彼女と彼Kanojo to kare (She and He)directed by Susumu Hani
Film scores1963白と黒White and Blackdirected by Hiromichi Horikawa (堀川弘通)
Film scores1964砂の女The Woman in the Dunesdirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1964乾いた花Pale Flowerdirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1964手をつなぐ子らChildren Hand in Handdirected by Susumu Hani
Film scores1964白い朝The White Dawndirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1964怪談Kwaidandirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1964二十一歳の父Our Happiness Alone, aka 21-Year-Old Fatherdirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1964暗殺Assassinationdirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1964日本脱出Nippon Escapedirected by Yoshishige Yoshida
Film scores1964女体The Call of Fleshdirected by Hideo Onchi
Film scores1964自動車泥棒Car Thievesdirected by Yoshinori Wada (和田嘉訓)
Film scores1965美しさと哀しみとWith Beauty and Sadnessdirected by Masahiro Shinoda; based on the novel Beauty and Sadness by Yasunari Kawabata
Film scores1965最後の審判Last Judgementdirected by Hiromichi Horikawa (堀川弘通)
Film scores1965不思議なクミコLe Mystère Koumikodirected by Chris Marker; documentary film
Film scores1965ブワナ・トシの歌Bwana Toshidirected by Susumu Hani
Film scores1965異聞猿飛佐助Samurai Spydirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1965四谷怪談Yotsuya Ghost Storydirected by Shirō Toyoda
Film scores1965けものみちBeast Alleydirected by Eizō Sugawa; based on the novel Beast Alley by Seichō Matsumoto
Film scores1966紀ノ川 花の巻 文緒の巻directed by Noboru Nakamura; based on the novel The River Ki by Sawako Ariyoshi
Film scores1966処刑の島Captive's Islanddirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1966他人の顔The Face of Anotherdirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara; film adaptation of the novel by Kōbō Abe
Film scores1966あこがれOnce a Rainy Day, aka Longingdirected by Hideo Onchi
Film scores1967伊豆の踊子The Dancing Girl of Izu, aka Izu Dancerdirected by Hideo Onchi; film adaptation of the novel by Yasunari Kawabata
Film scores1967上意討ち 拝領妻始末Samurai Rebelliondirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1967あかね雲Clouds at Sunsetdirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1967乱れ雲Two in the Shadow, aka Scattered Cloudsdirected by Mikio Naruse[1]
Film scores1968めぐりあいTwo Hearts in the Rain, aka The Encounterdirected by Hideo Onchi
Film scores1968燃えつきた地図The Ruined Map, aka The Man without a Mapdirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara; based on the novel The Ruined Map by Kōbō Abe
Film scores1968日本の青春Hymn to a Tired Mandirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1968Kyōdirected by Kon Ichikawa; documentary film
Film scores1969心中天網島Double Suicidedirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1969弾痕The Bullet Woundeddirected by Shirō Moritani
Film scores1970東京戦争戦後秘話He Died after the Wardirected by Nagisa Oshima; also known as The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Film scores1970どですかでんDodes'ka-dendirected by Akira Kurosawa
Film scores1970太陽の狩人Sun's Hunterdirected by Hideo Onchi; documentary film
Film scores1971甦える大地The Earth Is Born Againdirected by Noboru Nakamura
Film scores1971儀式The Ceremonydirected by Nagisa Oshima
Film scores1971いのちぼうにふろうInn of Evildirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1971沈黙Silencedirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1971天皇の世紀
Film scores1972サマー・ソルジャーSummer Soldiersdirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1972夏の妹Dear Summer Sisterdirected by Nagisa Oshima
Film scores1972Wonder WorldWonder Worlddocumentary film
Film scores1973青幻記 遠い日の母は美しくTime within Memorydirected by Toichiro Narushima (成島東一郎)
Film scores1973化石の森The Petrified Forestdirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1974卑弥呼Himikodirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1974しあわせHappinessdirected by Hideo Onchi
Film scores1974化石The Fossildirected by Masaki Kobayashi; based on the novel by Yasushi Inoue
Film scores1975桜の森の満開の下Under the Blossoming Cherry Treesdirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1977錆びた炎Incandescent Flamedirected by Masahisa Sadanaga (貞永方久)
Film scores1977はなれ瞽女おりんBallad of Orindirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1978愛の亡霊Empire of Passiondirected by Nagisa Oshima
Film scores1978燃える秋Glowing Autumndirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1978ファーム・ソング – 「日本人」第三部 –The Japanese, A Film Trilogy: Farm Song (Part III)directed by John Nathan; documentary film
Film scores1979火宅 能「求塚」よりdirected by Kihachirō Kawamoto; live action animation film
Film scores1980天平の甍An Ocean to Crossdirected by Kei Kumai
Film scores1980気 BreathingBreathingdirected by Toshio Matsumoto
Film scores1981水俣の図・物語The Minamata Muraldirected by Noriaki Tsuchimoto; documentary film
Film scores1981蓮如とその母Rennyo, the Priest and His Motherdirected by Kihachirō Kawamoto; live action animation film
Film scores1981シルクロード – 光と風と音 –Silk Road: Hikari to kaze to otodocumentary film (soundtrack for a video disc)
Film scores1982予言Prophecydirected by Susumu Hani
Film scores1983東京裁判Tokyo Trial (Tokyo Verdict)directed by Masaki Kobayashi; documentary film
Film scores1984アントニー・ガウディーAntonio Gaudídirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara; documentary film
Film scores1985火まつりFire Festivaldirected by Mitsuo Yanagimachi
Film scores1985Randirected by Akira Kurosawa
Film scores1985AK ドキュメント黒澤明A.K.directed by Chris Marker; documentary film
Film scores1985ボクはボクに会いに行ったBoku wa boku ni aini ittadocumentary film
Film scores1985食卓のない家The Empty Table, aka Home without a Tabledirected by Masaki Kobayashi
Film scores1986近松門左衛門 鑓の権三Gonza the Spearmandirected by Masahiro Shinoda; after a play by Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Film scores1987ヒロシマという名の少年A Boy Named Hiroshimadirected by Yoshiya Sugata (菅田良哉)
Film scores1988嵐が丘Wuthering Heightsdirected by Yoshishige Yoshida; based on the novel by Emily Brontë
Film scores1989黒い雨Black Raindirected by Shōhei Imamura
Film scores1989利休Rikyudirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1991インランド・シーThe Inland Seadirected by Lucille Carra; documentary film
Film scores1992豪姫Basara, the Princess Gohdirected by Hiroshi Teshigahara
Film scores1992夢窓 庭との語らいDream Window: Reflections on the Japanese Gardendirected by John Junkerman; documentary film
Film scores1993ライジング・サンRising Sundirected by Philip Kaufman
Film scores1995写楽Sharakudirected by Masahiro Shinoda
Film scores1995日本映画の百年100 Years of Japanese Cinemadirected by Nagisa Oshima; documentary film
Radio scores1955音の四季Oto no shiki: Symphonic Poem for Concrete Sound Objects and Musiccomposition for radio
Radio scores1955海の幻想Umi no gensōcomposition for radio
Radio scores1955Honooradio drama
Radio scores1956Kの死K no shiradio drama
Radio scores1956秋の蝶Aki no chōradio drama
Radio scores1956Ningen Kazoku: Radio Fantasyradio drama
Radio scores1957Gendai no Jujiroradio documentary
Radio scores1957Sonanhiradio drama
Radio scores1957男の死Otoko no shi (Billy the Kid): A Dialogic Cantataradio drama
Radio scores1958顔またはドン・ファンの死Kao, matawa Don Juan no shi: Radio Drama in Kyōgen Styleradio drama
Radio scores1958遠い声Tooi koeradio drama
Radio scores1958Taiyo no shogen: Radio Montageradio drama
Radio scores1958心中天の網島Shinjū ten no amijima: Radio Illusionradio drama
Radio scores1958Hiroshima 1958: A Documentary Poetic Dramaradio drama
Radio scores1958Children's Cornerradio drama
Radio scores1959Onnamenradio drama
Radio scores1959ポジションPosition: Collage of Voicescomposition for radio
Radio scores1959Kyoko no ieradio drama
Radio scores1960Kotoba no hirobaeducational radio program
Radio scores1960白い恐怖Shiroi kyōfu: A Poem Composed for Radioradio drama
Radio scores1960Hitachibo Kaisonradio drama
Radio scores1960Operation 1960radio drama
Radio scores1960Kuro no kiroku 1960 nen: Magarikado de furikaeruradio documentary
Radio scores1962Gun Kingradio drama
Radio scores1962Kuroi nagai kage no kirokuradio drama
Radio scores1962瘋癲老人日記Futen rōjin nikkiradio drama
Radio scores1962Kokoro no uchū o ikuradio drama
Radio scores1963チャンピオンChampion: An Architectural Attempted by Soundradio drama
Radio scores1977Chikatetsu no Aliceradio drama
Radio scores1978Aa Mujoradio drama
Radio scores1980Toyamaru wa naze shizundakaradio drama
Radio scores1980Tooi anata eradio drama
Radio scores1981津の国人Tsunokunibitoradio reading of the novel by Murō Saisei
Radio scores1983かたちもなく寂しKatachi mo naku sabishiradio drama
Radio scores1983上海幻影路Shanghai geneiroradio drama
Radio scores1988でんしゃみちDenshamichiradio drama
Television scores1955家なき子Ienakikochildren's television program
Television scores1959あざのある女Aza no aru onnatelevision drama
Television scores1960日本一九六〇Nippon 1960television documentary
Television scores1961あなたは誰でしょうAnata wa dare deshōtelevision drama
Television scores1961ムックリを吹く女Mukkuri o fuku onnatelevision drama
Television scores1962日本の文様Nippon no monyotelevision documentary
Television scores1962廃墟Haikyotelevision documentary
Television scores1962Matsuritelevision drama
Television scores1963もし、あなただったら…Moshi, anata dattara...television drama
Television scores1963正塚の婆さんShōzuka no baasantelevision drama
Television scores1964青春の碑Seishun no hitelevision documentary
Television scores1964目撃者Mokugekishatelevision drama
Television scores1965ある女の影Aru onna no kagetelevision drama
Television scores1965源氏物語Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji)television drama
Television scores1966源義経Minamotono Yoshitsunetelevision drama
Television scores1966二十歳Hatachitelevision drama
Television scores1966楠木正成Kusunoki Masashigetelevision drama
Television scores1966足利尊氏Ashikaga Takaujitelevision drama
Television scores1966あなたは…Anata wa...television documentary
Television scores1967Kentelevision drama
Television scores1968恩讐の彼方にOnshu no kanata nitelevision drama
Television scores1968元禄一代女Genroku ichidai onnatelevision drama
Television scores1969悪一代Aku ichidaitelevision drama
Television scores1971もう一つの傷Mo hitotsu no kizutelevision drama
Television scores1971天皇の世紀Tenno no seikitelevision drama
Television scores1972女人幻想Nyonin gensotelevision drama
Television scores1972イン・モーション – 音と映像による音楽作品 –In Motion: A Musical Work of Sounds and Visionstelevision broadcast
Television scores1972化石The Fossil (Kaseki)television drama
Television scores1973わが愛Waga aitelevision drama
Television scores1974私という他人Watashi to iu tanintelevision drama
Television scores1974未来への遺産Mirai e no isan / The Legend for the Futuretelevision documentary
Television scores1976冬の虹Fuyu no nijitelevision drama
Television scores1977命もいらず名もいらず・西郷隆盛伝Inochi mo irazu, na mo irazu: Saigō Takamori dentelevision drama about Saigō Takamori
Television scores1977危険な童話 私は殺さない…Kiken na dōwa: Watashi wa korosanai...television drama
Television scores1978おはんOhantelevision drama
Television scores1979ルーヴル美術館-絢爛たる人類の遺産-Le Musée du Louvre: Kenrantaru jinrui no isantelevision documentary
Television scores1979赤穂浪士Akō roshitelevision drama
Television scores1980血族Ketsuzokutelevision drama
Television scores1981夢千代日記Yumechiyo nikkitelevision drama
Television scores1982NHK市民大学NHK Shimin Daigakueducational television program
Television scores1983ジョバンニの銀河 1983Giovanni no ginga 1983visual poem broadcast on television
Television scores1983まあええわいなMaa eewainatelevision drama
Television scores1983話すことはないHanasu koto wa naitelevision drama
Television scores1983波の盆Nami no bontelevision drama
Television scores198421世紀は警告する21 Seiki wa keikokusurutelevision documentary
Television scores1985おさんの恋Osan no koitelevision drama
Television scores1985谷崎・その愛、我という人の心はTanizaki: Sono ai, ware to iu hito no kokoro watelevision drama
Television scores1986禅の世界Zen no sekaitelevision documentary
Television scores1987今朝の秋Kesa no akitelevision drama
Television scores1989山頭火-何でこんなに淋しい風がふく-Santoka, nande konnani sabishii kaze fukutelevision drama
Television scores1993幻 源氏物語絵巻Maboroshi: Genji monogatari emakitelevision drama
  1. "乱れ雲". Retrieved March 12, 2021.
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