This is a list of all verifiable organizations that claim to be a Masonic Grand Lodge in Europe.

A Masonic "Grand Lodge" (or sometimes "Grand Orient") is the governing body that supervises the individual "Lodges of Freemasons" in a particular geographical area, known as its "jurisdiction" (usually corresponding to a sovereign state or other major geopolitical unit). Some are large, with thousands of members divided into hundreds of subordinate lodges, while others are tiny, with only a few members split between a handful of local lodges. Sometimes there will only be one Grand Lodge in a given area, but the majority of the time there will be at least two. More often, there will be several competing Grand Lodges claiming the same jurisdictional area, or claiming overlapping areas. This fact leads to debates over legitimacy: Not all Grand Lodges and Grand Orients recognize each other as being legitimate. However, such recognition is not relevant to this list, yet recognition is foundational within the fraternal order. Inclusion in this list only requires the establishment of a physical (as opposed to a virtual, or online) presence, and lodges (regular, unrecognized or clandestine) which acknowledge their governance.

Membership numbers are subject to change; for current figures, check the sources which are indicated in the reference section.


Jurisdictional area Name Founded Lodges Members Notes
Albania Lozha e Madhe Shqiptare Iliria (Albanian Grand Lodge "Illyria")[1] 2013 5 80 MUB, UMM, CLIPSAS
Albania Lozha e Madhe e Shqipërisë (Grand Lodge of Albania)[2][3][4][5] 2011 5 100
Andorra Gran Lògia d'Andorra (Grand Lodge of Andorra)[6][7] 2000 10 340
Armenia Grand Lodge of Armenia [6][8] 2002 7 [9]
Austria Großloge von Österreich (The Grand Lodge of Austria A.F. & A.M.)[6][10] 1918 [11] 73 3,258 [9]
Austria Großorient von Österreich (Grand Orient of Austria)[12][13] 1961 8 CLIPSAS
Austria Grand Lodge Humanitas[12][14] 1989 CLIPSAS CATENA
Austria Droit Humain of Austria[15][16] DH
Austria Regular Grand Lodge of Austria 2019 3 35 #SOGLIA
Belgium Fédération Belge du Droit Humain / Belgische federatie van Droit Humain (le Droit Humain, Belgian Federation)[15][17] 1928 61 6,500 AMIL, DH, LFB, SIMPA
Belgium Grande Loge de Belgique / Grootloge van België (Grand Lodge of Belgium)[12][18] 1959 52 2,500 LFB, AMIL, CLIPSAS
Belgium Grande Loge féminine de Belgique / Vrouwengrootloge van België (Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium)[12][19] 1981 33 1,600 LFB, AMIL, CLIPSAS, CLIMAF
Belgium Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique / Reguliere Grootloge van België (Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium)[6][20] 1979 52 720 [9]
Belgium Grand Orient de Belgique (Grand Orient of Belgium)[12][21] 1833 108 10,000+ LFB, AMIL, SIMPA, CLIPSAS
Bulgaria Великата Ложа на Старите Свободни и Приети Зидари в България (Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Bulgaria) [22][23] 1997 [24](1991)[25] 70 [26][27] near 2,000 [26][28] NUGLB

Formed by Lodges working under the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of Germany, part of the United Grand Lodges of Germany and received official support and charter from the United Grand Lodges of Germany on September 20, 1997

Bulgaria Обединена велика ложа на България (United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria) [6][29] 2001 55 1,846 [9][28]
Bulgaria Великата Ложа на България (Grand Lodge of Bulgaria)[30][31] 1917 (revived 2010) 3 50 NUGLB
Croatia Velika loža starih, slobodnih i prihvaćenih zidara Hrvatske (Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Croatia)[6][32] 1775 12 350[33]
Croatia Velika Simbolička Loža Hrvatske (Grand Symbolic Lodge of Croatia)[34] 2018 4 65
Croatia Velika Nacionalna Loža Hrvatske (Grand National Lodge of Croatia)[35] 2014
Cyprus ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΣΤΟΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ (Grand Lodge of Cyprus)[6][36] 2006 12 520 [9]
Czech Republic Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic (Veliká Lóže České Republiky)[6][37] 1923 23 500 [9]
Czech Republic Grand Lodge of the Czech Lands (Velká lóže zemí Českých)[38][39] 2002 4 60
Czech Republic Velká lóže svobodných a přijatých zednářů Humanitas Bohemia[40][41] 28 October 1993 2 60 CATENA
Denmark Danske Frimurerorden (Danish Order of Freemasons) [6][42] 1743[43] 100[43] 9,497 [9]
Denmark Storlogen af Danmark (Grand Lodge of Denmark) [12][44] 1932 4 CLIPSAS
Estonia Grand Lodge of Estonia [6][45] 18 February 1999 12 340+
Estonia Grand Orient of Estonia [46] 2010 5 52
Finland Suomen Suurloosi / Storlogen i Finland (Grand Lodge of F. & A. Masons of Finland) [6][47] 1924 159[48] 7,036 [9][48]
Finland Le Droit Humain Suomen Liitto / Internationella Sam-Frimurarorden Le Droit Humain Finska Förbundet [15][49] 1920 13[50] DH
France Fédération française de l'Ordre maçonnique mixte international le Droit Humain (le Droit Humain – French Federation) [15][51] 1893 518 16,000+ DH, IMF, UMM
France Grande Loge de France (GLdF or GLF)[52][53] 1894 850 34,000 GLUDE
France Grande Loge Européenne de la Fraternité Universelle (European Grand Lodge of the Universal Fraternity, GLEFU)[54][55] 2013 33 500
France Grande Loge féminine de France (Women's Grand Lodge of France)[56][57] 1945 / 1952 360 13,000 CLIMAF, IMF, UMM
France Grande loge écossaise réformée et rectifiée d'Occitanie [58][59] 1995 15 250
France Grande Loge féminine de Memphis-Misraïm[60][61] 1965 1,000 IMF
France Grande Loge Française de Memphis-Misraïm [12][62] 1960 21 300 CLIPSAS
France Grande Loge mixte de France[12][63] 1982 175 4,000 IMF CLIPSAS
France Grande Loge mixte universelle[12][64] 1973 57 1,200 IMF CLIPSAS
France Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF)[6][65] 1913 600 29,000[66] CMI
France Grande Loge Traditionnelle et Symbolique Opéra (GLTSO)[52][67] 1958 202 4,500 IMF GLUDE
France Grande Loge unie de France[68] 1994 12 150
France Grand Orient de France (Grand Orient of France) (GODF)[12][69] 1728 / 1773 1,150 52,000[69] AMIL, IMF, SIMPA, CLIPSAS, UMM
France Loge nationale française[52][70] 1968 25 300 IMF
France Ordre initiatique et traditionnel de l'Art royal[71][72] 1974 75 930 IMF
Georgia Grand Lodge of Georgia[73] 2015 7 CIGLU, BCMA, CMC
Georgia United Grand Lodge of Georgia (UGLG)[74] 2015 / 2018 13 180 GLoT/GLoA/GLoU/GLoR/VGLvD[75]
Germany Große National-Mutterloge „Zu den drei Weltkugeln“ (GNML 3WK)[76][77] 1740-09-13 [78] 40 [79] VGLvD[75]
Germany Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland (GLL FvD)[76][80] [81] 100 3,500 VGLvD[75]
Germany Souveräner GrossOrient von Deutschland (SGOvD)[82][83] 2002 [83] 7
Germany Großloge der Alten Freien und Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland (GL AFuAMvD)[76][84] 1949-06-19 260 10,000 VGLvD[75] Formed as United Grand Lodge of Germany in 1949, it changed its name in 1958 on the formation of the United Grand Lodges of Germany
Germany The Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (GL BFG)[76][85] 1959/1982 16 VGLvD[75]
Germany American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL)[76][86] 1962-09-29/1970-10-23 44 – The five units of the VGLvD, constituting the United Grand Lodges of Germany, have 477 lodges.[9] The five units of the VGLvD, constituting the United Grand Lodges of Germany, have 14,000 members.[9] VGLvD,[75] CGMNA
Germany Le Droit Humain – Deutsche Jurisdiktion [15][87] 1969-12-31 DH
Germany Humanitas – Freimaurergrossloge für Männer und Frauen in Deutschland[40][88] 1959 10 160 CATENA, CLIPSAS
Germany Frauen-Grossloge von Deutschland (FGLvD)[56][89] 1982 [90] 18[91] CLIMAF
Greece Διεθνές Τεκτονικόν Τάγμα "ΔΕΛΦΟΙ" (International Masonic Order DELPHI)[12][92] 1926 45 1045 [93] UMM, CATENA, CLIPSAS, SIMPA, COMALACE, BEPA, Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, RMI
Greece Μεγάλη Στοά της Ελλάδος (Grand Lodge of Greece, A.F. & A.M.)[6][94] 1867[95][96][97][98] 104 [9]
Greece Εθνική Μεγάλη Στοά της Ελλάδος (National Grand Lodge of Greece)[99][100] 1986 57 800+
Hungary Magyarországi Symbolikus Nagypáholy (Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary)[6][101] 1886/1989 14 400 [9]
Hungary Magyarországi Nagyoriens (Grand Orient of Hungary)[102][103] 1871/1992 9 300
Iceland Icelandic Order of Freemasons, Grand Lodge of Iceland[6][104] 1951 16 [11] 3,459 [9]
Ireland (Eire and Northern Ireland) Grand Lodge of Ireland[6][105] 1725 696 [11]
Italy Grande Oriente d'Italia (Grand Orient of Italy)[30][106] 1805 777 21,686 [9] HC of Italy
Italy Gran Loggia d’Italia (Grand Lodge of Italy; the "Piazza del Gesú" or "Palazzo Vitelleschi" Obedience) [12][107] 1908 420 9,500 CLIPSAS, SIMPA, UMM
Italy Regular Grand Lodge of Italy[6][108] 1993 210 3,500
Italy Gran Loggia Italiana[109][110] 2007 24 300
Italy Ordine Massonico Tradizionale Italiano [111] 2016 123 1,200
Italy Gran Loggia Massonica Femminile d’Italia[12][112] 1990 11 185 CLIPSAS, CLIMAF
Italy Gran Loggia Nazionale dei Liberi Muratori d'Italia[113][114] 1805 80 CGLEM
Italy Grande Oriente Universale[115] 2002 296 4603
Latvia Latvijas Lielloža[6][116] 2003 6 150+
Liechtenstein Grand Lodge of The Principality Liechtenstein 2016 6
Lithuania Lietuvos laisvuju murininku Didžioji Lože AF & AM (Grand Lodge of Lithuania)[6][117] 2002 6
Luxembourg Grande Loge du Luxembourg[6][118] 1803 5 280
Luxembourg Grande Orient du Luxembourg [12][119] 1959 / 1982 12 459 CLIPSAS, UMM
Luxembourg Ordre Maçonnique Mixte International le Droit Humain [120] 1982 2 DH
North Macedonia The Grand Lodge of Macedonia[6][121] 2005 [122] 6 [123] 180
North Macedonia Regular Grand Lodge of Macedonia[124] 2010[124] 3[124] 83[124]
Malta Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta[6][125] 2004 9 300 [11]
Moldova Marea Lojă a Moldovei (Grand Lodge of Moldova)[6][126] 1999 [127] 18 [9] 170 [11]
Monaco La Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Principauté de Monaco[6][128] 2011-02-19 200
Montenegro Velká Lóže Crne Gore (Grand Lodge of Montenegro)[6][129] 2007 4 [130]
The Netherlands Grand Orient of the Netherlands[6][131] 1756 164 6,302 [9]
The Netherlands Grande Loge Mixte des Pays-Bas (Mixed Grand Lodge of the Low Countries)[12][132] 2001 ? 7 CLIPSAS
Norway Norwegian Order of Freemasons[6][133] 1891 63 18,900 [11]
Poland Grand Orient of Poland[134] 12.07.1997 7 AACEE, EMA
Poland National Grand Lodge of Poland/Wielka Loża Narodowa Polski [6][135] 1781 14
Portugal Grande Loja Simbólica de Portugal 2015 17 CLIPSAS, UMM, AME
Portugal Federação Portuguesa de Ordem Maçónica Mista Internacional “Le Droit Humain” (DHPT) (le Droit Humain – Portuguese Federation)[15][136] 1980 8 DH
Portugal Grand Loja Feminina de Portugal (GLFP) (Feminine Grand Lodge of Portugal)[56][137] 1997 15 CLIMAF
Portugal Grande Loja Nacional Portuguesa (GLNP) (National Grand Lodge of Portugal)[138] 1996 10 GLUDE
Portugal Grand Loja Legal de Portugal (GLLP/GLRP) (Legal Grand Lodge of Portugal/Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal) [6][139] 1991 98 2,000 [9]
Portugal Grand Orient of Lusitania [12][140] 1802 CLIPSAS, UMM
Romania Marele Orient al Romaniei (MOAR) 1879/1925/2005 43 617 CLIPSAS, AME, [AACEE]
Romania Marea Lojă Regulară Europa Unită (MLREU)

Regular Grand Lodge Europa Unita

2016 7 117 #SOGLIA
Romania Marea Lojă Regulară a României (MLRR )

Regular Grand Lodge of Romania

2005 17 320 #SOGLIA

Established in 2005 by Brother Nicu Filip first Grand Master of MLNdR in 1993 under the name National Grand Lodge Dacia. In 2008 joined Masonic High Council the Mother High Council of the World when changes the name into Regular Grand Lodge of Romania. Starting 2017 (6017) Grand Master Sergiu Protopopescu. 2 December 2017 established lodge Dimitrie Cantemir Eastern Moscow.

Romania Marea Lojă Naţională din România (MLNdR) (National Grand Lodge of Romania) [6][141][142] 1880/1993 361 10,000 [9]
Romania Marea Lojă Naţională Română "1880" (Romanian National Grand Lodge "1880") [143][144] 1880/1993/2010 32 550 World Traditional Masonic Union (W.T.M.U.); World Masonic Christian Alliance (W.M.C.A.)
România Traditional Grand Lodge of Romania (MLTR) Archived 29 October 2018 at the Wayback Machine Marea Lojă Tradiţională din România 2015 7 130 #SOGLIA
Russia Grand Lodge of Russia 1995 33 700
Russia United Grand Lodge of Russia 2008[145] 6 70
Russia Grand Orient de France 1728/1773[145] 4 100
Russia Le Droit Humain[15][146] 2013 1[147] 15 DH
San Marino Serenissima Gran Loggia della Repubblica di San Marino (Most Serene Grand Lodge of the Republic of San Marino) [6][148] 2003 5 80 [9]
Serbia National Grand Lodge of Serbia[149][150] 1997 20 500 GLUDE
Serbia Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia [6][151] 1919 (as GL Yugoslavia) 30 1,006 [9]
Serbia Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia[152] 2006 17 450
Serbia Grand Orient of Serbia[153] 2016 30 900 [9]
Slovak Republic Veľká Lóža Slovenska [6][154] 21 March 2009 3 60
Slovenia Grand Lodge of Slovenia[6][155] 1999 International Confederation of the United Grand Lodges / Confederation Internationale Des Grandes Unies
Spain Grand Lodge of Spain[6][156] 1982 176 2,500 [9]
Spain Gran Logia Simbólica Española (Spanish Symbolic Grand Lodge) [12][157] 1980 41 CLIPSAS, UMM
Spain (Andaluza) Gran Logia de la Comunidad Andaluza (Grand Lodge of Andalusia)[113][158] 1982 ? 1 CGLEM
Spain (Madrid) Gran Oriente de Madrid (Grand Orient of Madrid)[113][159] 1982 ? 1 CGLEM
Spain (Catalonia) Grand Orient of Catalonia [12][160] 1989 CLIPSAS
Spain (Catalonia) Gran Lògia de Catalunya[161][162] 1933 3
Sweden Swedish Order of Freemasons[6][163] 1735 [9] 43[163] 14,200[163]
Sweden Le Droit Humain – Scandinavian Federation (Sweden)[15][164] 1918 DH
Sweden Grand Orient Latinoamericano[12][165] 1984 5 CLIPSAS
Switzerland Grande Loge Suisse Alpina[6][166] 1844 82 [167] 3,842 [11]
Switzerland Fédération Suisse du Droit Humain [15][168] 1896 DH
Switzerland Grande Loge Mixte de Suisse (Mixed Grand Lodge of Switzerland)[169][170] 1999 8 145
Switzerland Grand Orient de Suisse[12][171] 1959 18[172] CLIPSAS
Switzerland Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse[56][173] 1976 17 350 CLIMAF
Turkey Grand Lodge of Turkey F.& A.M.[6][174] 1909 224 14,788 [9]
Turkey Liberal Grand Lodge of Turkey[12][175] 1966 55 2,000 CLIPSAS, UMM
Ukraine Grand Lodge of Ukraine[6] 1919 / 2005 13 250 [9] [176]
United Kingdom (England and Wales) United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE)[30][177] 1717 / 1813 7000 200000 [9]
United Kingdom (Scotland) Grand Lodge of Scotland[30][178] 1736 1,050 [9] 150000


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  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Droit Humain Worldwide Archived 1 August 2013 at the Wayback Machine retrieved 17 July 2014
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  30. 1 2 3 4 Pennsylvania Grand Lodge list of recognized grand lodges Archived 20 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine retrieved 24 June 2014
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  51. Fédération française DH website Accessed 18 January 2014
  52. 1 2 3 French Freemasonry, Regular Grand Lodges Archived 20 January 2015 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 1 July 2014
  53. GLdF website Accessed 18 January 2014
  54. "Accueil - Grande Loge Européenne de la Fraternité Universelle". Retrieved 31 December 2023.
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  56. 1 2 3 4 CLIMAF, Qui sommes nous, accessed 1 July 2014
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  58. Troisieme Provence Accessed 19 January 2014
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  68. GLUF website Accessed 19 January 2014
  69. 1 2 GOdF website Accessed 19 January 2014
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  71. French Freemasonry, Traditional Grand Lodges Archived 14 July 2014 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 2 July 2014
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  76. 1 2 3 4 5 Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland, Mitgliedsgroßlogen Archived 24 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 2 July 2014
  77. "Home | Zu den drei Weltkugeln". 11 September 2017. Retrieved 31 December 2023.
  78. 3 Globes website Accessed 19 January 2014
  79. 3 Globes Lodges Accessed 19 January 2014
  80. Große Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland (GLL FvD) Grand Landlodge of Freemasonry in Deutschland – A Prussian Swedish Rite Grand Lodge requiring Christian belief.
  81. GLFvD website Accessed 19 January 2014
  82. Frauen und Freimaurerei, accessed 2 July 2014
  83. 1 2 SGOvD homepage Archived 27 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 2 July 2014
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  86. American Canadian Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M (ACGL) – originally organized around military lodges of American and Canadian occupation forces. Works in English and includes six lodges in the Middle East.
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  92. "Delphi" website, accessed 20 March 2014
  93. International Masonic Order "Delphi", Historic Note of the Establishment of the Masonic Union of the Balkan Peninsula, Orient of Thessaloniki, 22 November 2014, page 48.
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  124. 1 2 3 4 Regular Grand Lodge of Macedonia Archived 29 February 2020 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 29 December 2014
  125. Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta website Accessed 23 February 2014
  126. Grand Lodge of Moldova website Archived 21 June 2018 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 24 February 2014
  127. As reported by the CGMNA "Commission on Recognition" in their 2008 report Accessed 23 February 2014
  128. La Grande Loge Nationale Régulière de la Principauté de Monaco Archived 23 February 2011 at the Wayback Machine Accessed 19 January 2014
  129. Grand Lodge of Montenegro Accessed 23 February 2014
  130. As reported by the CGMNA commission on recognition in their 2008 report Accessed 23 February 2014
  131. Grootosteen van Nederlanden website Accessed 19 January 2014
  132. Grande Loge Mixte des Pays-Bas website, accessed 19 January 2014
  133. Norsk Frimurerorden website Accessed 19 January 2014
  134. "Wielki Wschód Polski | Wolność Równość Braterstwo". Wielki Wschód Polski (in Polish). Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  135. Wielka Loża Narodowa Polska website Accessed 19 January 2014
  136. Droit Humain – Portuguese Federation website, accessed 27 May 2014
  137. Feminine Grand Lodge of Portugal website Archived 10 July 2009 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 27 May 2014
  138. National Grand Lodge of Portugal website, accessed 13 December 2019
  139. GLLP/GLRP website, accessed 19 January 2014
  140. GO Lusitania website Archived 29 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 27 May 2014
  141. MLNdR website, accessed 20 January 2014
  142. A cautionary note was placed in the 2011 COGMNA Commission report, linked here Archived 10 March 2014 at the Wayback Machine, advising that a new Romanian grand lodge with a similar name to the MLNdR had been formed which uses "1880" in its title, and consisting of expelled masons from an (itself) unrecognized 'United Grand Lodge of Romania'.
  143. MLNR "1880" website, accessed 10 March 2014
  144. Notice of formation of "National Grand Lodge Romania 1880," Archived 10 March 2014 at the Wayback Machine consisting of a group of expelled masons from an (itself) unrecognized 'United Grand Lodge of Romania', in a COGNMA commission report in 2011. The reference urges caution regarding this group and the similarly named MLNdR, which was actually formed in 1880.
  145. 1 2 С. П. Карпачёв «Искусство вольных каменщиков», «ИПК Парето-Принт», 2015 год, 475 стр. 2000 экз. ISBN 978-5-990-54931-9
  146. "Официальный сайт Масонского Ордена LE DROIT HUMAIN в России". 16 February 2020. Retrieved 31 December 2023.
  147. "Installation of First Lodge of "Droit Humain" in Russia". Archived from the original on 14 October 2013. Retrieved 23 October 2022.
  148. SGLRSM website, accessed 24 February 2014
  149. Astrolabe Archived 3 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine Alain Graesel, Grandes Loges Unies d’Europe, retrieved 29 December 2013
  150. Velika Nacionalna Loža Srbije Retrieved 20 January 2014
  151. RGLS English portal Retrieved 20 January 2014
  152. Liberal Grand Lodge of Serbia
  153. Starih, slobodnih & prihvaćenih zidara
  154. VLS website Retrieved 20 January 2014
  155. GraCLIPSASnd Lodge of Slovenia Retrieved 20 January 2014
  156. GLE website Retrieved 20 January 2014
  157. GLSE website, Retrieved 20 January 2014
  158. GLCA website, Retrieved 11 March 2014
  159. SGLCM website, Retrieved 11 March 2014
  160. GOC website Retrieved 20 January 2014
  161. "Gran Lògia de Catalunya". Retrieved 27 April 2017.
  162. Report of new grand Lodge Archived 20 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved 28 April 2017
  163. 1 2 3 "Swedish Order of Freemasons". Archived from the original on 12 August 2003. Retrieved 12 August 2003.
  164. Sam-Frimurare-Orden Archived 16 February 2012 at the Wayback MachineDH Sweden website Retrieved 20 January 2014
  165. GOLA Brazil Organização Retrieved 20 January 2014
  166. GLSA website Retrieved 20 January 2014
  167. GLSA Lodges by number Retrieved 20 January 2014
  168. Le Droit Humain en Suisse Retrieved 20 January 2014
  169. Les 10 ans de la Grande Loge Mixte de Suisse, Retrieved15 July 2014
  170. GLMS website, Retrieved 11 March 2014
  171. GOS website Archived 30 October 2007 at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved 20 January 2014
  172. Grand Orient de Suisse Archived 6 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved 20 January 2014
  173. Grande Loge Féminine de Suisse Retrieved 20 January 2014
  174. "HKEMBL | Hür ve Kabul Edilmiş Masonlar Büyük Locası". HKEMBL. Retrieved 31 December 2023.
  175. "Özgür Masonlar Büyük Locası". Archived from the original on 13 October 2017. Retrieved 23 October 2022.
  176. Ukraine Mason website
  177. UGLE website Retrieved 20 January 2014
  178. GLoS website Retrieved 20 January 2014

See also

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