Mannerheim Cross 1st Class (above) and 2nd Class (below). Crossed batons indicate a second award of a 2nd class cross.

The Mannerheim Cross of the Cross of Liberty is the most distinguished Finnish military honour. Proposed by and named after Field Marshal Gustaf Mannerheim, it was introduced after the Winter War on 16 December 1940. The decoration was awarded to soldiers for exceptional bravery, for the achievement of crucially important objectives by combat, or for especially successfully conducted operations. Unlike other awards associated with the Order of the Cross of Liberty, the awarding of the Mannerheim Cross was not influenced by the military rank of the recipient.[1]

The cross is awarded as either Mannerheim Cross of Liberty 1st Class or as Mannerheim Cross of Liberty 2nd Class. No special requirements differing from 2nd class were laid out for the Mannerheim Cross 1st Class.[1] A recipient of the cross is called "Knight of the Mannerheim Cross".[2][3]

Although still active de jure, no crosses have been awarded since 1945. Tuomas Gerdt, the last living Knight of the Mannerheim Cross, died on 1 November 2020.[3][4]


The Mannerheim Cross 2nd Class has been awarded to 191 people.[5] The first cross was awarded to Colonel Ruben Lagus on 22 July 1941.[5] The first private to be awarded the cross was Vilho Rättö, who was awarded his cross on 3 August 1941 for destroying four enemy tanks with a sightless anti-tank gun taken from the enemy, by aiming the gun through its bore.[6][7] The last cross was awarded to Lieutenant Colonel Viljo Laakso on 7 May 1945.[8] A total of four persons have been awarded the Mannerheim Cross 2nd Class twice. These double-awardees were given a small clasp, consisting of two crossed marshal's batons, to be worn above the cross.[9] The first recipient of the Mannerheim Cross 1st Class was its namesake, Field Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, who accepted it together with a Mannerheim Cross 2nd Class from President of the Republic Risto Ryti on 7 October 1941 after all the previous awardees had requested him to accept the award.[9] The only other recipient of the Mannerheim Cross 1st Class is General of Infantry Erik Heinrichs,[10] who received it on 31 December 1944, following an earlier Mannerheim Cross 2nd Class on 5 February 1942.[11]


The awardees were predominately young, with a mean age of 32 years and 72% of the awardees 35 or younger. The three youngest awardees were all aged 19. Only 8 of the recipients were 51 or older, with the oldest recipient being Mannerheim himself. [12] A majority of the knights came from rural families, with only 46 having been born in cities. This is also reflected in the fact that 80 knights' fathers had been farmers. A further 24 had fathers who had worked as either for the railroad or as labourers, while 32 came from families of public servants.[13]

The crosses were awarded primarily to personnel from the army, with 159 recipients in the infantry, 4 in artillery and 2 in engineering units. Seven crosses were awarded to navy personnel, of which two were received by people serving in coastal artillery. Finally, 19 awards were granted to air force personnel.[12] The largest group among army awardees, at 74 people, were those serving as platoon, patrol or squad leaders or in other similar NCO roles. The second largest group were various commanders (from company to corps), who numbered 62. The army rank-and-file were awarded with 22 crosses, and various staff officers with 7 crosses.[14]

Crosses were rarely awarded posthumously.[15] Two people were awarded the cross on the day they were killed, and a further 8 receiving the cross posthumously.[16]

A total of 25 officers, 10 non-commissioned officers and 3 other ranks who had received the cross were killed during the war.[12] Of these 38, 28 were killed in action. Almost half, 12, of those killed in action died during the summer of 1944, with five knights dying during the Battle of Tali–Ihantala.[16] A further three knights were killed during the Finno-German Lapland War, which followed the armistice between Finland and Soviet Union.[16]

Both the first and the last recipient of the cross had a background in the Jaeger Movement.[17] Members of the movement had traveled in secret to Germany in 1916 to receive military training, and returned to Finland at the onset of the Finnish Civil War.[18] Of the 710 people with a jaeger background still working in tasks related to national defence, 20 were awarded with a cross.[17] 115 knights also had a background in the White Guard.[13]

The most distinguished unit was Infantry Regiment 7, the members of which received 11 crosses. A further three awardees had been part of the regiment at some point, but received their crosses after transferring to other units. Also distinguished was the 1st Jaeger Brigade (later Jaeger Brigade, Armoured Division), which had nine of its members receive the cross.[19] Another over-represented group are those involved with long-range reconnaissance patrols, of whom 19 received a cross.[20]

Denied proposals

A list of people who had been denied a Mannerheim cross by the General Headquarters disappeared from the military archives sometimes after early 1980s, but research by historians Hurmerinta and Viitanen indicates that at least 104 proposals were rejected at this final stage of the process.[21]

In addition, there were plans to award medals for actions from the Winter War. To this end, some 483 names were submitted for consideration between the founding of the award and the start of the Continuation War, but this project was abandoned in April 1944 before any medals could be awarded. At the same time, a total of 19 of those who had been put forth to receive a cross for their actions in the Winter War were awarded for their actions in the Continuation War.[22]

List of recipients

ImageNo.NameRankServiceDate awardedUnitNotesRefs
1 Ruben Lagus Colonel Army 22 July 1941 5th Division [23]
2 Paavo Talvela Major general Army 3 August 1941 VI Corps [24]
3 Erkki Raappana Colonel Army 3 August 1941 14th Division Proposed second award on 13 August 1944, denied. [25]
4 Vilho Rättö Private Army 3 August 1941 Gun Company, Infantry Regiment 25 [26]
5 Antero Svensson Colonel Army 16 August 1941 7th Division [27]
6 Oiva Tuominen Sergeant major Air Force 18 August 1941 No. 26 Squadron [28]
7 Juho Pössi Lieutenant Army 29 August 1941 III Battalion, Infantry Regiment 27 Also proposed a Mannerheim Cross for actions in Winter War. [29]
8 Valde Sorsa Corporal Army 1 September 1941 Infantry Regiment 7 [30]
9 Eero Kivelä Captain Army 8 September 1941 III Battalion, Infantry Regiment 27 [31]
10 Olli Remes Lieutenant Army 12 September 1941 III Battalion, Infantry Regiment 54 Olympic skier. [32]
11 Aarne Blick Colonel Army 14 September 1941 2nd Division [33]
12 Aaro Pajari Colonel Army 14 September 1941 18th Division Second award 16 October 1944, while leading the 3rd Division. [34]
13 Onni Mantere Private first class Army 16 September 1941 Infantry Regiment 16 [35]
14 Emil Pasanen Private Army 26 September 1941 Infantry Regiment 50 [36]
15 Veikko Vehviläinen Corporal Army 26 September 1941 Infantry Regiment 9 [37]
16 Pentti Iisalo Second lieutenant Army 1 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 2 [38]
17 Taavetti Laatikainen Major general Army 3 October 1941 II Corps [39]
18 Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim Field marshall
7 October 1941 General Headquarters Both 1st and 2nd class awarded at the same time. [40]
19 Simo Brofeldt Colonel (medical)
7 October 1941 General Headquarters [41]
20 Eino Mallila Sergeant Army 7 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 3 [42]
21 Kaarlo Heiskanen Colonel Army 7 October 1941 11th Division [43]
22 Einar Vihma Colonel Army 12 October 1941 12th Division First proposal 28 September 1941, revised proposal 9 October 1941. [44]
23 Väinö Sokka Corporal Army 12 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 50 [45]
24 Tauno Savolainen Private first class Army 12 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 3 [46]
25 Valdemar Kosonen Corporal Army 16 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 15 Both original proposal and the official citation reference to Kosonen as a private. [47]
26 Matti Varstala Second lieutenant Army 16 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 47 [48]
27 Ahti Heino Private Army 19 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 5 [49]
28 Torsten Korkkinen Second lieutenant Army 19 October 1941 Light Section 14, 4th Division [50]
29 Arvo Pentti Lieutenant Army 19 October 1941 Gun Company, Infantry Regiment 44 [51]
30 Hans Olof von Essen Lieutenant colonel Army 22 October 1941 Uusimaa Dragoon Regiment First proposed a cross on 2 September 1941, revised proposal on 12 October 1941. [52]
31 Soini Mikkonen Lieutenant Army 22 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 12 [53]
32 Oiva Rönkä Sergeant Army 22 October 1941 Infantry Regiment 12 [54]
33 Viljo Salminen Sergeant major Air Force 5 November 1941 No. 44 Squadron First proposal on 13 August 1941 denied, instead awarded Order of Liberty 3rd Class. Revised proposal 23 October 1941. [55]
34 Paavo Korpi Corporal Army 13 November 1941 Jaeger Battalion 2, 1st Jaeger Brigade [56]
35 Tauno Viiri Captain Army 13 November 1941 I Battalion, Infantry Regiment 43 [57]
36 Aarre Voutilainen Corporal Army 19 November 1941 Jaeger Battalion 2, 1st Jaeger Brigade. Also proposed for 1st class medal 26 December 1941; revised proposal 14 January 1942, denied. [58]
37 Veikko Saarelainen Private first class Army 19 November 1941 Jaeger Battalion 3, 1st Jaeger Brigade [59]
38 Eino Wenäläinen Private first class Army 19 November 1941 Jaeger Battalion 4, 1st Jaeger Brigade [60]
39 Yrjö Tamminen Corporal Army 19 November 1941 Gun Company, 1st Jaeger Brigade [61]
40 Albert Räsänen Lieutenant Army 19 November 1941 Armoured Battalion [62]
41 Taavi Törmälehto Private Army 19 November 1941 Jaeger Battalion 4, 1st Jaeger Brigade [63]
42 Viljo Laine Sergeant Army 19 November 1941 Armoured Battalion [64]
43 Arvid Janhunen Private first class Army 27 November 1941 Infantry Regiment 26 Killed in action 26 November 1941, after proposal was originally submitted; first awardee to be killed. [65][12]
44 Viljo Suokas Sergeant first class Army 13 December 1941 Detachment Kuismanen [66]
45 Verner Viikla Colonel Army 15 December 1941 6th Division Original proposal missing from archives, killed in action 18 December 1941. [67]
46 Toivo Häkkinen Major Army 14 January 1942 1st Jaeger Brigade [68]
47 Jouko Hynninen Major Army 14 January 1942 Jaeger Battalion 3, 1st Jaeger Brigade [69]
48 Erik Heinrichs General of the infantry
5 February 1942 General Headquarters Subsequently, awarded a 1st class cross on 31 December 1944. [70]
49 Jorma Hämäläinen Lieutenant Army 27 February 1942 Detachment Marttina [71]
50 Ilmari Honkanen Lieutenant Army 27 February 1942 Detachment Marttina [72]
51 Pietari Autti Colonel Army 1 March 1942 Infantry Regiment 8 [73]
52 Martti Aho Lieutenant colonel Army 1 March 1942 Infantry Regiment 50 Awarded with another 2nd Class medal on 16 October 1944, while in command of Infantry Regiment 50. [74]
53 Teppo Hirvi-Kunnas Cornet Army 20 April 1942 2nd Squadron, Häme Cavalry Regiment Killed in action 10 March 1943, after a cross was proposed but before it was awarded. [75]
54 Paavo Kahla Lieutenant Air Force 26 April 1942 3rd Flight, No. 16 Squadron Missing-in-action 23 October 1944; last recipient to be killed in action. [76]
55 Rolf Winqvist Lieutenant Air Force 26 April 1942 No. 44 Squadron [77]
56 Ilmari Juutilainen Sergeant major Air Force 26 April 1942 No. 24 Squadron Awarded another 2nd class medal on 28 June 1944, when with No. 34 Fighter Squadron. [78]
57 Jooseppi Moilanen Sergeant first class Army 15 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 25 [79]
58 Mikko Matilainen Private first class Army 15 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 8 [80]
59 Yrjö Kilpinen Corporal Army 15 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 13 [81]
60 Valter Nordgren Lieutenant colonel Army 15 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 4 First proposed 4 January 1942; revised proposal submitted 29 April 1942. [82]
61 Osmo Laakso Captain Army 19 May 1942 Heavy Artillery Battalion 24 [83]
62 Johannes Hartikainen Private first class Army 19 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 60 [84]
63 Ahti Vuorensola Captain Army 19 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 9 [85]
64 Jaakko Kolppanen Sergeant Army 19 May 1942 Infantry Regiment 29 [86]
65 Sauli Kousa Staff sergeant Army 5 July 1942 Infantry Regiment 22 Original proposal 13 October 1941; revised proposal 17 May 1942. [87]
66 Kaarle Kari Lieutenant colonel Army 5 July 1942 Infantry Regiment 45 [88]
67 Reino Lukkari Major Army 5 July 1942 Group Oinonen From 12 May 1942 at Onega Group Headquarters. [89]
68 Lauri Skyttä Sergeant Army 5 July 1942 Häme Cavalry Regiment [90]
69 Lauri Nissinen Second lieutenant Air Force 5 July 1942 No. 24 Fighter Squadron First proposed 19 January 1942; revised proposal submitted 13 June 1942. [91]
70 Feeli Isosomppi Sergeant (medical) Army 17 July 1942 Infantry Regiment 37 [92]
71 Aarne Ahola Lieutenant Army 17 July 1942 I Battalion, Infantry Regiment 58 [93]
72 Olavi Alakulppi Lieutenant Army 17 July 1942 Infantry Regiment 33 Later colonel of the US Army. [94][95]
73 Caj Toffer Captain Army 21 July 1942 Infantry Regiment 7 Killed in action 21 July 1942, proposal submitted 23 July 1942, award backdated to date of death. [96]
74 Reino Korpi Lieutenant Army 9 August 1942 Infantry Regiment 30 [97]
75 Aaro Seppänen Lieutenant Army 9 August 1942 Infantry Regiment 22 [98]
76 Kaarlo Lehtonen Second lieutenant Army 9 August 1942 Infantry Regiment 5 [99]
77 Hugo Laukkanen Sergeant first class Army 9 August 1942 7th Company, Infantry Regiment 16 [100]
78 Johan Similä Private first class Army 9 August 1942 Light Section 5, 3rd Division [101]
79 Eino Penttilä Lieutenant Army 19 August 1942 Border Guard Battalion 6, 14th Division [102]
80 Eino Polón Lieutenant colonel Army 23 August 1942 Infantry Regiment 30 First proposed on 25 August 1941, denied; revised proposals 25 October 1941 and 21 May 1942. [103]
81 Paavo Koli Lieutenant Army 23 August 1942 Engineer Battalion 15 [104]
82 Leo Kojo Sergeant first class Army 24 August 1942 Border Jaeger Battalion 4 Official citation incorrectly states date of award as 23 August 1942. [105]
83 Kaarlo Laitinen Sergeant Army 23 August 1942 Infantry Regiment 8 [106]
84 Lauri Kokko Lieutenant Army 31 August 1942 17th Division [107]
85 Paavo Nuotio Second lieutenant Army 31 August 1942 I Battalion, Infantry Regiment 4 [108]
86 Kullervo Sippola Second lieutenant Army 31 August 1942 14th Company, Infantry Regiment 28 [109]
87 Arvo Mörö Staff sergeant Army 31 August 1942 Detachment Vehniäinen, Intelligence Division, General Headquarters [110]
88 Paavo Suoranta Staff sergeant Army 31 August 1942 Detachment Vehniäinen [111]
89 Toivo Ovaska Corporal Army 31 August 1942 Jaeger Battalion 1, Cavalry Brigade [112]
90 Auvo Maunula Major Air Force 8 September 1942 No. 28 Fighter Squadron [113]
91 Yrjö Keinonen Captain Army 8 September 1942 Infantry Regiment 9 [114]
92 Jorma Karhunen Captain Air Force 8 September 1942 No. 24 Squadron [115]
93 Tor Lindblad Lieutenant Army 8 September 1942 Infantry Regiment 13 [116]
94 Toivo Korte Second lieutenant Army 8 September 1942 Infantry Regiment 12 [117]
95 Tuomas Gerdt Sergeant Army 8 September 1942 12th Company, Infantry Regiment 7 Last recipient alive, died 1 November 2022. [3][118]
96 Albert Puroma Colonel Army 18 October 1942 Infantry Regiment 12 Proposal for second award submitted 16 July 1944, denied. [119]
97 Sulo Laaksonen Colonel Army 6 November 1942 Infantry Regiment 35 [120]
98 Veikko Karu Captain Air Force 6 November 1942 No. 30 Squadron [121]
99 Antti Vorho Staff sergeant Air force 6 November 1942 Detachment Hartikainen Long-range reconnaissance patrol leader under General HQ Intelligence. Proposed by Commander of Air Force, citation states unit as No. 14 Squadron. [122]
100 Toivo Manninen Sergeant Army 6 November 1942 II Battalion, Infantry Regiment 53 [123]
101 Paavo Paajanen Corporal Army 6 November 1942 Light Artillery Battalion 11 First proposal of 19 October 1941 denied by Mannerheim personally, instead awarded Cross of Liberty, 3rd Class. Revised proposal submitted 19 September 1942. [124]
102 Arvid Nordin Corporal Army 6 November 1942 Infantry Regiment 61 [125]
103 Bertel Winell Major general Army 12 December 1942 8th Division [126]
104 Olavi Arho Commander-captain Navy 8 March 1943 Minelayer Ruotsinsalmi, Light Naval Detachment [127]
105 Osmo Kivilinna Captain lieutenant Navy 8 March 1943 Minelayer Riilahti, Light Naval Detachment [128]
106 Birger Ek Captain Air Force 8 March 1943 No. 6 Squadron [129]
107 Niilo Korhonen Lieutenant Army 8 March 1943 Infantry Regiment 10 [130]
108 Toimi Ovaskainen Master chief petty officer Navy 8 March 1943 Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron First proposed 19 November 1941, revised proposal 20 November 1942. [131]
109 Harald Storbacka Sergeant first class Army 8 February 1943 Infantry Regiment 61 Official citation incorrectly states date of award as 8 March 1943. First proposed 9 October 1941; revised proposal 20 November 1942. [132]
110 Einar Schadewitz Staff sergeant Army 10 February 1943 Infantry Regiment 7 First proposed 6 November 1941, revised proposal 7 December 1942. [133]
111 Jouko Pirhonen Lieutenant senior grade Navy 4 June 1943 Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Later Commander of the Finnish Navy 1966–1974. Last knight to serve in the Finnish Defence Forces. [134]
112 Veikko Leskinen Lieutenant Army 4 June 1943 3rd Division [135]
113 Leevi Moisander Sergeant first class Army 4 June 1943 Light Artillery Battalion 14 [136]
114 Arvi Liikkanen Sergeant Army 4 June 1943 Infantry Regiment 25 [137]
115 Eino Laisi Private first class Army 4 March 1943 34th Gun Company, 4th Division Proposal submitted 28 September 1941. Official citation incorrectly states date as 4 June 1943. [138]
116 Hans Wind Lieutenant Air Force 31 July 1943 No. 24 Squadron Awarded another 2nd Class medal on 28 June 1944. [139]
117 Timo Puustinen Major Army 1 August 1943 Infantry Regiment 10 [140]
118 Heikki Nykänen Lieutenant Army 1 August 1943 3rd Division [141]
119 Onni Määttänen Sergeant first class Army 1 August 1943 Detachment Kuismanen [142]
120 Mikko Pöllä Staff sergeant Army 1 August 1943 Detachment Kuismanen First proposed 5 December 1942; revised proposal 27 June 1943 [143]
121 Oiva Tuomela Sergeant Army 1 August 1943 Mortar Platoon, II Battalion, Infantry Regiment 25 [144]
122 Unto Oksala Sergeant major Air Force 21 November 1943 No. 44 Squadron [145]
123 Lauri Heino Sergeant Army 21 November 1943 3rd Company, Armoured Brigade [146]
124 Sakari Sandroos Private first class Army 21 November 1943 Infantry Regiment 7 [147]
125 Erkki Korpi Private Army 21 November 1943 Infantry Regiment 7 [148]
126 Kauno Turkka Lieutenant colonel Army 16 January 1944 Infantry Regiment 27 Killed in action 17 January 1944, with proposal submitted same date. Award backdated to date of death. Official citation does not mention death and only references actions from the Winter War and the first months of the Continuation War. [149]
127 Eino Luukkanen Major Air Force 18 June 1944 No. 34 Fighter Squadron [150]
128 Auno Kuiri Lieutenant colonel Army 19 June 1944 Infantry Regiment 5 [151]
129 Erik Magnusson Lieutenant colonel Air Force 26 June 1944 Flying Regiment 3 [152]
130 Armas-Eino Martola Major general Army 26 June 1944 2nd Division [153]
131 Karl Lennart Oesch Lieutenant general Army 26 June 1944 Headquarters of the Commander of the Isthmus Forces [154]
132 Birger Kvikant Captain Army 26 June 1944 1st Company, Assault Gun Battalion, Armoured Division [155]
133 Olli Aulanko Lieutenant Army 26 June 1944 1st Company, Assault Gun Battalion, Armoured Division [156]
134 Kauko Tuomala Corporal Army 27 June 1944 8th Gun Company, 3rd Division Killed in action 26 June 1944, posthumous proposal submitted same day. Award backdated to date of death. [157]
135 Eero Leppänen Major Army 27 June 1944 Jaeger Battalion 4, Jaeger Brigade, Armoured Division [158]
136 Esko Kausti Lieutenant Army 1 July 1944 24th Gun Company, 5th Division Killed in action 24 June 1944, award proposed posthumously. [159]
137 Eino Kuvaja Major Army 4 July 1944 Infantry Regiment 7 [160]
138 Eero Seppänen Private Army 4 July 1944 14th Company, Infantry Regiment 49 [161]
139 Gregorius Ekholm Lieutenant Army 9 July 1944 III Battalion, 3rd Brigade First proposed a Mannerheim Cross on 16 July 1943, revised proposal resubmitted 29 June 1944. [162]
140 Eino Kiiveri Private first class Army 9 July 1944 1st Company, Infantry Regiment 49 [163]
141 Heikki Kärpänen Corporal Army 9 July 1944 Detached Battalion 12 Official citation incorrectly states rank as private first class (Finnish: korpraali). [164]
142 Urho Lehtovaara Sergeant major Air Force 9 July 1944 No. 34 Fighter Squadron [165]
143 Veikko Toivio Major Army 9 July 1944 Infantry Regiment 49 [166]
144 Lauri Törni Lieutenant Army 9 July 1944 Jaeger Company, 1st Division First proposed 23 March 1944; revised proposal 8 July 1944. Later Hauptsturmführer of the SS and major of the US Army; died in Vietnam 1965. [167]
145 Ville Väisänen Private first class Army 12 July 1944 Border Jaeger Battalion 2 Missing in action 26 June 1944, award proposed 7 July 1944. [168]
146 Eino Ripatti Second lieutenant Army 12 July 1944 Infantry Regiment 7 First proposed October 1941. revised proposal submitted 25 May 1944, amended 7 July 1944. [169]
147 Erkki Oinonen Staff sergeant Army 18 July 1944 Infantry Regiment 30 First proposed January 1942, revised proposals submitted 11 OCtober 1943 and 11 July 1944. [170])
148 Asser Puolamäki Staff sergeant Army 18 July 1944 Infantry Regiment 44 Killed in action 15 July 1944; posthumous proposal submitted 17 July 1944. [171]
149 Toivo Honkaniemi Lieutenant Army 20 July 1944 Infantry Regiment 6 [172]
150 Martti Nurmi Staff sergeant Army 23 July 1944 24th Gun Company, 5th Division [173]
151 Tauno Paronen Captain Army 22 August 1944 Detached Battalion 24 [174]
152 Martti Miettinen Lieutenant colonel Navy 2 October 1944 Coastal Artillery Regiment 12 [175]
153 Arvo Veikkanen Staff sergeant Army 2 October 1944 Infantry Regiment 2 [176]
154 Toivo Kirppu Corporal Army 2 October 1944 Infantry Regiment 2 [177]
155 Toivo Ilomäki Private first class Army 2 October 1944 24th Gun Company, 5th Division [178]
156 Pentti Valkonen Major Army 7 October 1944 III Battalion, Infantry Regiment 11 Killed in action 6 October 1944, award proposed following day. [179]
157 Wolf H. Halsti Lieutenant colonel Army 16 October 1944 Infantry Regiment 11 [180]
158 Kalervo Loimu Lieutenant colonel Army 16 October 1944 Infantry Regiment 53 [181]
159 Aksel Airo Lieutenant general
18 November 1944 General Headquarters [182]
160 Kustaa Tapola Major general Army 18 November 1944 5th Division [183]
161 Rudolf Walden General of the infantry, minister of defence
2 December 1944 Ministry of Defence Second oldest knight after Mannerheim. Award proposed by previously awarded generals following a stroke on 27 November 1944. Official citation references no action or reason for the award. [184]
162 Adolf Ehrnrooth Colonel Army 4 December 1944 Infantry Regiment 7 [185]
163 Alpo Marttinen Colonel Army 4 December 1944 Infantry Regiment 61 Later colonel of the US Army. [186][95]
164 Arvo Ahola Major Army 21 December 1944 Detached Battalion 12 [187]
165 Allan Anttila Sergeant Army 21 December 1944 3rd Squadron, Häme Cavalry Regiment [188]
166 Mikko Anttonen Sergeant Army 21 December 1944 III Battalion, Infantry Regiment 49 [189]
167 Väinö Hämäläinen Sergeant Army 21 December 1944 II Battalion, Infantry Regiment 7 [190]
168 Tauno Iisalo Captain Air Force 21 December 1944 No. 44 Bomber Squadron [191]
169 Esa Karjalainen Sergeant first class Army 21 December 1944 11th Company, Infantry Regiment 44 [192]
170 Nils Katajainen Sergeant first class Air Force 21 December 1944 No. 24 Fighter Squadron [193]
171 Timo Koivu Lieutenant Army 21 December 1944 7th Company, III Battalion, Infantry Regiment 57 Originally proposed 30 September 1943; revised proposal submitted 4 August 1944. [194]
172 Eino Laihiala Lieutenant Army 21 December 1944 1st Company, Jaeger Battalion 1, Cavalry Brigade Originally proposed 1941; revised proposal submitted 10 July 1944. [195]
173 Aulis Lehtikangas Staff sergeant Army 21 December 1944 9th Company, Infantry Regiment 4 [196]
174 Vilho Pikkarainen Staff sergeant Army 21 December 1944 21st Brigade [197]
175 Olli Puhakka Captain Air Force 21 December 1944 No. 34 Fighter Squadron [198]
176 Jaakko Rytöniemi Private first class Army 21 December 1944 32nd Gun Company, 10th Division [199]
177 Aarne Salonen Sergeant Army 21 December 1944 14th Company, Infantry Regiment 9 [200]
178 Valter Sipiläinen Private Army 21 December 1944 Infantry Regiment 2 [201]
179 Tauno Suhonen Private first class Army 21 December 1944 I Battalion, Infantry Regiment 9 [202]
180 Pauli Tanttu Private first class Army 21 December 1944 I Battalion, Infantry Regiment 1 [203]
181 Viljo Vyyryläinen Corporal Navy 21 December 1944 Coastal Artillery Regiment 22, Coastal Brigade [204]
182 Lauri Äijö Lieutenant Air Force 21 December 1944 No. 44 Bomber Squadron [205]
183 Hjalmar Siilasvuo Lieutenant general Army 21 December 1944 III Corps [206]
184 Vilho Petter Nenonen General of the artillery
8 January 1945 General Headquarters [207]
185 Antti Hänninen Major Army 10 February 1945 II Battalion, Infantry Regiment 57 [208]
186 Jouko Kiiskinen Captain Army 10 February 1945 Infantry Regiment 7 [209]
187 Toivo Korhonen Lieutenant Army 10 February 1945 Border Jaeger Battalion 6, 14th Division [210]
188 Olavi Linnakko Lieutenant Army 10 February 1945 Infantry Regiment 25 [211]
189 Kaarlo Kajatsalo Lieutenant senior grade Navy 10 February 1945 Motor Torpedo Boat Detachment First proposed 16 October 1943; revised proposal submitted 6 July 1944. [212]
190 Kauko Vilanti Captain Army 10 February 1945 2nd Company, Infantry Regiment 9 [213]
191 Viljo Laakso Lieutenant colonel Army 7 May 1945 Infantry Regiment 8 Originally proposed 31 July 1941, instead promoted to lieutenant colonel and awarded Cross of Liberty, 1st Class; revised proposal received by General Headquarters on 13 April 1945. [214]


  1. 1 2 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 1994, pp. 9–10.
  2. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 9.
  3. 1 2 3 Kivimäki & Strömberg 2020.
  4. Huhtanen 2020.
  5. 1 2 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 1994, pp. 13–17.
  6. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 1994, p. 13.
  7. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 1994, p. 352.
  8. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 1994, p. 17.
  9. 1 2 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 1994, p. 10.
  10. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 12.
  11. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 83.
  12. 1 2 3 4 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 13.
  13. 1 2 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 494.
  14. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 468.
  15. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 24.
  16. 1 2 3 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 483.
  17. 1 2 Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 467.
  18. Tuunainen 2015, p. 91.
  19. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 471.
  20. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 475.
  21. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 506.
  22. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 530–544.
  23. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 207–208.
  24. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 397–398.
  25. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 344–346.
  26. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 355–356.
  27. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 396–397.
  28. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 411–413.
  29. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 343–344.
  30. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 383–384.
  31. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 150–152.
  32. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 346–347.
  33. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 56–57.
  34. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 307–309.
  35. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 254–257.
  36. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 310–311.
  37. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 428–429.
  38. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 108–109.
  39. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 206–207.
  40. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 248–253.
  41. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 58–59.
  42. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 247–248.
  43. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 84–86.
  44. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 433–435.
  45. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 381–383.
  46. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 364–365.
  47. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 188–189.
  48. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 427–428.
  49. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 80–81.
  50. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 179–181.
  51. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 311–312.
  52. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 69–73.
  53. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 267–268.
  54. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 356–357.
  55. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 358–361.
  56. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 183–184.
  57. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 436–437.
  58. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 447–450.
  59. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 357–358.
  60. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 432–433.
  61. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 398–399.
  62. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, p. 354.
  63. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 415–416.
  64. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 212–213.
  65. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 116–117.
  66. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 390–393.
  67. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 435–436.
  68. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 98–99.
  69. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 96–98.
  70. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 83–84.
  71. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 100–103.
  72. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 88–91.
  73. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 52–56.
  74. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 29–32.
  75. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 86–88.
  76. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 121–123.
  77. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 445–447.
  78. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 118–120.
  79. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 268–270.
  80. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 260–261.
  81. Hurmerinta & Viitanen 2004, pp. 147–149.
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