The following is a list of Lepidoptera present in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. There are over 200 different species of moths in the state, but due to similarities many are often mistaken for other species.

List criteria and legend

  • Photography – The list below does not cite vernacular photography, all photography sourcing must be verified by and/or taken by an expert in the field.
  • Range – The list below generally excludes vagrancy, Lepidoptera that are native or have been introduced to the state are preferred. Photos alone can not establish a range unless specifically stated.
  •   Endangered species (state level)


Image Scientific name Common name(s) Genus Family[lower-alpha 1] Described
Abagrotis alternata[1][2] Greater red dart
Mottled gray cutworm
Abagrotis Noctuidae 1865
Abagrotis brunneipennis[2][3] Yankee dart Abagrotis Noctuidae 1875
Abagrotis magnicupida[2] One-dotted dart Abagrotis Noctuidae 1998
Abagrotis nefascia[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Coastal heathland cutworm Abagrotis Noctuidae 1908
Achatia distincta[5][6] Distinct Quaker Achatia Noctuidae 1813
Acleris semipurpurana[7] Oak leaftier
Oak leaf tier
Acleris Tortricidae 1909
Acleris variana[8] Eastern blackheaded budworm Acleris Tortricidae 1886
Acronicta afflicta[6][9] Afflicted dagger moth Acronicta Noctuidae 1864
Acronicta albarufa[4][10]
(Status: Threatened)
Barrens dagger moth Acronicta Noctuidae 1874
Acronicta haesitata[6][11] Hesitant dagger moth Acronicta Noctuidae 1882
Acronicta hasta[6] Forked dagger moth
Speared dagger moth
Cherry dagger moth
Dart dagger moth
Acronicta Noctuidae 1852
Acronicta inclara[6] Unclear dagger moth Acronicta Noctuidae 1900
Acronicta increta[6] Raspberry bud dagger moth
Raspberry bud moth
Peach sword stripe night moth
Acronicta Noctuidae 1875
Acronicta lithospila[6] Streaked dagger moth Acronicta Noctuidae 1874
Acronicta modica[6] Medium dagger moth Acronicta Noctuidae 1856
Aethalura intertexta[12] Four-barred gray Aethalura Geometridae 1860
Aethes spartinana[13] Aethes Tortricidae 1916
Agrotis ipsilon[6] Dark sword-grass
Black cutworm
Greasy cutworm
Floodplain cutworm
Ipsilon dart
Agrotis Noctuidae 1766
Alsophila pometaria[14] Fall cankerworm Alsophila Geometridae 1841
Anavitrinella pampinaria[12] Common gray Anavitrinella Geometridae 1857
Anisota stigma[15][16]
(Status: Rare)
Spiny oakworm moth Anisota Saturniidae 1775
Antepione thisoaria[17] Variable antepione Antepione Geometridae 1857
Apamea inebriata[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Drunk apamea moth Apamea Noctuidae 1977
Apamea sordens[6] Rustic shoulder-knot
Bordered apamea
Apamea Noctuidae 1766
Apodrepanulatrix liberaria[4]
(Status: Endangered)
New Jersey tea inchworm Apodrepanulatrix Geometridae 1860
Apantesis nais[17] Nais tiger moth Apantesis Erebidae 1773
Arta statalis[18][19] Posturing arta moth Arta Pyralidae 1875
Athetis tarda[6] Slowpoke moth Athetis Noctuidae 1852
Autographa precationis[6] Common looper moth Autographa Noctuidae 1852
Baileya ophthalmica[6] Eyed baileya Baileya Nolidae 1852
Besma endropiaria[12] Straw besma Besma Geometridae 1867
Besma quercivoraria[12] Oak besma Besma Geometridae 1857
Bleptina caradrinalis[17] Bent-winged owlet
Variable snout moth
Bleptina Erebidae 1852
Cabnia myronella[20] Cabnia[lower-alpha 2] Pyralidae 1904
Callopistria cordata[6] Silver-spotted fern moth Callopistria Noctuidae 1825
Callopistria mollissima[6] Pink-shaded fern moth Callopistria Noctuidae 1852
Caripeta piniata[12] Northern pine looper Caripeta Geometridae 1870
Catocala angusi[21]
(Status: Rare)
'Angus' underwing Catocala Erebidae 1876[lower-alpha 3]
Catocala crataegi[21] Hawthorn underwing
Chokeberry underwing
Catocala Erebidae 1876
Catocala dejecta[21]
(Status: Rare)
Dejected underwing Catocala Erebidae 1880
Catocala flebilis[21]
(Status: Possibly rare)
Mourning underwing Catocala Erebidae 1872
Catocala herodias[21][22]
(Status: Special concern)
Herodias underwing
Gerhard's underwing
Catocala Erebidae 1876
Catocala lacrymosa[21]
(Status: Rare)
Tearful underwing Catocala Erebidae 1852
Catocala miranda[21]
(Status: Rare)
Miranda underwing Catocala Erebidae 1881
Catocala obscura[21][23] Obscure underwing Catocala Erebidae 1873
Catocala pretiosa[4]
(Status: Endangered)
Precious underwing Catocala Erebidae 1876
Catocala serena[21] Serene underwing Catocala Erebidae 1864
Chaetaglaea cerata[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Waxed sallow Chaetaglaea Noctuidae 1943
Chloroclystis rectangulata[17] Green pug Pasiphila Geometridae 1758
Chytolita morbidalis[17] Morbid owlet moth
Morbid owlet
Chytolita Erebidae 1854
Chytonix palliatricula[6] Cloaked marvel moth Chytonix Noctuidae 1852
Cicinnus melsheimeri[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Melsheimer's sack bearer Cicinnus Mimallonidae[24] 1841[24]
Cingilia catenaria[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Chain-dotted geometer
Chain dot geometer
Chainspotted geometer
Chain-spotted geometer
Cingilia[lower-alpha 2] Geometridae 1773
Cisthene packardii[17] Packard's lichen moth Cisthene Erebidae 1863
Cladara limitaria[17] Mottled gray carpet moth Cladara Geometridae 1860
Coleophora astericola[25] Coleophora Coleophoridae 1920
Colocasia propinquilinea[6] Closebanded yellowhorn Colocasia Noctuidae 1873
Condica vecors[6] Dusky groundling Condica Noctuidae 1852
Cosmia calami[26] American dun-bar moth Cosmia[lower-alpha 4] Noctuidae 1876
Crocigrapha normani[6] Crocigrapha[lower-alpha 2] Noctuidae 1874
Cyclophora pendulinaria[17] Sweetfern geometer moth
Pearly-grey wave
Cyclophora Geometridae 1857
Cycnia inopinatus[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Unexpected cycnia Cycnia Erebidae 1882
Cycnia oregonensis[17] Cycnia Erebidae 1873
Darapsa pholus[17] Azalea sphinx Darapsa Sphingidae 1779
Dargida rubripennis[4]
(Status: Threatened)
The pink streak Dargida Noctuidae 1870
Deidamia inscriptum[17] Lettered sphinx Deidamia[lower-alpha 2] Sphingidae 1839
Dolba hyloeus Pawpaw sphinx Dolba[lower-alpha 2] Sphingidae 1773
Drasteria grandirena[17] Figure-seven moth
Great kidney
Drasteria Erebidae 1809
Drepana arcuata[12] Arched hooktip
Masked birch caterpillar
Drepana Drepanidae 1855
Eacles imperialis[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Imperial moth Eacles Saturniidae 1773
Egira alternans[6] Alternate woodling Egira Noctuidae 1857
Elaphria festivoides[6] Festive midget Elaphria Noctuidae 1852
Elaphria versicolor[6] Variegated midget Elaphria Noctuidae 1875
Euchlaena irraria[12] Least-marked euchlaena Euchlaena Geometridae 1916
Euchlaena madusaria[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Scrub euchlaena moth Euchlaena Geometridae 1860
Eufidonia convergaria[12] Pine powder moth
Converged powder moth
Eufidonia Geometridae 1860
Eufidonia notataria[12] Powder moth Eufidonia Geometridae 1860
Eulithis explanata[17] White eulithis Eulithis Geometridae 1862
Euplexia benesimilis[6] American angle shades Euplexia Noctuidae 1922
Eutrapela clemetaria[17] Curve-toothed geometer moth
Purplish-brown looper
Eutrapela[lower-alpha 2] Geometridae 1797
Feltia manifesta[6] Feltia Noctuidae 1875
Apantesis figurata[17] Figured tiger moth Apantesis Erebidae 1773
Apantesis phyllira[4]
(Status: Endangered)
Phyllira tiger moth Apantesis Erebidae 1773
Heliomata cycladata[12] Common spring moth Heliomata Geometridae 1866
Hemaris diffinis[27] Snowberry clearwing Hemaris Sphingidae 1836
Hemaris gracilis[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Slender clearwing
Graceful clearwing
Hemaris Sphingidae 1865
Hemaris thysbe[27] Hummingbird clearwing Hemaris Sphingidae 1775
Hemileuca maia[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Buck moth Hemileuca Saturniidae 1773
Heterocampa guttivitta[17] Saddled prominent moth Heterocampa Notodontidae 1855
Heterocampa umbrata[17] White-blotched heterocampa Heterocampa Notodontidae 1855
Heterocampa varia[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Sandplain heterocampa
Alpine mouse-ear
White-marked heterocampa
Heterocampa Notodontidae 1855
Homorthodes lindseyi[6] Southern scurfy Quaker moth Homorthodes Noctuidae 1922
Hypagyrtis esther[12] Esther moth Hypagyrtis Geometridae 1928
Hypagyrtis unipunctata[12] One-spotted variant
White spot
Hypagyrtis Geometridae 1809
Hypenodes fractilinea[17] Broken-line hypenodes Hypenodes Erebidae 1908
Hyperaeschra georgica[17] Georgian prominent Hyperaeschra Notodontidae 1855
Hyperstrotia villificans[12] White-lined graylet moth Hyperstrotia Erebidae 1918
Hyphantria cunea[28] Fall webworm Hyphantria Erebidae 1773
Hypomecis buchholzaria[4]
(Status: Endangered)
Blue spiderwort moth
Buchholz's gray
Hypomecis Geometridae 1937
Hyppa xylinoides[6] Common hyppa
Cranberry cutworm
Hyppa Noctuidae 1852
Idia aemula[17] Common idia
Powdered snout
Waved tabby
Idia Erebidae 1813
Idia americalis[17] American idia
American snout
Idia Erebidae 1854
Idia julia[17] Julia’s Idia Idia Erebidae 1894
Idia rotundalis[17] Chocolate idia Idia Erebidae 1866
Iridopsis vellivolata[12] Large purplish gray Iridopsis Geometridae 1881
Itame pustularia[12] Lesser maple spanworm Speranza Geometridae 1857
Lacinipolia anguina[6] Snaky arches Lacinipolia Noctuidae 1881
Lacinipolia renigera[6] Kidney-spotted minor
Bristly cutworm
Lacinipolia Noctuidae 1829
Ledaea perditalis[17] Buttonbush owlet Ledaea Erebidae 1859
Leucania linita[6] Linen wainscot moth Leucania Noctuidae 1852
Leucania ursula[6] Ursula wainscot Leucania Noctuidae 1936
Lithophane viridipallens[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Pale green pinion moth Lithophane Noctuidae 1877
Lomographa vestaliata[12] White spring moth Lomographa Geometridae 1857
Lycia rachelae[4]
(Status: Endangered)
Twilight moth Lycia Geometridae 1896
Lycia ypsilon[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Woolly gray Lycia Geometridae 1885
Lymantria dispar dispar[29] Gypsy moth Lymantria Erebidae 1758[lower-alpha 5]
Macaria bisignata[12] Redheaded inchworm Macaria Geometridae 1866
Macaria granitata[12] Granite moth Macaria Geometridae 1857
Macaria minorata[12] Minor angle moth Macaria Geometridae 1873
Macaria pinistrobata[12] White pine angle Macaria Geometridae 1972
Macaria transitaria[12] Blurry chocolate angle Macaria Geometridae 1861
Macrurocampa marthesia[17] Mottled prominent Macrurocampa Notodontidae 1780
Malacosoma americanum[14][17] Eastern tent caterpillar Malacosoma Lasiocampidae 1793
Meganola minuscula[17] Confused meganola Meganola Nolidae 1872
Metarranthis apiciaria[4]
(Status: Endangered)
Barrens metarranthis Metarranthis Geometridae 1876
Metarranthis obfirmaria[12] Yellow-washed metarranthis Metarranthis Geometridae 1823
Metarranthis pilosaria[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Coastal bog metarranthi
Slender groundsel moth
Metarranthis Geometridae 1876
Morrisonia confusa[6] Confused woodgrain Morrisonia Noctuidae 1831
Morrisonia latex[6] Fluid arches Morrisonia Noctuidae 1852
Nadata gibbosa[17] Rough prominent
White-dotted prominent
Tawny prominent
Nadata Notodontidae 1797
Nemoria bistriaria[17] Red-fringed emerald
Two-striped emerald
Nemoria Geometridae 1818
Neoligia semicana[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Northern brocade moth Neoligia Noctuidae 1865
Noctua pronuba[6] Large yellow underwing Noctua Noctuidae 1758
Nola clethrae[17] Sweet pepperbush nola moth Nola Nolidae 1899
Nola pustulata[17] Sharp-blotched nola Nola Nolidae 1865
Oligia strigilis[6] Marbled minor Oligia Noctuidae 1758
Operophtera brumata[30] Winter moth Operophtera Geometridae 1758
Orthodes cynica[6] Cynical Quaker Orthodes Noctuidae 1852
Orthodes detracta[6] Disparaged arches Orthodes Noctuidae 1857
Paleacrita vernata[14] Spring cankerworm Paleacrita Geometridae 1795
Palthis angulalis[17] Dark-spotted palthis Palthis Erebidae 1796
Pangrapta decoralis[17] Decorated owlet Pangrapta Erebidae 1818
Panopoda rufimargo[17] Red-lined panopoda Panopoda Erebidae 1818
Papaipema appassionata[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Pitcher plant borer Papaipema Noctuidae 1876
Papaipema sp. 2 near pterisii[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Ostrich fern borer[lower-alpha 6] Papaipema Noctuidae Un­known
Papaipema stenocelis[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Chain fern borer Papaipema Noctuidae 1907
Papaipema sulphurata[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Water-willow stem borer Papaipema Noctuidae 1926
Peridea angulosa[17] Angulose prominent Peridea Notodontidae 1797
Pero ancetaria[12] Hübner's pero Pero Geometridae 1806
Petrophora subaequaria[12] Northern petrophora Petrophora Geometridae 1860
Phaeoura quernaria[12] Oak beauty Phaeoura Geometridae 1797
Phalaenostola larentioides[17] Black-banded owlet Phalaenostola Erebidae 1873
Photedes inops[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Spartina borer moth Photedes Noctuidae 1881
Plagodis alcoolaria[12] Hollow-spotted plagodis Plagodis Geometridae 1857
Probole alienaria[12] Alien probole Probole Geometridae 1855
Protitame virginalis[12] Virgin moth Protitame Geometridae 1900
Protoboarmia porcelaria[12] Porcelain gray
Dash-lined looper
Protoboarmia Geometridae 1857
Protorthodes oviduca[6] Ruddy Quaker moth Protorthodes Noctuidae 1852
Psectraglaea carnosa[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Pink sallow Psectraglaea[lower-alpha 2] Noctuidae 1877
Ptichodis bistrigata[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Southern ptichodis moth Ptichodis Erebidae 1818
Raphia frater[6] Raphia Noctuidae 1864
Rhodoecia aurantiago[6][4]
(Status: Special concern)
Orange sallow moth
Aureolaria seed borer
Rhodoecia[lower-alpha 2] Noctuidae 1852
Schizura unicornis[17] Unicorn caterpillar moth
Unicorn prominent
Variegated prominent
Schizura Notodontidae 1797
Spargaloma sexpunctata[17] Six-spotted gray Spargaloma[lower-alpha 2] Erebidae 1873
Speranza argillacearia[12] Mousy angle moth Speranza Geometridae 1874
Speranza exonerata[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Barrens itame Speranza Geometridae 2008
Spilosoma congrua[17] Agreeable tiger moth Spilosoma Erebidae 1855
Spilosoma virginica[17] Virginia tiger moth[lower-alpha 7] Spilosoma Erebidae 1798
Spiramater lutra[6] Otter spiramater Spiramater[lower-alpha 2] Noctuidae 1852
Stenoporpia polygrammaria[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Faded gray
Faded gray geometer
Stenoporpia Geometridae 1876
Sympistis riparia[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Dune sympistis Sympistis Noctuidae Un­known
Tetanolita mynesalis[17] Smoky tetanolita Tetanolita Erebidae 1859
Tetracis cachexiata[17] White slant-line
White slaut
Tetracis Geometridae 1858
Ulolonche culea[6] Sheathed Quaker Ulolonche Noctuidae 1852
Ulolonche modesta[6] Modest Quaker Ulolonche Noctuidae 1874
Virbia opella[17] Tawny holomelina Virbia Erebidae 1863
Zale helata[17] Brown-spotted zale Zale Noctuidae 1943
Zale lunifera[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Bold-based zale
Pine barrens zale
Zale Noctuidae 1818
Zale metatoides[17] Washed-out zale
Jack pine false looper
Zale Noctuidae 1943
Zale minerea[17] Colorful zale
Large false looper
Mahogany similar-wing
Zale Erebidae 1852
Zale obliqua[17] Oblique zale Zale Noctuidae 1852
Zale undularis[17] Black zale Zale Noctuidae 1773
Zanclognatha marcidilinea[17] Yellowish zanclognatha Zanclognatha Erebidae 1859
Zanclognatha martha[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Pine barrens zanclognatha
Martha's zanclognatha
Zanclognatha Erebidae 1928


Image Scientific name Common name(s) Genus Family[lower-alpha 8] Described
Achalarus lyciades[32] Hoary edge Achalarus Hesperiidae 1832
Callophrys hesseli[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Hessel's hairstreak Callophrys Lycaenidae 1950
Callophrys lanoraieensis[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Bog elfin Callophrys Lycaenidae 1934
Callophrys irus[4]
(Status: Special concern)
Frosted elfin Callophrys Lycaenidae 1824
Erora laeta[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Early hairstreak Erora Lycaenidae 1862
Erynnis persius persius[4]
(Status: Endangered)
Persius duskywing Erynnis Hesperiidae 1863
Euphyes dion[4]
(Status: Threatened)
Dion skipper
Alabama skipper
Euphyes Hesperiidae 1879
Pieris oleracea Mustard white Pieris Pieridae 1829


  1. Subfamilies are not included
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sole species of this genus
  3. First recorded in Massachusetts in the mid-1920s
  4. The reference given uses the name "Calymnia"
  5. First found in Massachusetts in 1869
  6. Not formally described in published scientific literature.[31]
  7. Also known as the "yellow woolly bear" or "yellow bear" caterpillar before adulthood
  8. Subfamilies are not included

Image notes

  • Hyphantria cunea – The females of this species are unspotted.
  • Lymantria dispar dispar – Males of this species are brown in color.


  1. Samuel Ebb Crumb (1956). The larvae of the Phalaenidae. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. p. 115.
  2. 1 2 3 Paul Z. Goldstein and Michael W. Nelson (March 14, 2017). "Two psammophilic noctuids newly associated with beach plum, Prunus maritima (Rosaceae): The Dune Noctuid (Sympistis riparia) and Coastal Heathland Cutworm (Abagrotis benjamini) in Northeastern North America (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)". ZooKeys. National Institutes of Health (661): 61–89. doi:10.3897/zookeys.661.10867. PMC 5539367. PMID 28769603.
  3. "UNH Insect and Arachnid Collections - Record Detail (Abagrotis brunneipennis)". University of New Hampshire. Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 "List of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern species". Retrieved December 19, 2019.
  5. Bulletin - United States National Museum, Issues 44-46. Smithsonian Institution Press. 1893. p. 116.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 "Butterflies and Moths of the DCR Middlesex Fells Reservation (4/4)" (PDF). Department of Conservation and Recreation (Middlesex Fells Reservation). p. A-53.
  7. Talerico, R. L. (1978). "Major hardwood defoliators of the Eastern United States". United States Department of Agriculture, Home and Garden Bulletin. 224. Archived from the original on 2008-11-19. Retrieved 2009-10-31. Note: this is published on the website with the title "Oak leaftier: Acleris semipurpurana"
  8. John Valentine Schaffner (1959). Microlepidoptera and Their Parasites Reared from Field Collections in the Northeastern United States. United States Department of Agriculture. p. 33.
  9. Sam Jaffe. The Caterpillars of Massachusetts 2009 (PDF). North American Butterfly Association. p. 58.
  10. Patterson, William A., III; Clarke, Gretel L.; Haggerty, Sarah A.; Sievert, Paul R.; Kelty, Matthew (2005) Wildland fuel management options for the central plains of Martha's Vineyard: impacts on fuel loads, fire behavior, and rare plant and insect species. Final Report RFR# DEM705. In: Managing fuels in Northeastern Barrens. In: Publications – Fuel treatments. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, Department of Natural Resources Conservation
  11. "Acronicta albarufa - Grote, 1874". NatureServe. Retrieved December 18, 2019.
  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 "Butterflies and Moths of the DCR Middlesex Fells Reservation (2/4)" (PDF). Department of Conservation and Recreation (Middlesex Fells Reservation). p. A-51.
  13. Savela, Markku. "?Aethes spartinana (Barnes & McDunnough, 1916)". Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms. Retrieved June 10, 2019.
  14. 1 2 3 "Nuisance Moths". Massachusetts Audubon Society. Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  15. Andrea Chaloux (April 18, 2019). "Spiny Oakworm Moth Anisota stigma (Fabricius, 1775)". New York Natural Heritage Program. Retrieved December 13, 2019.
  16. Wayne F. MacCallum (1996). Massachusetts Military Reservation Facilities Upgrade, Barnstable County Environmental Impact Statement. Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 "Butterflies and Moths of the DCR Middlesex Fells Reservation (3/4)" (PDF). Department of Conservation and Recreation (Middlesex Fells Reservation). p. A-52.
  18. A. R. Grote (1882). Papilio: Devoted Exclusively to Lepidoptera, Volume 2. unknown publisher. p. 72.
  19. Publications. Entomology, Volume 12, Part 2. 1920. p. 531.
  20. Douglas C. Ferguson, Robert W. Poole, J. Donald Lafontaine, Ronald W. Hodges (1990). The Moths of America north of Mexico, including Greenland. The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation. p. 128. ISBN 9780933003064.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Theodore D. Sargent. "Legion of Night - Chapter II: A Fertile Theme". University of Massachusetts. Retrieved December 13, 2019.
  22. "Gerhard's Underwing" (PDF). Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. Retrieved December 13, 2019.
  23. David L. Wagner (2010). Caterpillars of Eastern North America: A Guide to Identification and Natural History. Princeton University Press. p. 366. ISBN 978-1400834143.
  24. 1 2 "Melsheimer's Sack Bearer". New York Natural Heritage Program. Retrieved December 19, 2019.
  25. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. The Entomological Society of Washington. 1919. p. 160.
  26. John Bernhard Smith (1893). Catalogue of the Lepidopterous Superfamily Noctuidea Found in Boreal America. U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 212.
  27. 1 2 "Hummingbird Moth (Clearwing Moth)". Massachusetts Audubon Society. Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  28. "Webworm Caterpillars". Massachusetts Audubon Society. Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  29. "Gypsy Moth in Massachusetts". Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  30. "Winter Moths". Massachusetts Audubon Society. Retrieved December 12, 2019.
  31. "Ostrich-fern Borer Papaipema sp. 2 near pterisii" (PDF). Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife. Retrieved December 20, 2019.
  32. "Butterflies and Moths of the DCR Middlesex Fells Reservation (1/4)" (PDF). Department of Conservation and Recreation (Middlesex Fells Reservation). p. A-50.
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