List of Guggenheim Fellowships awarded in 2004.

U.S. and Canadian Fellows

Latin American and Caribbean Fellows

  • Coriún Aharonián, Composer and Musicologist, Montevideo, Uruguay: Socio-cultural, political, and aesthetic dimensions of the tango, past and present.
  • Carlos Darío Albornoz, Scientific Photographer, Miguel Lillo Institute, National University of Tucumán; Principal Technician, National Council of Argentina (CONICET): Photography.
  • Carlos Washington Altamirano, co-director, Program of Intellectual History, National University of Quilmes: Social science and socialist science in Argentina, 1890–1914.
  • Raúl Antelo, Professor of Brazilian Literature, Federal University of Saint Catherine: Maria Martins and Marcel Duchamp.
  • J. Eduardo P. W. Bicudo, Professor of Physiology, University of São Paulo: Nutritional adaptation in humans subjected to malnutrition.
  • Liset Castillo, Sculptor and Photographer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands: Sculpture.
  • Nicolás Antonio Casullo, Professor of the History of Modern Ideas, University of Buenos Aires; Professor of Cultural Studies, National University of Quilmes: Revolutionary vanguards in the 1970s and the popular movements of 2001–2002 in Argentina.
  • Emilio de Ipola, Professor of Sociological Theory, University of Buenos Aires; Principal Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): Political and ideological formation of youth during the first Peronism, 1946–1955.
  • Paolo Di Mascio, Professor of Biochemistry, Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo: The reactions of reactive oxygen species with critical cellular biomolecules.
  • Carmen Dragonetti, Superior Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET), President, Buddhist Studies Institute Foundation (FIEB): The myth of the opposition between Indian thought and Western philosophy.
  • Lucila Irene Edelman, Psychologist, Buenos Aires; Executive Committee Member, Argentine Team of Psycho-Social Work and Research (EATIP); Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, National University of de Mar del Plata: Multigenerational psychological effects of dictatorial repression (in collaboration with Diana Ruth Kordon).
  • Rosario Ferre, Writer, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Fiction.
  • Ricardo T. Gazzinelli, Principal Investigator, René Rachou Research Center, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, and Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, Institute of Biological Sciences, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Minas Gerais, Brazil: The role of toll-like receptors in malaria pathogenesis.
  • Mario Handler, Film Maker, Montevideo, Uruguay: Film making.
  • Jorge Hernández Díaz, Research Professor of Anthropology, Autonomous University "Benito Juarez" of Oaxaca, Mexico: Multiple citizenship construction in a pluricultural space.
  • Beatriz Jaguaribe, Professor of Communications, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: Public photography and the images of the nation in Brazil, 1937–1945.
  • Liliana Katinas, Assistant Professor of Biogeography and Botany, National University of La Plata; Adjunct Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET): Evolution and biogeography in Nassauviinae.
  • Diana Ruth Kordon, Psychiatrist, Buenos Aires; Coordinator, Argentine Team of Psycho-Social Work and Research (EATIP); Professor of Psychology and Group Psychoanalysis, National University of de Mar del Plata: Multigenerational psychological effects of dictatorial repression (in collaboration with Lucila Edelman).
  • Claudio Landim, Research Professor, Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA): The hydrodynamic limit of interacting particle systems.
  • Daniel Link, Associate Professor of Twentieth Century Literature, University of Buenos Aires; Director, Radarlibros, Literary Supplement of Pagina/12: Grammar of imagined sexualities in Latin America.
  • Oscar E. Martínez, Professor of Physics, University of Buenos Aires: Development of new nanoscopies and nano-spectroscopies.
  • Silvio Luis Mattoni, Poet, Córdoba, Argentina; Adjunct Professor of Aesthetics, National University of Córdoba; Literary Critic, La voz del interior: Poetry.
  • Lina Meruane, Writer, Santiago, Chile; Columnist and Cultural Reporter, Diario El Mercurio: Fiction.
  • Cristina Messineo, Associate Researcher, National Research Council of Argentina (CONICET); Professor of Linguistics, University of Buenos Aires: Language and style in Toba verbal art.
  • Gabriela Ortiz Torres, Composer, Mexico City; Professor of Composition, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM): Music composition.
  • Ignacio Padilla, Writer, Querétaro, Mexico: Fiction.
  • Margarita Paksa, Multimedia and Conceptual Artist, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Multimedia and conceptual art.
  • Yolanda Pantin, Poet, Caracas, Venezuela: Poetry.
  • Juan Pablo Paz, Member of the Technical Staff, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico; Associate Professor of Physics, University of Buenos Aires: Decoherence and quantum computation.
  • Marco A. M. Prado, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Federal University of Minas Gerais: Trafficking and activity regulation of the high-affinity choline transporter.
  • Leticia Reina, Research Professor of History, National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico City: Political engagement by indigenous peoples in the 19th century.
  • Luis A. Humberto Rodríguez Pastor, Director of Social Sciences, National Council of Science and Technology (CONCYTEC); Professor of Anthropology, National University of San Marcos: The Chinese of Lima and the Peruvian Chinese community.
  • Homero Rubbo, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of the Republic, Montevideo: Nitric oxide and nitrated species in inflammation and human vascular disease.
  • Aristides Osvaldo Félix Salerno Nuñez, Installation Artist, Asunción, Paraguay; Director, Museo del Barro, Asunción: Installation art.
  • Ricardo D. Salvatore, Professor of History, Torcuato Di Tella University, Buenos Aires: Economic development and nutritional convergence in Argentina between the Great War and Peronism.
  • Jorge Volpi, Writer, Mexico City: Fiction.
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