This list is of the Cultural Properties of Japan designated in the category of paintings (絵画, kaiga) for the Prefecture of Fukuoka.[1]

National Cultural Properties

As of 1 July 2019, twenty-two Important Cultural Properties have been designated (including one *National Treasure), being of national significance.[2][3]

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
*Zhou Dunyi Appreciating Lotuses, ink and light colours on paper, by Kanō Masanobu
shihon bokuga tansai Shū Oshuku airen zu (Kanō Masanobu hitsu)
Muromachi periodDazaifuNational Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at Kyushu National Museum)
84.5 centimetres (33.3 in) by 33.0 centimetres (13.0 in)35°43′12″N 139°46′32″E / 35.71994403°N 139.77563736°E / 35.71994403; 139.77563736 (Kyushu National Museum)
Kannon Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kannon mandara zu
941 (Later Jin)
Kankōji Engi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kankōji engi
Kamakura periodKyotoKankō-ji (観興寺)
(kept at Kyoto National Museum)
two scrolls; an inscription on the wooden box in which they are stored documents repair work in 1662[4]160 centimetres (5 ft 3 in) by 114 centimetres (3 ft 9 in)34°59′24″N 135°46′23″E / 34.989943°N 135.773152°E / 34.989943; 135.773152 (Kyoto National Museum)
Tamadare Miya Engi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Tamadare Miya engi
1370KyotoTamadare Miya (玉垂宮)
(kept at Kyoto National Museum)
two scrolls; an inscription on the lid of the wooden box in which they are stored identifies it as the "box for the Kōra Byōin Tamadare Miya Engi" (高良廟院玉垂宮縁起箱); a second inscription on the back of the lid reads 筑後国三瀦庄、鎮守高良御廟院大善寺玉垂宮縁起事、右縁起者正法明如来降生之霊場、玉垂大菩薩垂迹之社壇也、然、後村上天皇御子当今御治世征西将軍鎮西宮御座之時経奏聞終其功者也、草創之昔雖有画像之縁起、依令破損、憑貴賎合力、所令書改也依状如件 箱作者 永俊; and a third, on the bottom of the box, dates the paintings to the first year of the Kentoku era (建徳元季庚戌十二月十三日 大勧進 阿闍梨道意 大檀那肥前三郎 武安並衆徒等 筆者権律師永快)[5]184 centimetres (6 ft 0 in) by 130 centimetres (4 ft 3 in)34°59′24″N 135°46′23″E / 34.989943°N 135.773152°E / 34.989943; 135.773152 (Kyoto National Museum)
Kōhō Dangai Chūbō Oshō, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kōhō Dangai Chūbō oshō zō (biku Fumiyasu no san ari)
Yuan dynastyFukuokaShōfuku-ji90.7 centimetres (2 ft 11.7 in) by 44.6 centimetres (1 ft 5.6 in)33°35′50″N 130°24′52″E / 33.597356°N 130.414388°E / 33.597356; 130.414388 (Shōfukuji)
Shaka Triad, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Shaka sanzon zō
Kamakura periodDazaifuBairin-ji
(kept at Kyushu National Museum)
103.8 centimetres (40.9 in) by 51.5 centimetres (20.3 in)33°31′06″N 130°32′20″E / 33.518294°N 130.538929°E / 33.518294; 130.538929 (Bairinji)
Pure Land Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku jōdo mandala zu
Kamakura periodDazaifuNational Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at the Kyushu National Museum)
an inscription on the old mounting documents repair work in 1435; formerly owned by Enman-in (円満院) in Ōtsu[6]128.5 centimetres (50.6 in) by 123.6 centimetres (48.7 in)33°31′06″N 130°32′20″E / 33.518294°N 130.538929°E / 33.518294; 130.538929 (Kyushu National Museum)
Six Patriarchs, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Zen-ka rokuso zō
Kamakura periodFukuokaJōten-jisix scrolls72.7 centimetres (28.6 in) by 36.3 centimetres (14.3 in)33°35′43″N 130°25′01″E / 33.595157°N 130.417049°E / 33.595157; 130.417049 (Jōtenji)
Daiō Kokushi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Daiō Kokushi zō
1307FukuokaKōtoku-ji (興徳寺)99.9 centimetres (39.3 in) by 55.4 centimetres (21.8 in)33°35′15″N 130°19′12″E / 33.587418°N 130.319932°E / 33.587418; 130.319932 (Kōtokuji)
Daikaku Zenji, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Daikaku zenji zō
Kamakura periodFukuokaShōfuku-ji (勝福寺)112.8 centimetres (44.4 in) by 59.69 centimetres (23.50 in)33°36′20″N 130°15′35″E / 33.605630°N 130.259678°E / 33.605630; 130.259678 (Shōfukuji)
Daikan Zenji, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Daikan zenji zō
1198FukuokaShōfuku-jiportrait of the sixth Chan patriarch[7]115.3 centimetres (45.4 in) by 73.1 centimetres (28.8 in)33°35′50″N 130°24′52″E / 33.597356°N 130.414388°E / 33.597356; 130.414388 (Shōfukuji)
Flower Baskets, colour on silk
shihon chakushoku hanakago-zu (Ogata Kenzan hitsu)
Edo periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
the poem (花といへば 千種ながらに あだならぬ 色香にうつる 野辺の露かな) is by Sanjōnishi Sanetaka (三条西実隆); by Ogata Kenzan[8]112.5 centimetres (3 ft 8.3 in) by 49.2 centimetres (1 ft 7.4 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Western Manners and Customs, six-fold byōbu
shihon chakushoku taisei fūzoku zu (rokkyoku byōbu)
Momoyama periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
97.0 centimetres (3 ft 2.2 in) by 270.5 centimetres (8 ft 10.5 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Hell Scroll, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku jigoku zōshi dankan (kandō-no-oni)
Kamakura periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
54.0 centimetres (21.3 in) by 26.0 centimetres (10.2 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Scroll of Diseases and Deformities (Corpulent Woman), colour on paper
shihon chakushoku yamai zōshi (himan onna) (zanketsu)
Kamakura periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
the text reads "around Shichijō in Kyoto there was a woman who loaned money at exorbitant rates. Her family was wealthy and after years of gluttony she became so fat that she could hardly walk. Even with the help of her female attendants, just walking would make her sweat and great was her suffering."[9]45.1 centimetres (17.8 in) by 25.3 centimetres (10.0 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Scenes in and around the Capital, six-fold byōbu
shihon chakushoku rakuchū rakugai zu (rokkyoku byōbu)
Momoyama periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka City Museum)
pair of screens attributed to Kanō Takanobu (狩野孝信)265.2 centimetres (8 ft 8.4 in) by 81.3 centimetres (2 ft 8.0 in)33°35′23″N 130°21′11″E / 33.589768°N 130.353051°E / 33.589768; 130.353051 (Fukuoka City Museum)
Fifth Patriarch with Load and Plough, ink on paper
shihon bokuga goso kajo zu
Yuan dynastyFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
alternatively dated to the Southern Song; portrait of the Chinese priest Kōnin[10]86.3 centimetres (34.0 in) by 31.3 centimetres (12.3 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Landscapes, ink and light colour on paper
shihon bokuga tansai sansui zu (Kanō Masanobu hitsu)
Muromachi periodDazaifuNational Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at the Kyushu National Museum)
two scrolls; by Kanō Masanobu69.0 centimetres (27.2 in) by 38.8 centimetres (15.3 in)33°31′06″N 130°32′20″E / 33.518294°N 130.538929°E / 33.518294; 130.538929 (Kyushu National Museum)
Daily Exorcisms, ink on paper, by Katsushika Hokusai
shihon bokuga nisshin zu (Katsushika Hokusai hitsu)
Edo periodDazaifuNational Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at the Kyushu National Museum)
219 items33°31′06″N 130°32′20″E / 33.518294°N 130.538929°E / 33.518294; 130.538929 (Kyushu National Museum)
Hotei, ink on paper
shihon bokuga Hotei zu
Yuan dynastyDazaifuNational Institutes for Cultural Heritage
(kept at the Kyushu National Museum)
33°31′06″N 130°32′20″E / 33.518294°N 130.538929°E / 33.518294; 130.538929 (Kyushu National Museum)
Hotei, ink on paper
shihon bokuga Hotei zu (Ashikaga Yoshimochi hitsu)
Muromachi periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
by Ashikaga Yoshimochi31.0 centimetres (1 ft 0.2 in) by 56.0 centimetres (1 ft 10.0 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Deva, colour on a wooden panel
ita-e chakushoku tenbu zō (Daigoji gojūnotō hekiga danpen)
951FukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at the Fukuoka Art Museum)
mural fragment from the Daigo-ji five-storey pagoda37.9 centimetres (1 ft 2.9 in) by 24.0 centimetres (9.4 in)33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)

Prefectural Cultural Properties

As of 1 May 2019, twenty-two properties have been designated at a prefectural level.[11][12]

Property Date Municipality Ownership Comments Image Dimensions Coordinates Ref.
Sokuhi, colour on paper
紙本著色即非画像 喜多元規筆
shihon chakushoku Sokuhi gazō Kita Genki hitsu
1671, 1688KitakyushuFukuju-ji
(kept at Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History)
two scrolls, the larger dating to 1671 and smaller to 1688; by Kita Genki (喜多元規)33°52′14″N 130°54′10″E / 33.870460°N 130.902904°E / 33.870460; 130.902904 (Fukujuji)for all refs see
Hōun, colour on paper
紙本著色法雲画像 喜多元規筆
shihon chakushoku Hōun gazō Kita Genki hitsu
(kept at Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History)
by Kita Genki (喜多元規)33°52′14″N 130°54′10″E / 33.870460°N 130.902904°E / 33.870460; 130.902904 (Fukujuji)
Mokuan, colour on paper
紙本著色木庵画像 喜多元規筆
shihon chakushoku Mokuan gazō Kita Genki hitsu
(kept at Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History)
by Kita Genki (喜多元規)33°52′14″N 130°54′10″E / 33.870460°N 130.902904°E / 33.870460; 130.902904 (Fukujuji)
Ingen, colour on paper
紙本著色隠元画像 喜多元規筆
shihon chakushoku Mokuan gazō Kita Genki hitsu
(kept at Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History)
by Kita Genki (喜多元規)33°52′14″N 130°54′10″E / 33.870460°N 130.902904°E / 33.870460; 130.902904 (Fukujuji)
Eiteiin, colour on silk
絹本著色永貞院画像 喜多元規筆
kenpon chakushoku Eiteiin gazō Kita Genki hitsu
(kept at Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History & Human History)
by Kita Genki (喜多元規)33°52′14″N 130°54′10″E / 33.870460°N 130.902904°E / 33.870460; 130.902904 (Fukujuji)
Twelve Devas, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku jūni ten zō
Muromachi periodFukuokaFukuoka City
(kept at Fukuoka Art Museum)
33°35′02″N 130°22′47″E / 33.583950°N 130.379755°E / 33.583950; 130.379755 (Fukuoka Art Museum)
Ten Kings of Hell, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku jūō zu
Kamakura periodOgōriOgōri City
(kept at Kyushu Historical Museum)
ten scrolls33°26′21″N 130°33′30″E / 33.439267°N 130.558283°E / 33.439267; 130.558283 (Kyushu Historical Museum)
Kuroda Josui, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kuroda Josui zō
FukuokaSōfuku-ji33°36′21″N 130°24′49″E / 33.605719°N 130.413731°E / 33.605719; 130.413731 (Sōfukuji)
Kuroda Nagamasa, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku Kuroda Nagamasa zō
FukuokaSōfuku-ji33°36′21″N 130°24′49″E / 33.605719°N 130.413731°E / 33.605719; 130.413731 (Sōfukuji)
Shaka Coming Forth from the Mountains, ink on paper
shihon bokuga shussan Shaka zō
FukuokaSōfuku-ji33°36′21″N 130°24′49″E / 33.605719°N 130.413731°E / 33.605719; 130.413731 (Sōfukuji)
Hakozaki Hachimangū Engi
Hakozaki Hachimangū engi
Muromachi periodFukuokaHakozaki Shrine33°36′52″N 130°25′24″E / 33.614444°N 130.423333°E / 33.614444; 130.423333 (Hakozaki Shrine)
Chikugo Province Kitano Tenjin Engi
Chikugo no Kuni Kitano Tenjin engi
Edo periodKurumeKitano Tenmangū (北野天満宮)three scrolls33°20′37″N 130°35′05″E / 33.343611°N 130.584611°E / 33.343611; 130.584611 (Kitano Tenmangū)
Kōra Taisha Engi, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Kōra Taisha engi
Momoyama/early Edo periodKurumeKōra Taishapair of scrolls33°18′06″N 130°33′57″E / 33.301619°N 130.565911°E / 33.301619; 130.565911 (Kōra Taisha)
Honchō Soshi Ekotoba, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku Honchō Soshi den-ekotoba
1237KurumeZendō-ji (善導寺)33°19′48″N 130°36′14″E / 33.330035°N 130.603829°E / 33.330035; 130.603829 (Zendōji)
Buzō-ji Engi, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku Buzōji engi
mid-Edo periodChikushinoBuzō-ji (武蔵寺)
(kept at Chikushino City History Museum (筑紫野市歴史博物館))
33°29′26″N 130°31′09″E / 33.490614°N 130.519116°E / 33.490614; 130.519116 (Chikushino City History Museum)
Thirty-Six Immortals of Poetry, wooden panels
sanjūrokkasen hengaku
Momoyama to Edo periodMunakataMunakata Taisha173 panels (Kodai no Kimi pictured)33°49′51″N 130°30′55″E / 33.830820°N 130.515416°E / 33.830820; 130.515416 (Munakata Taisha)
Ippen Shōnin, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Ippen Shōnin gazō
Muromachi periodDazaifuFukuoka Prefecture
(kept at Kyushu National Museum)
33°31′06″N 130°32′20″E / 33.518294°N 130.538929°E / 33.518294; 130.538929 (Kyushu National Museum)
Kitano Tenjin Engi
Kitano Tenjin engi
1619DazaifuDazaifu Tenman-gūthree scrolls33°31′17″N 130°32′06″E / 33.521389°N 130.535°E / 33.521389; 130.535 (Dazaifu Tenmangū)
Kuroda Josui, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku Kuroda Josui zō
AsakuraEnsei-ji (円清寺)33°22′08″N 130°46′23″E / 33.368960°N 130.773189°E / 33.368960; 130.773189 (Enseiji)
Kuroda Josui, colour on paper
shihon chakushoku Kuroda Josui zō
OkagakiRyūshō-ji (龍昌寺)33°50′50″N 130°35′51″E / 33.847205°N 130.597499°E / 33.847205; 130.597499 (Ryūshōji)
Inoue Suō, colour on paper
紙本著色井上周防像 附 箱一箇 関係文書 三通
shihon chakushoku Inoue Suō zō
OkagakiRyūshō-ji (龍昌寺)designation includes a case and three volumes of related documents33°50′50″N 130°35′51″E / 33.847205°N 130.597499°E / 33.847205; 130.597499 (Ryūshōji)
Taima Mandala, colour on silk
kenpon chakushoku Taima mandara zu
OgōriOgōri City
(kept at Kyushu Historical Museum)
33°26′21″N 130°33′30″E / 33.439267°N 130.558283°E / 33.439267; 130.558283 (Kyushu Historical Museum)

Municipal Cultural Properties

As of 1 May 2015, fifty-one properties have been designated at a municipal level.[11][13]

See also


  1. "Cultural Properties for Future Generations". Agency for Cultural Affairs. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  2. 国宝・重要文化財 [Number of National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 July 2019. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  3. "Database of National Cultural Properties: 国宝・重要文化財(美術品)(絵画 福岡県)" (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. Archived from the original on 30 June 2019. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  4. 絹本著色観興寺縁起 [Kankōji Engi, colour on silk] (in Japanese). Fukuoka Prefecture. Retrieved 31 May 2014.
  5. 絹本著色玉垂宮縁起 [Tamadare Miya Engi, colour on silk] (in Japanese). Fukuoka Prefecture. Retrieved 31 May 2014.
  6. 絹本著色浄土曼荼羅図 [Pure Land Mandala] (in Japanese). National Institutes for Cultural Heritage. Retrieved 31 May 2014.
  7. 絹本著色大鑑禅師像 [Daikan Zenji, colour on silk] (in Japanese). Sumitomo Foundation. Retrieved 3 June 2014.
  8. 花籠図 [Flower Baskets] (in Japanese). Fukuoka Art Museum. Archived from the original on 27 January 2010. Retrieved 31 May 2014.
  9. ""Corpulent Woman" from Scroll of Diseases and Deformities". Fukuoka Art Museum. Retrieved 1 June 2014.
  10. "Goso". Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System. Retrieved 1 June 2014.
  11. 1 2 国・県指定文化財:有形文化財 [National and Prefectural Tangible Cultural Properties] (in Japanese). Fukuoka Prefecture. 1 May 2015. Archived from the original on 22 November 2016. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  12. 都道府県別指定等文化財件数(都道府県分) [Number of Prefectural Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 May 2019. Retrieved 20 August 2019.
  13. 都道府県別指定等文化財件数(市町村分) [Number of Municipal Cultural Properties by Prefecture] (in Japanese). Agency for Cultural Affairs. 1 May 2015. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
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