The following is a list, as yet incomplete, of Christian religious houses in Denmark[1] whether extant or not, for both men and for women.


Religious houseLocationRegionDedicationOrderNotes
Æbelholt Abbey Tjæreby near Hillerød Region Hovedstaden Saint Thomas Augustinian canons 1176–1536; moved here from Eskilsø
Franciscan Friary, Copenhagen (or Greyfriars) Copenhagen Region Hovedstaden Franciscan friars 1238–1530
Poor Clares' Priory, Copenhagen Copenhagen Region Hovedstaden Poor Clares 1497–1535
Carmelite Priory, Copenhagen Copenhagen Region Hovedstaden Carmelite friars 1479–1529
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Copenhagen Copenhagen Region Hovedstaden Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost to 1497, Augustinian canons thereafter 1296–1530
St. Gertrude's Hospital, Copenhagen Copenhagen Region Hovedstaden Saint Gertrude dates tbe
St. George's Leper Hospital, Copenhagen Copenhagen Region Hovedstaden Saint George before 1261–1609
Eskilsø Abbey Eskilsø in the Roskilde Fjord Region Hovedstaden Augustinian canons first half of 12th century-1176; moved to Æbelholt
Esrum Abbey Esrum Sø, Græsted Region Hovedstaden Cistercian monks (formerly Benedictine monks) 1151-1536
Carmelite Priory, Helsingør
(Priory of Our Lady, Helsingør)
Helsingør Region Hovedstaden Blessed Virgin Mary Carmelite friars 1430–1536
Dominican Priory, Helsingør Helsingør Region Hovedstaden Saint Nicholas Dominican friars 1441–1536
Franciscan Friary, Helsingør Helsingør Region Hovedstaden Saint Anne Franciscan friars 1420–1537; now the site of Marienlyst Castle
Knardrup Abbey Knardrupsgård north-west of Copenhagen, between Ganløse and Måløv Region Hovedstaden Cistercian monks 1326–1536
Slangerup Abbey Slangerup Region Hovedstaden Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Nicholas Benedictine nuns to 1187, Cistercian nuns thereafter 1170–1555
Aastrup Kloster, Aastrup Jomfrukloster
or Det Grevelige Dannemandske Stift Aastrup
Aastrup, Soderup, Roskilde Region Sjælland Lutheran women's collegiate foundation 1886–1983 or -88
Antvorskov Slagelse Region Sjælland Saint John the Baptist Knights Hospitallers 1164–1536
Asserbo Charterhouse Roskilde Region Sjælland Carthusian monks 1162/63–c.1169/70; after Carthusians left, site abandoned, and later given as a grange to the Cistercians at Sorø
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Elvedgård Søndersø, island of Funen Region Sjælland Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost[2] 1475–1536
St. Agnes' Priory, Gavnø Gavnø Region Sjælland Saint Agnes Dominican nuns 1403–1536
Gisselfeld Adelige Jomfrukloster Gisselfeld Castle, Bråby Region Sjælland Lutheran women's collegiate foundation founded 1755; extant
Halsted Priory Nakskov, Lolland Region Sjælland Saint Samson of Dol Benedictine monks 1290–1536
Holbæk Priory Holbæk Region Sjælland Saint Nicholas Dominican friars 1275–1535
Kalundborg Friary Kalundborg Region Sjælland Franciscan friars 1240–1532
Køge Friary Køge Region Sjælland Blessed Virgin Mary (Saint Mary of Consolation) Franciscan friars 1484–1531
Maribo Abbey Maribo Region Sjælland] Blessed Virgin Mary Bridgettines to 1536; refounded 1551 as Lutheran women's collegiate foundation (Adelige Jomfrukloster) 1416–1536; 1551–1621
Næstved Priory or St Peter's Priory, Næstved Næstved Region Sjælland Saint Peter Dominican friars 1265–1536
Næstved Friary Næstved Region Sjælland Franciscan friars 1242–1532
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Nakskov Nakskov Region Sjælland Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost, monks and nuns 1470–1536
Nykøbing Friary Nykøbing Falster Region Sjælland Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Michael and Saint Francis Franciscan friars 1419–1532
Nysted Friary Nysted Region Sjælland Franciscan friars 1286–1538
Hospital of St. Anthony, Præstø Præstø Region Sjælland Saint Anthony Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony 1470–1536
Ringsted Abbey Ringsted Region Sjælland Blessed Virgin Mary Benedictine monks 1134–1536
Roskilde Abbey (Abbey of Our Lady, Roskilde) Roskilde Region Sjælland Blessed Virgin Mary Benedictine nuns to 1177, thereafter Cistercian nuns 1160–1536
St. Catherine's Priory, Roskilde Roskilde Region Sjælland Saint Catherine of Siena Dominican friars 1231–1536
St. Agnes' Priory, Roskilde Roskilde Region Sjælland Saint Agnes Dominican nuns 1263–1527
Franciscan Friary, Roskilde Roskilde Region Sjælland Franciscan friars 1237–1537
St. Clare's Priory, Roskilde Roskilde Region Sjælland Saint Clare of Assisi Poor Clares 1256–1537
Dominican Priory, Skælskør Skælskør Region Sjælland Dominican friars c.1300–1536
Carmelite Priory, Skælskør Skælskør Region Sjælland Carmelite friars 1418–1532
Skovkloster Abbey Næstved Region Sjælland Saint Peter Benedictine monks 1175–1536; after the Reformation turned into a school as Herlufsholm School, which is still extant
Sorø Abbey Sorø Region Sjælland Benedictine monks to 1161 or 1162, thereafter Cistercians 1142–1536; after the Reformation turned into a school as Sorø Academy, which is still extant
Vallø Adelige Jomfrukloster Vallø Castle Region Sjælland Lutheran noblewomen's collegiate foundation founded 1737; extant
Vemmetofte Adelige Jomfrukloster Faxe Region Sjælland Lutheran noblewomen's collegiate foundation founded 1735; extant
Vordingborg Priory Vordingborg Region Sjælland Dominican friars 1253–c. 1265
Aalborg Abbey (Abbey of Our Lady, Aalborg) Aalborg Region Nordjylland Blessed Virgin Mary Benedictine nuns 1125–1527
Aalborg Friary Aalborg Region Nordjylland Franciscan friars 1250–1530
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Aalborg Aalborg Region Nordjylland Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost 1451–1536
St. George's Hospital, Aalborg Aalborg Region Nordjylland Saint George order uncertain –1534
Børglum Abbey Børglum near Løkken Region Nordjylland Premonstratensian canons[3] 1209–1536
Dueholm Priory Nykøbing Mors Region Nordjylland Saint John the Baptist Knights Hospitallers 1370–1536
Glenstrup Abbey Glenstrup near Randers Region Nordjylland Blessed Virgin Mary Benedictine monks 1125–1431 and 1441–1445; the premises were given to the Carthusians in 1432; the Benedictines reoccupied them in 1441, but were removed again in 1445, when the site was given as an estate to the Bridgettines of Mariager Abbey
Glenstrup Charterhouse Glenstrup near Randers Region Nordjylland Carthusian monks 1432–1441; established in the former Benedictine Glenstrup Abbey
Hundslund Priory
now Dronninglund Castle
Dronninglund Castle Region Nordjylland Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Clement Benedictine nuns 1250–1535
Ø Abbey[4] Oxholm in Øland Region Nordjylland Benedictine nuns 1175–1536
Sebber Priory Sebbersund Region Nordjylland Saint Lawrence Benedictine nuns c. 1250–1536
Sæby Priory Sæby Region Nordjylland Carmelite friars c.1460–1536
Vestervig Abbey Thisted Region Nordjylland Augustinian canons c.1110-1536
Kappel Priory[4] Vestervig Region Nordjylland nuns (order uncertain) dates tbe
Vitskøl Abbey Ranum, Himmerland Region Nordjylland Cistercian monks 1158–1536; renamed Bjørnsholm
Vrejlev Priory Vrå Region Nordjylland Premonstratensian canons from Børglum Abbey to 1200; Premonstratensian nuns thereafter 1165-1536
Carmelite priory, Aarhus Aarhus Region Midtjylland Carmelite friars 1460s–1531
Dominican Priory, Aarhus Aarhus Region Midtjylland Blessed Virgin Mary Dominican friars c.1240-1530
Alling Abbey Svostrup, Gjern Region Midtjylland Saint John Benedictine monks 1250–1536; moved here from Vejerslev
Essenbæk Abbey Assentoft near Randers Region Midtjylland Benedictine monks 1179-1529; moved here from Randers
Grinderslev Priory Grinderslev Region Midtjylland Saint Peter Augustinian canons 1150-1536
Gudum Priory Gudum Region Midtjylland Benedictine nuns 1250–1536
Franciscan Friary, Horsens Horsens Region Midtjylland Franciscan friars 1261–1532
Knights Hospitallers, Horsens Horsens Region Midtjylland Saint John the Baptist Knights Hospitallers 1375–1536
Kalvø Abbey Kalvø Island in the Skanderborg Sø Region Midtjylland Cistercian monks 1167–1172); community moved here from Veng Abbey, and moved on to found Øm Abbey
Mariager Abbey Mariager Region Midtjylland Bridgettines 1446–1536
Øm Abbey Mossø, in Gammel Rye Region Midtjylland Cistercian monks 1172-1536; the community settled at Øm in 1172, having been formerly located, in quick succession from 1165 onwards, at Sabro, Sminge, Veng and Kalvø
Ørslev Abbey[4] Ørslevkloster, Skive Region Midtjylland Benedictine nuns 1175-1536
Randers Abbey Randers Region Midtjylland Blessed Virgin Mary Benedictine double monastery until c. 1140; Benedictine nuns thereafter c.1125-1428; monks moved to Essenbæk c.1140
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Randers Randers Region Midtjylland Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost 1485–1532
Franciscan Friary, Randers Randers Region Midtjylland Franciscan friars 1236–1530
Ring Abbey[4] Hylke on the Skanderborg Sø Region Midtjylland Benedictine nuns c.1175-1536
Sabro Abbey Sabro Region Midtjylland Cistercian monks 1165; community moved almost immediately to Sminge
Sminge Abbey Voel on the Sminger Sø Region Midtjylland Cistercian monks 1165–1166; community moved here from Sabro, and moved on to Veng
Støvringgård Jomfrukloster Støvringgård near Randers Region Midtjylland Lutheran women's collegiate foundation founded 1745; extant
Stubber Priory Ginding, Hardsyssel Region Midtjylland Benedictine nuns c.1150-1536
Tvilum Priory Tvilum, Gjern Region Midtjylland Augustinian canons c.1247-1536
Tvis Abbey Storå, Holstebro Region Midtjylland Cistercian monks 1163-1536
Vejerslev Abbey Randers Region Midtjylland Benedictine monks 1150–1225; moved to Alling
Vejle Priory Vejle Region Midtjylland Dominican friars 1325–1530
Veng Abbey Veng Region Midtjylland Benedictine monks to 1165; Cistercian monks thereafter 1060s-1165; after the Benedictines left, the premises were occupied briefly by Cistercian monks from Sminge, who almost immediately moved on to Kalvø
St. Mary's Abbey, Viborg Viborg Region Midtjylland Saint Mary Augustinian canons dates tbe
Asmild Abbey Viborg Region Midtjylland Saint Margaret Augustinian nuns 1167-1536
Dominican Priory, Viborg (Blackfriars) Viborg Region Midtjylland Dominican friars c.1240-1529
Franciscan Friary, Viborg Viborg Region Midtjylland Franciscan friars 1235–1530
St. John's Priory, Viborg Viborg Region Midtjylland Saint John the Baptist Knights Hospitallers c.1275-1536
Vissing Priory[5] Vorladegård Region Midtjylland Benedictine nuns c.1200-1450
Voer Abbey[4] Vorladegård Region Midtjylland Benedictine monks 1150-1532
Assens Priory Assens Region of Southern Denmark Carmelite friars 1500–1530
Dalum Abbey[4] Dalum Region of Southern Denmark Benedictine nuns 1200-1529
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Fåborg Fåborg Region of Southern Denmark Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost 1477–1540
Haderslev Priory Haderslev Region of Southern Denmark Dominican friars 1250–1527
Holme Abbey
now Brahetrolleborg
Brahetrolleborg, island of Funen Region of Southern Denmark Cistercian monks 1172-1536
Kolding Friary Kolding Region of Southern Denmark Franciscan friars 1288–1530
Løgum Abbey Løgumkloster Region of Southern Denmark Cistercian monks 1173-1536; community moved here from Seem
St. Alban's Priory, Odense Odense Region of Southern Denmark Blessed Virgin Mary; Saint Alban Benedictine monks c.1075-c.1100; replaced by St. Canute's Abbey, Odense
St. Canute's Abbey, Odense Odense Region of Southern Denmark Saint Canute Benedictine monks c.1100-1536; replaced St. Alban's Priory, Odense
Nonnebakken Abbey[4] (1175–1200): Benedictine nuns (moved to Dalum) Odense Region of Southern Denmark Benedictine nuns 1175–1200; community moved to Dalum
Dominican Priory, Odense Odense Region of Southern Denmark Saint Peter Dominican friars 1240–1536
Franciscan Friary, Odense Odense Region of Southern Denmark Franciscan friars
St. Clare's Priory, Odense Odense Region of Southern Denmark Saint Clare of Assisi Poor Clares 1522–1538
St. John's Priory, Odense Odense Region of Southern Denmark Saint John the Baptist Knights Hospitallers c.1275-1536
Odense Adelige Jomfrukloster Odense Region of Southern Denmark Lutheran noblewomen's collegiate foundation founded 1716; amalgamated with the Roskilde Adelige Jomfrukoster in 1974
St. Nicholas' Priory, Ribe Ribe Region of Southern Denmark Saint Nicholas Benedictine nuns 1170-1532; the community moved here from the former double monastery at Seem
St. Catherine's Priory, Ribe Ribe Region of Southern Denmark Saint Catherine of Siena Dominican friars 1228-1531
Franciscan Friary, Ribe Ribe Region of Southern Denmark Franciscan friars 1232-1537
St. John's Priory, Ribe Ribe Region of Southern Denmark Saint John the Baptist Knights Hospitallers c.1300-1537
St. George's Leper Hospital, Ribe Ribe Region of Southern Denmark Saint George dates tbe
Seem Abbey Ribe Region of Southern Denmark Benedictine double monastery to 1170, when nuns removed; Cistercian monks from 1171 c.1150-1173; Benedictine double monastery until nuns moved to Ribe in 1170; resettled as a Cistercian monastery from Herrevad; community moved to Løgum in 1173
Svendborg Friary Svendborg Region of Southern Denmark Franciscan friars 1236-1537
Svendborg Leper Hospital Svendborg Region of Southern Denmark order uncertain but closely connected to the Franciscan friary dates tbe
Tønder Friary Tønder Region of Southern Denmark Franciscan friars 1238–1530

Former Danish territories now in Germany

Southern Schleswig

Religious houseLocationDedicationOrderNotes
Flensburg Friary Flensburg Franciscan friars 1263–1528
Guldholm Abbey Guldholm Benedictine monks, later Cistercian monks 1190/91-1210; community transferred from St. Michael's Abbey, Schleswig; moved to Ryd Abbey
Husum Friary Husum Franciscan friars 1494–1528
Mohrkirchen Hospital Mohrkirch[6] Saint Anthony Hospital Brothers of St. Anthony 1391–1535
Ryd Abbey or Rüde Abbey Glücksburg Cistercian monks 1210-1536
St. John's Priory, Schleswig Schleswig Saint John Benedictine nuns c.1200-1536
St. Michael's Abbey, Schleswig Schleswig Saint Michael Benedictine double monastery, later Benedictine nuns c. 1030-c. 1200; the monks were removed for disciplinary reasons c.1190 and sent to found Guldholm Abbey
Dominican Friary, Schleswig Schleswig Dominican friars 1239–1529
Franciscan Friary, Schleswig Schleswig Franciscan friars 1232–1530

See also List of Christian monasteries in Schleswig-Holstein
For Rügen, see List of Christian monasteries in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Former Danish territories in Skåne and Halland, now in Sweden

Religious houseLocationRegionDedicationOrderNotes
Åhus Priory Åhus[7] Skåne Dominican friars 1250–1536
Bäckaskog Abbey (Danish: Bækkeskov) Kristianstad Municipality Skåne Premonstratensian canons c.1225-1537; community formerly at Væ (Vä)
Bosjø Abbey (Danish: Bosø) Höör Municipality Skåne Benedictine monks or nuns c.1175-1536
Börringe Priory (Danish: Børringe) Svedala Municipality Skåne initially Benedictine monks, replaced c.1231 by Benedictine nuns c.1150-1536
Dalby Abbey, previously Dalby Priory Dalby Skåne Cluniac monks; replaced mid-12th century by Augustinian canons c.1060-1537
Helsingborg Priory Helsingborg Skåne Dominican friars 1235-1537
Herrevad Abbey Ljungsbyhed Skåne Cistercian monks c.1140-1536
Landskrona Priory Landskrona Skåne Carmelite friars 1410–1530
Lund Abbey Lund Skåne Benedictine monks 1080-1537
St. Peter's Priory, Lund Lund Skåne Saint Peter Benedictine nuns 1166-1537
St. Mary's Priory, Lund Lund Skåne Saint Mary Dominican friars 1223-1530
St. Catherine's Priory, Lund Lund Skåne Saint Catherine Franciscan friars 1238–1537
Trinity Priory, Lund Lund Skåne Holy Trinity Premonstratensian canons 1160?-1200
Malmø Friary Malmö Skåne Franciscan friars 1419–1530
Hospital of the Holy Ghost, Malmø Malmö Skåne Holy Ghost Order of the Holy Ghost 1475–1529
Öved Abbey (Danish: Øved), now Övedskloster Sjöbo Skåne Premonstratensian canons 1160-1535
Tommarp Abbey Tommarp (Danish: Tommerup) Skåne Premonstratensian canons 1150-1536
St. George's Hospital, Tommarp Tommarp (Danish: Tommerup) Skåne Saint George order unknown (possibly a fraternity) 1285-1536?
Trelleborg Friary Trelleborg Skåne Franciscan friars 1267–1532
Turkø Friary Turkø Skåne Franciscan friars 1489–1530
Vä Abbey (Danish: near Kristianstad) Skåne Premonstratensian canons 1170–1213; community re-settled at Bækkeskov [Bäckaskog]
Ystad Friary Ystad (Danish: Ysted) Skåne Franciscan friars 1267–1532
Ås Abbey Varberg Municipality Halland Cistercian monks 1194-1536
Halmstad Friary Halmstad Halland Franciscan friars 1494-153
St. Catherine's Priory, Halmstad Halmstad Halland Dominican friars c.1260-1531
Varberg Priory Varberg Halland Carmelite friars 1470–1530

See also List of Christian monasteries in Sweden


  1. including former Danish territories now in Germany and Sweden
  2. in 1475 it was intended to establish a Carthusian monastery here, but the endowment was insufficient, so a house of the Hospitaller Order of the Holy Ghost was founded instead
  3. possibly a Benedictine monastery in the 12th century
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or possibly Priory
  5. or possibly Abbey
  6. conventionally, the town is Mohrkirch but the hospital and convent Mohrkirchen
  7. otherwise Aahus


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