The principal cast. In pool (clockwise from bottom left): Shanelle, Nikki, Buck, Switchboard, Jillian, Radley. In back seat (clockwise from bottom left): Chester, Jett, Gig, Tara. In front seat: Larke, Troy. Not shown: Bianca, Blaze, Empress, Pierce, Tiara, Wilshire.

This is a list of the characters from the 1987 animated television series Beverly Hills Teens.


  • Bianca Dupree - A scheming, raven-haired beauty who believes she comes first above all things. This arrogant diva can often be seen riding around in her long pink limo, with her dog Empress and her chauffeur Wilshire Brentwood. She dislikes nature in favor of the clean house and conditioned air, although in "Camp Camping", she was excited about a camping trip - if for no other reason than the shopping required[1]. She is very jealous of Larke Tanner's relationship with Troy Jeffries and is constantly scheming to ruin it, since Bianca is in love with him as well. Bianca is not above sabotaging her other peers, either. In "Who Wears the Pants?", she once tried to ruin Tara's entry into a beauty pageant[2]. She is not completely without conscience however, when, in "Downhill Racer", she learned her latest scheme might lead to Larke's death, she risked her own life to rescue her, and later withdrew from the competition[3]. Wilshire is desperately in love with Bianca, but she steps all over him, despite the gang's efforts to match them up. Oddly, while Bianca sees nothing wrong with her own habit of mistreating Wilshire, in "The Kindest Cut of All", she does not allow anybody else to do the same[4]. She can also be gullible, as shown in "Down & Out in the Teenclub"[5] when Tara and the other Teens decided to make Bianca think that she and her family is broke and penniless too, which made her furious at Tara and the other Teens but respectful toward the staff, and "A Time to Remember"[6], when she got amnesia after a horseback riding accident and became uncharacteristically kind and generous (and incompetent), and "The Kindest Cut of All"[4] when she got tricked into doing chores at the Teen Club. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she was in the role of Mrs. Cratchit and in the angry mob[7]. She joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Tracey Moore and Terri Hawkes (in some episodes).
  • Blaze Summers - A dark blonde cowgirl who could pass for Larke Tanner's sister, both in looks and in personality. Blaze is folksy, laid-back and friendly to everyone - even Pierce Thorndyke III. She has a horse names Stardust. Thunder is another one of her horses. Ultimately, in "Visit from a Prince", her charming nature attracts the attentions of Prince Albert, with whom she falls in love[8]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents[7]. Voiced by Tracey Moore and Terri Hawkes (in some episodes).
  • Buck Huckster - As his name implies, he is a slick shyster always looking to make a fast buck. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", he hosted a Christmas party, but showed his stinginess by deciding to "cut costs" when Larke and Troy decided to go caroling and giving Christmas presents instead of attending his party, and he was in the role of Ebenezer Scrooge[9]. Ultimately, in "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", Buck's obsession with money and wealth is derailed by a nightmare which shows him what his future will be like if he does not change[7]. He joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents and donated a check to the orphanage. Voiced by Michael Beattie.
  • C.A.D. - (short for Computer Assistant Datemaker), a wisecracking, A.I. pocket computer used by Pierce Thorndyke III. C.A.D. holds all of Pierce's most embarrassing secrets, as shown in "Bianca's Diary"[10], and constantly makes depressing comments about its owner. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", he made a cameo appearance as one of Buck's robot checkers[7]. Voiced by Mark Saunders.
  • Chester McTech - A prodigy's prodigy, Chester has skipped several grades to become a 10-year-old freshman and honor student at Beverly Hills High School. He's got his own science lab at home, complete with a dress-designing machine. He can, and does, assist many upperclassmen with their various dilemmas. Nobody is ever more grateful for his help than Larke Tanner. Because of Chester's great intelligence and ingenuity, he is often pressed into service by Pierce Thorndyke III or Bianca Dupree to further their own (typically separate) agendas. Nothing makes Chester's day like a big hug and kiss from Larke, which is often his reward for getting her out of a jam. In "Jillian's Lesson", he ultimately falls in love with Jillian Thorndyke, in part because he's far too young to date Larke Tanner. He is afraid of spiders, as shown in "The Slumber Party"[11], and heights, as shown in "Rampage"[12]. He has a robot servant named McTech-Bot. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", he and Jillian crashed Buck's Christmas party[9]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", he was in the role of Tiny Tim and in the angry mob[7]. He joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Sean Roberge.
  • Empress - Bianca Dupree's small pink poodle, whose nasty bark is comparable to Bianca's attitude. She often helps Bianca make Larke Tanner's life harder, such as destroying the floppy discs containing Larke's homework in "The Dog Ate My Homework"[13]. Empress's archenemy is none other than Larke's cat, Tiara. Empress also hates Wilshire Brentwood. In "The Perfect Gift", Empress hates water so much Bianca dry cleans her[14]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", both she and Tiara made a cameo appearance as The Cratchits' pets[7]. Voiced by Mary Long.
  • Fifi (full name unknown) - This hair-salon owner is the most sought-after stylist in Beverly Hills. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", both she and Shanelle made a cameo appearance, with her giving free hairstyles at a mall that was torn down to build Buck's Christmas tree lot and in the angry mob[7]. Voiced by Linda Sorenson.
  • Thomas "Gig" Josephson[15] - A brown-haired male rocker who plays alongside Jett. He is outspoken, with a distinct British/Aussie accent. A real ladies' man, in "Double Your Trouble", Gig once dated both Larke Tanner and Tara Belle at the same time, until Jett revealed his secret[16]. He and Jett have agreed not to date each other, but despite this, Gig has feelings for her. He often becomes jealous if she expresses interest in someone else or vice versa. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", both he and Jett made a cameo appearance giving free concerts at a mall that was torn down to build Buck's Christmas tree lot and in the angry mob[7]. Voiced by Mark Saunders.
  • Gig's guitar - a guitar played by Gig. In "Double-Surfing Double-Cross", it becomes a raft[17]. Voiced by Hadley Kay.
  • Jett Lyman[18] - A blonde female rocker with extremely big hair and an exaggerated Valley girl accent. She disapproves of Gig's womanizing, despite being a flirt in her own right. It turns out she herself is smitten with him. Ultimately, in "Troy Triathlon" (the series' next-to-last episode), both she and Gig earn a recording contract from Vic Vinyl of Starstruck Music[19]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", both she and Gig made a cameo appearance giving free concerts at a mall that was torn down to build Buck's Christmas tree lot and in the angry mob[7]. Voiced by Karen Bernstein.
  • Jillian Thorndyke - Pierce's annoying younger sister, who tries to be much more adult than she is. Jillian, like most of the gang, isn't nearly as impressed with her brother as he is with himself. In "Jillian's Lesson", Tara, Jett, and Bianca gave her a makeover and advice for getting the attention of her crush (who turned out to be Troy), which resulted in Pierce literally going overboard off the ship over and over again[20]. She ultimately falls in love with Chester McTech, in part because she's far too young to date Troy Jeffries. She also likes to pull pranks, as shown in "Private Club – Ghosts Only", when she pulled pranks on Pierce, Nikki, Radley and Bianca[21]. She later redeemed herself by exposing Chester as the mastermind behind the haunting, which was caused by his special effects equipment. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", she and Chester crashed Buck's Christmas party[9]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she was in the role of Belinda Cratchit and in the angry mob[7]. She joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Tracey Moore and Terri Hawkes (in some episodes).
  • Larke Tanner - The blonde-haired, blue-eyed teen queen of Beverly Hills. She is (mutually) head-over-heels in love with resident jock Troy Jeffries. She drives a bright pink Ferrari, usually accompanied by her pet cat Tiara. A part-time model, Larke wins many of the contests that she enters, although Bianca Dupree tries hard to sabotage her. A straight-A student, kind-hearted and sweet to the core, Larke is basically the anti-Bianca. She's also a proud surrogate sister to Chester McTech, who has bailed her out of numerous fixes. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", she and Troy decided to go caroling and give Christmas presents instead of attending Buck's Christmas party[9]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she was in the role of Fred's wife and in the angry mob[7]. She and Troy rescued Buck and the other teens and invited them to join the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Mary Long.
  • McTech-Bot - Chester McTech's robot servant. Though often useful at times, he can also be a clean-freak as shown in "Hold the Anchovies"[22].Voiced by Hadley Kay.
  • Nikki Darling - An aspiring model/actress with a very dramatic demeanor, especially against unfairness (perceived and otherwise) in the fashion/entertainment world. In "Scene Stealer", she attempted to upstage the Teens for the television program "Lifestyles of the Young and Disgustingly Rich", much to the annoyance of Frank Floppalla, only to show her fury when she doesn't like being upstaged herself[23]. She has two catchphrases- whenever things are good, she says, "Radament!". Whenever things are bad, she says, "Eek!". She also has alternate personas as shown in "Old at Heart", after losing the opportunity to portray the role of a senior citizen on stage, her reflection (which literally came to life) convinced her to assume the undercover identity of elderly persona "Flora Belle", only for it to backfire when an elderly man mistook her for an actual elderly woman[24], and in "What the Hex Happening?", she was Madame Madonnia when she attempted to trick Bianca into giving back the amulet, which failed when her gypsy wig got caught on the chandelier[25]. In "The Kindest Cut of All", she impersonated Bianca's Aunt Courtney, and used a fake diamond in order to teach Bianca a lesson about generosity and to prank her for her pranks[4]. In "Nikki's Big Break", she was revealed to have an older practical joking cousin, and wealthy rancher, named Wayne Duke, and the teens mistake his friend Dan Altieri, a talent scout, for him and attempted to prevent him from attending the opening night of her play[26]. Ultimately, the big prank turned out to actually be a doll of Nikki, and she and Wayne Duke made up. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she was in the role of The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come[7]. She joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Corrine Koslo.
  • Pierce Thorndyke, Jr. - Pierce & Jillian's dad. In "Pierce's Hundred Dollars", he challenged Pierce to save $100 from his allowance, promising to award him the world's most luxurious automobile if he succeeded[27]. Voiced by Mark Saunders.
  • Pierce Thorndyke III - Pierce is egotistical, girl-crazy, snobbish, and blissfully unaware that he is not the Casanova which he believes himself to be. He often teams up with Bianca Dupree in her ultimately-unsuccessful schemes to come between Larke Tanner and Troy Jeffries, because, while Bianca wants Troy, Pierce wants Larke - although he also woos Tara Belle and Jett Lyman on occasion. Despite the aforementioned personality issues, Pierce does have his endearing moments. In "A Time to Remember", when Bianca got amnesia after a horseback riding accident, he used her gullibility to trick her into thinking they were boyfriend and girlfriend, which failed during the game of limbo when the limbo bar hit her on the head, restoring her memory, only for him to get amnesia after slipping on her pearls[6]. He carries around a wisecracking pocket computer named C.A.D. (that is, Computer Assistant and Datemaker), which holds all of his most embarrassing secrets, as shown in "Bianca's Diary"[10]. Even though he gets annoyed by C.A.D.'s remarks, he is shown to care about him, as shown in "Potions of Love" when he rescued C.A.D. from drowning in the pool after his love potion failed[28], and in "From Rad to Worse" when the brilliant and arrogant Radley deemed everything "fun and frivolous"- including C.A.D.- "a waste of time", and threw him away, and Pierce saved C.A.D.'s life[29]. He is the elder brother of Jillian. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", he was in the role of Jacob Marley[9]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", he joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents[7]. Voiced by Stephen McMulkin.
  • Radley Coleman[30] - A surfer dude who is fluent in the lingo, and who has raised tanning to an art-form. Anywhere a wave can be had, Radley is there. His credo is "To surf is to live; to quit is to die". In "Radley Wipes Out", he was seen to have studying problems due to this single-mindedness[31]. He is close friends with Troy Jeffries and Gig. In "From Rad to Worse", Radley became brilliant and arrogant after Chester performed a genius brain transfusion on Radley in an attempt to help him with his homework, but the brilliant and arrogant Radley hated everything "fun and frivolous", deeming them "a waste of time", but got back to his normal, old, "fun-loving" self when Troy Jeffries and Chester McTech created a big wave that literally washed over both him and Bianca Dupree[29]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", he was in the role of The Ghost of Christmas Past as "The Blast from Christmas Past"[7]. He joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Hadley Kay.
  • Shanelle Spencer - Intelligent and level-headed, with a wry sense of humor, she is the voice of reason among her peers. She is also president of the local country club for teenagers. A natural born leader, she sticks to the rules and never misuses her prestige. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", both she and Fifi made a cameo appearance, with her getting free hairstyles at a mall that was torn down to build Buck's Christmas tree lot and in the angry mob[7]. She joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Michelle St. John.
  • Stardust - Blaze's horse and companion in the stables. He is helpful and very loyal to Blaze and her friends, as shown in "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1"[9]. Voiced by Michael Beattie.
  • Sunbeam - Blaze's white horse. Like Stardust, he is helpful and very loyal to Blaze and her friends, as shown in "Greens with Envy"[32] and "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1"[9]. Voiced by Michael Beattie.
  • Brenda "Switchboard" Andes[33] - The self-dubbed "Guru of Gossip". There's nothing Switchboard won't do, and very little she hasn't done, to find the latest "dirt" and dish it out at the teen country club. However, in "Nothing But The Gossip", she is very reluctant to spread "false" gossip[34]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she was in the role of The Ghost of Christmas Present[7]. She joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Joanna Schellenberg. In the German-dubbed version, Switchboard is called Trixie Tratsch ("Tratsch" means "gossip" in German).
  • Tara Belle - She possesses a pronounced Deep Southern accent (at least once, she referred to "folks back home on the bayou") and sports a more demure look than most of her peers, showcasing pearls, ruffles and the like. Polite and ladylike to a fault, Tara's demeanor sometimes is mistaken for naivete. In "Trouble Times Three", she had mischievous identical triplet nephews named Barry, Harry, and Larry, and she, Jett, and Shanelle babysit them, but quickly discovered that they were crafty and troublesome[35]. They mistook Chester's piglet for Barry, but after a long and frantic chase, they and Pierce found the real Barry (who was with Chester), Larry (who was with Radley), and Harry (who was with Bebe). In "Diet, Please", she went on a strict diet/exercise regimen so that she can meet the weight requirement for eligibility in the "Miss Magnolia" beauty contest, but got over-hungry and nearly starved[36]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", she was in the role of one of Buck's customers[9]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", she was in the role of one of Fred and his wife's friends and in the angry mob[7]. She joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Karen Bernstein.
  • Thunder - Blaze's black horse. Like Stardust, he is helpful and very loyal to Blaze and her friends, as shown in "Rampage"[12] and "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2"[7]. Voiced by Michael Beattie.
  • Tiara - Larke Tanner's fluffy Persian cat. Like her owner, Tiara is playful and well-mannered. However, she is easily intimidated by Empress. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", both she and Empress made a cameo appearance as The Cratchits' pets[7]. Voiced by Tracey Moore and Terri Hawkes (in some episodes).
  • Troy Jeffries - A jock's jock, Troy is the most popular boy in Beverly Hills, for all the right reasons. He is adored by every girl at Beverly Hills High School - particularly his female counterpart Larke Tanner, with whom he often seems to be in an official relationship (although, according to him, they are "not going steady"). Troy is also the apple of Bianca Dupree's eye, but he (understandably) takes her in stride. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1", he and Larke decided to go caroling and giving Christmas presents instead of attending Buck's Christmas party, and he was in the role of Fred[9]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", he was in the angry mob, and he and Larke rescued Buck and the other teens and invited them to join the caroling[7]. Voiced by Jonathan Potts.
  • Twinkle - Blaze's light brown pony. Like Stardust, she is helpful and very loyal to Blaze and her friends, as shown in "The Commercial"[37] and "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1"[9]. Voiced by Mary Long.
  • Wilshire Brentwood - Bianca Dupree's chauffeur and doormat. He is deeply in love with her, but she ignores him until he gets into danger, as shown in "Troy Triathlon"[19] when he got forgotten and left out in the cold, resulting in getting frozen in a block of ice, after which Bianca kisses him. His favorite color is white. Wilshire is always kind to Bianca's peers. He is the only member of the gang who (genuinely) likes Bianca despite her scheming, "me-first" attitude. In "My Fair Wilshire", Pierce, Radley, and Larke gave him a makeover to impress Bianca, so she temporarily "made herself over" to become considerate - taking after her nemesis Larke Tanner - but Wilshire didn't like the "new" Bianca[38]. In "Camp Camping", he insisted on serving Pierce (due to him saving Wilshire's life) instead of Bianca, with disastrous results[1]. In "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1"[9] and "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2", he was in the role of Bob Cratchit and in the angry mob[7]. He joined the caroling and giving of Christmas presents. Voiced by Michael Beattie.


  1. 1 2 "Camp Camping". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 14. Hulu.
  2. "Who Wears the Pants?". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 19. Hulu.
  3. "Downhill Racer". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 9. Hulu.
  4. 1 2 3 "The Kindest Cut of All". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 56. Hulu.
  5. "Down & Out in the Teenclub". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 7. Hulu.
  6. 1 2 "A Time to Remember". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 17. Hulu.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 2". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 65. Hulu.
  8. "Visit from a Prince". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 13. Hulu.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "Miracle at the Teen Club - Part 1". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 64. Hulu.
  10. 1 2 "Bianca's Diary". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 57. Hulu.
  11. "The Slumber Party". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 53. Hulu.
  12. 1 2 "Rampage". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 49. Hulu.
  13. "The Dog Ate My Homework". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 2. Hulu.
  14. "The Perfect Gift". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 16. Hulu.
  15. characters Thomas 'Gig' Josephson at IMDb
  16. "Double Your Trouble". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 32. Hulu.
  17. "Double-Surfing Double-Cross". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 1. Hulu.
  18. characters Jett Lyman at IMDb
  19. 1 2 "Troy Triathlon". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 63. Hulu.
  20. "Jillian's Lesson". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 44. Hulu.
  21. "Private Club – Ghosts Only". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 47. Hulu.
  22. "Hold the Anchovies". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 39. Hulu.
  23. "Scene Stealer". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 41. Hulu.
  24. "Old at Heart". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 29. Hulu.
  25. "What the Hex Happening?". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 45. Hulu.
  26. "Nikki's Big Break". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 59. Hulu.
  27. "Pierce's Hundred Dollars". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 36. Hulu.
  28. "Potions of Love". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 23. Hulu.
  29. 1 2 "From Rad to Worse". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 40. Hulu.
  30. characters Radley Coleman at IMDb
  31. "Radley Wipes Out". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 10. Hulu.
  32. "Greens with Envy". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 62. Hulu.
  33. characters Brenda 'Switchboard' Andes at IMDb
  34. "Nothing But The Gossip". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 27. Hulu.
  35. "Trouble Times Three". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 34. Hulu.
  36. "Diet, Please". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 43. Hulu.
  37. "The Commercial". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 38. Hulu.
  38. "My Fair Wilshire". Beverly Hills Teens. Season 1. Episode 4. Hulu.
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