Executions by ISIS refers here to killing by beheading, immolation, shooting, or other means of military and civilian people (such as captives and "criminals") by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). ISIL has released a number of propaganda/publicity videos of beheadings or shootings of captives. Houtat Sulūk is reported to be a mass grave.[1][2]

List of notable Islamic State executions

Victim(s) Sex(s) Nationality(s) of victim(s) Date of execution
Place of execution
Method(s) Reason(s)
39 Indian migrant workers ? Indian June 2014 Mosul, Iraq Unknown execution method Failure to pay Ransom
1,095–1,700 Iraqi soldiers M Iraqi June 12, 2014 Tikrit, Iraq Shooting Sectarian violence against Shi’ite Muslims in Iraq
200 Syrian soldiers M Syrian July 16-26, 2014 Palmyra, Syria Shooting Revenge against the Syrian regime
75 Syrian soldiers M Syrian July 25, 2014 Raqqa, Syria Beheading Holding position in Raqqa under allegiance to Bashar al-Assad
James Wright Foley M American August 19, 2014 Raqqa, Syria Beheading Retaliation for the American airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq
250 Syrian soldiers M Syrian August 27-28, 2014 Tabqa, Syria Shooting Revenge against the Syrian regime
Sgt. Ali al-Sayyed M Lebanese August 28, 2014 Arsal, Lebanon Beheading To send a message to Lebanon
Unnamed Peshmerga soldier M Kurdish August 29, 2014 Mosul, Iraq Beheading To send a message to the Peshmerga
Steven Joel Sotloff M Israeli-American September 2, 2014 Badiya, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom and continued American airstrikes against the Islamic


Sol. Abbas Medlej M Lebanese September 6, 2014 Arsal, Lebanon Beheading and shooting Attempting to escape from Islamic State captors
David Cawthorne Haines M British September 13, 2014 Badiya, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom and British airstrikes against the Islamic State
Samira Saleh Ali al-Naimi F Iraqi September 22, 2014 Mosul, Iraq Shooting Criticizing the destruction of mosques and ancient artifacts, as well as being an “apostate
Hervé Gourdel M French September 24, 2014 Tikjda, Algeria Beheading French airstrikes against the Islamic State
Alan Henning M British October 3, 2014 Badiya, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom and the continued British airstrikes against the Islamic State
Sergei Gorbunov M Russian October 25, 2014 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Failure to pay Ransom
Maj. Peter Edward Abdul-Rahman Kassig M American November 16, 2014 Dabiq, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom and the beginning of American airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria
21 Syrian soldiers M Syrian November 16, 2014 Dabiq, Syria Beheading To send a message to the Syrian regime and Western nations
100 foreign Islamic State fighters ? ? December 2014 Raqqa, Syria Beheading Deserting from the Islamic State and trying to escape Raqqa
1st LT. Muath Safi Yousef al-Kasasbeh M Jordanian January 3, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Immolation Failure to pay Ransom and in retaliation for Jordanian involvement in “Crusader” airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria
Mamayev Jambulat Yesenjenovich M Kazakh January 13, 2015 Damascus, Syria Shooting Spying for Russian intelligence
Ashimov Sergey Nikolayevich M Russian January 13, 2015 Damascus, Syria Shooting Spying for Russian intelligence
Haruna Yukawa M Japanese January 24, 2015 Deir ez-Zor, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom and to send a message to Japan
Sol. Hujam Surchi M Kurdish January 28, 2015 Mosul, Iraq Beheading To send a message to the Peshmerga and Masoud Barzani
Kenji Goto M Japanese January 31, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom and to send another message to Japan
10 alleged Egyptian spies M Egyptian February 2015 Sinai, Egypt Beheading Alleged spying for the Mossad and the Egyptian army
Kayla Jean Mueller F American February 6, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Unknown execution method, Islamic State claimed that she had been killed in a

Jordanian airstrike (proven wrong)

Failure to pay Ransom
1 Ghanaian and 20 Coptic Christians M Coptic Egyptian and Ghanaian February 15, 2015 Tripolitania, Libya Beheading To send a message to the Christians and “Crusaders”, also to avenge

Camelia Shehata Zakher

Muhammad Sa’id Isma’il Musallam M 48-Palestinian March 10, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Alleged spying for Israel
30 Ethiopian Christians M Ethiopian April 19, 2015 Cyrenaica, Libya and Fezzan, Libya Beheading and shooting To send another message to the Christians and “Crusaders”, also to avenge Muslims who

have been killed in U.S. led coalition airstrikes

Mahmud Abdul-Amir al-Khalaf M Iraqi June 17, 2015 near the Tigris, Iraq Crucifixion and amputation Spying for the Peshmerga
16 Iraqi spies M Iraqi June 23, 2015 Mosul, Iraq RPG blast, drowning and

detonating cord

Spying and giving away information about the Islamic State
Faisal Hussain al-Habib M Syrian July 6, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Participating in the activist groupRaqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently
Bashir Abduladhim M Syrian July 6, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Participating in the activist group “Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently”
Rayif al-Abd M Syrian July 16, 2015 Homs, Syria Beheading Fighting against the Islamic State under the Syrian army
10 Afghan spies M Afghan August 9, 2015 Nangarhar, Afghanistan IED Spying for the Taliban
Tomislav Salopek M Croatian August 12, 2015 Sinai, Egypt Beheading Failure to pay Ransom
Mohamed al-Mousa al-Jasim M Syrian August 15, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Participating in the activist group “Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently”
Abdallah al-Khalaf al-Humaid al-Aydan M Syrian August 15, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Participating in the activist group “Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently”
Raqan Hud Awad M Syrian August 15, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Participating in the activist group “Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently”
Khaled Mohamad al-Asaad M Syrian August 18, 2015 Palmyra, Syria Beheading Protecting “idols” and being an “apostate”
4 Iraqi militiamen M Iraqi August 30, 2015 Anbar, Iraq Immolation Revenge for Iraqi Soldiers and militiamen burning the corpses of

Islamic State fighters

7 Peshmerga soldiers M Kurdish September 30, 2015 Mosul, Iraq Beheading To send a message to the Peshmerga and the family members of the beheaded captives
Muhammad Tayib Ali al-Amri M Libyan October 16, 2015 Cyrenaica, Libya Shooting Spying for a “Western Awakening proxy”
Rushdi Ageela Omran al-Masouri M Libyan October 16, 2015 Cyrenaica, Libya Dragging Spying for a “Western Awakening proxy”
Fadi Ammar Zidan M Syrian October 24, 2015 Homs, Syria Crushing Revenge for Fadi running over the corpses of Islamic State fighters with a tank
Fan Jinghui M Chinese November 18, 2015 Deir ez-Zor, Syria Shooting Failure to pay Ransom
Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad M Norwegian November 18, 2015 Deir ez-Zor, Syria Shooting Failure to pay Ransom
Khasiev Magomed M Russian December 2, 2015 Raqqa, Syria Beheading Alleged spying for Russia
25 Houthi soldiers M Yemeni December 4, 2015 Aden Abyan, Yemen Beheading and various explosives Revenge for Houthi attacks against the Islamic State
6 Syrian spies M Syrian December 4, 2015 Deir ez-Zor, Syria Beheading and shooting Alleged spying for Israel and America
Muadh Fayumi M Syrian December 11, 2015 Damascus, Syria IED Being part of a “Western Awakening proxy
Firas Qataf M Syrian December 11, 2015 Damascus, Syria IED Being part of a “Western Awakening proxy”
Javatov Migitin Amirbekovich M Dagestani Russian December 24, 2015 Dagestan, Russia Shooting Being a governor of Kakamakhi
Ibakov Shamil Bagauddinovich M Dagestani Russian December 24, 2015 Dagestan, Russia Shooting Reporting an Islamic State member to authorities
5 Syrian collaborators with Britain M Syrian January 3, 2016 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Collaborating with Britain
6 Syrian collaborators with France M Syrian January 24, 2016 Badiya, Syria Beheading and shooting Collaborating with France
Karim Hussein M Iraqi January 30, 2016 Baiji, Iraq Beheading Being part of the Iraqi Shi’ite militia “Asa’ib Ahl al-Haqq” and fighting against

the Islamic State alongside other Iraqi militias

5 Iraqi collaborators with France M Iraqi January 30, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Shooting Collaborating with and spying for France
4 Peshmerga soldiers M Kurdish February 2, 2016 Kirkuk, Iraq Beheading To send a message to the Peshmerga and America
Muhammad Abdul-Aziz Tabsho M Syrian February 5, 2016 Aleppo, Syria Beheading Being an Imam of a “Western Awakening proxy
300+ Iraqi soldiers, law enforcement officers and civil activists ? Iraqi February 8, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Firing squad To send a message to Iraq
4 Syrian collaborators with America M Syrian February 11, 2016 Raqqa, Syria Car bomb Collaborating with America
8 Iraqi collaborators M Iraqi April 16, 2016 Fallujah, Iraq Beheading, shooting and detonating cord Collaborating with Iraqi police and security forces, as well as spying
John Bramwell Ridsdel M British-Canadian April 25, 2016 Sulu, Philippines Beheading Failure to pay Ransom
3 Houthi soldiers M Yemeni May 19, 2016 Aden Abyan, Yemen Beheading, shooting and stoning To send a message to the Houthis and other factions in Yemen that are fighting against the Islamic State
Robert Ward Hall M Canadian June 13, 2016 Sulu, Philippines Beheading Failure to pay Ransom
5 Syrian collaborators Euphrates M Syrian June 28, 2016 Abu Kamal, Syria Beheading Receiving help and training with American forces under the allegiance of “Western Awakening proxies”
Abdullah Aarf Abdul-Wahab Al-Jaheshi M Iraqi July 20, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Beheading Collaborating with and spying for France
Muhannad Mahmud Junaidan Khalaf Al-Sabawi M Iraqi July 20, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Beheading Collaborating with and spying for France
Samir Al-Hamad Majid M Iraqi August 14, 2016 Diyala, Iraq Shooting To send a message to Iraq
6 Iraqi captives M Iraqi August 15, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Beheading and shooting Graffiting anti Islamic State slogans and spying
15 Coalition collaborators M Syrian and Kurdish August 25, 2016 Raqqa, Syria Beheading and shooting Participating in the coalition against the Islamic State
Slaughterhouse massacre of 16 Syrians M Syrian September 12, 2016 Deir ez-Zor, Syria Exsanguination Collaborating with the Western coalition
FCmdr. Ahmad Musa al-Hussein M Syrian September 19, 2016 Aleppo, Syria Beheading and shooting with a mounted machine gun Being part of a “Western Awakening proxy
10 Iraqi captives M Iraqi October 13, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Shooting Graffiting anti Islamic State slogans and collaborating against the Islamic State
4 Syrian spies M Syrian October 25, 2016 Raqqa, Syria Crucifixion, shooting and stabbing Spying for the Western coalition
300 Iraqi civilians ? Iraqi October 28-November 7, 2016 Mosul, Iraq Unknown execution method Refusing to join and fight for the Islamic State
3 Syrian collaborators M Syrian November 1, 2016 Abu Kamal, Syria Beheading and shooting with a vehicle mounted anti-aircraft gun Being part of a “Western Awakening proxy
2 Iraqi spies M Iraqi November 14, 2016 near the Euphrates, Iraq Shooting with a machine gun Spying for Iraq
5 Syrian collaborators Damascus M Syrian December 6, 2016 Damascus, Syria Beheading Training with American and Jordanian forces under the allegiance of “Western Awakening


Pvt. Sefter Taş M Turkish December 22, 2016 Aleppo, Syria Immolation Turkish airstrikes against the Islamic State
Pvt. Fethi Şahin M Turkish December 22, 2016 Aleppo, Syria Immolation Turkish airstrikes against the Islamic State
6 Syrian combatants M Syrian December 28, 2016 Raqqa, Syria Shooting and throwing Being part of or spying for multiple factions that were fighting against the Islamic State in Syria
‘Umar Tariq Mahmud Mustafa at-Tai M Iraqi January 4, 2017 Mosul, Iraq Beheading Collaborating with and giving away information about the Islamic State to the Chief of Staff in the

Iraqi army during the Battle of Mosul

Adnan Hadi Muhammad ‘Ali “Seymour” M Iraqi January 4, 2017 Mosul, Iraq Drowning Collaborating with and giving away information about the Islamic State to Iraqi soldiers, militiamen

and coalition participants during the Battle of Mosul on an Iraqi radio broadcast podcast, causing 10-11 people to be killed in an American airstrike and also to punish Adnan for the drinking of liquor that some Iraqi soldiers and militiamen partake in and have caused others in Mosul to partake in as well

3 PKK spies M Syrian and Iraqi January 7, 2017 Deir ez-Zor, Syria Beheading and shooting Spying for the PKK
2 PKK spies M Syrian January 24, 2017 Raqqa, Syria Exsanguination Spying for the PKK during the Battle of Raqqa
Jürgen Gustav Kantner M German February 27, 2017 Sulu, Philippines Beheading Failure to pay Ransom
1LT. Abbas Yassin al-Daraji “Abu Bakir al-Samarayi” M Iraqi March 28, 2017 Ar-Rutba, Iraq Beheading To send a message to Iraq
4 PKK soldiers M Syrian April 19, 2017 Raqqa, Syria Beheading Fighting against the Islamic State during the Battle of Raqqa
Cpt. Petrenko Evgeny Viktorovich M Russian May 8, 2017 Badiya, Syria Beheading Being a Russian intelligence officer
7 Syrian collaborators M Syrian June 18, 2017 near the Jordan–Syria border, Syria Beheading and firing squad Collaborating with America and Jordan
Isa Ali Kinash M Syrian July 29, 2017 Raqqa, Syria Shooting Betraying the Islamic State and collaborating with the YPG during the Battle of Raqqa
Mohsen Hojaji M Iranian August 10, 2017 Iraqi-Syrian border, Iraq Beheading To send a message to Iran, “Rafidhis” (Shi’ite Muslims) and “Majusis” (Zoroastrians)
Umar Gul M Afghan November 29, 2017 Jalalabad, Afghanistan Amputation and beheading Alleged spying for American and Pakistani intelligence agencies
Cpt. Raad Khalaf al-Hamadi M Iraqi December 22, 2017 Anbar, Iraq Shooting with a machine gun To send a message to Iraq
Sol. Musaib Jasim al-Mitiri M Iraqi December 22, 2017 Anbar, Iraq Shooting with a machine gun To send a message to Iraq
Musa Abu Zammat M Egyptian January 3, 2018 Sinai, Egypt Shooting Smuggling weapons from Rafah to Gaza, as well as collaborating with Hamas and the al-Qassam Brigades
Muhannad Touqan Abu Ammar M Syrian Druze August 2, 2018 As-Suwayda, Syria Beheading Failure to pay Ransom
Louisa Vesterager Jespersen F Danish December 17, 2018 Toubkal, Morocco Beheading and stabbing Revenge for the Battle of Hajin
Maren Ueland F Norwegian December 17, 2018 Toubkal, Morocco Beheading and stabbing Revenge for the Battle of Hajin
Sgt. Christopher Omogbai M Nigerian December 8, 2019 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigerian soldiers and law enforcement
Sgt. Yakubu Bandi M Nigerian December 8, 2019 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigerian soldiers and law enforcement
Sgt. Yusuf Sulaiman M Nigerian December 8, 2019 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigerian soldiers and law enforcement
11 Nigerian Christians M Nigerian December 26, 2019 Borno, Nigeria Beheading and shooting Revenge for the deaths of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Abul-Hasan al-Muhajir, also to send a message to Christians
Unnamed Nigerian Christian M Nigerian January 18, 2020 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigerian Christians
Sol. Dandulum Sanjaman Daniel M Chadian April 25, 2020 Mayo-Kebbi, Chad Shooting To send a message to Chad
Insp. Johanah James M Nigerian June 11, 2020 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigeria
LCpl. Emannuel Oscar M Nigerian June 11, 2020 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigeria
5 Nigerian Christians M Nigerian December 29, 2020 Borno, Nigeria Shooting To send a message to Nigerian Christians
11 Hazara Shi’ites M Pakistani Hazara January 3, 2021 Machh, Pakistan Exsanguination To persecute Hazaras and Shi’ite Muslims
Nabil Habashi Salama M Coptic Egyptian April 17, 2021 Sinai, Egypt Shooting To send a message and warning to Coptic Christians in Egypt
2 Egyptian tribal fighters M Egyptian April 17, 2021 Sinai, Egypt Shooting Fighting alongside the Egyptian army
20 Nigerian Christians M Nigerian May 10, 2022 Borno, Nigeria Beheading and shooting Revenge for the deaths of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi and Abu Hamza Al-Qurashi, also to send a message to Christians
Sol. Mohammud Abdullahi M Nigerien July 10, 2022 Diffa, Niger Shooting To send a message to the people of Diffa and Nigerien soldiers
4 Cameroonian Christians M Cameroonian January 9, 2024 Bargaram, Cameroon Shooting Revenge for the Israeli assault and airstrikes in Gaza that started in 2023, also to send a message to Christians and Jews

Military captives

By June 2014, according to United Nations reports, ISIL had killed hundreds of prisoners of war[3] and over 1,000 civilians.[4][5][6] Specific incidents involving the killing of military prisoners including the mass killing of up to 250 Syrian Army soldiers near Tabqa Air base,[3] and killings that took place in Camp Speicher (1,095–1,700 Iraqi soldiers shot and "thousands" more "missing")[7][8] and the Shaer gas field (200 Syrian soldiers shot).[9] ISIL was reported to have beheaded about 100 foreign fighters as deserters who tried to leave Raqqa.[10]

Civilian captives

Among the known killings of religious and minority group civilians carried out by ISIL are those in the villages and towns of Qiiniyeh (70–90 Yazidis killed), Hardan (60 Yazidis killed), Sinjar (200–500 Yazidis killed), Ramadi Jabal (60–70 Yazidis killed), Dohula (50 Yazidis killed), Khana Sor (100 Yazidis killed), Hardan (250–300 Yazidis killed), al-Shamal (dozens of Yazidis killed), Kocho (400 Yazidis killed and 1,000 abducted), Jadala (14 Yadizis killed)[13] and Beshir (700 Shia Turkmen killed), and others committed near Mosul (670 Shia inmates of the Badush prison killed), and in Tal Afar prison, Iraq (205 Yazidis killed for refusing conversion).[13]


ISIL has tortured and murdered both local and foreign journalists,[14][15] creating what Reporters Without Borders calls "news blackholes" in areas controlled by ISIL. ISIL fighters have reportedly been given written directions to kill or capture journalists.[16]

  • James Wright Foley (October 18, 1973  c. August 19, 2014) was an American freelance journalist and photojournalist of the Syrian Civil War when he was abducted on November 22, 2012, in northwestern Syria. Foley was the first American citizen to be killed by "Jihadi John".[17] James Foley's beheading by ISIL received wide condemnation in the United States.
  • Steven Joel Sotloff (May 11, 1983 – c. September 2, 2014) was an Israeli-American[18] journalist for Time magazine and The Jerusalem Post, although the Post disavowed any relationship once Sotloff's life was threatened. In 2013, he was kidnapped in Aleppo, Syria, and was held captive by Islamic militants. On September 2, 2014, a video was released purporting to show "Jihadi John" beheading Steven Sotloff.[19][20]
  • On January 8, 2015, ISIL members in Libya claimed to have executed Tunisian journalists Sofiene Chourabi and Nadhir Ktari who disappeared in September 2014.[21]
  • In January 2015 ISIL threatened to kill two Japanese hostages, Kenji Goto Jogo, a journalist, and Haruna Yukawa (湯川遥菜), a military company operator, unless a ransom of 200 million USD is paid. By the end of the month, the group released another video of the beheading of Goto, in which Jihadi John proclaimed to Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe "because of your reckless decision to take part in an unwinnable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji, but will also carry on and cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin."[22]

Aid workers

ISIL has also murdered aid workers.

  • David Haines (May 9, 1970 – c. September 13, 2014) was abducted in March 2013 by ISIL while working in Syria for the humanitarian aid group Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development assessing the Atmeh refugee camp near the Turkish border and the Syrian province of Idlib.[23][24] A video of the lead-up and aftermath of David Haines' beheading, entitled "A Message to the Allies of America", was released by ISIL on September 13, 2014.[25]
  • Hervé Gourdel (September 12, 1959 – c. September 24, 2014) was a French citizen and mountaineering guide.[26] Gourdel was kidnapped on September 21, 2014, while hiking in the Djurdjura National Park in Algeria. The following day, an at the time recently formed ISIL affiliate in Algeria, Jund al-Khilafah, released a video which showed Hervé Gourdel being held hostage. The group threatened to kill Gourdel if the French government continued to conduct airstrikes against ISIL. On September 24, they carried through on threats to behead him after a 24-hour deadline passed.[27] The beheading was captured in a video titled "A Message of Blood for French Government."[28][29]
  • Alan Henning (August 15, 1967 – c. October 3, 2014) was a British humanitarian aid worker.[30] Henning was the fourth Western hostage killed by ISIL. Henning was captured during ISIL's occupation of the Syrian city of Al-Dana in December 2013, where he was helping with humanitarian relief.[31] The British Foreign Office withheld news of Henning's capture while they attempted to negotiate his release. Alan Henning was shown at the end of David Haines's beheading video, released on September 13, 2014, and referred to by "Jihadi John" as the next victim.[32][33] A video of Henning's beheading was released by ISIL on October 3, 2014.[30]
  • Peter Edward Kassig (February 19, 1988 – 2014),[34] also known by the name Abdul-Rahman Kassig which he assumed in captivity, was 26 years old at the time he was beheaded.[35] He was the adopted child of Ed, a school teacher, and Paula Kassig, a nurse.[36][37][38][39][40][41] On October 1, 2013, as he was on his way to Deir Ezzour in eastern Syria to deliver food and medical supplies to refugees, Kassig was taken captive by ISIL.[42][43] While in captivity, Kassig – formerly a Methodist – converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdul-Rahman Kassig, sometime between October and December 2013.[44][45] On October 3, 2014, his parents released a video in which they stressed that his conversion to Islam was not forced, and that his path to conversion began before he was taken captive.[44] On November 16, 2014, ISIL posted a video showing "Jihadi John" standing over a severed human head.[46] The beheading itself was not shown in the video. The White House later confirmed the person killed was Kassig.[47]
  • ISIL claimed that U.S. hostage Kayla Mueller was killed in the Jordanian airstrike on Raqqa on 5 February 2015. However, some experts believe that she may have been killed before the date of the video's release, in order for ISIL to try to drive a wedge between the U.S. and Jordan by blaming her death on the Jordanian airstrikes.[48][49][50] Shortly thereafter President Obama confirmed the death of Mueller by ISIL.[48][51][52][53]
  • On November 19, 2015, Chinese national Fan Jinghui (樊京辉[54]) and Norwegian national Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad were murdered by being shot by ISIL, and pictures were released in ISIL's magazine Dabiq.[55][56][57]

See also


  1. "ISIL Executes Three Men - Raqqa, Syria". Transterra Media. January 2014. Archived from the original on 23 February 2016. Retrieved 3 December 2018.
  2. "Unterwegs mit kurdischen Kämpfern - An der IS-Front" [Traveling with Kurdish fighters - At the Islamic State front]. spigel.tv. Retrieved 3 December 2018.
  3. 1 2 "Video shows Islamic State executes scores of Syrian soldiers". Reuters. 28 August 2014.
  4. "More than 1,000 killed in Iraq violence in June: U.N." Reuters. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  5. "Iraq violence: UN confirms more than 2000 killed, injured since early June". UN News Centre. 24 June 2014. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  6. "UN warns of war crimes as ISIL allegedly executes 1,700". Today's Zaman. 15 June 2014. Archived from the original on 4 July 2014. Retrieved 4 July 2014.
  7. ""داعش"، "أزلام صدام" أم "طرف ثالث".. من يقف وراء قتل 1700 جندي في "مجزرة سبايكر" بالعراق؟ ("Daash", "Saddam's henchmen" or "third party.". Who is behind murder of 1,700 in massacre Spyker "in Iraq?)" (in Arabic). CNN. 10 September 2014. Retrieved 20 October 2014.
  8. "البغدادية - قاسم عطا: 11000 مفقوداً من قاعد سبايكر وهناك مقابر جماعية للجنود في القصور الرئاسية والبوعجيل بتكريت (Qassim Atta: 11,000 missing from Spyker massacre are the mass graves of soldiers at the Presidential Palace in Tikrit)" (in Arabic). Al Baghdadia. 3 September 2014. Archived from the original on 13 September 2014. Retrieved 20 October 2014.
  9. "Syria fights to free gas field from Islamic State". Sacramento Bee. Retrieved 20 October 2014.
  10. Erika Solomon (19 December 2014). "Isis morale falls as momentum slows and casualties mount". Financial Times. Retrieved December 20, 2014.
  11. Adam Chandler (4 February 2015). "Jordan's King Abdullah Vows Revenge for Death of Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, Who Was Burned Alive by ISIS". The Atlantic.
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  13. 1 2 Report on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict in Iraq: 6 July – 10 September 2014 (PDF). ohchr.org (Report). Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq.
  14. Al Fares, Zaid (5 September 2014). "The Forgotten Isis Beheadings: The World Mourns Steven Sotloff, but who Remembers Bassam al-Rayes?". International Business Times UK. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  15. Kestler-D'Amours, Jillian (6 October 2014). "Syria journalists 'on the margins of history'". aljzeera.com. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
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  17. Alyssa Newcomb (August 20, 2014). "Another American hostage threatened with death". CBS News. World News. Retrieved August 20, 2014.
  18. Paul Hirschson (September 3, 2014). "Steven Sotloff, Journalist Beheaded by ISIS, Was Also Israeli Citizen". NBC News. Retrieved September 3, 2014.
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  21. "Libya's ISIS branch claims execution of two Tunisian journalists". Al Akhbar English.
  22. Laub, Karin (January 31, 2015). "Japanese hostage Kenji Goto seen beheaded in ISIS video, bringing abrupt end to negotiations to free him". National Post. Retrieved January 31, 2015.
  23. "David Haines – obituary". The Daily Telegraph. London. September 14, 2014.
  24. Robinson, Nick (September 3, 2014). "British hostage: PM says UK will not be 'cowed' by threats". BBC News. Retrieved September 8, 2014.
  25. Haberman, Zach (September 13, 2014). "David Haines video: Full transcript of ISIS footage that allegedly depicts beheading of British aid worker". New York Times. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
  26. "Niçois enlevé en Algérie: Fabius confirme l'authenticité de la vidéo". Nice Matin. September 22, 2014. Archived from the original on February 1, 2015.
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  29. "Jund al-Khilafah in Algeria Beheads French Hostage in Video". SITE Intelligence Group. September 24, 2014. Archived from the original on September 25, 2014. Retrieved September 24, 2014.
  30. 1 2 "Alan Henning 'killed by Islamic State'". BBC. October 3, 2014. Retrieved October 3, 2014.
  31. Harper, Tom (September 14, 2014). "Alan Henning: Second British hostage in Isis beheading video named as 'kind and funny' aid worker". The Independent. London. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
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  33. Cobain, Ian (September 14, 2014). "Isis hostage: Alan Henning described as 'a big man with a big heart'". The Guardian. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
  34. "Remembering Abdul-Rahman (Peter) Kassig". Butler University. November 19, 2014. Retrieved December 18, 2014.
  35. "BBC News - Abdul-Rahman Kassig killing is pure evil, says Obama". BBC News. Retrieved November 19, 2014.
  36. Eason, Brian; Wang, Stephanie; Adams, Michael Anthony (October 3, 2014). "Indianapolis native Peter Kassig named next ISIS target". Indianapolis Star. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  37. Wagner, Meg (October 9, 2014). "'On our own, with no help from the government': Peter Kassig's mom claims U.S. won't help kidnapped son, tweets to ISIS for his release". New York Daily News. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
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  41. Brian Eason (November 20, 2014). "Peter Kassig's birth family breaks silence". The Indianapolis Star. Retrieved November 24, 2014. The Kassigs acknowledged on Thursday that they adopted Peter as an infant.
  42. "Indianapolis native Peter Kassig named next ISIS target". October 3, 2014. Retrieved October 7, 2014.
  43. "Peter Kassig: Idealistic aid worker who converted to Islam in captivity". Telegraph.co.uk. October 4, 2014. Retrieved October 7, 2014.
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  46. "IS Beheads Peter Kassig, Challenges U.S. to Send Ground Troops". SITE Monitoring Service. 2014-11-16. (transcript of the video, largely based on the original English subtitles)
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