<< June 1910 >>
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The following events occurred in June 1910:

June 1, 1910: Scott's Terra Nova departs for Antarctica
June 3, 1910: Amundsen's Fram departs for Antarctica
June 5, 1910: Charcot's Pourquoi Pas? returns from Antarctica

June 1, 1910 (Wednesday)

Robert Scott, Roald Amundsen and Jean-Baptiste Charcot
  • The British Antarctic Expedition, led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott on the steamer Terra Nova, departed from London with 55 people and a goal of reaching the South Pole in December.[1]
  • The first white settlements on the banks of Alaska's Iditarod River were made when a steamer brought gold prospectors to within eight miles (13 km) of a gold strike. By August, there were two towns, each with 2,000 people: Iditarod and Flat.[2]

June 2, 1910 (Thursday)

June 3, 1910 (Friday)

  • The Norwegian Antarctic Expedition, led by Roald Amundsen on the steamer Fram, departed from Christiania (now Oslo) without fanfare, and no announcement until later in the year of Amundsen's intention to reach the South Pole.[5]
  • Ecuador and Peru withdrew their troops from the border between the two nations as the first step in the mediation of their dispute.[4][6]

June 4, 1910 (Saturday)

June 5, 1910 (Sunday)

O. Henry
  • William Sidney Porter, who, under the pen name O. Henry, was one of the most popular story writers in America, died in New York City at the age of 47. O. Henry, who suffered from cirrhosis of the liver and diabetes, had published more than 250 stories in his lifetime, and more after his death. Despite a large income from his writing, he was continuously broke.[10]
  • Jean-Baptiste Charcot and the crew of the Antarctic exploring ship Pourquoi-Pas returned to a hero's welcome in France, during the same week Robert Scott and Roald Amundsen were beginning their expeditions to the South Pole.[11]
  • The Nanking Exposition, an official world's fair hosted by the Imperial government, opened in China.[12][13]

June 6, 1910 (Monday)

  • President Taft met with the presidents of the Western railroads, and then the next day with the Presidents of the Pennsylvania Railroad, New York Central and Southern Railway. All the companies agreed to suspend proposed rate increases.[4]

June 7, 1910 (Tuesday)

  • An earthquake that struck Southern Italy at 3:00 a.m. killed scores of people.[4][14]
  • Mexican troops were dispatched to suppress an uprising by the Maya Indians in Yucatán.[4]
  • The towns of Byron, Wyoming, and Bucoda, Washington, were both incorporated.

June 8, 1910 (Wednesday)

June 9, 1910 (Thursday)

June 10, 1910 (Friday)

June 11, 1910 (Saturday)

June 12, 1910 (Sunday)

  • Torrential rains caused record floods throughout central Europe. The Ahr River overflowed in Germany, killing 200 people around Oberammergau.[18]
  • An armed mob in the town of Darrington, Washington, drove out 30 Japanese workers who had recently been hired by the United States Lumber Company. The men were given until Sunday morning to gather their effects, then placed on a train bound for Arlington.[19]
  • The Francisco Ferrer Association was created in New York City by 22 anarchists and sympathizers in memory of Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia. The Association founded a cultural center, a school, and, in 1915, a community built on 140 acres (0.57 km2) of land near New Brunswick, New Jersey.[20]

June 13, 1910 (Monday)

  • A 35-ton water tank, located on top of the four-story high Montreal Herald building, fell through the roof after one of its supports collapsed, killing 32 people.[21]
  • Halley's Comet was no longer visible, from Earth, with the naked eye, and would not be again until late 1985.[22]

June 14, 1910 (Tuesday)

June 15, 1910 (Wednesday)

June 16, 1910 (Thursday)

  • A cloudburst in Hungary added to existing flood waters, killing 800 people in villages in the Kronstadt district, another 180 in Temesvar and 100 in Moldava.[25]
  • The United States Senate unanimously passed a bill extending statehood to the territories of Arizona and New Mexico. Admission as a state still required adopting a proposed state constitution, subject then to the approval of Congress and the President, as well as other procedures.[26]
  • Born: Juan Velasco Alvarado, dictator of Peru from 1968 to 1975; in Piura (d. 1977)

June 17, 1910 (Friday)

June 18, 1910 (Saturday)

  • The first "ticker tape parade" was held, as former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt was welcomed back to the United States after being overseas in Africa and Europe for more than a year. The liner SS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria arrived at New York City, and parades were held to welcome back the former chief executive.[30]
  • Alex Smith won the U.S. Open golf tournament in an 18-hole playoff, after he, John J. McDermott, and Macdonald Smith had played the first three-way tie in the event's history.
  • The Mann-Elkins act was passed, giving the Interstate Commerce Commission jurisdiction to begin government regulation of interstate telephone, telegraph and cable communications. Another provision of the act gave the ICC immediate power to suspend railroad rate hikes.[31]
  • The city of Glendale, Arizona, was incorporated.

June 19, 1910 (Sunday)

  • Father's Day was observed for the first time, as the result of the efforts of Mrs. John B. Dodd (Sonora Smart Dodd) to honor her late father, William Smart, and all other fathers. The city of Spokane, Washington, proclaimed the third Sunday in June as Father's Day, a date that later received recognition nationwide.[32]
  • Born:

June 20, 1910 (Monday)

  • At 1:40 pm, President Taft signed the Enabling Act of 1910, granting the conditions for New Mexico and Arizona to be admitted as states. A solid gold pen, presented by Postmaster General Hitchcock, and an eagle feather pen, presented by New Mexico's delegate to Congress, were used in the White House Ceremony.[33] Statehood was achieved in 1912 for New Mexico as the 47th state and Arizona as the 48th.

June 21, 1910 (Tuesday)

June 22, 1910 (Wednesday)

June 23, 1910 (Thursday)

  • At least 60 people were killed in a train wreck near Manzanillo in Mexico, after four cars broke loose from the locomotive while it climbed a steep grade.[39]
  • Born:

June 24, 1910 (Friday)

  • President Taft signed the "Wireless Act of 1910" into law. All ships carrying at least 50 persons were required to install radio by July 1, 1911.[40]
  • Anonima Lombarda Fabbrica Autombili (ALFA) was founded in Milan. The automaker is now known by the name Alfa Romeo.[41]

June 25, 1910 (Saturday)

  • The Mann Act, known popularly as the "White Slave Traffic Act" was passed by the United States Congress, prohibiting the transportation of women across state lines for "immoral purposes".[31]
  • Igor Stravinsky's ballet, The Firebird (L'Oiseau de feu), was premiered in Paris. The ballet "made the twenty-eight year old composer famous overnight".[42]
  • The U.S. Parole Commission was created, making it possible for the first time for persons, convicted of a federal crime, to be paroled before the end of their sentences. Prior to the passage of the law, a federal prisoner could only secure an early release by commutation or pardon by the President of the United States.[43]
  • The United States Postal Savings System was created by law, adapting, for the United States a system that had been used in European nations for people to deposit up to $2,500 into an interest-bearing (2%) account at their local post office. The system would not be fully abolished until 1985.[31][44]
  • The Pickett Act became law, giving the U.S. President authority to withdraw government-owned land from public use, as necessary, for government projects.[45]
  • The "direct system" of public land surveying began in the United States, replacing the system of contracting with private surveyors.[46]
  • Died: Juan Williams, "father of the Chilean Navy"

June 26, 1910 (Sunday)

June 27, 1910 (Monday)

  • In Irwinville, Georgia, cop-killer W.H. Bostwick shot himself after releasing six children whom he had taken hostage. Bostwick had murdered the Irwin County Sheriff and the chief of police of Ocilla the day before, and shot four deputies in the siege, one fatally.[49]
  • Three masked bandits conducted a train robbery on the Oregon Short Line, as its train No. 1 approached Ogden, Utah. Nearly 100 passengers and crew lost their money to the thieves.[50]
  • Robert A. Taft, the 20-year-old son of the President of the United States (as well as a future U.S. Senator from Ohio), accidentally ran over a pedestrian with his automobile while driving near Beverly, Massachusetts. Michael Thisthwolla received prompt medical attention, and President Taft paid the man's hospital bills, as well as a trip to Italy and more than a year's pay.[51]
  • The first "electric bulletin press" was installed in a large window at the New York Times building, introducing the concept of displaying breaking news as it was received. An operator would type news bulletins on an electric keyboard, and the words would be printed in letters 1+12 inches high, large enough to be read from the street. The first big test was in instant updates on the July 4 Johnson-Jeffries boxing match.[52]

June 28, 1910 (Tuesday)

June 29, 1910 (Wednesday)

June 30, 1910 (Thursday)


  1. "Expedition Starts for the South Pole", New York Times, June 2, 1910, p1
  2. "Iditarod of Yesteryear", AlaskaGeographic.org
  3. "Flies English Channel Twice", New York Times, June 3, 1910, p1
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "Record of Current Events", The American Monthly Review of Reviews (July 1910), pp33–36
  5. Paul Simpson-Housley, Antarctica: Exploration, Perception, and Metaphor (Routledge, 1992), p26
  6. "Promise to Recall Armies", New York Times, June 4, 1910, p8; "Peru Recalls Troops", Washington Post, June 22, 1910, p1
  7. "Yucatán Natives Sack Valladolid", New York Times, June 7, 1910, p1
  8. Alexander Schouvaloff, The Art of Ballets Russes (Yale University Press, 1998), p62
  9. Harvey Cushing and Oskar Hirsch: early forefathers of modern transsphenoidal surgery, J Neurosurg 103:1096–1104, 2005
  10. "O. Henry". Southern Writers: A New Biographical Dictionary. Louisiana State University Press. 2006. p. 196.
  11. Bridges, Thomas C.; Tiltman, H. Hessell (1971). Heroes of Modern Adventure. Ayer Publishing. p. 45.
  12. HK.huaxia.com. "HK.huaxia.com Archived 2012-09-12 at the Wayback Machine." 南洋勸業會:南京一個世紀前的世博會. Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  13. Big5.xinhuanet.com. "Xinhuanet.com Archived 2011-06-09 at the Wayback Machine." 南京舉辦《跨越歷史的牽手--中國與世博會》圖片展. Retrieved 2010-05-08.
  14. "Earthquake Kills Scores in Italy". The New York Times. June 1910.
  15. "Connaught in Grey's Place", New York Times, June 10, 1910, p4
  16. "Hardinge to Rule India", New York Times, June 11, 1910, p3
  17. Arrell Morgan Gibson, Oklahoma: A History of Five Centuries (University of Oklahoma Press, 1981), p206
  18. "Flood Drowns 150 in Rhenish Prussia", New York Times, June 14, 1910, p1
  19. "Japanese Put Out of Town", New York Times, June 15, 1910, p1
  20. Laurence R. Veysey, The Communal Experience: Anarchist and Mystical Communities in Twentieth-Century America (University of Chicago Press, 1978) p77
  21. "Water Tank Wrecks Building", New York Times, June 14, 1910, p1
  22. "Comet Has Disappeared", Logansport (IN) Pharos, June 13, 1910, p4
  23. "Centennial of the University of the Philippines Los Baños", Manila Bulletin, March 6, 1909
  24. "100 Dead in Battle". The Washington Post. June 21, 1910. p. 1.
  25. "1,000 Dead in Hungary", New York Times, June 18, 1910, p1
  26. "Statehood Bills Passed", New York Times, June 17, 1910, p1
  27. http://english.mapn.ro/aboutmod/daysofarms.php Romanian Ministry of National Defence website
  28. "Lighthouses: An Administrative History", National Park Service website
  29. "Speakers Reed, Cannon, and Gingrich: Catalysts of Institutional and Procedural Change" Archived 2010-01-06 at the Wayback Machine, by Walter J. Oleszek
  30. "Famous Ticker-Tape Parades in New York City", FOX New York website, November 5, 2009; "Triumph To-Day For Roosevelt", New York Times, June 18, 1910, p1
  31. 1 2 3 Gordon Carruth, ed., The Encyclopedia of American Facts and Dates (3rd. Ed.), (Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1962), pp418–422
  32. Ralph LaRossa, The Modernization of Fatherhood: A Social and Political History (University of Chicago Press, 1997), pp171–172
  33. "Signs With Eagle's Feather", New York Times, June 21, 1910, p3
  34. "Founders". Archived from the original on 2013-07-03. Retrieved 2009-12-24.
  35. "Vaccine Prevents Typhoid", Washington Post, June 22, 1910, p1
  36. 1 2 3 4 "Record of Current Events", The American Monthly Review of Reviews (August 1910), pp162–165
  37. "First Passenger Flight By Airship", New York Times, June 23, 1910, p1
  38. "Made Prince of Wales", Washington Post, June 23, 1910, p1
  39. "37 Dead In Wreck", New York Times, June 25, 1910, p4
  40. EarlyRadioHistory.us
  41. "The Ten Decades of Alfa Romeo"
  42. Harold C. Schonberg, The Lives of the Great Composers (NortonM 1997), p479
  43. "History of The Federal Parole System" Archived 2013-03-13 at the Wayback Machine
  44. "U.S. Postal System 1775–1993"
  45. Lita Epstein, et al., The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Politics of Oil (Alpha Books, 2003), p131
  46. Branch of Geographic Sciences, Bureau of Land Management Archived 2010-04-04 at the Wayback Machine
  47. "Big Vote For Diaz", New York Times, June 27, 1910, p1
  48. "New Portuguese Cabinet", New York Times, June 27, 1910, p4
  49. "Slayer Dies at Bay", Washington Post, June 28, 1910, p1
  50. "Robbers Loot Train", Washington Post, June 28, 1910, p1
  51. Michael L. Bromley, William Howard Taft and the first Motoring Presidency (McFarland & Co. 2003), pp276–277; "Robert Taft in Auto Runs Over Laborer", New York Times, June 28, 1910, p1
  52. "Bulletins Printed By Unseen Hands", New York Times, July 2, 1910, p4
  53. "Air Liner Wrecked", Washington Post, June 29, 1910, p1
  54. "History of SACU", Southern African Customs Union website
  55. "Curtiss Drops 'Bombs'", Washington Post, July 1, 1910, p1
  56. Jon Steffanson, Denmark and Sweden with Iceland and Finland (T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1916)
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