Johanne Walhorn (born 19 February 1911 in Düsseldorf; died 24 May 1995 in Ischia) was a German lawyer and the third woman in the city of Münster history to be awarded the Paulus Badge for her services to the city.[1] Being active in social life, she managed to work in 23 committees of Münster, re-established the German Housewives Association in Münster, was chairwoman of the district group of the Hausfrauenverein Münster, in 1951, initiated the "meat strike",[2] built up the Kreiskreis Münster of the German Joint Welfare Association,[3] played a great role in establishing Consumer Advice Center, in 1990, she founded the regional group Westphalia of the German Lawyers' Association.


  1. Deutscher Juristinnenbund "Aktuelle Informationen für Juristinnen, Volks- und Betriebswirtinnen" Nr. 2, Juni 1995,
  2. Frauenorganisationen in Münster im Wandel der Zeit 1950-2000 von Marianne Hopmann, Ed. AMF Münster, 2000
  3. Münsterscher Anzeiger vom 25. Februar 1991
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