Jakob Meiland (1575)

Jakob Meiland (Senftenberg, 1542-Hechingen, 31 December 1577) was a German composer. His St. Matthew Passion follows the model of Johann Walter's first Lutheran passion historia (c. 1530) but has more elaborate choral numbers.[1]


  • St Matthew Passion
  • Sacrae aliquot cantiones latinae et germanicae, quinqué et quatuor vocum Frankfurt 1575


  1. Howard E. Smither History of the Oratorio: Vol. 2: the Oratorio in the Baroque ... 2012 p.5 "This Passion by Walter was a model for numerous other sixteenth- and seventeenth-century works, including an anonymous St. Matthew Passion (attributed to Walter) in a manuscript of 1573 and the St. Matthew Passions by Jakob Meiland (1570), Samuel Besler (1611), and Melchior Vulpius (1613)"

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