Currently 27 bureaus and offices make up the internal organization of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party.

Internal organization

  • General Office (办公厅)
  • Propaganda Department (宣传部)
  • Organization Department (组织部)
  • Research Office (研究室)
  • Legislative Office (法规室)
  • Office for Improve Party Conduct and Style? (党风政风监督室)
  • Complaints Office (信访室)
  • Office of Central Leading Group for Inspection Work (中央巡视工作领导小组办公室)
  • Laws and Regulations Office (案件监督管理室)
  • No. 1 to No. 12 Offices for Discipline Inspection and Supervision (纪检监察室, 12 divisions)
  • Case Hearing Office (案件审理室)
  • Supervision Integrated Office (纪检监察干部监督室)
  • International Cooperation Agency (国际合作局)
  • Office for Government Administration (机关事务管理局)
  • Administrative Office of Party Organs (机关党委)
  • Bureau of Retired Cadres (离退休干部局)
Before 2014 reorganization
  • No. 1 to No. 12 Offices for Discipline Inspection and Supervision
  • Office for Circuit Inspection Work
  • Research Office
  • Case Hearing Office
  • Complaints Office
  • Supervision Office for Enforcement and Performance
  • Office for Propaganda and Education
  • Administrative Bureau of Case Supervision
  • Laws and Regulations Office
  • Supervision Integrated Office
  • Office for the Prevention of Corruption
  • Foreign Affairs' Bureau
  • Administrative Office of Party Committee
  • Bureau of Departmental Affairs Management
  • Bureau of Retired Cadres
  • Cadre Office
  • Theories of Clean Government Research Centre
  • Information Centre
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