Dating back to the early 12th century, the Alcázar of Segovia is one of the most distinctive medieval castles in Europe. Disney was inspired by this site in building Cinderella's castle.

The castles in Spain were built mainly for the country's defense, particularly with respect to fortification. During the Middle Ages, northern Christian kingdoms had to secure their borders with their Muslim southern neighbours, thus forcing both Christian and Muslim kings to grant border fiefs to their liege noblemen so as to keep and maintain defensive fortresses. When the Reconquista advanced, those border castles lost their initial purpose, and, as in the rest of medieval Europe, they were used as noble residences and fief-keeps. Sporadic threats of war maintained their initial military purposes as enemy invasions were common. In some locations, such as the Basque country, fiefdoms did not exist as such, and noble families could not afford nor did they need huge fortresses, giving rise to many tower houses. In Muslim Spain many castle-palaces were built: the petty taifa kingdoms that arose after the fall of the Caliphate of Córdoba were militarily weak thus castles began taking on a more aesthetic purpose. During the late Middle Ages, Christian kingdoms had secured and enriched themselves well enough to support a more courtly lifestyle, so more residential castles were built, such as the Alcázar of Segovia, which was used as the main residence of the kings of Castile, whereas the Castle of Olite, built in a luxurious gothic style, was the seat of the Kingdom of Navarre's royal court.

After the Conquest of Granada in 1492, the Catholic monarchs ordered all the castles in their realms to be handed over to the Crown. Although the order was not completely carried out, the War of the Germanias, a rebellion against king Charles V in the early 16th century, forced the new Spanish Habsburg dynasty to continue the process, and many castles were demolished as well. Most of the castles in Spain were successively abandoned and dismantled, Spanish kings fearing noble and peasant revolts, especially in the newly conquered lands. Accordingly, some of them are nowadays in a state of decay, and although some restoration work has been done, the number of former castles is so large that the Spanish government lacks both the resources and the will to restore them all.



Alcazaba of Almería
Battery of Guardias Viejas
  • Alcazaba of Almería
  • Castle of San Pedro
  • Castle of Cuevas del Almanzora
  • Castle of Gérgal
  • Castle of Huebro
  • Castle of San Cristóbal (Almería)
  • Castle of San Juan de los Terreros
  • Castle of Tabernas
  • Castle of Vélez-Blanco
  • Castle of the Peñón de las Juntas, Abla
  • Casa Fuerte de la Cruceta
  • El Castillejo (Abrucena), Abrucena
  • Battery of Guardias Viejas
  • Battery of San Felipe
  • Battery of San Ramón
  • Castle of Santa Ana
  • Atalaya of San Miguel (Almería)
  • Atalaya of the Perdigal, Almería
  • Tower of Cárdenas
  • Tower García
  • Tower of la Garrofa (Almería)
  • Tower of Macenas
  • Tower of Medala (Tahal)
  • Tower of la Vela Blanca, Níjar
  • Houses Forts (Almería)
  • Walls of Adra
  • Caliphate Walls of Almería
  • Castillo de las Escobetas, Garrucha


Alcázar of Jerez de la Frontera
Castle of Aznalmara
Castle of Santa Catalina (Cádiz)
Castle of Sancti Petri
Castle of San Marcos
Castle of Santiago
Castle of Doña Blanca


Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos


The Alhambra of Granada.
Castle of La Calahorra
  • Alhambra
  • Alcazaba of Loja
  • Alcazaba of Salobreña
  • Alcazaba of Guadix
  • Alcazaba of Baza
  • Castle of La Calahorra
  • Castle of Almuñécar
  • El Castillejo (Los Guájares)
  • Castle of Píñar
  • Castle of Láchar
  • Castle of Montefrío
  • Castle of Moclín
  • Castle of Iznalloz
  • Castle of Illora
  • Castle of Lanjarón
  • Castle of Chite
  • Castle of Dúrcal
  • Castle of Lojuela
  • Castle of Mondújar
  • Castle of Restábal
  • Fort of Juviles
  • Atalaya of la Sierra del Muerto
  • Atalaya of Sierra Bermeja
  • Atalaya of Sierra Encantada
  • Atalaya of the Campo-Botardo
  • Atalaya of la Mesa
  • Atalaya of la Porqueriza
  • Atalaya of La Solana
  • Atalaya of la Cantera de Valentín
  • Atalaya of Cónchar
  • Atalaya de Saleres
  • Torreón of Huétor
  • Towers Bermejas
  • Tower atalaya of Mingoandrés
  • Tower of la Gallina
  • Tower of Marchena
  • Tower del Tío Bayo
  • Tower atalaya del Cautor
  • Tower of la Rijana
  • Silla del Moro
  • Other castles in the municipality of Motril and Gualchos


  • Alfayat of la Peña
  • Castle of Almonaster la Real
  • Castle of Aracena
  • Castle of Aroche
  • Castle of Ayamonte
  • Castle of Cortegana
  • Castle of Cumbres Mayores
  • Castle fortress of Los Zúñiga (Cartaya)
  • Castle of Gibraleón
  • Castle of Moguer
  • Castle of los Guzmanes (Niebla)
  • Castle of Paymogo
  • Castle of San Pedro de Huelva
  • Castle of Sanlúcar de Guadiana
  • Castle of Santa Olalla del Cala
  • Tower del Catalán
  • Tower de Isla Canela


Castle of la Yedra
Castle of Santa Catalina
Castle of Mata Bejid
  • Castle of Abrehuí
  • Castle of Albanchez de Mágina
  • Castle of Alcaudete
  • Castle of Aldehuela
  • Castle of Andújar
  • Castle of Arjona
  • Castle of Begíjar
  • Castle of Boabdil (Porcuna)
  • Castle of Bujaraiza
  • Castle of Burgalimar (Baños de la Encina)
  • Castle of Canena
  • Castle of Cardete
  • Castle of Castro Ferral (Santa Elena)
  • Castle of Fuencubierta
  • Castle of Giribaile (Vilches)
  • Castle of Hornos
  • Old Castle of Jaén
  • Castle of Jamilena
  • Castle of Jódar
  • Castle of la Aragonesa (Marmolejo)
  • Castle of la Encomienda de Víboras
  • Castle of La Guardia de Jaén
  • Castle of la Iruela
  • Castle of la Muña
  • Castle of la Peña de Martos
  • Castle of la Tobaruela (Linares)
  • Castle of la Villa de Martos
  • Castle of la Yedra
  • Castle del Berrueco (Torredelcampo)
  • Castle of Linares
  • Castle of Lopera
  • Castle of Mata Bejid (Cambil)
  • Castle of Sabiote
  • Castle del Trovador Macías (Arjonilla)
  • Castle of las Navas de Tolosa
  • Castle of Otíñar
  • Castle of Peñaflor (Jaén)
  • Castle of Peñolite
  • Castle of the Peñón
  • Castle of Tíscar
  • Castle of Torredonjimeno
  • Castle of Torre Alcázar
  • Castle of Torre Venzala
  • Castle of Torres de Albanchez
  • Castle of Toya
  • Castle of Santa Catalina (Jaén)
  • Castle of Santa Eufemia (Cástulo)
  • Castle of Segura de la Sierra
  • Castillejo de Zumel
  • Castle of la Torre de Martos
  • Castle of Vilches
  • Fortress of la Mota (Alcalá la Real)
  • Towers of Santa Catalina
  • Tower Olvidada
  • Tower of Santa Ana (Alcalá la Real)
  • Peñas de Castro
  • Walls of Jaén
  • Walls of Úbeda


Alcazaba of Málaga.
Gibralfaro Castle, Málaga.
Alcazaba of Antequera


Alcázar of Seville
Torre del Oro
  • Alcázar of the King Don Pedro
  • Alcázar Puerta de Sevilla, Carmona
  • Alcazar of Alcalá de Guadaíra
  • Alcázar of Seville
  • Castle of Cote (Montellano)
  • Castle of El Coronil
  • Castle of El Real de la Jara
  • Castle of Estepa
  • Castle of las Aguzaderas (El Coronil)
  • Castle of Lebrija
  • Castle of Los Molares
  • Castle of Luna (Mairena del Alcor)
  • Castle of Marchenilla (Alcalá de Guadaíra)
  • Castle of Morón de la Frontera
  • Castle of Setefilla
  • Castle of Utrera
  • Tower Abd el Aziz
  • Torre del Oro
  • Torre de la Plata
  • Tower of la Rijana
  • Tower of los Herberos



Castle of Loarre
Citadel of Jaca
  • Castle of Arrés
  • Castle of Alquezar
  • Castle Palace of Argabieso
  • Castle of Benabarre
  • Castle of Boltaña
  • Castle of Fantova
  • Castle of Loarre
  • Castle of Marcuello
  • Castle of Monzón
  • Castle of Montearagón
  • Castle of Samitier
  • Castle of Torres-Secas
  • Citadel of Jaca
  • Tower of Fiscal
  • Walls of Antillón


Castle of Peracense
  • Castle of Albarracín
  • Castle of Alcalá de la Selva
  • Castle of Calanda
  • Castle of Alcañiz
  • Castle of Mora de Rubielos
  • Castle of Ojos Negros
  • Castle of Peracense
  • Castle of Puertomingalvo
  • Castle of Tornos
  • Castle of Valderrobres
  • Castle of Villel


Castle of Aljafería
  • Castle of Aljafería
  • Castle of Aranda de Moncayo
  • Castle of Bichuesca
  • Castle of Arandiga
  • Castle of Grisel
  • Castle of Biel
  • Castle of Daroca
  • Castle of Exarc de Moncayo
  • Castle of Luesia
  • Castle of Mesones de Isuela
  • Castle of Sadaba
  • Castle of Sibirana
  • Castle of Trasmoz
  • Castle of Uncastillo
  • Castle of la Zuda (Borja)
  • Castle Mayor (Daroca)
  • Torreón of La Zuda
  • Walls of Zaragoza

Principality of Asturias

Castle of Las Caldas
Castle of Tudela
Torreón of Llanes
  • Castle of Alba (Quirós)
  • Castle of Alba (Somiedo)
  • Castle of Alesga
  • Castle of Campogrande
  • Castle of Las Caldas
  • Castle of la Cabezada
  • Castle of Gauzón
  • Castle of Peña Manil
  • Castle of Salas
  • Castle of San Martín
  • Castle of Soto (Aller)
  • Castle of Soto (Ribera de Arriba)
  • Castle of Soto de los Infantes
  • Castle of Tudela
  • Castle of Villademoros
  • Castle of Villamorey
  • Palace Ferrera (Báscones)
  • El Torreón
  • Torreón of Llanes
  • Torreón of Lludeña
  • Torreón of Peñerudes
  • Tower del Valledor
  • Tower of the Castle of Yabio
  • Tower of los Valdés
  • Tower of Proaza
  • Tower of la Quintana
  • Tower of los Valdés
  • Tower of San Julián
  • Tower of Tronquedo
  • Walls of Oviedo

Basque Country


  • Castle of Zabala
  • Castle of Gebara
  • Castle of Eskibel
  • Castle of Ocio
  • Roman oppidum of Iruña-Veleia
  • Tower of Mendoza
  • Tower of los Varona
  • Tower of Barrón
  • Tower of Doña Otxanda in Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Tower of Orgaz and Tower of Kondestable
  • Tower Negorta
  • Tower-House of Calderondar eta Salazatar
  • Tower-House of Galartza
  • Walls of Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Old town of Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • Walled town of Labraza
  • Walled town of Antoñana
  • Walled town of Laguardia
  • Walled town of Gatzaga Buradon
  • Walled town of Urizaharra


Castle of Butrón
Castle of Empress Eugénie de Montijo
  • Castle of Gaztelu Zahar
  • Castle of Charles V
  • Castle of la Mota in the Mount Urgull in San Sebastián
  • Castle of Atxorrotx
  • Fort of San Marcos
  • Tower Idiakez
  • Tower of Sasiola
  • Tower Zumeltzegi
  • Tower-House Enparan
  • Walled town of Hondarribia
  • Walled town of Leintz-Gatzaga


  • Castle of Butrón
  • Castle of Empress Eugénie de Montijo
  • Castle of Muñatoizko San Martin
  • Castle of Malmasin
  • Complex of coastal fortresses of the Mount Serantes
  • Fort of la Galea
  • Torre Loizaga
  • Tower of Lezama
  • Tower Malpika
  • Tower of Salazar
  • Tower of Zamudio
  • Tower Martiartu
  • Tower of Muntsaratz
  • Tower-House Likona
  • Tower-House of Urrutia
  • Walled town of Bermeo

Balearic Islands

Castle of Bellver
Castle of Cabrera

Canary Islands


Castle of Argüeso
  • Castle of Aldueso
  • Castle of Allendelagua
  • Castle of Agüero
  • Castle of Argüeso
  • Castle of Castro Urdiales
  • Castle of Cobejo
  • Castle of El Collado
  • Castle of El Haya
  • Castle of Montehano
  • Castle of Piñeres
  • Castle of Pedraja
  • Castle of San Felices de Buelna
  • Castle of San Vicente de la Barquera
  • Castle of Suances
  • Castle of Treceño
  • Castillo de Villamoñico
  • Castle of Villegas
  • Castle of Vispieres
  • Palace of Riva-Herrera
  • Fort del Mazo
  • Battery of San Martín
  • Battery of San Martín Alto
  • Battery of San Pedro del Mar
  • Low Battery of Galvanes

Castile and León

Castle of Don Álvaro de Luna
Castle of Burgos
Castle of Olmillos de Sasamón
Castle of Valencia de Don Juan
Templar Castle of Ponferrada
Castle of Ampudia
Real Fuerte de la Concepción
Alcázar of Segovia
Castle of Coca
Castle of Cuéllar
Castle of Almenar
Castle of Montuenga
Castle of Ucero
Castle of the Counts of Benavente
Castle of Castrotorafe
Castle of Zamora


  • Castle of La Adrada
  • Castle of Don Álvaro de Luna (Arenas de San Pedro)
  • Castle of Arévalo
  • Castle of the Alcázar (Ávila)
  • Castle of El Barco de Ávila
  • Castle of Bonilla de la Sierra
  • Castle of Zurraquín (Cabezas del Villar)
  • Castle of El Mirón
  • Castle of Aunqueospese (Mironcillo)
  • Castle of Mombeltrán
  • Castle of the Duke of Montellano (Narros de Saldueña)
  • Castle Count of Rasura (Rasueros)
  • Castle of Castronuevo (Rivilla de Barajas)
  • Castle of Villaviciosa (Solosancho)
  • Castle of Villatoro (Villatoro)
  • Castle-Palace of Magalia (Las Navas del Marqués)
  • Walls of Ávila




  • Castle of Abia de las Torres
  • Castle of Aguilar de Campoo
  • Castle of Ampudia
  • Castle of Amusco
  • Castle of Antigüedad
  • Castle of Astudillo
  • Castle of Autilla del Pino
  • Castle of Autillo de Campos
  • Castle of Belmonte de Campos (Belmonte de Campos)
  • Castle of Agüero (Buenavista de Valdavia)
  • Castle of Castrillo de Villavega
  • Castle of las Cabañas de Castilla
  • Castle of Sarmiento (Fuentes de Valdepero)
  • Castle of Monzón de Campos
  • Castle of Gama
  • Castle of Hornillos de Cerrato
  • Castle of Palenzuela
  • Castle of the Counts of Saldaña
  • Castle of la Estrella de Campos (Torremormojón)
  • Castle of Valderrábano
  • Castle of Villanueva de la Torre (Barruelo de Santullán)


  • Alcázar of Salamanca
  • Castle of Ledesma
  • Castle of Alba de Tormes
  • Castle of Ciudad Rodrigo or Castle of Henry II of Castile
  • Castle of Ledesma
  • Castle of Sobradillo
  • Castle of Béjar
  • Castle of Miranda del Castañar
  • Castle of Monleón
  • Castle of Montemayor del Río
  • Castle of Puente del Congosto
  • Castle of San Felices de los Gallegos
  • Castle del Buen Amor or Castle of Villanueva de Cañedo
  • Castle of San Martín del Castañar
  • Royal Fortress of the Concepcion or Castillo de Aldea del Obispo



Castle of Gormaz, Soria
  • Castle of Almenar (Almenar de Soria)
  • Castle of Berlanga (Berlanga de Duero)
  • Castle of Osma (El Burgo de Osma)
  • Castle of Calatañazor
  • Castle of Caracena
  • Castle of Gormaz
  • Castle of Hinojosa de la Sierra
  • Castle of Magaña
  • Castle of Medinaceli
  • Castle of Monteagudo de las Vicarías
  • Castle of Montuenga
  • Castle of Peñalcázar
  • Castle of la Raya (Monteagudo de la Vicarías)
  • Castle of Rello
  • Castle of San Leonardo (San Leonardo de Yagüe)
  • Castle of San Pedro Manrique
  • Castle of Somaén
  • Castle of Soria
  • Castle of Ucero
  • Castle of Yanguas
  • Fortress of Serón de Nágima
  • Arab Walls of Ágreda


Simancas Castle
Walls of Urueña, a medieval town


  • Álcazar of Toro
  • Castle of Asmesnal or Castle of Alfaraz
  • Castle of Alcañices[1]
  • Castle of Alba (Losacino)
  • Castle of the Counts of Benavente
  • Castle of Castrotorafe
  • Castle of Fermoselle
  • Castle of Granucillo
  • Castle of Peñausende
  • Castle of Puebla de Sanabria
  • Castle of Villalonso
  • Castle of Villalpando
  • Castle of Villa Ceide
  • Castle of Zamora
  • Torreón of Ayoó de Vidriales
  • Tower del Caracol
  • Walls of Zamora

Castile-La Mancha

Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagón
Castle of Almansa.
Castle of Calatrava la Vieja
Castle-Convent of Calatrava la Nueva
Castle of Peñarroya
Castle of Alarcón
Castle of Belmonte
Castle of Garcimuñoz
Castle of Anguix
Castle of Atienza
Alcázar Real of Guadalajara
Castle of the Cid
Castle of Molina de Aragón
Castle of Pioz
Castle of Sigüenza
Castle of Torija
Alcázar of Toledo
Castle of Guadamur
Castle of Oropesa
Castle of Malpica de Tajo
Castle of la Vela


  • Castle of Caudete
  • Castle of Chinchilla de Montearagón
  • Castle of Almansa
  • Castle of Sierra
  • Castle of Montealegre del Castillo
  • Castle of Peñas de San Pedro
  • Castle of Munera
  • Castle of Alcaraz
  • Castle of Alcalá del Júcar
  • Castle of La Encomienda
  • Castle of Tobarra
  • Castle of Yeste
  • Castle of Cotillas
  • Castle of Ves
  • Castle of Llano de la Torre
  • Castle of Taibilla
  • Castle of Bienservida
  • Castle of Rochafrida
  • Castle of Vegallera
  • Old castle of Carcelén

Ciudad Real



  • Alcázar Real de Guadalajara
  • Alcazaba of Zorita, in Zorita de los Canes
  • Castle of Albalate de Tajuña, in the municipality of Luzaga
  • Castle of Albaráñez, near Salmerón
  • Castle of Alcocer
  • Castle of Alcorlo, Castle del Corlo or Castle del Congosto, in San Andrés del Congosto
  • Castle of Algar de Mesa
  • Castle of Alhóndiga
  • Castle of Almalaff, near Hortezuela de Océn
  • Castle of Almoguera
  • Castle of Alpetea, in the municipality of Villar de Cobeta
  • Castle of Anguix
  • Castle of Aragosa
  • Castle of Arbeteta
  • Castle of Atienza
  • Castle of Baides
  • Castle of Bembibre, in Castilmimbre
  • Castle of Berninches
  • Castle of Canales del Ducado
  • Castle of Casasana
  • Castle of Castejón de Henares
  • Castle of Castilforte
  • Castle of Castilnuevo
  • Castle of Cobeta
  • Castle of Codes
  • Castle of the Count Don Julián, in the municipality of Taravilla
  • Castle of Cogolludo
  • Castle del Cuadrón or Castle of Santa Ana, in Auñón
  • Castle of Cuevas Minadas
  • Castle of Diempures, in Cantalojas
  • Castle of Don Juan Manuel, in Cifuentes
  • Castle of Doña Urraca or Castle of Molinán, in Beleña de Sorbe
  • Castle of Durón
  • Castle of Embid
  • Castle of Escamilla
  • Castle of Escopete
  • Castle of Espinosa de Henares or El Palacio
  • Castle of Establés or Castle of the Bad Shadow
  • Castle of Fuentelencina and Tower of the Moor Cantana
  • Castle of la Fandiña, in the municipality of Taravilla
  • Castle of Fuentelsaz
  • Castle of Fuentelviejo
  • Castle of Fuentes, in Fuentes de la Alcarria
  • Castle of los Funes, in Villel de Mesa
  • Castle of Galve de Sorbe or Castle of the Zúñiga
  • Castle of Guijosa
  • Old castle of Guijosa
  • Castle of Guisema, in the municipality of Tortuera
  • Castle of Hita
  • Castle of Hueva
  • Castle of Inesque, between Angón and Pálmaces de Jadraque, in the municipality of Atienza
  • Castle of Jadraque or Castle of the Cid
  • Castle of Labros
  • Castle of La Yunta
  • Castle of Loranca de Tajuña
  • Castle of Mandayona
  • Castle of Mayrena, in Horche
  • Castle of Mesa, in the municipality of Villel de Mesa
  • Castle of Miedes de Atienza
  • Castle of Milmarcos
  • Castle of Mochales
  • Castle of Molina de Aragón or Fortress of Molina de los Caballeros
  • Castle of Mondéjar
  • Castle of Montarrón
  • Castle of the Moor, en Terzaga
  • Castle of the Moors (Luzón), near Luzón
  • Castle of the Moors (Tierzo), in Tierzo
  • Castle of Motos
  • Castle of Muduex
  • Castle of Murel de Tajo or Castle of Santa María de Murel, between Morillejo and Carrascosa de Tajo
  • Castle of Ocentejo
  • Castle of Orea
  • Castle of Palazuelos
  • Castle of Pareja
  • Castle of Pelegrina
  • Castle of Peña Bermeja, in Brihuega
  • Castle of Peñahora, near Humanes
  • Castle of Peñalén
  • Castle of Peñalver
  • Castle of las Peñas Alkalathem or Castle of las Peñas Alcalatenas, between Trillo and Viana de Mondéjar, on one of the Tetas de Viana
  • Pesebrico del Cid, Castle of Álvaro Yáñez or Castle of Barafáñez, near Romanones
  • Castle of Pioz
  • Castle of Rocha Frida, in the municipality of Atanzón
  • Castle of Rueda de la Sierra
  • Castle of Saceda, near Peralejos de las Truchas
  • Castle of Salmerón
  • Castle of Santiuste, near Corduente
  • Castle of Sigüenza
  • Castle of Riba de Santiuste
  • Castle of Tamajón
  • Castle of Tendilla
  • Castle of Trillo
  • Castle of Torija
  • Castle of Torresaviñán, Castle of San Juan (La Torresaviñán) or Castle of la Luna, in La Torresaviñán
  • Castle of Trijueque
  • Castle of Uceda
  • Castle of Valfermoso de Tajuña
  • Castle of Valtablado del Río
  • Castle of Vállaga, in the municipality of Illana
  • Castle of Viana de Mondéjar
  • Castle of Yunquera de Henares
  • Castle of Zafra (Guadalajara), near Campillo de Dueñas
  • Fortress of Alcolea de Torote, between Torrejón del Rey and Galápagos
  • Fortress of Las Inviernas
  • Fortress of Otilla
  • Fortress of Torrecuadrada de los Valles
  • Fortress of Torrecuadrada de Molina
  • Fort fusilier of San Francisco, in Guadalajara
  • Atalaya of los Casares, in the municipality of Riba de Saelices
  • Atalaya of San Marcos (Centenera de Suso), in the municipality of Atanzón
  • Tower of Séñigo, near Sigüenza
  • Tower of Aragón, in Molina de Aragón
  • Tower of Chilluentes, in the municipality of Tartanedo
  • Tower of Doña Blanca (Taravilla), in the municipality of Taravilla
  • Tower of la Almofala
  • Fort-House of La Bujeda, between Traíd and Otilla
  • Fort-House of Setiles
  • Fort-House of la Vega de Arias, near Tierzo
  • Casilla de los Moros, in Membrillera


  • Alcázar of Toledo
  • Castle of Alamín
  • Castle of Consuegra
  • Castle of Villalba
  • Castle of San Servando
  • Castle of Montalbán
  • Castle of Olmos
  • Castle of Guadamur
  • Castle of Oropesa
  • Castle of Malpica de Tajo
  • Castle of Mascaraque
  • Castle of la Vela
  • Castle of Almonacid
  • Castle of Peñas Negras
  • Castle of Cuerva
  • Castle of Barcience
  • Castle of Malamoneda
  • Castle of Orgaz
  • Castle of Dos Hermanas
  • Castle of Oreja
  • Castle of Guadalerzas
  • Castle of Peñaflor
  • Castle of San Silvestre
  • Castle of Casarrubios del Monte
  • Castle of San Vicente
  • Castle of Monreal
  • Castle of Gálvez
  • Castle-palace of Escalona
  • Walls and towers albarranas (Talavera de la Reina)



Castle of Cardona
Castle charterhouse of Vallparadís
Castle of Granera
Tower Vermella


Castle of Castellet
  • Castle of Miravet
  • Castle of the Count Sicart
  • Castle of Tamarit
  • Castle of Montclar (Pontils)
  • Castle of Torredembarra
  • Castle of Castellet
  • Castle of Rocamora
  • Monastery of Sant Miquel d'Escornalbou
  • Torre Vella de Salou
  • Tower d'en Dolça
  • Walls of Montblanc
  • Walls of Tarragona


Vila Vella enceinte
Castle of Peralada


Castle of Gardeny
Castle of Sant Marçal
Castle of les Sitges
Castle of Ratera
  • Castle and village of Talarn
  • Alcazaba of Lleida (Suda de Lleida)
  • Castle of Maldà
  • Castle of Besora
  • Castle of Gardeny
  • Castle of Montsonis
  • Castle of la Tallada (Segarra)
  • Castle d'Albatàrrec
  • Castle of Basturs
  • Castle of Benavent de la Conca
  • Castle of Biscarri
  • Castle of Castellnou d'Ossó
  • Castle of Castelló de Farfanya
  • Castle d'Abella de la Conca
  • Castle d'Escarlà
  • Castell d'Espills
  • Castle of Llordá
  • Castle of Sant Miquel de la Vall
  • Castle of Sarroca de Bellera
  • Castle of Serradell
  • Castle of Toralla
  • Castle of Ciutadilla
  • Castle of Concabella
  • Castle d'Enfesta
  • Castle of Gurp
  • Castle of Llimiana
  • Castle of Madrona
  • Castle of Sant Marçal
  • Castle of Mur
  • Castle de la Pedra
  • Castle of Sallent (Pinell de Solsonès)
  • Castle of Sanaüja
  • Castle of Sapeira
  • Castle of les Sitges
  • Castle of Toló
  • Castle of Pallars
  • Castle of Verdú
  • Castle d'Eroles
  • Castle of Miralles
  • Castle d'Orrit
  • Castle of Ratera
  • Castle of Ciutat
  • Castle of Puigcercós
  • Castle of the Remei
  • Castle of Santa Engràcia
  • Castle of Vilamitjana
  • Castle of Viuet
  • Atalaya of the Castle of Guimerà



Castle of Coria.
Castle of Trujillo
Castle Palace of the Counts of Oropesa
Tower of Bujaco
  • Alcázar of Alcántara
  • Alcázar of Galisteo
  • Alcázar of Plasencia
  • Castle of Floripes
  • Castle of Almaraz
  • Castle of las Arguijuelas de Abajo
  • Castle of las Arguijuelas de Arriba
  • Castle of Arroyo de la Luz
  • Castle of Belvís de Monroy
  • Castle of Bernardo
  • Castle of Brozas
  • Castle of Cabañas del Castillo
  • Castle of Cañamero
  • Castle of Coria
  • Castle of Eljas
  • Castle of Granadilla
  • Castle of Grimaldo
  • Castle of Mayoralgo
  • Castle of los Mogollones
  • Castle of Mohedanos
  • Castle of Monfragüe
  • Castle of Monroy
  • Castle of Montánchez
  • Castle of la Peña del Acero
  • Castle of Peñafiel (Zarza la Mayor)
  • Castle of los Pizarro (Segura de la Sierra)
  • Castle of Portezuelo
  • Castle of Salor
  • Castle of Salvaleón
  • Castle of Santibáñez el Alto
  • Castle of las Seguras
  • Castle of Torremenga
  • Castle of Trevejo
  • Castle of Trujillo
  • Castle of Valverde de la Vera
  • Castle of Viandar de la Vera
  • Castle Palace of the Counts of Oropesa or Castle of Jarandilla
  • Palace of Sotofermoso
  • Fortress of Aldea del Cano
  • Tower of Bujaco
  • Almenara of Gata
  • Walls of Plasencia


Castle of Olivença
Castle of Zafra (Badajoz)
Castle of Alburquerque (Badajoz)
Alcazaba of Badajoz (Badajoz)
  • Alcazaba of Badajoz
  • Alcazaba of Mérida
  • Alcazaba of Reina
  • Castle of Alange
  • Castle of Alburquerque
  • Castle of Alconchel
  • Castle of Fregenal de la Sierra
  • Castle of Almorchón
  • Castle of Azuaga
  • Castle of Benquerencia de la Serena
  • Castle of Burguillos del Cerro
  • Castle of Capilla
  • Castle of La Codosera
  • Castle of la Encomienda
  • Castle of Feria
  • Castle of Fuente del Maestre
  • Templar Castle of Fregenal de la Sierra
  • Castle of Herrera del Duque
  • Castle of Higuera de Vargas
  • Castle of Hornachos
  • Castle of Jerez de los Caballeros
  • Castle of Luna
  • Castle of Magacela
  • Castle of Mayorga
  • Castle of Medellín
  • Castle of Montemolín
  • Castle of Olivença
  • Castle of Puebla de Alcocer
  • Castle of Nogales
  • Castle of Piedrabuenap
  • Castle of Salvaleón
  • Castle of Salvatierra de los Barros
  • Castle of Segura de León
  • Castle of the Towers
  • Castle of Villagarcía de la Torre
  • Castle of la Vaguada
  • Castle of Zafra (Badajoz)
  • Castle of Zalamea de la Serena


Castle da Rocha Forte
Castle of Vimianzo
Towers of Altamira
Castle do Castrodouro, keep.
Castle of Pambre
Tower of the Castle dos Andrade
Castle of Vilamarín
Tower of Vilanova dos Infantes
Castle of Monterreal
Castle of Soutomaior
Castle of Monterreal in Baiona

A Coruña




Community of Madrid

Castle of Buitrago del Lozoya
Castle of Manzanares el Real
Atalaya de Torrelodones

Region of Murcia

  • Castle of Aledo
  • Castle of San Juan de las Águilas
  • Castle of Lorca
  • Castle of Xiquena in Lorca
  • Castle of Tirieza in Lorca
  • Castle of Felí in Lorca
  • Castle of la Concepción of Cartagena
  • Castle of la Atalaya (Cartagena)
  • Castle of Galeras of Cartagena
  • Castle of San Julián (Cartagena)
  • Castle of los moros of Cartagena
  • Castle of Jumilla
  • Castle of Monteagudo
  • Castle of los Vélez in Mula
  • Castle of Moratalla
  • Tower fortress of Alguazas.
  • Tower of Santa Elena
  • Tower of Cope
  • Hişn Mulīna
  • Walls of Charles III
Castle of Xabier

La Rioja

Castle of Davalillo

Valencian Community


Castle of Biar
Castle of Petrer
Castle of Santa Bàrbara
Palace of Altamira
  • Castle of les Atzahares
  • Castle of Agost
  • Castle of Agres
  • Castle of Aigües
  • Castle of Aixa
  • Castle of de Alfofra
  • Castle of Ambra
  • Castle of Banyeres
  • Castle of Barchell
  • Castle of Bernia
  • Castle of Biar
  • Castle of Castalla
  • Castle of Cocentaina
  • Castle of Coix
  • Castle of Dénia
  • Castle of Elda
  • Castle of Forna
  • Castle of Guardamar
  • Castle of la Costurera
  • Castle of la Mola
  • Castle of la Murta
  • Castle del Mascarat
  • Castle of Monforte del Cid
  • Castle of Monòver
  • Castle of Montemar
  • Castle of Moraira
  • Castle of Orihuela
  • Castle of Penàguila
  • Castle of Penella
  • Castle of Perputxent
  • Castle of Petrer
  • Castle of Polop
  • Castle del Riu
  • Castle of Salvatierra (Villena)
  • Castle of Santa Bàrbara
  • Castle of Sant Ferran (Alicante)
  • Castle of Santa Pola
  • Castle of Saix
  • Castle of Villena or Castle of la Atalaya
  • Castle of Tàrbena
  • Castle of Tibi
  • Palace of Altamira
  • Tower Águilas
  • Tower del Aguiló
  • Tower of Alcalalí
  • Tower del Barranc d'Aigües
  • Tower of Beneixama
  • Tower of Cap Roig
  • Tower del Cap d'Or
  • Tower del Carabassí (Santa Pola)
  • Tower of Embergonyes
  • Tower of Escaletes or Tower del Pep
  • Tower of la Calaforra
  • Tower of la Casota
  • Tower of la Font Bona
  • Tower of la Horadada
  • Tower of la Talaiola (Santa Pola)
  • Towers of Monserrate (Orihuela)
  • Tower del Gerro
  • Tower del Moro (Torrevieja)
  • Tower del Negret
  • Tower of Tamarit
  • Torreta de Canor
  • Walls of Orihuela
  • Walls of Tabarca


Castle of Morella
Castle of Castellnovo
Castle of Onda
Castle of Peñíscola
Castle of Peñíscola
  • Castle of Abenromà
  • Castle of Atzeneta
  • Castle of Albalat dels Ànecses
  • Castle of Albocàsser
  • Castle of Alcalatén
  • Castle of Alcudia de Veo
  • Castle of Almenara
  • Castle of Almonacid
  • Castle of Artana
  • Castle of Ayódar
  • Castle of Azuébar
  • Castle of Benalí
  • Castle of Borriol
  • Castle del Bou Negre
  • Castle of Castellnovo
  • Castle of Castro
  • Castle of Cervera del Maestre
  • Castle of El Toro
  • Castle of Eslida
  • Castle of Espadillaes
  • Castle of Fadrell
  • Castle of Fanzara
  • Castle of Ganalur
  • Castle of Herbers
  • Castle of La Todolella
  • Castle of les Torrocelles
  • Castle of Mauz
  • Castle of Mirabet (Cabanes)
  • Castle of Montornés
  • Castle of Morella
  • Castle of Olocau
  • Castle of Onda
  • Castle of Peniscola
  • Castle of Tales
  • Castle of Toga
  • Castle of Vialeva
  • Castle of Vilafamés
  • Castle of Villamalur
  • Castle of Xinquer
  • Castle of Xivert
  • Castle-palace of the Ximénez d'Urrea or Castle of Urrea
  • Palace-castle of Betxí
  • Tower of Càlig
  • Tower of Cap i Corb
  • Tower del Marqués or Tower of Na Blanca
  • Tower Ebrí
  • Tower of L'Oró
  • Tower del Mal Paso
  • Tower dels Moros (Cinctorres)
  • Tower del Pilón
  • Tower of Anníbal
  • Tower Quadrada de Argelita
  • Tower Redonda (Argelita)
  • Tower of Sant Vicent (Benicàssim)
  • Tower of Torrechiva
  • Fortified town of Torralba del Pinar


Castle of Marinyén
Xativa Castle
Towers of Quart
Castle of Ayora
Towers of Serrano in 1870
Castle of Montesa
  • Castle of Ademúses
  • Castle of Ademúses
  • Castle of Albalat dels Sorellses
  • Castle of Aleduaes
  • Castle of Alginetes
  • Castle of Andillaes
  • Castle of Ayoraes
  • Castle of Bairénes
  • Castle of Benissanóes
  • Castle of Beselgaes
  • Castle of Bolbaitees
  • Castle of Buñoles
  • Castle of Carrícolaes
  • Castle of Castielfabib
  • Castle of Cebollaes
  • Castle of Corbera[2]
  • Castle of Cullera[3]
  • Castle of Dénia
  • Castle of El Puig
  • Castle of Jalance
  • Castle of Jarafuel
  • Castle of Macastre
  • Castle of Marinyén
  • Castle of Millares
  • Castle of Moixent
  • Castle of Montesa
  • Castle of Montroy
  • Castle of Navarrés
  • Castle del Piló
  • Castle of Quesa
  • Castle of Rugat
  • Castle of Sagunto
  • Castle of Segart
  • Castle of Serra
  • Castle of Sot de Chera
  • Castle of Sumacàrcer
  • Castle of Torres Torres
  • Castle of Turís
  • Castle of Vallada
  • Castle of Villalonga
  • Castle of Xàtiva
  • Castle of Xera
  • Castle of Xio
  • Castle of Xiva
  • Castle of Xulilla
  • Castle palace of Bicorp
  • Palace - Castle of Alaquàs
  • Palace - Castle of Albalat dels Sorells
  • Palace Castle of Aielo de Malferit
  • Fortress of Requena
  • Tower of the Castle of Torrent
  • Torre de la Plaça (Benifaió)
  • Tower del Marenyet
  • Tower Mussa or Tower of L'Horta
  • Towers of Quart
  • Towers of Serrans
  • La Torrecilla (Chelva)
  • Tower of Paterna
  • Tower of Santa Anna
  • Walls of Alzira

Number of fortifications by provinces

In the following table, are related the various Spanish provinces, ordered according to the number of existing fortifications, both castles themselves as towers, watchtowers, bunkers, walls and castros[4]

It attached the references to some of the relevant statements of Cultural Assets of the different Councils of Culture of the Autonomous Communities:

  • Andalusia: Councils of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía[5]
Province Total of fortifications Castles and similars Towers, watchtowers and bunkers Walls and castros Others
Jaén 237[6] 97[7] 126[8] 14[9] 1
Almería 126[10] 81 54 54 14
Guadalajara 198 124 27 44 3
Cuenca 175 100 30 32 13
Cádiz 161 37 71 31 1
Soria 121 49 41 24 7
Zaragoza 105 82 9 10 4
Barcelona 104 97 0 0 7
Navarra 95 61 8 15 11
Teruel 95 56 12 16 11
Burgos 91 44 28 16 3
Cáceres 84 67 3 11 3
Biscay 78 4 65 6 3
Alicante 73 45 20 7 1
Huesca 70 59 4 6 1
Toledo 70 46 7 12 5
Lleida 68 52 10 6 0
Madrid 67 30 18 15 4
Valencia 63 37 11 13 2
Badajoz 62 48 2 11 1
Murcia 58 43 7 7 1
Castellón 58 30 11 14 3
Albacete 52 34 6 11 1
Valladolid 50 35 2 12 1
Tarragona 48 46 1 1 0
La Rioja 48 27 11 8 2
León 47 30 7 10 0
Álava 45 6 31 8 0
Salamanca 41 24 7 10 0
Ciudad Real 36 27 4 4 1
Girona 35 22 2 10 1
Segovia 32 15 5 10 2
Ávila 29 21 1 6 1
Balearic Islands 28 12 15 1 0
Cantabria 28 8 14 6 0
Lugo 26 25 0 1 0
Palencia 25 18 4 3 0
Zamora 25 13 1 9 2
Asturias 24 7 10 7 0
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 24 10 8 1 0
Ourense 18 15 0 2 1
A Coruña 14 14 0 0 0
Las Palmas 12 8 3 1 0
Ceuta 11 2 6 2 1
Pontevedra 10 9 1 0 0
Melilla 9 5 0 4 0
Gipuzkoa 5 3 1 1 0


  1. Historia (October 22, 2015). "Apéndice I. Los lugares del Temple". In Martínez, Gemma; Mínguez, Nines (eds.). Templarios. Del origen de las cruzadas al final de la Orden del Temple (1st ed.). Madrid: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, S. A. U. p. 417. ISBN 9788401015731.
  2. "Castillo de Corbera" (in Spanish). Castell de Cullera. Retrieved 2012-10-29.
  3. "El Castillo" (in Spanish). Castillos de Espana. Archived from the original on 2012-08-25. Retrieved 2012-10-29.
  4. According to Ibercastillos: Fortifications of Spain and Castillosnet: Castles of Spain Archived 2014-05-28 at the Wayback Machine
  5. "Guia Digital IAPH".
  6. for Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Total Fortifications
  7. Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Castles
  8. Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Towers, watchtowers and bunkers
  9. Jaén — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Walls and Castros
  10. Almería — Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía for Cultural Heritage#Total Fortifications
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