Bedri Pejani Gymnasium

Education in Peja, Kosovo is a based on a system with no tuition fees, mandatory for all children between ages 6 and 18. It consists of a nine-year basic comprehensive school (starting at age six and ending at age fifteen), secondary general and professional education commonly known as high school, and higher education (university). It also includes non-mandatory daycare programs for babies and toddlers, and a one-year "preschool". The school year runs from early September to late June of the following year. Winter break runs from late December to early January, dividing the school year into two semesters.

Peja is the only city in Kosovo that offers high school education in arts and general education for the visually impaired.

Elementary education

Elementary education is divided in two parts. The first includes grades from 1 to 5 in which the students are taught by a single teacher. The second part is known as the lower secondary education, and includes grades from 6 to 9. Each subject is taught by a different teacher specialized in their subject.

Elementary school Asdreni

Elementary schools

  • Asdreni
  • Vaso Pashë Shkodrani
  • Lidhja Prizrenit
  • Tetë Marsi
  • Ramiz Sadiku
  • Dardania
  • Xhemajl Kada
  • Smajl Hajdaraj
  • Hil Mosi
  • Lidhja e Pejes
  • 7 Shtatori
  • Sami Frasheri
  • Skenderbeu
  • Ali Kelmendi
  • Rilindja
  • Skender Çeku
  • Haxhi Zeka
  • Zef Serembe
  • Naum Veqilhargji
  • 28 Nëntori
  • Fan Noli
  • Dëshmorët e kombit
  • Migjeni
  • Pjetër Budi
  • 2 Korriku
  • Mehmet Shoshi
  • Përparimi
  • Janko Joviqeviq [1]

High school education

Secondary education includes grades from 10 to 12 and each school is divided into its own departments.

High school

Professional education

Art School Odhise Paskali

Professional education is a part of the educational system and professional training that enables students who have finished mandatory education to be included in a democratic society as active and competent participants, and to engage in the constantly changing labor market.

There are two professional high schools in Peja:

Number of students13822544213848


DepartmentsCatering and tourismJuristics
Number of students320994


Private Schools

The private schools in Peja offer education from sixth to twelfth grade. The number of students per class is generally smaller than in public school and the schedule is longer.

Cambridge Gymnasium
  • Cambridge Gymnasium[3] is the first private school in Peja. On October 10, 2006 it was licensed for lower secondary education and upper secondary education that offers studies in natural sciences, computing and mathematics.
  • Euroschool

Number of students and teachers according to the 2011-2012 statistics:[4]

Kindergarten and preschoolsElementaryHigh schoolsPrivate high schools
Number of students154284336581142
Number of teachers9138044318

Number of students based on ethnicity according to the 2011-2012 statistics:[4]

AlbanianBosnianTurkRAE communityOthersIn total
Kindergarten and preschool146738136-1541
Elementary schools141954591638215295
Secondary schools6224241-94226581


Music school Halit Kasapolli

The "Halit Kasapolli" school of music is the only school of its kind in Peja. Named after the composer from Peja Halit Kasapolli, it was begun in 2008. In the absence of profile singing the students study Music Theory and Instruments: piano, clarinet, violin, flute and guitar.[5]

School for the visually impaired Dr. Xheladin Deda

School for the blind and the visually impaired – resource center Dr. Xheladin Deda[6] in Peja is the only institution in Kosovo that offers education to blind and visually impaired children. It was founded in 1982 and works as a public institution financed by the Kosovo Ministry of Education.[7]


Haxhi Zeka University

The public university Haxhi Zeka[8] is originally a descendant of the Faculty of Applied Business Sciences (FABS) in Peja that was founded in 1960 with the decision of KSAK as an Economic-Commercial high school in Peja. At the beginning the school only consisted of the Commercial Business in the enterprise department and a small number of teachers.[9]

Now it consists of the following faculties:

  • Faculty of business
  • Law school
  • Faculty of Management in tourism, catering and environment
  • Faculty of agribusiness
  • Faculty of arts

European College Dukagjini

The European College Dukagjini[10] began in October 2006, and immediately enrolled more than 600 students in one academic year (2006/2007). Based on this significant demand, expectations are that this university could, in one five-year cycle of studies, have at least 4000 to 5000 students.[11]

European Dukagjini College includes the following faculties:

Faculty of Economy with the departments:

Faculty of law with the departments:

Faculty of Biotechnology

See also


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