Beilschmiedia tawa
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Magnoliids
Order: Laurales
Family: Lauraceae
Genus: Beilschmiedia

See text

  • Afrodaphne Stapf
  • Anaueria Kosterm.
  • Bellota Gay
  • Bernieria Baill.
  • Boldu Nees
  • Hufelandia Nees
  • Lauromerrillia C.K.Allen
  • Nesodaphne Hook.f.
  • Purkayasthaea Purkay.
  • Thouvenotia Danguy
  • Tylostemon Engl.
  • Wimmeria Nees

Beilschmiedia is a genus of trees and shrubs in family Lauraceae. Most of its species grow in tropical climates, but a few of them are native to temperate regions, and they are widespread in tropical Asia, Africa, Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand, North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America.[2] The best-known species to gardeners in temperate areas are B. berteroana and B. miersii because of their frost tolerance. Seeds of B. bancroftii were used as a source of food by Australian Aborigines.[3] Timbers of some species are very valuable.


Taraire leaves and drupe

Beilschmiedia is a genus of about 260 to 270 species[1] of trees or shrubs,[4] with about 80 species in tropical Africa and Madagascar.[5] They are commonly canopy trees, growing at elevations from near sea level to 2200 m. The trees grow in well-developed rainforests, and in warm or temperate forests on poorer sedimentary soils.[6][7] Most species grow in tropical climates, but a few of them are native to temperate regions. They are widespread in tropical Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America.[7] The timber of some species is very valuable.


Beilschmiedia falls within the Lauraceae, a family of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs. Many botanical species are similar in foliage to the Lauraceae due to convergent evolution. Those plants are adapted to high rainfall and humidity. The patterns of speciation in the Lauraceae indicate, since the onset of aridification on the continents 15 million years ago (Mya), rainforest species diversified.[8] One of the products of aridification is the isolation of populations and this likely caused the increase in the rate of speciation as found in the Lauraceae. This genus has species adapted to the laurel forest habitat, so common in the Lauraceae and species adapted to a more Mediterranean-type climate with a dry season with lower rainfall. The morphology of sclerophyllous species is divergent from other humid tropical climate species of the genus. The greatest diversity of species and a greater presence of the genus is given in cloud forest and tropical rainforest in Asia and Southeast Asia.[2][4] In Madagascar, the genus Beilschmiedia is particularly important in the island flora, and their species were isolated when the island was separated from the African continent.

The genus Beilschmiedia is present in a greater climatic distribution area than other genera of Lauraceae, Beilschmiedia species grow well in moist, well-drained ground, and tolerate a variety of soil types, and attain a maximum in tropical and wetter areas of distribution, but their pattern of speciation results in some cases from the product of aridification of the habitat. Some Beilschmiedia species are adapted to drier conditions than the typical Lauraceae.[4] Some endangered relict species are living in temperate areas[6] and are distributed in Mediterranean climate, and tropical and subtropical lowland forests and montane rainforest.[8]

Shade-loving B. mannii grows in riverine and swamp forest, or in evergreen primary and secondary forest. B. gaboonensis, B. lebrunii, and B. nitida are included in subgenus Hufelandia of Beilschmiedia. B. variabilis and B. zenkeri are included in section Acrothecon.[5]

Beilschmiedia gaboonensis is a medium-sized tree up to 30 m tall with a bole diameter up to 60 cm. It is distributed from Nigeria to DR Congo and occurs in wet and marshy locations in lowland rainforest. B. lebrunii is a rare tree up to 15 m tall with a bole diameter up to 30 cm, occurring in DR Congo in forest at 1450–1700 m elevation. B. nitida is a shrub or small tree up to 8 m tall, distributed in Cameroon and Congo.

Beilschmiedia variabilis is a shrub or small tree up to 10 m tall with a bole diameter up to 25 cm, occurring rather commonly in Congo in the understorey of forest in swampy, periodically inundated or drier locations. B. zenkeri is a shrub or small tree up to 15 m tall, occurring in Cameroon and Congo in swampy and periodically inundated forest.

The genus Beilschmiedia responded to favourable climatic periods and expanded across the available habitat, adapting also to more extreme conditions, but depending on favorable soil edaphic conditions. Beilschmiedia species need an annual oscillation of the temperature moderated by the proximity of the ocean and many species resist bad cold and frost.

A related vegetal community evolved millions of years ago on the supercontinent of Gondwana, and species of this community are now found on several separate areas of the Southern Hemisphere, including South America, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and New Caledonia. Lauroid-leaved plant communities are found from humid montane tropical to cool temperate Southern Hemisphere climates, and important elements of what is known as the Antarctic flora.[7]

The genus Beilschmiedia is present in Mexico, Venezuela, and southern Chile and Argentina from the Pacific Ocean to the Andes between 38° and 45° S latitude, where rainfall is abundant, from 1500 to 2500 mm according to locality and distributed throughout the year, but with some subhumid Mediterranean climate influence for three to four months in summer, and where temperatures are mild, with no month falling below 5 °C, and the warmest month below 22 °C.[8]

Laurophyll trees appear in the highlands of New Guinea and New Britain, the Cape York Peninsula and the coastal mountains of Queensland and New South Wales in Australia, as well as New Caledonia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. These laurel forests are home to plants of the Antarctic flora related to those in the Valdivian laurel forests of southern Chile, including species of the laurel family and southern beech (Nothofagus). Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, and New Caledonia were parts of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana, and have drifted north over millions of years with the Indo-Australian tectonic plate.


Frequently, their bark is pale to dark brown, smooth or coarse, and they have fine, reddish-brown hairs densely covering the branchlets, and the young leaves are reddish. The dark green leaves are alternate and leathery. Sometimes broad, others small and narrow, the leaves have distinctive depressed veins. The flowers are greenish to cream to yellow-green, and pedicellate of 4–6 mm. The flowers often are clothed in dense reddish-brown hairs. The flowers are hermaphroditic and arranged in inflorescences. The inflorescence is an erect panicle arising from the leaf axil.[2] The stamens are in two whorls; the ovary is in a superior position.[9]

The fruit is variable from one species to other' in some species it is a drupe, large and globose green, 12 cm in diameter with a tip at the apex. In other species, the fruit is an erect, plum-like, dark purple or sometimes elliptical to ovoid drupe, dark purple when ripe, and covered in a waxy bloom. In others, the fruit is a black, round drupe with a glaucous bloom, with a single seed inside. Seed dispersal for many Beilschmiedia species is by birds that swallow them, so they are shaped to attract the birds. The one-seeded fruits are an important food source for birds, including being a favorite food of the native pigeons in New Zealand.


The type species is Beilschmiedia roxburghiana, which ranges from the Himalayas to southern China, Indo-China and Peninsular Malaysia. Three Beilschmiedia species are endemic to New Zealand. taraire (Beilschmiedia tarairi) is a common canopy tree in the lowland forests of the North Island. The others are the common canopy tree tawa, (B. tawa), which has thin, willow-like leaves, and the tawaroa (B. tawaroa), which is similar to tawa but has broader leaves. The New Zealand pigeon is the only species which can disperse the large seeds of the taraire, which pass through its gut unharmed.

Beilschmiedia miersii and Beilschmiedia berteroana are endangered sclerophyllous trees endemic to central Chile. The northern belloto (B. miersii) grows in coastal forest, while the southern belloto (B. berteroana) grows in submontane Andean zone of the central Chile's temperate deciduous forest region. Both forest associations are currently represented in the Chilean government's system of wild protected areas.

Accepted species

268 species are currently accepted:[1]

  • Beilschmiedia aborensis Kosterm. – Assam
  • Beilschmiedia acuta Kosterm. – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia acutifolia Teschner – New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia alata Robyns & R.Wilczek – Gabon and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia alloiophylla (Rusby) Kosterm. – Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela
  • Beilschmiedia ambigua Robyns & R. Wilczek – southern Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia anacardioides (Engl. & K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Chad, Cameroon, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia anay (S.F. Blake) Kosterm. – central Mexico to Guatemala
  • Beilschmiedia andamanensis M.Gangop. – Andaman Islands
  • Beilschmiedia angustielliptica Lorea-Hern. – Mexico (Guerrero)
  • Beilschmiedia angustifolia Kosterm. – Brazil (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro)
  • Beilschmiedia appendiculata (C.K.Allen) S.K.Lee & Y.T.Wei – Hainan
  • Beilschmiedia argentata Kosterm. – Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, and southern Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia assamica Meisn. – Assam, Bangladesh, and Myanmar
  • Beilschmiedia atra Kosterm. ex de Kok – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia auriculata Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia balansae Lecomte – northern Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia bancroftii (F.M.Bailey) C.T.White yellow walnut, wanga – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia bangkae Kosterm. – Sumatra
  • Beilschmiedia baotingensis S.K.Lee & Y.T.Wei – Hainan
  • Beilschmiedia barensis (Engl. & K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia batangensis (Engl.) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia berteroana (Gay) Kosterm. southern belloto – central Chile
  • Beilschmiedia bhutanica M.Gangop. – Bhutan
  • Beilschmiedia bidoupensis Komada, Tagane & Yahara – Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia bolavenensis Tagane & Soulad. – Laos
  • Beilschmiedia brachystachys Kosterm. – northeastern and eastern Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia brachythyrsa H.W.Li – China (southern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia bracteata Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia brandisii Hook.f. – Eastern Himalayas, Assam, and Bangladesh
  • Beilschmiedia brasiliensis (Kosterm.) Kosterm. – Southeastern Colombia, Peru, and Brazilian Amazon
  • Beilschmiedia brevifolia Y.T.Wei – Hainan
  • Beilschmiedia brevipaniculata C.K.Allen – China (Guangxi, Guangdong, and Hainan)
  • Beilschmiedia brunnea B.Hyland – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia calcitranthera Fouilloy – Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia castrisinensis B.Hyland – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia caudata (Stapf) A.Chev. – Liberia
  • Beilschmiedia chevalieri Robyns & R.Wilczek – Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Beilschmiedia cinnamomea (Stapf) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia clarkei Hook.f. – Nepal, eastern Himalayas, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos
  • Beilschmiedia collina B.Hyland – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia congestiflora (Engl. & K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia congolana Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, Central African Republic, and Congo
  • Beilschmiedia corbisieri (Robyns) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia costaricensis (Mez & Pittier) C.K.Allen – Costa Rica to northern Venezuela and northern Peru
  • Beilschmiedia crassa Sach.Nishida – Borneo (Sarawak)
  • Beilschmiedia crassifolia (Engl.) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia crassipes (Engl. & K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia cryptocaryoides Kosterm. – Madagascar (Androrona Massif)
  • Beilschmiedia curviramea (Meisn.) Kosterm. – Venezuela and northern Guyana
  • Beilschmiedia cuspidata (K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia cylindrica S.K.Lee & Y.T.Wei – China (southeastern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia dalzellii (Meisn.) Kosterm. – western India to the eastern Himalayas and Assam
  • Beilschmiedia danhkyi B.H.Quang, V.H.Nguyen & Tagane – Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia delicata S.K.Lee & Y.T.Wei – China (eastern Yunnan to southwestern Guizhou and Guangdong)
  • Beilschmiedia descoingsii Fouilloy – Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia dictyoneura Kosterm. – Borneo, Sumatra, and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia dielsiana Teschner – northeastern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia dilmyana Kosterm. – Aru Islands
  • Beilschmiedia dinklagei (Engl.) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia diversiflora Pierre ex Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia donisii Robyns & R.Wilczek – northwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia elata Elliot – Sierra Leone
  • Beilschmiedia elegantissima Kosterm. – Myanmar and Thailand
  • Beilschmiedia elliptica C.T.White & W.D.Francis – southeastern Queensland and northeastern New South Wales
  • Beilschmiedia emarginata (Meisn.) Kosterm. – southern and southeastern Brazil
  • Beilschmiedia erythrophloia Hayata – Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia fasciata H.W.Li – China (southeastern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia fluminensis Kosterm. – southeastern Brazil
  • Beilschmiedia foliosa (S.Moore) Robyns & R.Wilczek – southern Nigeria
  • Beilschmiedia fordii Dunn – southern China and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia frondosa Kosterm. ex H.H.Pham – Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia fruticosa Engl. – Cameroon and Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia fulva Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia furfuracea Chun ex Hung T.Chang – China (southwestern Guangxi and Guangdong)
  • Beilschmiedia gaboonensis (Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. – southern Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia gallatlyi M.Gangop. – Myanmar
  • Beilschmiedia gemmiflora (Blume) Kosterm. – Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia gigantocarpa Kosterm. – southern Sulawesi
  • Beilschmiedia gilbertii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia giorgii Robyns & R. Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia gitingensis (Elmer) Kosterm. – Philippines (Sibuyan).
  • Beilschmiedia glabra Kosterm. – Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia glandulosa N.H.Xia, F.N.Wei & Y.F.Deng – China (Hong Kong)
  • Beilschmiedia glauciphylla Kosterm. – Borneo (Sarawak)
  • Beilschmiedia glomerata Merr. – Philippines
  • Beilschmiedia grandibracteata Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia grandifolia (Stapf) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia gynotrochioides Kosterm. – Borneo (Sarawak)
  • Beilschmiedia hartonoana Sach.Nishida – Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia henghsienensis S.K.Lee & Y.T.Wei – China (Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia hermanii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia hexanthera van der Werff – French Guiana
  • Beilschmiedia hondurensis Kosterm. – southern Mexico to Honduras
  • Beilschmiedia hutchinsoniana Robyns & R.Wilczek – southern Nigeria and Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia immersinervis Sachiko Nishida – Costa Rica
  • Beilschmiedia insignis Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia insularum Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia intermedia C.K.Allen – China (Guangxi and Hainan) to Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia jabassensis (Engl. & K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia jacobii Robi, Udayan & S.George – India (Kerala)
  • Beilschmiedia jacques-felixii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, and Central African Republic
  • Beilschmiedia javanica Miq. – Java
  • Beilschmiedia kinabaluensis Kosterm. – Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak)
  • Beilschmiedia klainei Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia kochummenii de Kok – Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia kostermansiana Robyns & R.Wilczek
  • Beilschmiedia kunstleri Gamble – Laos, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia kweichowensis C.Y.Cheng – southern China
  • Beilschmiedia kweo (Mildbr.) Robyns & Wilczek – eastern Tanzania
  • Beilschmiedia laevis C.K.Allen – China (Guangxi), Hainan, and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia lanatella Kosterm. – northern Thailand
  • Beilschmiedia lancifolia Miq. – Java
  • Beilschmiedia lancilimba Kosterm. – Cameroon and northern Angola
  • Beilschmiedia laotica Kosterm. ex de Kok – Laos and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia latifolia (Nees) Sachiko Nishida – Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and northwestern Venezuela
  • Beilschmiedia lebrunii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia ledermannii Teschner – northeastern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia letouzeyi Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia linharensis Sachiko Nishida & van der Werff – eastern Brazil (Southeastern Bahia and Espírito Santo)
  • Beilschmiedia linocieroides H.W.Li – China (southern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia longipetiolata C.K.Allen – Hainan and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia longifolia Teschner – northeastern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia louisii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia lucidula (Miq.) Kosterm. – eastern Nepal through eastern India, Bangladesh, Indochina, and Malesia
  • Beilschmiedia lumutensis Gamble – Cambodia and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia macrocarpa A.Chev. ex H.Liu – southern Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia macrophylla Meisn. – Myanmar
  • Beilschmiedia macropoda C.K.Allen – Hainan
  • Beilschmiedia madagascariensis (Baill.) Kosterm. – eastern and southeastern Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia madang (Blume) Blume – Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, and Java
  • Beilschmiedia maingayi Hook.f. – Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia manantlanensis Cuevas & Cochrane – western Mexico (Jalisco and Colima)
  • Beilschmiedia mannii (Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. – western and central Africa
  • Beilschmiedia mannioides Robyns & R.Wilczek – Gabon and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia mayumbensis Robyns & R. Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia membranacea Gamble – Peninsular Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia membranifolia Kosterm. – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia mexicana (Mez) Kosterm. – Mexico and Belize; northern Venezuela
  • Beilschmiedia michelsonii Robyns & R.Wilczek – eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda
  • Beilschmiedia micrantha Merr. – Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia micranthopsis Kosterm. ex H.H.Pham – Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia microcarpa Sach.Nishida – Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia microphylla (Kosterm.) Kosterm. – Madagascar (Itremo Massif)
  • Beilschmiedia miersii (Gay) Kosterm. northern belloto – central Chile
  • Beilschmiedia minutiflora (Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks. – Cameroon, Gabon, and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia montanoides Kosterm. – Borneo (Sabah)
  • Beilschmiedia moratii van der Werff – northern and south-central Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia morobensis Kosterm. – eastern New Guinea and Solomon Islands
  • Beilschmiedia muricata H. T. Chang – China (southern Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia murutensis Kosterm. – Borneo (Sarawak)
  • Beilschmiedia myrciifolia (S.Moore) Robyns & R.Wilczek – southern Nigeria and Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia myrmecophila Kosterm. – New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia ndongensis (Engl. & K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia neocaledonica Kosterm. – east-central New Caledonia
  • Beilschmiedia neoletestui Fouilloy & N.Hallé – Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia ningmingensis S.K.Lee & Y.T.Wei – China (Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia nitida Engl. – Cameroon and Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia novae-britanniae Kosterm. – Vietnam, New Guinea, and Bismarck Archipelago
  • Beilschmiedia novoguineensis Teschner – northwestern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia obconica C.K.Allen – Hainan (Dongfang)
  • Beilschmiedia oblonga Kosterm. – Borneo (West Kalimantan)
  • Beilschmiedia oblongifolia Robyns & R.Wilczek – Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia obovatifoliosa Lecomte – Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia obscurinervia H.T.Chang – China (southern Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia obtusifolia (F.Muell. ex Meisn.) F.Muell. blush-walnut, hard bolly-gum – eastern Australia
  • Beilschmiedia oligandra L.S.Sm. – northeastern Queensland (Cook)
  • Beilschmiedia oligantha Sach.Nishida – Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia olivacea Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia opposita Kosterm. – central Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia oreophila Schltr. – central and southeastern New Caledonia
  • Beilschmiedia osacola Aguilar, D.Santam. & van der Werff – Costa Rica
  • Beilschmiedia ovalioides Sachiko Nishida – Mexico (Oaxaca and Chiapas)
  • Beilschmiedia ovalis (S.F.Blake) C.K.Allen – Mexico (Oaxaca and Chiapas)
  • Beilschmiedia ovoidea F.N.Wei – China (northern Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia palembanica (Miq.) Kosterm. – Peninsular Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, and Sumatra
  • Beilschmiedia papyracea (Stapf) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia pauciflora H.W.Li – China (southern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia paulocordata Fouilloy & N.Hallé – Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia pedicellata van der Werff – east-central Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia pellegrinii Fouilloy & N.Hallé – Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia penangiana Gamble (syn. Beilschmiedia brevipes Ridley) – Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia pendula (Sw.) Hemsl. – Honduras to Ecuador, Venezuela, and the Caribbean Islands
  • Beilschmiedia peninsularis B.Hyland – northern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia percoriacea C.K.Allen – southern China, Vietnam, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, and Sumatra
  • Beilschmiedia pergamentacea C.K.Allen – southern China (Southeastern Yunnan and Guangxi), Vietnam, and Thailand
  • Beilschmiedia phoebeopsis Kosterm. – Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia pierreana Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon and Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia pilosa Kosterm. – Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia podagrica Kosterm. – New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia poilanei H.Liu – central Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia preussii Engl. – southwestern Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia preussioides Fouilloy & N.Hallé – Cameroon and Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia pubescens Teschner – northeastern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia pullenii Kosterm. – New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia punctilimba H.W. Li – China (southeastern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia purpurascens H.W.Li – China (western and southern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia recurva B.Hyland – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia reticulata Kosterm. – Borneo (Sabah)
  • Beilschmiedia rigida (Mez ex Taub.) Kosterm. – eastern Brazil
  • Beilschmiedia riparia Miranda – western and southern Mexico; Honduras and Nicaragua
  • Beilschmiedia rivularis Kosterm. – Sumatra and Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia robertsonii Gamble – Myanmar and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia robusta C.K.Allen – southern China (Yunnan, Guangxi, and southwestern Guizhou) and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia robynsiana Kosterm. – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia rosseliana Kosterm. – Papua New Guinea (Louisiade Archipelago)
  • Beilschmiedia roxburghiana Nees, 1831 (synonym Beilschmiedia pahangensis Gamble type species – Himalayas, eastern India, Tibet, Indochina, and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia rufohirtella H.W.Li – China (southeastern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia rufolanata Kosterm.Riau Islands
  • Beilschmiedia rufoperulata Kosterm. – Sumatra
  • Beilschmiedia rugosa van der Werff – east-central Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia rwandensis R.Wilczek – Burundi and Rwanda
  • Beilschmiedia sary Kosterm. – northeastern and east-central Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia schmitzii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia scintillans (Kosterm.) van der Werff & Sach.Nishida – Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia scortechinii Gamble – Peninsular Malaysia (Perak and Terengganu)
  • Beilschmiedia sericans Kosterm. – northeastern and east-central Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia sericea Teschner – northeastern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia sessilifolia (Stapf) Engl. ex Fouilloy – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia shangsiensis Y.T.Wei – southern China (Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia sichourensis H.W.Li – southern China (southeastern Yunnan)
  • Beilschmiedia sikkimensis King ex Hook.f. – Sikkim
  • Beilschmiedia staudtii Engl. – Cameroon and Gabon
  • Beilschmiedia steyermarkii C.K.Allen – Mexico (Chiapas) and Guatemala
  • Beilschmiedia stricta Kosterm. – southeastern Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
  • Beilschmiedia sulcata (Ruiz & Pav.) Kosterm. – Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, northwestern Venezuela, and Costa Rica
  • Beilschmiedia superba Kosterm. – Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia supraglandulosa Y.K.Li – southeastern China
  • Beilschmiedia talbotiae (S.Moore) Robyns & R.Wilczek – southern Nigeria to Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia tarairi (A.Cunn.) Kirk taraire – New Zealand North Island
  • Beilschmiedia taubertiana (Schwacke & Mez) Kosterm. – southeastern Brazil
  • Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Kirk tawa – New Zealand
  • Beilschmiedia tawaensis Merr. – Sumatra and Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia tawaroa A.E.Wright tawaroa – New Zealand North Island
  • Beilschmiedia telupidensis Sach.Nishida – Borneo (Sabah)
  • Beilschmiedia thollonii Robyns & R.Wilczek – Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia tilaranensis Sa. Nishida – Costa Rica and Panama
  • Beilschmiedia tirunelvelica Manickam, Murugan, Jothi & Sundaresan – India (Tamil Nadu)
  • Beilschmiedia tooram (F.M.Bailey) B.Hyland – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia tovarensis (Klotzsch & H.Karst. ex Meisn.) Sachiko Nishida – Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Trinidad
  • Beilschmiedia triplinervis Teschner – northeastern New Guinea
  • Beilschmiedia troupinii R.Wilczek – Burundi and Rwanda
  • Beilschmiedia tsangii Merr. – southern China, northern Vietnam, Hainan, and Taiwan
  • Beilschmiedia tungfangensis S.K.Lee & L.F.Lau – southwestern Hainan
  • Beilschmiedia ugandensis Rendle – South Sudan to Tanzania and Zambia
  • Beilschmiedia variabilis Robyns & R.Wilczek – Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia velutina (Kosterm.) Kosterm. – northern and eastern Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia vermoesenii Robyns & R. Wilczek – northwestern Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia versicolor Kosterm. – Cameroon, Gabon, and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia vestita L.C.S.Assis & M.F.Santos – Brazil (Minas Gerais)
  • Beilschmiedia vidalii Kosterm. – northern and Central Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia villosa Kosterm. – northern and northeastern Thailand
  • Beilschmiedia vohemarensis van der Werff – Madagascar
  • Beilschmiedia volckii B.Hyland – northeastern Queensland
  • Beilschmiedia wallichiana (G.Don) Kosterm. – Peninsular Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia
  • Beilschmiedia wangii C.K.Allen – southern China (Yunnan and Guangxi) and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia weii Y.S.Huang, H.M.Tan & Yan Liu – China (Guangxi)
  • Beilschmiedia wieringae Kosterm. – northern and eastern Borneo
  • Beilschmiedia wightii (Nees) Benth. ex Hook.f. – southern India
  • Beilschmiedia wilczekii Fouilloy – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia xizangensis H.P.Tsui – southeastern Tibet
  • Beilschmiedia yangambiensis Robyns & R.Wilczek – Gabon and Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Beilschmiedia yunnanensis Hu – southern China (southern Yunnan, southern Guangxi, and Guangdong) and Vietnam
  • Beilschmiedia zahnii (K.Krause) Robyns & R.Wilczek – Cameroon
  • Beilschmiedia zapoteoides (Lundell) Kosterm. – Mexico (Chiapas)
  • Beilschmiedia zenkeri Engl. – central Africa
  • Beilschmiedia zeylanica (Thwaites) Trimen – Sri Lanka


  1. 1 2 3 Beilschmiedia Nees. Plants of the World Online. Accessed 11 April 2023.
  2. 1 2 3 Henk van der Werff (2003). "A synopsis of the genus Beilschmiedia (Lauraceae) in Madagascar" (PDF). Adansonia. sér. 3. 25 (1): 77–92.
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  6. 1 2 Carlos Ramirez; Cristina San Martin; Jose San Martin; Rodrigo Villaseñor (2004). "Comparación fitosociológica de los bosques de Belloto (Beilschmiedia, Lauraceae) en Chile central" [Phytosociological comparisons of Belloto (Beilschmiedia, Lauraceae) forests in central Chile]. Bosque (in Spanish). 25 (1): 69–85.
  7. 1 2 3 "Description and images of Beilschmiedia berteroana (), a native Chilean plant, provided by the supplier of native exotic Chilean seeds,".
  8. 1 2 3 William J. León H. & Narcisana Espinoza de Pernía (2000). "Estudio anatómico del leño de siete especies del género Beilschmiedia Nees (Lauraceae)" (PDF). Revista Forestal Venezolana. 44 (1): 47–56.
  9. "Student 1".
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