English: Anthem of May Day

May Day anthem of  Bulgaria
LyricsGeorgi Kirkov, revised by Methodius Grigorov
MusicGeorgi Goranov, harmonized by Methodius Grigorov

"Anthem of May Day" is a Bulgarian anthem used on May Day, written and composed by Methodius Grigorov.


The song was based on a poem written by Georgi Kirkov. The poem was first printed in the Red People's Calendar in 1898. Initially, it was sung at workshops. The composer Georgi Goranov composes the music for the poem. The song is performed for the first time as known by generations of Bulgarians on May 24, 1903, in Kyustendil. She is singing the male choir of the Classical Consciousness Society, conducts the composer himself. Gradually the song becomes the Bulgarian anthem for 1 May.

Bulgarian lyrics

Cyrillic script (official) Latin script
Дружна песен нек да екне,
песен, песен на труда!
На сърца ни да олекне,
да живей, живей труда!
Рядка участ, с чудно име
слави, слави се труда,
нему всичко ний дължиме,
да живей, живей труда!
Повдигнете си челата,
о, герои на труда,
вий творци сте на благата,
да живей, живей труда!
От стрелата на дивака
до железний път
всичко плод е на ръката,
да живей, живей трудът!
Družna pesen nek da ekne,
pesen, pesen na truda!
Na sǎrca ni da olekne,
da živej, živej truda!
Rjadka učast, s čudno ime
slavi, slavi se truda,
nemu vsičko nij dǎlžime,
da živej, živej truda!
Povdignete si čelata,
o, geroi na truda,
vij tvorci ste na blagata,
da živej, živej truda!
Ot strelata na divaka
do železnij pǎt
vsičko plod e na rǎkata,
da živej, živej trudǎt!


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