Friedrich Adolf Alexander Groschke (23 March 1821 – 27 January 1871) was a German civil servant and parliamentarian.


Groschke studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. In 1842, he became a member of the Corps Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg.[1] After his studies and judicial clerkship, he entered the Prussian civil service. In 1852, as a court assessor, he was appointed Landrat of the district of Frankenstein. In January 1861 he received Karl von Holtei there, who had travelled to give a lecture engagement and wrote of Groschke: "It is impossible to be more obliging and gracious towards a travelling old singer."[2] Groschke held the office until his death in 1871.[3]

In 1851, Groschke married the daughter of the railway and insurance entrepreneur Otto Crelinger and the actress Auguste Stich-Crelinger, Johanne Henriette Emilie Auguste Crelinger (1828-1900). Holtei's memoirs speak of her as a "clever, beautiful, lovable woman" whom the author had already known during his time in Berlin as a child.[4] After Groschke died heavily in debt,[5] his widow had to earn her living in Berlin with an educational boarding school for superior daughters.

Several children were born of this marriage.[6] From the estate of the music educator Clara Groschke, a portrait Auguste Crelinger as Maid of Orleans (1818) by Friedrich Georg Weitsch was consigned to the Märkisches Museum in 1925, as well as a portrait of her great-grandfather Johann Jacob Crelinger, now lost.[7]

Groschke belonged to the Second Chamber of the Landtag of Prussia in the 3rd legislative period from 1852 to 1855 as a deputy for the constituency of Breslau 4. In the 10th and 11th legislative periods he sat from 1867 until his death in 1871 for the constituency Governmental District of Breslau 9 (Frankenstein, Münsterberg) as a member of the parliamentary group of the Conservative Party in the Prussian House of Representatives.

Further reading

  • Karl von Holtei: Noch ein Jahr in Schlesien! Anhang zu den „Vierzig Jahren“. Bd. 1, Eduard Trewendt: Breslau 1864, pp. 117120
  • Bernhard Mann: Biographisches Handbuch für das Preußische Abgeordnetenhaus 1867–1918 (Handbücher zur Geschichte des Parlamentarismus und der politischen Parteien. Band 3). Droste, Düsseldorf 1988, ISBN 3-7700-5146-7, p. 156.
  • Patrick Wagner: Bauern, Junker und Beamte. Lokale Herrschaft und Partizipation im Ostelbien des 19. Jahrhunderts. Wallstein: Göttingen 2005, pp. 226 f.


  1. Kösener Korpslisten 1910, 120, 222
  2. Karl von Holtei: Noch ein Jahr in Schlesien! Appendix to the "Forty Years". Vol. 1, Eduard Trewendt: Breslau 1864, p. 117 (restricted preview in Google Books Search).
  3. Landkreis Frankenstein i. Schles. Administrative history and Landrat list on the website (Rolf Jehke)
  4. Karl von Holtei: Noch ein Jahr in Schlesien! Appendix to the "Forty Years". Vol. 1, Eduard Trewendt: Breslau 1864, p. 120.
  5. cf. Patrick Wagner: Bauern, Junker und Beamte. Local Rule and Participation in 19th Century Eastern Albania. Wallstein: Göttingen 2005, p. 227 (restricted preview in Google Book Search).
  6. Cf. Entbindungen. In Königlich-privilegirte Berlinische Zeitung von Staats- und gelehrten Sachen (Vossische) No. 7, 28 March 1854, 2d ed. p. 7 (web resource).
  7. Vgl. den Eintrag in der Koordinierungsstelle für Kulturgutverluste (Numerized).
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