743 744 745
Cardinalseven hundred forty-four
(seven hundred forty-fourth)
Factorization23 × 3 × 31
Divisors1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 31, 62, 93, 124, 186, 248, 372, 744
Greek numeralΨΜΔ´
Roman numeralDCCXLIV

744 (seven hundred [and] forty four) is the natural number following 743 and preceding 745.

744 plays a major role within moonshine theory of sporadic groups, in context of the classification of finite simple groups.

Number theory

744 is the nineteenth number of the form where , and represent distinct prime numbers (2, 3, and 31; respectively).[1]

It can be represented as the sum of nonconsecutive factorials ,[2] as the sum of four consecutive primes ,[3] and as the product of sums of divisors of consecutive integers ;[4] respectively:[lower-alpha 1]

744 contains sixteen total divisors — fourteen aside from its largest and smallest unitary divisors — all of which collectively generate an integer arithmetic mean of [10][11] that is also the first number of the form [1][lower-alpha 2]

The number partitions of the square of seven (49) into prime parts is 744,[17] as is the number of partitions of 48 into at most four distinct parts.[18][lower-alpha 3]

744 is an abundant number,[23] with an abundance of 432.[24][lower-alpha 4] It is semiperfect, since it is equal to the sum of a subset of its divisors (e.g., 1 + 2 + 4 + 24 + 62 + 93 + 124 + 186 + 248).[33][lower-alpha 5]

It is also a practical number,[49] and the first number to be the sum of nine cubes in eight or more ways,[50] as well as the number of six-digit perfect powers in decimal.[51]

Meanwhile, in septenary 744 is palindromic (21127),[52] while in binary it is a pernicious number, as its digit representation (10111010002) contains a prime count (5) of ones.[53][lower-alpha 7]


744 has two hundred and forty integers that are relatively prime or coprime with and up to itself, equivalently its Euler totient.[5][lower-alpha 8]

This totient of 744 is regular like its sum-of-divisors, where 744 sets the twenty-ninth record for of 1920.[65][lower-alpha 9] Both the totient and sum-of-divisors values of 744 contain the same set of distinct prime factors (2, 3, and 5),[67] while the Carmichael function or reduced totient (which counts the least common multiple of order of elements in a multiplicative group of integers modulo ) at seven hundred forty-four is equal to .[26][lower-alpha 10] 744 is also a Zumkeller number whose divisors can be partitioned into two disjoint sets with equal sum (960).[79][lower-alpha 11]

Of these 240 totatives, 110 are strictly composite totatives that nearly match the sequence of composite numbers up to 744 that are congruent to , which is the same congruence that all prime numbers greater than 3 hold.[87][lower-alpha 12] Only seven numbers present in this sequence are not totatives of 744 (less-than); they are 713, 589, 527, 403, 341, 217, and 155; all of which are divisible by the eleventh prime number 31.[lower-alpha 13][lower-alpha 14][lower-alpha 15] The remaining 130 totatives are 1 and all the primes between 5 and 743 except for 31 (all prime numbers less than 744 that are not part of its prime factorization) where its largest prime totative of 743[lower-alpha 16] has a prime index of 132 (the smallest digit-reassembly number in decimal).[126][lower-alpha 17] On the other hand, only three numbers hold a totient of 744; they are 1119, 1492, and 2238.[5][lower-alpha 18]

744 is the sixth number whose totient value has a sum-of-divisors equal to : .[130] Otherwise, the aliquot sum of 744, which represents the sum of all divisors of 744 aside from itself, is 1176[14] which is the forty-eighth triangular number,[6] and the binomial coefficient present inside the forty-ninth row of Pascal's triangle.[131][lower-alpha 19] In total, only seven numbers have sums of divisors equal to 744; they are: 240, 350, 366, 368, 575, 671, and 743.[32][lower-alpha 20] When only the fourteen proper divisors of 744 are considered, then the sum generated by these is 1175, whose six divisors contain an arithmetic mean of 248.[11][lower-alpha 21] the fourteenth-largest divisor of 744. Only one number has an aliquot sum that is 744, it is 456.[14][lower-alpha 22]

Graph theory

The number of Euler tours (or Eulerian cycles) of the complete, undirected graph on six vertices and fifteen edges is 744.[155] On seven vertices, there are 129,976,320 Euler tours. These can only be generated on complete graphs with at least three vertices; the number of tours for three, four and five vertices are respectively 2, 2 and 264 (the latter is the second digit-reassembly number in base ten).[126] On the other hand, the number of Euler tours of the complete digraph, or directed graph, on four vertices is 256, while on five vertices it is 972,000 (and 247,669,456,896 on six vertices), by the BEST theorem.[156]

Regarding the largest prime totative of 744, there are (aside from the sets that are the union of all such solutions):

For open trails of lengths eight and nine, starting and ending at fixed distinct vertices in the complete undirected graph on five labeled vertices, the number is 132 (the prime index of 743, half 264),[162] that also represents the number of irreducible trees with fifteen vertices.[163] While for the complete undirected graph there are 264 directed Eulerian circuits,[164][165] it is more specifically the number of circuits of length ten in the complete undirected graph on five labeled vertices, and as such it is the twenty-fifth element in a triangle of length on labeled vertices.[166]

Otherwise, 745 is the number of disconnected simple labeled graphs covering six vertices, where the most symmetric of these graphs has three pairs of distinct vertices each covered by one edge alone and all three edges intersecting; this yields the disconnected covering graph on vertices labelled through in a hexagonal arrangement, with the remaining 744 graphs representing all other possible conformations.[167]

456 (the only number to have an aliquot sum of 744) is the number of even graphs with seven vertices, where a graph is odd if there is an orientation of its edges and an automorphism that reverses the sense of an odd number of its edges, and even otherwise.[168][169] In particular, 456 is the aliquot sum of 264, the only number to have this value for [14]

Convolution of Fibonacci numbers

744 is the twelfth self-convolution of Fibonacci numbers, which is equivalently the number of elements in all subsets of with no consecutive integers.[170][171][172]

Abstract algebra

The j–invariant holds as a Fourier series q–expansion,[lower-greek 1]

The Friendly Giant contains an infinitely graded faithful dimensional representation equivalent to the coefficients of this series, where and the half-period ratio of an elliptic function.[177]

Also, the almost integer[178]

This number is known as Ramanujan's constant, which is transcendental.[179] Mark Ronan and other prominent mathematicians have noted that the appearance of in this number is relevant within moonshine theory, where one hundred and sixty-three is the largest of nine Heegner numbers that are square-free positive integers such that the imaginary quadratic field has class number of (equivalently, the ring of integers over the same algebraic number field have unique factorization).[180]:pp.227,228 has one hundred and ninety-four (194) conjugacy classes generated from its character table that collectively produces the same number of elliptic moonshine functions which are not all linearly independent; only one hundred and sixty-three are entirely independent of one another.[181] The linear term of error for Ramanujan's constant is approximately,

where is the value of the minimal faithful complex dimensional representation of , the largest sporadic group.[182]

Specifically, all three common prime factors that divide the Euler totient, sum-of-divisors, and reduced totient of are the smallest and only primes that divide the orders of all twenty-six sporadic groups, in contrast with only six groups whose orders can be divided by the largest consecutive supersingular prime and largest prime factor of seven hundred and forty-four, ;[180]:pp.244–246[lower-greek 2] three of these belong inside the small family of six pariah groups that are not subquotients of [190] The largest supersingular prime that divides the order of is [191][192] which is the eighth self-convolution of Fibonacci numbers, where is the twelfth.[171][lower-greek 3]

The largest three Heegner numbers with also give rise to almost integers of the form which involve . In increasing orders of approximation,[199]:p.20–23[lower-greek 4]

Square-free positive integers over the negated imaginary quadratic field with class number of also produce almost integers for values of , where for instance there is [201][202][lower-greek 5][lower-greek 6]

D4 and F4

is theta series coefficient of four-dimensional cubic lattice [215][216] On the other hand, in the theta series of the four-dimensional body-centered cubic lattice — whose geometry with defines Hurwitz quaternions of even and odd square norm as realized in the –cell honeycomb that is dual to the –cell honeycomb (and, as a union of two self-dual tesseractic –cell honeycombs) — the sixteenth coefficient is the seven hundred and forty-fourth coefficient in the series;[217] with coefficient index the forty-ninth non-zero norm.[218][lower-greek 7]

E8 and the Leech lattice

Within finite simple groups of Lie type, exceptional Lie algebra holds a minimal faithful representation in two hundred and forty-eight dimensions, where divides thrice over.[220][221]:p.4 John McKay noted an intersection between finite simple groups of Lie type and those that are sporadic, where symmetries of nodes in the Dynkin diagrams of complex Lie algebra as well as those of and respectively coincide with the three largest conjugacy classes of ; where also the corresponding McKay–Thompson series of sporadic Thompson group holds coefficients representative of its faithful dimensional representation (also minimal at )[222][182] whose values themselves embed irreducible representation of .[223]:p.6 In turn, exceptional Lie algebra is shown to have a graded dimension [224] whose character lends to a direct sum equivalent to,[223]:p.7,9–11

where the CFT probabilistic partition function for is of character [225]

The twenty-four dimensional Leech lattice in turn can be constructed using three copies of the associated lattice[226][227]:pp.233–235[lower-greek 8] and with the eight-dimensional octonions (see also, Freudenthal magic square),[232] where the automorphism group of is the smallest exceptional Lie algebra , which embeds inside . In the form of a vertex operator algebra, the Leech lattice VOA is the first aside from (as ) with a central charge of , out of a total seventy-one such modular invariant conformal field theories of holomorphic VOAs of weight one.[233] Known as Schellekens' list, these algebras form deep holes in whose corresponding orbifold constructions are isomorphic to the moonshine module that contains as its automorphism;[234] of these, the second and third largest contain affine structures and that are realized in .[lower-greek 9][239][240]

Other properties

744 is also the sum of consecutive pentagonal numbers ,[241][242][lower-alpha 27]

It is also the magic constant of a six by six magic square consisting of thirty-six consecutive prime numbers, between 41 and 223 inclusive.[244][lower-alpha 28]

744 is the number of non-congruent polygonal regions in a regular 36-gon with all diagonals drawn.[252][lower-alpha 29]

There are 744 ways in-which fourteen squares of different sizes fit edge-to-edge inside a larger rectangle.[254]

See also


Higher arithmetic
  1. 744 is equal to the sum between the 41st and 44th indexed prime numbers, inclusive. Indices 15 and 16 of σ(n) multiply to 240, which is the Euler totient value of 744,[5] and add to 31 which is the largest prime that is not a totative of 744 (less than).
    A sum between 24 and 31 generates the tenth triangular number 55, where the eleventh triangular number is 66.[6] 121 is the sum between these two triangular numbers, which is equivalent to the square of 11. The prime index of 31 and its permutable prime in decimal (13)[7] form the third pair of twin primes (11, 13),[8] whose sum is 24, with respective prime indices 5 and 6[9] that add to 11.
  2. 120 is also equal to the sum of the first fifteen integers, or fifteenth triangular number Σ15
    ,[6] while it is also the smallest number with sixteen divisors,[12] with 744 the thirty-first such number.[13] This value is also equal to the sum of all the prime numbers less than 31 that are not factors of 744 except for 5, and including 1. Inclusive of 5, this sum is equal to 125 = 53, which is the second number after 32 to have an aliquot sum of 31.[14]
    In the Collatz conjecture, 744 and 120 both require fifteen steps to reach 5, before cycling through {16, 8, 4, 2, 1} in five steps.[15][16] Otherwise, they both require nineteen steps to reach 2, which is the middle node in the {1,4,2,1,4...} elementary trajectory for 1 when cycling back to itself, or twenty steps to reach 1.
  3. The radical 186 = 2 × 3 × 31 of 744[19] has an arithmetic mean of divisors equal to 48,[11] where the sum between the three distinct prime factors of 744 is 62 = 36. 186 is nontotient[20] and noncototient,[21] equal to the number of pentahexes when rotations are counted as distinct.[22]
  4. 744 is the 181st abundant number. Specifically, 432 has an aliquot sum of 808,[14] where 433 is the thirty-first full repetend prime in decimal that repeats 432 digits, which collectively add to 1944.[25] Less than 1000, the sixtieth and largest such prime number is 983, which repeats 982 digits that sum to 4419, a two-digit dual permutation of the digits of 1944 (and where 2475 = 4419 − 1944 has a reduced totient of 60).[26] 432 is also the twenty-third interprime between twin primes,[27] and the eighth such number whose adjacent prime numbers have prime indices that add to a prime number (167 = 83 + 84, the thirty-ninth prime);[9] 348, the composite index of 432,[28] is itself the sixth interprime whose adjacent prime numbers have indices that add to a prime number (139 = 69 + 70, the thirty-fourth prime).[9]
    Importantly, 432 = 33 + 43 + 53 + 63[29] is an Achilles number, a powerful number (the thirty-fourth)[30] that is itself not a perfect power, like 864 (the eleventh index, that is twice its value), and 288 (the totient of 864),[5] as well as 108 (a fourth of 432), and 1944.[31] (Note, that 432 is the sixth member, where the sixth triangular number is 21,[6] itself the index of 1944 in the list of Achilles numbers. Notice also that 1944 = 1200 + 744, where 1200 = 456 + 744, or in other words σ1(456).[32])
    On the other hand, 181, the index of 744 as an abundant number, is the sixteenth full repetend prime in base ten,[25] and the composite index of 232,[28] that is the sum of the first five interprimes to lie in-between twin primes with prime sums from respective indices (i.e., 138, 72, 12, 6, 4), as with 432 and 348.[27] 109 is the tenth full repetend prime, repeating 108 digits whose sum of repeating digits is 486, a fourth of 1944, where 487 is the thirty-third full repetend prime (and 811 the forty-ninth, one less than the sum of the 180 repeating digits of 181; with 288 = 180 + 108).[25]
  5. 744 is the 183rd semiperfect number, an index value whose sum-of-divisors is 248,[32] and an arithmetic mean of divisors equal to 62 = 31 × 2,[10][11] both of which are divisors of 744 (fourteenth and tenth largest, respectively); otherwise, the sum of its two divisors greater than 1 is 3 + 61 = 64 = 82. 183 is also the eighth perfect totient number,[34] and the number of semiorders on four labeled elements.[35] It is the largest number of interior regions formed by fourteen intersecting circles, which is equivalent to the number of points in the projective plane over the finite field 13, since 132 + 13 + 1 = 183.[36] It is the number of toothpicks in the toothpick sequence after eighteen stages.[37] Following, 181, 183 is the sixty-second Löschian number of the form x2 + xy + y2, as a product of the third and twenty-fourth such numbers (3, 61), of prime indices two and eighteen.[38][9] Furthermore, the smallest number to have exactly four solutions to this quadratic polynomial is the first taxicab number 1729, from (a,b) integer pairs (3, 40), (8, 37), (15, 32) and (23, 25),[39][40] where these four pairs collectively generate a sum of 183. The smallest such number with only two solutions, on the other hand, is 49;[41] wherein 1729 is the 97th such number expressible in two, or more, ways.[42] The probability that any odd number is a Löschian number is 0.75, while the probability that it is an even number is a remaining 0.25.[43]
    There are precisely 816 integers between the semiperfect index of 744 and 1000 (uninclusive), a number that has a sum-of-divisors equal to 2232 = 744 × 3,[32] the 24th decagonal number,[44] as well as the 30th number that can be expressed as the difference of the squares of consecutive primes in just one distinct way;[45] other members in this sequence include:
    • 1920 (26th), the sum-of-divisors of 744,[32]
    • 1728 (24th), equal to the cube of 12, and one less than the first taxicab number,
    • 432 (8th), the abundance of 744,[24]
    • 288 (6th), the difference between 744 and 456, the only number to have an aliquot sum of 744,[14]
    • 240 (5th), the Euler totient of 744.[5]
    888 is the 13th member, that is the sum between 432 and 456; equal to the product between the twelfth prime number 37, and 24. The first four members (5, 16, 24, 48) generate a sum of 93, which is the eleventh largest divisor of 744, following 62.[45] 93 represents the number of different cyclic Gilbreath permutations on 11 elements,[46] and consequently there are ninety-three different real periodic points of order 11 on the Mandelbrot set.[47] Otherwise, 1632 = 1176 + 456, in equivalence with the aliquot sum of 744 (1176)[14] and 456, is the sixteenth number that can be expressed as the difference of the squares of primes in just two distinct ways, consecutive or otherwise (432, 1728, 1920 and 2232 are also in this sequence).[48]
    183 is also the first non-trivial 62-gonal number.
  6. Meanwhile, where 279 is the 58th interprime to lie between consecutive odd numbers that are not necessarily twin primes (here at a difference of four), the 58th palindromic number in septenary is the equivalent of 456 in decimal[52] (that is the only number to have an aliquot sum of 744)[14] and represented as 12217, whose digits are the dual permutation of the digits of 744 as the 64th palindrome in base-7 (2112).[52]
    Explicitly, every positive integer is at most the sum of two hundred and seventy-nine eighth powers (Waring's problem), preceded by a maximum number of {1, 4, 9, 19, 37, 73, 143} n-powers;[59] where, as aforementioned, 279 is the decimal representation of the ones' complement of 744 in binary. In this sequence, the first six members generate a sum equivalent to the seventh member 143, the composite index of 186[28] that is the radical of 744,[19] as well as equal to the sum of seven consecutive primes starting from 11 through the eleventh prime number: 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31. It is also the product between the third twin prime pair (11 × 13);[8] while figuring in 34 + 44 + 54 + 64 = 74 − 143, which is the second (or third) exception in the sequence of polynomials that starts with 32 + 42 = 52 and 33 + 43 + 53 = 63, after 31 = 41 − 1 (and, 0 = 30 − 1).
    While in the beginning of the sequence of full repetend primes (with primitive root 10) the two smallest such numbers are 7 and 17, with the repeating digits of the reciprocal of 7 adding to 27 = 33 that is the seventeenth composite number,[28] there is also 983 + 17 = 1000, and 2 × 279 + 432 = 7 + 983. The span of full repetend primes between 17 and 983 is of fifty-nine integers, where 59 is the seventeenth prime number, and seventh super-prime.[9][60]
  7. 744 is the four hundred and sixth indexed pernicious number, where 406 is the twenty-eighth triangular number;[6] in its base-two representation, the digit positions of zeroes are in 1:1:3 or 3:1:1 ratio with the positions of ones, which are in 1:3:1 ratio.
    Its ones' complement is 1000101112, equivalent to 279 = 32 × 31 in decimal, which represents the sum of GCDs of parts in all partitions of 16 = 42.[54] It is also the number of partitions of 62 = 2 × 31 (a divisor of 744) as well as 63 into factorial parts (without including 0!),[55] and the number of integer partitions of 44 whose length is equal to the LCM of all parts[56] (with 63 the forty-fourth composite number,[28] where 44 is itself the number of derangements of 5,[57] and 63 + 44 = 107 the twenty-eighth prime number).[9]
    211210 is the number of repeating decimal digits of 2113 as a full repetend prime in decimal,[25] where 2112 is the 65th interprime to lie between consecutive twin primes,[27] otherwise it is the 317th member between consecutive odd primes,[58] where 317 is the 66th indexed prime number (with 90 and 91 the 65th and 66th composites, respectively, where 181 = 90 + 91).[9][28] 279, on the other hand, is the 58th number to lie between consecutive odd prime numbers (277, 281),[58] with 81 = 92 the fifty-eighth composite number.[28][lower-alpha 6] More specifically, eighty-one is the sum of the repeating digits of the third full repetend prime in decimal, 19,[25] where the sum of these digits is the magic constant of an 18 × 18 non-normal yet full prime reciprocal magic square based on its reciprocal (1/19).[61][62][63]
  8. 744 is the twenty-third of thirty-one such numbers to have a totient of 240, after 738, and preceding 770. The smallest is 241, the fifty-third prime number and sixteenth super-prime,[60] and the largest is 1050, which represents the number of parts in all partitions of 29 into distinct parts.[64]
  9. The value of this sigma function represents the fifteenth sum of non-triangular numbers in-between triangular numbers; in this instance it is the sum that lies in-between the fifteenth (120) and sixteenth (136) triangular numbers[66] (i.e. the sum of 121 + 122 + ... + 135).
  10. The thirtieth triangular number is 465 = 3 × 5 × 31, equal to the difference between 744 and 279 (equivalently 10111010002 and 1000101112, ones' complement pairs respectively). 30 is the twelfth number m such that 6m + 1 and 6m − 1 are twin primes (181, 179).[8][68] 465 is also the binomial (31,2) equal to the number of size-2 subsets of {0, 1, ..., 31} that contain no consecutive integers (in light as a triangular number, trailing its sequence by one index).[69][6] In the Padovan sequence, 465 is the twenty-eighth indexed member equal to the number of compositions of 28 into parts congruent to 2 mod 3, also the number of compositions of 28 into parts that are odd and greater than or equal to 3, and the number of maximal cliques in a (28 + 6)–path complement graph (specifically, in the 34–path).[70]
    30 is the smallest sphenic number that is the product of three distinct prime numbers (2, 3, and 5), with the next two such numbers 42 + 66 = 108.[71] Importantly, 30 is the unique point in the sequence of natural numbers + where the ratio of prime numbers to non-primes (up to) is 1/2; when including 0 in + {0} = 0 as a non-prime, this ratio is reached at 29, where a ratio of one-half is only reached again (here, purely as a ratio between primes and composites) at 37 and 43, which are respectively the twelfth and fourteenth primes (when including 1 as a prime unit, then the thirteenth prime number 41 would be another point of 1:1 ratio, without taking 0 into account).[9] Otherwise, a 1:1 ratio of primes to composites (up to) occurs at two points: 11 and 13, respectively the fifth and sixth prime[9] — whose indices sum to 11, the prime index of 31 — and at 7, when including 0 and 1 as non-primes in 0, or at 8 when only including 1, and at 9 when considering 0 as non-prime and 1 as a prime unit). Thirty is also the first composite value with three distinct prime factors or more for which the Möbius function returns −1, as with all numbers with a strictly odd number of prime factors, including prime numbers themselves. Relatedly, 31 is the first number (after 1) to reach a record amplitude between zeros in the associated Mertens function M(n), where the next such number is 114,[72] whose arithmetic mean of divisors is 30,[10][11] with a sum-of-divisors of 240.[32] On the other hand, 456 (the only number to have an aliquot sum of 744),[14] 744 and 1176 (the aliquot sum of 744) all set a value of −5 for M(n),[73] respectively the 20th, 57th, and 86th numbers to do so (where 57 is the fortieth composite, and 80 the fifty-seventh),[28] with these indices generating the sum 20 + 57 + 86 = 163, in equivalence with the largest of nine Heegner numbers. (Also, 20 + 57 = 77, the sum of base ten digits in the almost integer approximation of eπ√163 before its decimal expansion.)
    The sixth pair of numbers to generate a record prime gap (of 14) are the 30th and 31st prime numbers (113, 127),[74][75][76][9] The previous consecutive primes to generate record gaps are (89, 97), (23, 29), (7, 11), (5, 3) and (3, 2);[77][78] the lesser of these together generate a sum of 127, the thirty-first prime number.
  11. It is the 168th indexed Zumkeller number, where 168 = 6 × 28 represents the product of the first two perfect numbers,[80] equal to the fifth Dedekind number,[81] where the previous four indexed members (2, 3, 6, 20) collectively add to 31 — with 496 the thirty-first triangular number,[6] and third perfect number. 168 is also the number of primes below 1000.[9][82] The two sets of divisors of 744 with equal sums are:
    • (1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 62, 124, 744)
    • (6, 24, 31, 186, 93, 248, 372)
    960 is also the thirty-first Jordan–Pólya number that is the product of factorials 5! × (2!)3,[83] equal to the sum of six consecutive prime numbers 149 + 151 + 157 + 163 + 167 + 173, between the 35th and 40th primes (it is the thirty-fifth such number).[84] The fifteenth and sixteenth triangular numbers generate the sum 120 + 136 = 256 = 28 that is the totient value of 960,[5] and the number of partitions of 29 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 = 22 + 32 + 42 into distinct parts and odd parts.[85] Like its twin prime 31, 29 is a primorial prime, which together comprise the third and largest of three known pairs of twin primes (1st, 2nd, and 5th) to be primorial primes,[86] with possibly no larger pairs. In between these lies 30.
  12. The composite totatives are
    {25, 35, 49, 55, 65, 77, 85, 91, 95, 115, 119, 121, 125, 133, 143, 145, 161, 169, 175, 185, 187, 203, 205, 209, 215, 221, 235, 245, 247, 253, 259, 265, 275, 287, 289, 295, 299, 301, 305, 319, 323, 325, 329, 335, 343, 355, 361, 365, 371, 377, 385, 391, 395, 407, 413, 415, 425, 427, 437, 445, 451, 455, 469, 473, 475, 481, 485, 493, 497, 505, 511, 515, 517, 529, 533, 535, 539, 545, 551, 553, 559, 565, 575, 581, 583, 595, 605, 611, 623, 625, 629, 635, 637, 649, 655, 665, 667, 671, 679, 685, 689, 695, 697, 703, 707, 715, 721, 725, 731, 737}.
    Its smallest composite totative is 52 = 25, that is the only number to have an aliquot sum equal to 6;[14] where the twenty-fifth prime number 97 is generated from a sum of 48 and 49. Ninety-seven is the ninth full repetend prime in decimal,[25] whose 96 repeating digits generate a sum of 432, equal to the abundance of 744.[24] 97 is also the first odd prime number that is not a cluster prime[88] (which precedes the thirty-first prime number 127 in this sequence), where the prime gap for a cluster prime is six or less;[89] the sixth and seventh primes that are not cluster primes are the forty-eighth and forty-ninth primes 223 and 227.
    97 is the eleventh prime number p of the form 6m + 1 for a natural number m.[90] Where 25 is the smallest composite totative of 744, the largest such totative is 737, whose aliquot sum is 79,[14] the twenty-second indexed prime number,[9] that is the lesser permutable prime to 97 in decimal.[7]
  13. 713 is the product of the ninth and eleventh prime numbers 23 × 31, where the twenty-third prime number (83) is the eleventh prime of the form 6m − 1; it is equal to the difference between 744 and 31, with an aliquot sum of 55[14] and totient of 660.[5]
    589 equal to 19 × 31 is the sum of three consecutive primes (193 + 197 + 199).[91] It is also the ninth centered tetrahedral number, where 5 and 15 are the first two such numbers (121 = 112 is the fifth).[92] It is the fourteenth third spoke of a hexagonal spiral,[93] and the twentieth quasi-Carmichael number,[94] with a reduced totient of 90.[26] In the spt function, 589 is the total number of smallest parts (counted with multiplicity) in all partitions of 15.[95]
    527 equal to 17 × 31 is the number of partitions of 31 with equal number of even and odd parts.[96] Its aliquot sum is 49[14] whose arithmetic mean of divisors is 122 = 144, with a sum of its prime factors equal to 48. It is also the maximal number of pieces that can be obtained by cutting an annulus with 31 cuts,[97] and equivalent to the sum of thirty-one consecutive non-zero integers 2 + 3 + ... + 32; the second-smallest such sum after the third perfect number 496.[80]
  14. 403 equal to 13 × 31 is the thirty-seventh number to return 0 for the Mertens function,[98] and the value of the sum-of-divisors of 144, the first number to generate this value.[32] It is also the first number to hold a totient of 360, of twenty-five such numbers; with 549 the sixth (and the 447th composite number, a value that is itself the 360th composite)[28] and 693 = 144 + 549 the tenth.[5] Also, 403 is an arithmetic number, since its four divisors hold an arithmetic mean of 112.[10][11]
    The 112nd prime number is 613,[9] which is the sum of successive composite indexes of 382 and 384 (respectively, 306 and 307),[28] where 383 is the 28th full repetend prime number in decimal; 613 is also equal to the sum of prime indices of seven consecutive full repretend prime numbers (in decimal): 389, 419, 433, 461, 487, 491, 499, respectively with prime indices 77, 81, 84, 89, 93, 94, and 95[9] (and between the 29th and 35th such primes)[25] — all following 383, where the next full repetend prime after 499 is the 96th prime number 503.[9] 383 is also the second number, after 19, to generate a full prime reciprocal magic square in decimal whose rows and diagonals generate the same magic constant (from its repeating digits) of 1719.[61] Within the list of prime numbers, 2017 and 2027 are respectively the 306th and 307th,[9] where the 1719th composite number is 2026.[28]
    • The arithmetic mean of divisors of 2022, which lies midway between the prime gap of eleven integers (inclusive) just noted, is 507, equal to the sum of prime factors of 2012 = 22 × 503 (inclusive of multiplicities), whose arithmetic mean of divisors in-turn is 588 (half 1176, the aliquot sum of 744) and the second such number to have this value (588), after 1304.[10][11]
    • 1685, on the other hand, is the third number to have an average of divisors that is 507 after 2022, and whose sum-of-divisors (of 1685) is 2028,[32] a number lying between the 307th and 308th prime numbers, 2027 and 2029, the 62nd pair of twin primes);[9][8] 2011 is prime as well, the 305th prime number, with 305 having a composite index 242.[9][28]
    • 1715, the composite index of 2022,[28] is the fourth of thirteen numbers to hold a totient of 1176 = s(744),[5] with an arithmetic mean of divisors equal to 300, which is the twenty-fourth triangular number.[6]
    • 2023, midway between primes 2017 and 2029, has an aliquot sum of 433 (or 432, the abundance of 744, when not counting 1),[14] and a Euler totient of 1632 = 1176 + 456 (the aliquot sum of 744, plus the only number to hold an aliquot sum of 744).[5]
    Where 383 repeats 382 digits in base ten, 382 is an arithmetic number too, specifically the first number to have an average of divisors of 144,[10][11] while being the seventh number to hold a sum-of-divisors of 576 = 242.[32] Also, 613 + 744 = 1357, alongside 744 − 613 = 131 (both with successive differences of 2 between digits); the latter is the twelfth full repetend prime number in decimal that repeats 130 digits with a sum of 585 = 80 + 81 + 82 + 83, where the 48th full repetend prime, on the other hand, is 743, the largest prime totative of 744 (or 49th in the near-identical sequence of long primes, that instead begins with 2, whose decimal expansion of 1/p has period p − 1).[25][99]
    Meanwhile, 112 (the 82nd composite) is the composite index of 147 = 48 + 49 + 50[28] with an aliquot sum of 81 = 92[14] and average of divisors of 38.[10][11] 147 itself is the composite index of the nineteenth triangular number, 190,[6] equal to the totient and reduced totient of 382.[5][26] 744 − 383 = 361 = 192, where 383 is the 76 = 22 × 19 indexed prime number[9] (and 304 fourfold seventy-six, the prime index of 2003, which is the smallest prime number greater than 2000).[9]
    341 equal to 11 × 31 is the sum between seven consecutive primes (37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59 + 61), of prime indexes 12 through 18. It is the smallest Fermat pseudoprime to binary,[100] and the sixth centered cube number.[101] It is the number of partitions of 31 such that every part occurs with the same multiplicity,[102] and the thirty-first number in the Moser–de Bruijn sequence to be a sum of distinct powers of 4 (44 + 43 + 42 + 41 + 40).[103][104] 341 is also the eleventh octagonal number,[105] equal to the number of nodes in a regular eleven-sided undecagon with all diagonals drawn.[106] s(341) = 43,[14] with an arithmetic mean of divisors equal to 96.[11] It is also the tenth Jacobsthal number,[107] and the total number of largest parts (or equivalently sum of smallest parts) in all partitions of 16.[108]
  15. 217 equal to 7 × 31 is the ninth centered hexagonal number, which also includes as previous members {7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169}[109] where 127 is the sixth member that is also the thirty-first prime number. 217 is also the sixth non-trivial dodecagonal number[110] and third non-trivial centered 36-gonal number.[111] It is the third Fermat pseudoprime to quinary after 124 (a divisor of 744) and 4,[112] and the fifteenth Blum integer whose distinct prime factors are congruent to 3 mod 4.[113]
    155 equal to 5 × 31 has an aliquot sum of 37[14] and an arithmetic mean of divisors equal to 48.[5] It is the third number equal to the sum from its lowest prime factor through its largest, the only smaller numbers with the same property are 10 and 39[114] which generate a sum of 49 = 72; the next such number is 371, 1 less than half of 744. There are one hundred and fifty-five total primitive permutation groups (G, X) of degree 81 that only preserve partitions on the set X by G that are trivial;[115] the sum of the number of all permutation groups of lower degrees is 666, which is doubly triangular,[116] since it represents the sum of the first thirty-six integers, where 36 is itself the eighth triangular number.[6] The 148 repeating digits of the thirteenth full repetend prime number in decimal 149 (that lies between 109 and 181) [25] sum to 666.
    The one hundred and fifty-fifth indexed practical number is 744.[49]
  16. 743 is the twenty-sixth or twenty-seventh lucky number of Euler of the form n2 + n + 41 to yield consecutive prime numbers.[117][118] It is also the twenty-sixth indexed beginning of a maximal chain of primes of the form p(k), ..., p(k+r) for r ≥ 1.[119] It is the forty-eighth full repetend prime in decimal with primitive root 10,[25] or similarly the forty-ninth long-period prime when including 2 in this sequence.[99] It is the forty-eighth member in base ten such that every suffix is prime, in which repeatedly removing the most significant digit yields a prime number at every step, until a single-digit prime number remains.[120]
    Specifically, 743 is the total sum of odd parts in all partitions of 13,[121] and the number of partitions of 31 into partition numbers.[122] Particularly, it is the number of ways to partition 7 labeled elements into sets of sizes of at least 2, and order the sets,[123] and furthermore, the number of strict integer partitions of 37 with no part divisible by any and all the other parts.[124]
    Where 743 is the largest prime totative of 744, it represents the sum of all parts of all partitions of all positive integers less than or equal to 25 into an odd number of equal parts or, equivalently, consecutive parts;[125] with twenty-five the smallest composite totative of 744.
  17. These prime totatives generate a sum of 44,647 (a prime count, the 4641th prime number, an index whose arithmetic mean of divisors is 504)[11] while the composite totatives collectively generate a sum of 44,632 (one less than a prime number, the 4639th prime and 626th super-prime,[60] the latter an index whose value is the fourth and largest number to have an aliquot sum of 316);[14] these sums have a difference of 15, or otherwise collectively have a range of 16 numbers between them, inclusive.
    On the other hand, differences and sums between the six numbers congruent ±1 mod 6 that are not totatives of 744 are themselves equivalent to divisors of 744, since they are biprimes in proportion with 31 (for example 713 − 589 = 124 and 713 − 527 = 186), while also generating other relevant equalities such as 713 − 217 = 496.
    The greatest difference between the largest (713) and smallest (155) of these totatives is 558, the seventh number such that the sum of largest prime factors of numbers from 1 to 558 is divisible by 558, the previous and sixth indexed number is 62,[127] the tenth-largest divisor of 744, whose sum-of-divisors is equal to 96;[32] the fifth number in this sequence is 32 (which divides 96).
    The difference between 558 and 62 is also 496, equal to 713 − 155 − 62; and importantly, 558 is twice 279, which is the ones' complement of 744 in binary in its decimal representation.
  18. The difference between 2238 and 1492 is 746, where 2238 is twice 1119. Specifically, 746 = 2 × 373 = 15 + 24 + 36 = 2! + 4! + 6! is nontotient,[20] and equal to the number of non-normal orthomagic squares with magic constant of 6.[128]
    Its totient value of 372 is half of 744,[5] that is also 1 less than 373, the 74th indexed prime number[9] that is the smallest difference between numbers that have totients equal to 744 (i.e., 1119 − 1492). 373 is the eleventh two-sided left-and-right truncatable prime number in decimal, of a total fifteen such primes in base ten.[129] While 373 is the smallest difference between numbers that have a totient value of 744, its digit representation in decimal is the mirror permutation of the digits of 737, the largest composite totative of 744.
    The sum of these three numbers whose totients equal 744 is 1119 + 1492 + 2238 = 4849.
  19. 1176 is also one of two middle terms in the twelfth row of a Pascal triangle.[132] In the triangle of Narayana numbers, 1176 appears as the fortieth and forty-second terms in the eighth row,[133] which also includes 336 (the totient of 1176)[5] and 36 (the square of 6). Inside the triangle of Lah numbers of the form , 1176 is a member with n = 8 and k = 6.[134] It is a self-Fibonacci number; the fifty-first indexed member where in its case divides ,[135] and the forty-first 6-almost prime that is divisible by exactly six primes with multiplicity.[136]
  20. The sum of all these seven integers whose sum-of-divisors are in equivalence with 744 is 3313, the 466th prime number[9] and 31st balanced prime,[137] as the middle member of the 49th triplet of sexy primes (3307, 3313, 3319);[138] it is respectively the 178th and 179th such prime p where p − 6[139] and p + 6[140] are prime — where 178 is the 132nd composite number,[28] itself the prime index of the largest number (743) to hold a sum-of-divisors of 744.[9][32] 3313 is also the 24th centered dodecagonal or star number[141] (and 15th that is prime).[142] Divided into two numbers, 3313 is the sum of 1656 and 1657, the latter being the 260th prime number, an index value in-turn that is the first of five numbers to have a sum-of-divisors of 588,[32] which is half of 1176 (the aliquot sum of 744);[14] its arithmetic mean of divisors (of 260) on the other hand is equal to 49.[10][11]
  21. 248 is twice 124 and half 496; the latter which is the third perfect number[80] — like 6 and 28 (twice 14) — that is also the thirty-first triangular number,[6] with form 2p - 1(2p − 1) and p = 5 by the Euclid-Euler theorem. The totient of 248 is 120,[5] with eight divisors that produce an integer arithmetic mean of 60;[11] 496 has a totient of 240 like 744.
    Where the sum between 744 and the totient 256 = 28 of 960 (the Zumkeller half of 744) is equal to 1000 = 103, their difference is equivalent with 488 = 240 + 248.
    248 is also the sum of prime indices of seven consecutive full repetend prime numbers in decimal: 109, 113, 131, 149, 167, 173, 181,[25] respectively with 29, 30, 32, 35, 39, 40, and 42 prime indices;[9] where 248 is the one hundred and ninety-fourth composite number, and 194 the 149th composite number,[28] the middle term in this consecutive sequence of seven full repetend primes. 149 itself is a strong concatenation of 14 = 7 + 7 and 49 = 7 × 7, joined in the middle by 4, where 7 is the fourth prime number. Note, too, that in the list of successive prime and composite indices of 181, starting with its prime index of 42, the sum generated is 109 = 42 + 28 + 18 + 10 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 0; with 109 the composite index of 144.[9][28]
  22. 456 is the sixth icosahedral number,[143] one less than the 88th prime number 457 (itself an index that represents the 64th composite).[9][28] The list of icosahedral numbers includes 124 as the fourth indexed member, where this number is the seventh untouchable number after 120 and 96,[144] as the eleventh non-unitary divisor of 744, equal to the sum of all the prime numbers that are not part of its prime factorization, less than 31 (i.e. 5 + 7 + ... + 29). It is the fourth perfectly partitioned number after 1, 2 and 3.[145] Where 1176 and 456 collectively have a range of seven hundred and twenty-one integers, the difference between 721 and 1000 is 279 (the decimal equivalent of the ones' complement of 744 in binary); where also, 1455 = 1176 + 279 holds an arithmetic mean of divisors that is 294,[10][11] which is one-fourth 1176. This sum also represents the number of permutation groups of degree 6,[146] and the number of partitions of 48 into distinct parts such that the number of parts is odd,[147] and the number of partitions of 48 into distinct parts such that the number of parts is even.[148]
    Furthermore, regarding twenty-nine:
    • the sum of the first ten prime numbers up to 29 yields 129,[149] which is the number of prime totatives of 744 (with the fifth such sum of ten consecutive prime numbers being 264, or twice 132),
    • 129 is also the 97th indexed composite number,[28] where 97 is the 25th prime number,[9]
    • the twenty-ninth prime number, on the other hand, is 109,[9] which is the number of composite totatives of 744 greater than 25 = 52, its smallest composite totative.
    The count of prime and composite totatives of 744, sans including 1, is 239, which is the 52nd indexed prime number.[9] It is also the sum of prime pairs (23, 29) and (89, 97) that respectively generate consecutive record prime gaps of 6 and 8, which precede the record gap of 14 (the sum of the previous two, which also multiply to 48) between the thirtieth and thirty-first prime numbers (113, 127).[74][75][76][77][78]
    Of highlight, 239 is the only number in concomitance to require a maximum number of squares (four), a maximum number of cubes (nine), and a maximum number of fourth powers (nineteen) to express it[150] — the only other such number to require nine cubes is the ninth prime number 23, which is the index of 744 in the list of thirty-one integers to hold a Euler totient value of 240;[5] 23 and 239 are also the third and fourth numbers n (after 1, 2, and 5) that represent the number of partitions of 3n, here 33 and 34 respectively, into powers of 3.[151] When 239 is multiplied with the 628th prime number (4649),[9] it yields the seventh repunit in decimal (1111111),[150] a number whose arithmetic mean of divisors is 279000 = 279 × 1000.[10][11]
    While the only solutions to y2 + 1 = 2x4 in positive integers are (x, y) = (1, 1) and (13, 239), the fraction 239/(132) is the seventh approximation of the converging continued fraction for √2;[152] where 16arctan(1/5) − 4arctan(1/239) is an approximation for π radians.[150]
    5 × 239 = 1195, the fourth number to have an arithmetic mean of divisors equal to 360,[10][11] where specifically, 52 = 13 × 4 = 26 × 2, the prime index of two hundred and thirty-nine, is the fifth Bell number that counts the number of ways to partition a set of five labeled elements.[153] Three-hundred and sixty, the smallest number with twenty-four divisors,[12] is the sixth of only seven (highly composite) numbers such that no number less than twice as much has more divisors.[154] It is also divisible by all integers less than or equal to ten, except for seven, itself a sum of integers that yields 48.
  23. 71 is the twentieth prime number and 31 the eleventh. In turn, 20 is the eleventh composite number[28] that is also the sixth self-convolution of Fibonacci numbers before 38, which is the prime index of 163.
    71 is also part of the largest pair of Brown numbers (71, 7), of only three such pairs; where in its case 72 − 1 = 5040.[193][194] Consequently, both 5040 and 5041 can be represented as sums of non-consecutive factorials, following 746, 745, and 744;[2] where 5040 + 5041 = 10081 holds an aliquot sum of 611, which is the composite index of 744.[28]
    5040 is the nineteenth superabundant number[195] that is also the largest factorial that is a highly composite number,[196] and the largest of twenty-seven numbers n for which the inequality σ(n) ≥ eγnloglogn holds, where γ is the Euler–Mascheroni constant; this inequality is shown to fail for all larger numbers if and only if the Riemann hypothesis is true (known as Robin's theorem).[187] 5040 generates a sum-of-divisors 19344 = 13 × 31 × 48 that itself contains four divisors in proportion with 744 (and therefore, divisors also in proportion with 248 as well); which makes it one of only two numbers out of these twenty-seven integers n in Robin's theorem to hold σ(n) such that 744m | σ(n) for any subset of divisors m of n; the only other such number is 240:[197]
    • 19344 ÷ 26 = 744
    • 9672 ÷ 13 = 744
    • 1488 ÷ 2 = 744
    Where also 19344 ÷ 78 = 248, with 248 and 744 respectively as the 24th and 30th largest divisors (where in between these is 403 = 13 × 31, which is the middle indexed composite number congruent ±1 mod 6 less than 744 that is not part of its composite totatives); 2418, the 35th largest, is the seventh number n after 744 such that σ(φ(n)) is n.[130] Furthermore, in this sequence of integers in Robin's theorem, between 240 and 5040 lie four numbers, where the sum between the first three of these 360 + 720 + 840 = 1920 is in equivalence with σ(744). The first number to be divisible by all positive non-zero integers less than 11 is the penultimate number in this sequence 2520, where 2520 − 840 − 720 = 960 represents a Zumkeller half from the set of divisors of 744,[79] with σ(720) = 2418[14] (and while 720 + 24 = 744 = 6! + 24, where 720 is the smallest number with thirty divisors,[12] equal to 1176 − 456, a difference between the aliquot sum of 744, and the only number to have an aliquot sum of 744; wherein 720 is also in equivalence with σ(264)).[14][32] 5040 = 7! = 10 × 9 × 8 × 7 is divisible by the first twelve non-zero integers, except for 11.
  24. Worth noting, 126 is the sum of prime indices of the first class of three-digit permutable primes in decimal (113, 131, 311),[200] respectively the thirtieth, thirty-second, and sixty-fourth prime numbers[9] (where 64 is twice 32, and the 45th composite, with 45 itself the 30th composite);[28] and this sum of prime numbers is equivalent with 555.
    Note, too, that 126 is equal to the sum of the composite index of 22 (13), and the twenty-second composite and prime numbers (34, 79), whose sum generated between the latter two is 113. 13 and 79 are also first members in their respective paired permutable primes in base ten (13, 31) and (79, 97), respectively the smallest and largest two-digit pairs, where 11 is the only two-digit permutable prime without a distinct dual pair with differing permuting digits.[7]
    Where 555 is generated from the first class of three-digit permutable primes in decimal, and prime and composite indices associated with 22, 131 and 126 sum to 257, which is the 55th indexed prime[9] and tenth prime number that is not a cluster prime[88] (and where, 13110 has a digit sum of 5).
    Also, 126 + 125 = 351, a value in equivalence with the twenty-sixth triangular number,[6] with 125 the cube of 5.
  25. Regarding 992, the numbers 336 (the totient of 1176,[5] which is the sum-of-divisors of 744), 496 (the 31st triangular number and third perfect number),[6][80] and 525 — the sum of all prime numbers that divide the orders of the twenty-six (or twenty-seven) sporadic groups,[207] equal to the sum of the dimensions of all five exceptional Lie algebras[208] — are the first three of only four composites to have a sum-of-divisors of 992.[32] Furthermore, the fifth such number is 775, whose composite index is 637, equal to the sum of all prime factors (inclusive of multiplicities) in the order of the largest sporadic group, |1| = 246 × 320 × 59 × 76 × 112 × 133 × 17 × 19 × 23 × 29 × 31 × 41 × 47 × 59 × 71.[180]:pp.244–246 In Chowla's function (that counts the sum-of-divisors of n except for 1 and and n), 525 holds a value of 466[209] that is the prime index of 3313,[9] equal to the sum of all seven numbers (240, 350, 366, 368, 575, 671, and 743) to hold a sum-of-divisors of 744;[32] with 240 the totient of 525 as well (the 13th of 31 numbers to hold this value).[5]
  26. More deeply, for the theta series of 4 744 is a prime-indexed coefficient over its first six indices less than 104 (respectively, the 458th, 526th, 742nd, 799th, 842nd, and 1141st prime indices, with a sum of 4058; the latter in equivalence with 1141 = 7 × 163).[217] The first composite coeff. index in the series with coefficient 744 is its seventh index 9251 = 11 × 292, whose sum of prime factors, inclusive of 1, is 70 (which is of algebraic significance in terms of the construction of the twenty-four-dimensional Leech lattice). 456, and 1176, the aliquot sum of 744,[14] are also prime-indexed coefficients over their first two coefficient indices (346th, 364th, and 1098th, 1159th, respectively).[217]
  27. Where the smallest non-unitary pentagonal pyramidal number is 6, the eleventh is 726 = 6! + 6, and the twenty-fourth is 7200,[243] which is a number with a Euler totient value of 1920,[5] and a reduced totient of 120.[26]
  28. The magic square is:

    This is the second-smallest magic constant for a 6 × 6 magic square consisting of thirty-six consecutive prime numbers, where the sum between the smallest and largest prime numbers in this square is equal to 41 + 223 = 264. The smallest such constant is 484 = 222[245] whose aliquot sum of 447 is the reverse permutation of the digits of 744 in decimal;[14] specifically, 22 and 264 are respectively the twelfth and fourteenth numbers n whose squares are undulating in decimal, while the thirteenth and penultimate such known number is 26.[246][247][248]:pp.159,160 The smallest possible magic constant of an n × n magic square consisting only of distinct prime numbers is 120, from an n of 4,[249][250] a value equal to the arithmetic mean of all sixteen divisors of 744.[10][11]
    An 11 × 11 magic square that is normal has a magic constant of 671,[251] which is the sixth and largest composite number to have a sum-of-divisors equal to 744.[32]
  29. Otherwise, 992 = 248 + 744 is the least possible number of diagonals of a simple convex polyhedron with thirty-six faces; for sixteen and twenty faces, there are respectively a minimum of 132 and 240 diagonals[253] (values which represent the prime index of the largest prime totative of 744 and the count of all its totatives),[5] where 132 + 240 = 372, or half 744 (alongside respective indices that generate a sum of 36).
Heegner numbers, finite simple groups, and lattices D4, F4, E8, Λ24
  1. The j–invariant can be computed using Eisenstein series E4 and E6, such that:
    j(𝜏) = 1728 E4(𝜏)3/E4(𝜏)3E6(𝜏)2 ,
    where E4(𝜏) = 1 + 240 Σ
    (n3qn/1 − qn )
    and E6(𝜏) = 1 − 504 Σ
    (n5qn/1 − qn )
    , with q = exp(2πi𝜏).
    The respective q–expansions of these two Eisenstein series have coefficients whose numerical values are in proportion to 240 and −504, respectively;[173][174] where specifically the sum and difference between the absolute values of these two numbers is 240 + 504 = 744 and 504 − 240 = 264.
    Furthermore, when considering the only smaller even (here, non-modular) series E2(𝜏) = 1 − 24 Σ
    (nqn/1 − qn )
    , the sum between the absolute value of its constant multiplicative term (24) and that of E4(𝜏) (240) is equal to 264 as well. The 16th coefficient in the expansion of E2(𝜏) is −744, as is its 25th coefficient.[175]
    Alternatively, the j–invariant can be computed using a sextic polynomial as: j(λ) = 28 × (λ2λ + 1)3/λ2(λ − 2)2 where λ represents the λmodular function, with 256 = 28.[176]
  2. The smallest sporadic group is Mathieu group M11, with an irreducible complex representation in ten dimensions,[182] that is one of five first generation sporadic groups.[183] Its group order is 7920 = 8 × 9 × 10 × 11 (one less than the 103 indexed prime number),[180]:pp.244–246[9] with a Euler totient of 1920 = σ(744).[5] M11 also holds a lowest five-dimensional faithful representation over the field with three elements, the lowest of any such group.[182] On the other hand, M12 is the second-largest Mathieu group and sporadic group by order,[180]:pp.244–246 and more specifically the thirty-first largest non-cyclic group (where M11 is the fifteenth largest),[184][185] with group order 26 × 33 × 5 × 11 = 95040 whose Euler totient (23040)[5] is divisible by 1920 twelve-times over (as its 50th largest divisor greater than 1). The nineteenth and twentieth largest non-cyclic groups are A3(2) ≃ A8 and A2(4) of orders 20160 = 26 × 32 × 5 × 7, the latter with larger outer automorphism group D12; 20160 is the twenty-third highly composite number,[186] that is divisible by both 960 (the Zumkeller half of 744),[79] and 5040 (the largest of twenty-seven numbers in Robin's theorem to hold inequality σ(n) ≥ eγnloglogn, see latter points discussing this sequence).[187] It is one less than the largest number (20161, the 1456th indexed number) which cannot be represented as the sum of two abundant numbers.[188] Otherwise, the Tits group T, the only finite simple group that can classify as of Lie type or sporadic, fits as the fifth-largest sporadic group, whose group order 211 × 33 × 52 × 13 = 17971200 holds a totient of 4423680, divisible by the sum-of-divisors of seven-hundred and forty-four 2304 times (where its 62nd largest divisor is 1728, followed by 1920).
    Of all (here, twenty-seven) sporadic groups, only the seventh largest Janko group J3 has an order, |J3| = 27 × 35 × 5 × 17 × 19 = 50232960,[180]:pp.244–246 whose totient value is not divible by 1920: 11943936 ÷ 1920 = 6022.8; where specifically its group order has a sum of prime factors (inclusive of multiplicities) equal to 70.
    Where M11 and M12 are respectively the fifteenth and thirty-first largest indexed non-cyclic groups by group order, these indices sum to 15 + 31 = 46, where the third-largest Mathieu group and fourth-largest sporadic group M22 is the forty-sixth such largest non-cyclic group.[184][185] 46 is the largest even number that cannot be represented as the sum of two abundant numbers,[188] that is also equal to the total number of maximal subgroups of the Friendly Giant 1,[189] which collectively holds 20 of 26 sporadic groups as subquotients (strictly).[180]:pp.244–246
    46 is the thirty-first composite,[28] whose aliquot sum is 26, the only number to hold this value.[14]
  3. The sequence of self-convoluted Fibonacci numbers starts {0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 38, 71, 130, 235, 420, 744, 1308, 2285, 3970, 6865, 11822...}. The sum of the first seven terms (from the zeroth through the sixth term) is equal to 38, which is equivalent to the a(n) = 7 member in this sequence. Taking the sum of the three terms that lie between 71[lower-alpha 23] and 744 (i.e. 130, 235, 420) yields 785, whose aliquot sum is 163.[14] 785 is the 60th number to return 0 for the Mertens function, which also includes 163, the 13th such number.[98] 785 is also the number of irreducible planted trees (of root vertex having degree one) with six leaves of two colors.[198]
  4. 163 is the thirty-eighth indexed prime and 67 the nineteenth (with the biprime 38 = 2 × 19), for values d. In the approximation for the almost integer containing the fourteenth prime number as the seventh Heegner number 43 for d, 960 is the smallest number with exactly twenty-eight divisors,[12] equivalent to the sum of either of two sets of divisors of 744 that collectively add to 1920, as mentioned in § Totients. Likewise, in the approximation for the almost integer containing the eighth Heegner number 67 for d, 5280 is equal to the sum between 240 and 5040, which are the only two numbers in the set of twenty-seven integers in Robin's theorem for the Riemann hypothesis that have a set of divisors whose sums are divisible by 744;[197] 5280 also lies between the 131st pair of twin primes (5281, 5279),[8] respectively the 701st and 700th prime numbers, where 5281 is the 126th super-prime.[60][lower-alpha 24]
  5. In the list of thirteen integers n ≤ 1000 that yield almost integers — with nearness |nint(x) − x| ≤ 10−3 for values xeπn — the smallest n of these is 25, that is also the smallest composite totative of 744. Less than 103, the largest such n is 719 = 6! − 1, where 719 represents the 128th indexed prime number;[9] the sum generated by these two n is in equivalence with 719 + 25 = 744.
    The middle indexed value in between these two bounds is 148, the twelfth square-free positive integer d over the negated imaginary quadratic field of class number 2, followed by 163 and 232, the latter of which is the fourteenth square-free positive integer d over the imaginary quadratic field √−d of class number 2 (only these two numbers 148 and 232 for d in this field of class number 2 yield almost integers with |nint(x) − x| ≤ 10−3, where 163 is the largest over the same field with class number 1).[202] In this same list, the three distinct non-supersingular primes (37, 43, 67) that only divide orders of pariah groups are also n (less than 148) that yield almost integers of the form eπn. In the almost integer representation for eπ148 specified, 8 × 103 = j(√(2i)) = 203, the class 1 j−invariant of order d = −8,[203] that is also a root in Ψ2(X, X) = −(X − 8000) × (X + 3375)2 × (X − 1728), a polynomial for supersingular 2-isogeny graphs with loops (it is also a root in Ψ3).[204][205] The remaining two n (58, 74) in the list of these almost integers with nearness |nint(x) − x| ≤ 10−3 of n less than 148 generate a sum of 58 + 74 = 132 equal to the prime index of 743,[9] the largest prime totative of 744 (and, where 2 × 37 = 74 = 148 ÷ 2).
  6. For almost integers with nearness |nint(x) − x| ≤ 10−2, the smallest such number is eπ6 with n of 6, approximately equal to 2197.99087.[206] Whereas 2198 holds eight divisors that produce an arithmetic mean of 474[10][11] (and where 474 holds a sum-of-divisors equal to 960,[32] also the Zumkeller half from the set of divisors of 744),[79] 2199 is the sixteenth perfect totient number,[34] with an aliquot sum of 737[14] equivalent with the largest composite totative of 744. Also, 2197 = 133.
    There are a total of twenty-six almost integers with |nint(x) − x| ≤ 10−2 where xeπn and n ≤ 103, where the largest n holds a value of 986.[206] The sum between the upper and lower bounds n less than one thousand with this almost integer degree of nearness is equal to 6 + 986 = 992 = 744 + 248.[lower-alpha 25]
    Otherwise, the difference between the largest class 1 and 2 square-free integers is 427 − 163 = 264. Regarding square-free integers of class number h = 3, there are a total of sixteen (or twenty-five when including non-maximal orders),[210] the largest with value of 907 that is the 155th indexed prime number,[9] equal to the sum 163 + 744, that is also the greater of consecutive primes (887, 907) that generate the seventh largest record prime gap (of 20) (following the thirtieth and thirty-first prime numbers 113 and 127).[74][75][76][77][78] The next greater greater prime gap is of 18 set by (523, 541), the 99th and 100th prime numbers,[9] the former also the composie index of 132,[28] and the latter the tenth star number[141] and 53rd number to return 0 for the Mertens function (where 427 is the 50th, and 163 the 13th).[98] Of the square-free integers of class number three, only 59 produces an almost integer of the form xeπn with |nint(x) − x| ≤ 10−2 (for integers of class number h = 4, the largest such number is 1555 — whose square divides 61554[211] — while the ninth such largest discriminant is 155).[212] In the full list of largest square-free positive integers with class numbers h ≤ 100,[213][214] ten of these maximum values are held by larger integers when non-maximal orders in their respective classes are included, where nine of these are uniquely biprimes divisible by 163 (the only exception is the largest value for square-free integers of class number 16); the largest of these in this bound is 821683 = 712 × 163 of class number h = 70.[199]:18−20
  7. +
    as a lattice is the union of two 4 lattices,[216] where the associated theta series of 4 has 744 as its 50th indexed coefficient (as with theta series of 4),[219][215] and where its twenty-fifth coefficient is 248, which is the most important divisor of 744. Also, in this theta series of 4, the preceding 49th coefficient is 456, the only number to hold an aliquot sum of 744,[14] where 744 − 456 = 288, a value that is the number of cells in the disphenoidal 288-cell, whose 48 vertices collectively represent the twenty-four Hurwitz unit quaternions with norm squared 1, united with the twenty-four vertices of the dual 24-cell with norm squared 2. For the theta series of 4, that is realized in the 16-cell honeycomb, all 25 × 2m indexed coefficients (i.e. 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, ...) are 744.[219] For both the theta series of 4 and 4, the 456th coefficient is 1920, the sum-of-divisors of 744.[32]
    Also, for the theta series of the four-dimensional 4 lattice, coefficient index 288 is the 97th non-zero norm, coeff. index 456 the 153rd (an index that represents the seventeenth triangular number), and coeff. index 744 the 250th;[218] the latter, a coefficient index that is the largest of only four numbers to hold a Euler totient of 100: 101, 125, 202, and 250[5] — the smallest of these is the twenty-sixth prime number, while the largest 250 = 2 × 53 has a sum of prime factors that is 17, the seventh prime number;[9] and where 202 = 49 + 153 and 250 = 153 + 97, with 549 = 49 + 97 + 153 + 250, the 447th indexed composite number.[28][lower-alpha 26]
  8. The 8 lattice holds two hundred and forty root vectors that are represented by the vertex arrangement of the 421 polytope, whose Petrie polygon is a thirty-sided triacontagon,[228][229] where 30 is the Coxeter number h of Coxeter group E8. Also, Coxeter numbers of simple reflexions in E6 and E7 are of orders 12 and 18, together equivalent to the Coxeter number of E8;[227]:234 where E6 and E7 embed inside E8. Four-dimensional H4 hexadecachoric symmetry also contains a Coxeter number of 30, where H4 is the higher-dimensional analogue of icosahedral symmetry Ih.
    This 8 lattice structure with 240 root vectors can be constructed with 120 quaternionic unit icosians that form the vertices of the four-dimensional 600-cell, whose symmetries are rooted in three-dimensional icosahedral symmetry Ih of order 120,[230] a value equal to the total number of reflections of Coxeter group E8.[227]:226–232 In total, a regular icosahedron and dodecahedron contain thirty-one axes of symmetry; six five-fold, ten three-fold, and fifteen two-fold.[231]
    Where the arithmetic mean of divisors of 744 is 120,[10][11] with a largest prime factor of 31 and a reduced totient λ(n) of 30,[26] the number of integers that are relatively prime with and up to 744 is 240,[5] with the sum-of-divisors σ(240) = 744.[221]:p.21
  9. VE3
    is isomorphic to the tensor product VE8 VE8 VE8 ; also, affine structure D16 is different from D+
    , which is associated with even positive definite unimodular lattice +
    and D16,1E8,1 are associated with codes e3
    and d16e8 that are two of only nine in-equivalent doubly even self-dual codes of length 24 and weight 4.[237][238] The largest of these VOAs VD24 is realized in dim 1128, where successively halving its dimensional space leads to a 70+12–dimensional space.


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  127. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A088825 (Numbers n such that the sum of largest prime factors of numbers from 1 to n is divisible by n.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2023-09-25.
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    The row is {2, 23, 120, 375, 780, 1134, 1176, 870, 450, 155, 32, 3}.
  133. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A001263 (Triangle of Narayana numbers T(n,k) is C(n-1,k-1)*C(n,k-1)/k with 1 less than or equal to k less than or equal to n, read by rows. Also called the Catalan triangle.)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2023-09-02.
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  150. 1 2 3 Beeler, M.; Gosper, R.W.; Schroeppel, R. (1972-02-29). HAKMEM (PDF) (Report). MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. p. 24 (ITEM 63). AIM 239. Retrieved 2023-12-19 via Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
    "The joys of 239 are as follows:
    pi = 16 arctan (1/5) − 4 arctan(1/239),
    which is related to the fact that 2 * 134 − 1 = 2392,
    which is why 239/169 is an approximant (the 7th) of √2.
    arctan(1/239) = arctan(1/70) − arctan(1/99)
                           = arctan(1/408) + arctan(1/577)
    239 needs 4 squares (the maximum) to express it.
    239 needs 9 cubes (the maximum, shared only with 23) to express it.
    239 needs 19 fourth powers (the maximum) to express it.
    (Although 239 doesn't need the maximum number of fifth powers.)
    1/239 = .00418410041841..., which is related to the fact that
    1,111,111 = 239 * 4,649.
    The 239th Mersenne number, 2239 − 1, is known composite,
              but no factors are known.
    239 = 11101111 base 2.
    239 = 22212 base 3.
    239 = 3233 base 4.
    There are 239 primes < 1500.
    K239 is Mozart's only work for 2 orchestras.
    Guess what memo this is.
    And 239 is prime, of course."
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    n |nint(x) − x|
    25 −0.00066
    37 −0.000022
    43 −0.00022
    58 −1.8×10−7
    67 −1.3×10−6
    74 −0.00083
    148 0.00097
    163 −7.5×10−13
    232 −7.8×10−6
    268 0.00029
    522 −0.00015
    652 1.6×10−10
    719 −0.000013
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