
  • 2000s
  • 2010s
  • 2020s
See also:Other events of 2020




  • 28 February – The first case of COVID-19 in the country was reported.[1]
  • 16 March – The government declared a quarantine.[2]
  • 18 March – 1st domestic case.[3]
  • 19 March – The first case of community spread was reported.[4]
  • 20 March – The first COVID-19 death in the country was confirmed.[5]

Predicted and Scheduled Events



  1. "Skvernelis pranešė, kad šeštadienį bus priimtas sprendimas dėl karantino šalies mastu". lrt.lt (in Lithuanian). 14 March 2020. Retrieved 14 March 2020.
  2. "Šeštadienį – 12 naujų koronaviruso infekcijos atvejų, iš viso – 394, Klaipėdoje dar keli sunkūs ligoniai". 15min.lt (in Lithuanian). 28 March 2020. Retrieved 29 March 2020.
  3. "Lietuvoje patvirtintas pirmasis neįvežtinis koronaviruso atvejis: užsikrėtė šeimos narys". lrt.lt (in Lithuanian). 18 March 2020. Archived from the original on 2020-03-19. Retrieved 18 March 2020.
  4. "Lietuvoje mirė pirmasis koronavirusu užsikrėtęs žmogus". sam.lrv.lt (in Lithuanian). 20 March 2020. Archived from the original on 2020-03-21. Retrieved 28 March 2020.
  5. "Po sprendimo pratęsti karantiną, Skvernelio žinia: jeigu būsime neatsakingi, baigsime kaip Italijoje". lrt.lt (in Lithuanian). 25 March 2020. Retrieved 25 March 2020.
  6. "Numatomi rinkimai" [Upcoming elections] (in Lithuanian). Central Elections Commission. Retrieved 2 December 2015.
  7. "Law on Elections to the Seimas". Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. 14 May 2015. Retrieved 31 July 2015.
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