2017 ČSSD leadership election

10 March 2017[1]
Candidate Bohuslav Sobotka
Electoral vote 460
Percentage 69.6%

Leader of ČSSD before election

Bohuslav Sobotka

Elected Leader of ČSSD

Bohuslav Sobotka

The Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) leadership election of 2017 was held on 10 March 2017, prior October 2017 legislative elections. The current leader and Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka was the only candidate.[2]


According to Hospodářské Noviny Sobotka said that he would seek another term as the leader of ČSSD only if the party succeeded in the 2016 regional and Senate elections, defining success as the ČSSD remaining the strongest party at the regional level and in the Senate.[3] The se words were late commented as misinterpreted.[4] When the ČSSD was defeated in both sets of elections, speculation began that the Governor of South Bohemia Jiří Zimola would run against Sobotka due to his performance in the regional elections and his criticism of Sobotka,[5] saying that Sobotka should reconsider his candidature for leadership. Zimola also stated that he thought Sobotka could remain Prime Minister until the 2017 elections even if the ČSSD was led by someone else.[6][7] Zimola later said that he would not run for the party leadership as he did not want to divide the party.[8] Sobotka was endorsed by 12 regional organisations of the party.[9] South Bohemian organisation refused to support Sobotka's candidature.[10]


Bohuskav Sobotka won 67% votes from 681 delegates and was reelected.[11][12] Even though Sobotka was reelected the result was considered a proof of low support for his politics in the party even though he stated that he believes he has a strong mandate.[13][14]

Bohuslav SobotkaAgainst


  1. "Co nás čeká v roce 2017?". Deník.cz (in Czech). 2 January 2017. Retrieved 2 February 2017.
  2. "Jihomoravská ČSSD nominovala na prvního místopředsedu strany Tejce". Novinky.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  3. "Sobotka: Budu znovu kandidovat, pokud ČSSD na podzim uspěje". Zprávy E15.cz. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  4. "Hospodářské noviny si Sobotkův odchod v případě prohry v krajích vykonstruovaly". Deník Referendum (in Czech). Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  5. "Bude chtít Sobotku sesadit z čela ČSSD? Hejtman Zimola promluvil". Parlamentní Listy. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  6. "Bude chtít Sobotku sesadit z čela ČSSD? Hejtman Zimola promluvil". Parlamentní Listy. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  7. Vilímová, Tereza (11 October 2016). "Zimola stoupá. Je to Sobotkův nástupce, nebo jen krajský fenomén?". Echo24 (in Czech). Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  8. "Zimola: Sobotka mě neumlčí. Ale nechci se s ním pouštět do války růží v ČSSD". seznamzpravy.cz. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  9. "Výsledky nominací z krajských konferencí". ČSSD (in Czech). Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  10. "Jihočeská ČSSD nepodpořila Sobotkovu nominaci do čela strany". Novinky.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 28 January 2017.
  11. "Sobotka získal 67 procent hlasů. Sociální demokraté rozhodli, že povede dál stranu". seznamzpravy.cz. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  12. "Sobotka obhájil post v čele ČSSD, získal 67 procent". Novinky.cz (in Czech). Retrieved 10 March 2017.
  13. "Sobotka po sjezdu: Chci volební hattrick a víc než 50 poslanců". Blesk.cz. Retrieved 19 April 2017.
  14. "Ovce jdou na porážku, někteří delegáti se raději ožrali. Štěpán Kotrba po sjezdu sepsal scénář umírání ČSSD, smrt nastane na podzim". Parlamentní Listy. Retrieved 19 April 2017.
  15. "Sobotka zvolen. Babiš není sociálně citlivý miliardář, hřímal na sjezdu". iDNES.cz. 10 March 2017. Retrieved 10 March 2017.
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