30th Soviet Chess Championship (1962)
Viktor Korchnoi

The 1962 Soviet Chess Championship was the 30th edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 21 November to 20 December 1962 in Yerevan. The tournament was won by Viktor Korchnoi. It was preceded by six semifinals events at Dnipropetrovsk, Novosibirsk, Riga and three of which were simultaneously the finals of the championships of the sports societies Spartak, Trud and Burevestnik.[1][2]

Table and results

30th Soviet Chess Championship (1962)
1 Soviet Union Viktor Korchnoi -1½½11½1½01½111½½½1114
2 Soviet Union Mikhail Tal 0-11½½01101½½11111½113½
3 Soviet Union Mark Taimanov ½0-½0½1½1111111½½11½13½
4 Soviet Union Ratmir Kholmov ½0½-0111½½½1½1½1½11113
5 Soviet Union Boris Spassky 0½11-010½1½1½½½½111112½
6 Soviet Union Leonid Stein 0½½01-½0½11½½111½01111½
7 Soviet Union Lev Aronin ½1000½-½1½1010111½½½10½
8 Soviet Union Anatoly Bannik 00½011½-01½1½0½½1½1110½
9 Soviet Union Yury Kots ½00½½½01-½½01½11½½½110
10 Soviet Union Vladas Mikenas 110½00½0½-01½½½0½1½19
11 Soviet Union Nikolai Krogius 000½½00½½1-½½½½½11½½
12 Soviet Union Vladislav Shianovsky ½½000½1010½-01½½01½½8
13 Soviet Union Alexander Zaitsev 0½0½½½0½0½½1-½010½1½8
14 Soviet Union Alexey Suetin 0000½011½½½0½-01½½½18
15 Soviet Union Arkady Novopashin 000½½00½0½½½11-½½1½½8
16 Soviet Union German Khodos ½0½0½00½01½½00½-10½17
17 Soviet Union Eduard Mnatsakanian ½0½½0½00½½011½½0-0½0
18 Soviet Union Alexander Korelov ½00001½½½000½½011-0½
19 Soviet Union Igor Zaitsev 0½0000½0½½½½0½½½½1-06
20 Soviet Union Vladimir Savon 00½000½000½½½0½01½1-


  1. Cafferty, Bernard (2016). The Soviet Championships. London: Everyman Chess. p. 116.
  2. Soltis, Andy. (2000). Soviet chess, 1917-1991. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0676-3.
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